What to Celebrate April 19 thru 25, 2021

Celebration Ideas for April 19 – 25, 2021
We’re entering the 2nd half of April & are officially looking forward to the warmer weather just around the corner. (Well we are. If you’re in the Southern hemisphere you’re not, and for that we’re sorry.)
Some of our celebrations take advantage of that warmer weather, like Straw Hat Month and National Picnic Day. Others just ask us to be careful: with our pets, ourselves, and our planet.
And of course there’s plenty of deliciousness to enjoy all week long.
So take a peek and plan your week. And remember to always …
Celebrate for the rest of April
For April we protect ourselves (wide-brimmed hat! Pay attention to the road) and others (again, pay attention to the road! And be an organ donor). We also enjoy good foods.
Straw Hat Month: A wide-brimmed hat can help shade your face when you’re out in the sun. Make it a straw hat and you’ll be protecting your face and eyes while also celebrating this fun month!
Distracted Driving Awareness Month: We’ve all been guilty of not paying full attention to the road while driving. Which means we all need to do better. Because being distracted behind the wheel can be dangerous! That text or phone call can wait. Whatever problem we’re mulling over can wait. Your friend (and yes, your boss too!) can wait. In all cases getting where you’re going safely is more important than all the other things competing for your attention.
National Donate Life Month: Are you an organ donor? If so, good for you! Help spread the word about the need for more donors & how just one donor can save multiple lives. And if you’re not, learn more about how important it is, and consider becoming an organ donor yourself.
National Soft Pretzel Month: Mmmmm … soft, chewy pretzels pair well with just about everything! Which might be why pretzel buns & rolls are so popular, too. And of course actual soft pretzels make the perfect snack dipped in cheese, mustard, or whatever you like. So add some soft pretzel goodness to your meals and snacks wherever you can this month.
National Soy Foods Month: Enjoy soy in all its different forms this month. Add edamame to rice or stews. Enjoy soy milk on your cereal. Make a stir-fry with tofu. And don’t forget the soy-based veggie burgers! Top them with soy cheese if you’d like. What’s your favorite way to eat soy?
Weekly Celebrations for April’s 3rd Full Week
For this week we also protect our pets and the Earth. And get out to enjoy the natural beauty of our planet.
Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week (April 18 – 24, 2021): People who abuse animals are more likely to be violent towards humans, too. During this week help spread the word that not only is hurting animals wrong, but it’s likely to escalate into hurting humans, if it hasn’t already. And do what you can to stop violence/abuse toward any living being any day of the year.
National Pet ID Week (April 17 – 23, 2021): This week reminds us that pets with ID are more likely to find their way home than those without. A collar with tags is good, but those can get lost. A microchip is better. Just make sure you keep your information updated.
Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (April 18 – 24, 2021): Each year during the week of Earth Day, chemists show us how chemistry touches our lives in ways big and small. And how chemistry can help create a better earth and healthier environment. This year’s theme is Reducing Our Footprint with Chemistry.
National Park Week (April 17 – 25, 2021): If you can get out to one of our National Parks this week, do it! There will be be a variety of special events each day. There will also be virtual events for those who can’t make it in person.
Celebration Days coming up for April 19 thru April 25
For this week we line-dry our laundry & celebrate our Earth. We read (Cli-Fi for at least one day) and we picnic. We sip Amaretto and snack on jelly beans.
We do all this & more in whatever combination we prefer to create a fun-tastic week uniquely our own!
April 19:
National Garlic Day: Eat garlic. Add it to everything. If you already do this we love you! And celebrate by adding even more garlic to everything. 😋
National Hanging Out Day: Despite what the name may sound like, you won’t be hanging out with friends for this day. Unless you & your friends get together to hang out your laundry. Because line-drying laundry is what this day is all about! It might seem “old fashioned,” but it’s actually eco-friendly. See some other benefits to line drying here.
National Oklahoma Bombing Commemoration Day: It was on this date in 1995 when the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building crumbled in an act of domestic terrorism. Honor the 168 people who lost their lives and the 680+ injured, along with the countless others who were changed forever by this horrific act. At the time it was the worst terrorist attack on US soil.
