What to Celebrate April 2 thru 8, 2018

Celebrations Ideas for April 2 – 8, 2018
Do April showers really bring May flowers? We sure hope so. Because we’re ready for some color to brighten the dull, brown landscape!
Of course, it may be hard to properly celebrate National Kite Month if it rains too much. And Walk to Work Day could be a bit damp.
But rain shouldn’t stop you from indulging in some of the delicious food days this week. In fact, hibernating with the food of the day and your pet ferret or rat just might be the perfect way to spend this week!
So take a look to see what celebrations make you want to party (World Party Day maybe?).
And above all … Enjoy!
Celebrate All April Long
Get April started on a fun note by flying a kite … and then make it a habit all month!
Get out in the garden, too. It’s the only proper way to celebrate gardening. Even if all you can do for now is plan & prepare.
And after all your fun & hard work, wind down by cuddling with your ferret. Or your frog (ok, probably not).
National Kite Month: Did you know “go fly a kite” was once a way to tell people to go away? Well, when we tell you to go fly a kite in April that’s not what we mean. We mean it literally! Because that’s the best way to celebrate National Kite Month.
Adopt a Ferret Month: Yes, pet ferrets find themselves in shelters just like dogs & cats. And April is the time to adopt them! Well, any month is perfect for adopting a ferret. But in April we spread the word about ferrets and encourage ferret lovers to adopt from shelters & rescues.
National Garden Month: By April