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Awareness Day: This birth defect, which causes a hole in the diaphragm, affects 1 in 2500 babies. Help raise awareness of this condition for this day.
National Amaretto Day: Enjoy Amaretto in a cocktail, a cookie, your coffee, or however else you enjoy it. You deserve it for making it successfully through another Monday!
April 20:
International Cli-Fi Day: Cli-Fi (climate fiction) has been around for more than 130 years, although it wasn’t called that until recently. And the genre has become more popular since climate change has become more real. So it only makes sense it has its own day too! If you’re not already familiar with it, take a look at some of the best Cli-Fi books (according to the person who came up with the term Cli-Fi).
National Look Alike Day: This day celebrates people who look alike. But not twins, just two people who have a very similar appearance. You might called them doppelgangers. If you know both people, consider treating them to a meal or cup of coffee. If you know your own doppelganger, celebrate together. Or just try to look like someone else for the day.
National Lima Bean Respect Day: For this day we bring some respect to the much-maligned lima bean. Cooked right they’re smooth & creamy. Cooked wrong they can be gritty & unpalatable. Getting them right is easier with fresh lima beans. But also perfectly possible with dried. Oh, and if you call them butter beans they also sound much more appetizing! 😉 Try this recipe for slow cooker lima beans with ham.
National Cheddar Fries Day: Would lima beans go well on cheddar fries? We’re not sure (but we doubt it). Just the same, you’re going to want to indulge in your favorite cheddar fries for the day. Need a recipe? Try this cheese fries recipe, with lots of variation options.
National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day: And for dessert … Pineapple Upside Down Cake! Make your favorite recipe, or use this one.
April 21:
Bulldogs are Beautiful Day: Bulldogs are weirdly adorable and absolutely beautiful. If you have bulldogs, share pictures of those beauties everywhere. And give them lots of extra treats & attention. If you don’t, maybe you could help friends spoil their bulldogs. Or, if you’ve been considering adopting a dog, think about making it a bulldog!
National Yellow Bat Day: This day celebrates the anniversary of the 265th Army Security Agency Company (Airborne)’s activation in 1967. The Company’s insignia is a bat on a yellow background (symbolizing a rising moon). In November of that year the Company deployed to Vietnam, with all its equipment marked by a yellow bat.
National Administrative Professionals Day: How much do you appreciate the admin pro’s who keep your office or other facility running smoothly? Hopefully you let them know they’re appreciated frequently throughout the year, but for this day we do a little more.
National Pet CBD Day: People aren’t the only ones who can benefit from CBD products. Our pets can too! And this day helps spread the word to pet parents who may not yet know. Why not take some time to learn more & see if CBD could benefit your pet?
National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day: Chocolate covered nuts of all kinds are a delicious snack any time of day. But for this day only chocolate covered cashews will do. So keep a stash handy to enjoy when the munchies hit.
April 22:
Jelly Bean Day: Snack on jelly beans! Bake with them too. And spread the jelly bean love by sharing with friends & coworkers.
National Earth Day: Hopefully you’re already taking steps to help protect our Earth for future generations. So help others learn what they can do. And see what more you can do, too. Because all the little things we each do add up to a big impact.
National Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day: This day encourages us to let our children see where we work, so they can see what a real workplace is like. Of course, these days work & school have been an awful lot like the kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms, and other spaces in our homes. But we can still use the day to explore the similarities and differences between our virtual work and their virtual schools.
National Teach Children to Save Day: For this day we get kids in grades K-8 on a path toward financial literacy. Understanding how savings work and grow over time is a great place to start.
April 23:
Impossible Astronaut Day: For this day Whovians everywhere draw tally marks on themselves, pretend not to remember why, and discover new Whovian friends in the process.
National Day of Silence: This student-led movement shines a light on bullying and harassment of LGBTQ students. The students (those who identify as LGBTQ and their allies) take a vow of silence for the day. At the end of the day they hold a Breaking the Silence rally. If you’re a student, join or start an event at your school. Adults can be supportive of their efforts, and help with organizing if the students would like help.
National Lost Dog Awareness Day: This day raises awareness of the thousands of dogs lost each year. And celebrates those successfully reunited with their people. It also reminds people that not all dogs wandering the streets are strays. Many are beloved pets who got away from their people, who are still hoping to find them.
World Book Night: It’s a night devoted to books & reading. But you don’t have to spend the whole night reading (unless you want to!). There will also be free online events with the British Library. So see which ones interest you & plan to attend. And, of course, plan to spend the rest of your time reading!
Talk Like Shakespeare Day: Thou knowest what to do on this fairest of days. Yes? ‘Tis time to speaketh as the Bard himself. Or something like that … 😁
National Picnic Day: We hope the weather cooperates, because this is your excuse to pack a picnic & get outside to enjoy it! Although if the weather rains on your parade, there’s nothing stopping you from creating a picnic on the floor indoors.
National Cherry Cheesecake Day: Make sure there are slices of cheesecake in that picnic basket! Make your cherry cheesecake yourself if you can.
April 24:
World Veterinary Day: Celebrate the caring, compassionate people dedicated to making sure our pets live their best lives. They have continued to do this even through the pandemic. Which is what this year’s theme is all about: The Veterinarian Response to the Covid-19 Crisis. Lets all give a huge Thank You! to the veterinarians we know and trust.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day: This day offers us a way to dispose of old, expired, or otherwise unused prescription medications safely. If you celebrated Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day on the 16th then you’re all set for this day! If you didn’t, you still have time to do that. Either way, if you have medications to get rid of, find a collection site near you, and drop them off!
Save the Frogs Day: When you dispose of medications safely you help protect all our wildlife, including frogs! Because when drugs get into the environment they can harm the animals living there. Of course, there are plenty of other ways to help save the frogs. Learn a bit more about frogs & why they’re important here.
National Sense of Smell Day: Your sense of smell helps you enjoy good foods, fragrant flowers, and many other pleasant scents. It can also alert you to danger, like when you smell gas or smoke. Of course, when we encounter particularly foul smells we may wish we couldn’t smell! But losing our sense of smell can be more devastating than we might think. Which many COVID patients learned this past year. Learn more about the sense of smell for this day.
National Rebuilding Day: For this day teams of volunteers across the country help families stay in their homes by making needed repairs. The day is part of National Rebuilding Month (April).
National Pigs in a Blanket Day: When was the last time you had pigs in a blanket? Well this is the day to get nostalgic and make some! In different countries (and even different regions of the country) the term can mean very different things. At its most basic it’s meat baked into a dough (usually). But that meat can be anything from hot dogs or sausages to a ground beef & veggie mixture. The dough is often a biscuit or croissant dough. Or the “blanket” might be something else entirely! At any rate, make & eat your favorite version of this fun food.
April 25:
DNA Day: For this day we learn about DNA and genetics. It’s fascinating stuff!
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day: Expand your photography skills by making images with a pinhole camera. If you already have one & know how to use it, get out there & take some pictures! If not, use the day to learn how pinhole cameras work. Maybe even build one yourself.
National Pet Parents Day: This day is all about the parents of nontraditional kids, often of the furry, scaly, or feathered variety. You know that family transcends biology, and you’d do anything to keep your non-human children safe, healthy, and happy. So spend as much time as you can today doing just that!
World Penguin Day: Celebrate the penguins, and learn more about how we can protect these funny, fascinating birds.
National Telephone Day: Use your phone for what it was originally invented for: making a call & talking to the person on the other end! You can go back to texting tomorrow.
National Hug a Plumber Day: Plumbers help keep our live sanitary, making sure water flows through your faucets and waste drains out to the sewer. Many will come out at any time of the day or night to fix your plumbing emergencies. So they definitely deserve a day of their own. Even if you can’t physically hug a plumber, give your plumber a virtual hug with an ecard or, even better, a recommendation or positive review.
National Zucchini Bread Day: Zucchini bread is one of the easiest and tastiest ways to use up that bumper crop of zucchini everyone seems to get over the summer. It’s a bit early for that, but it is the perfect time to start perfecting your zucchini bread recipe! Or try a new one. Your reward will be a yummy loaf for snacking.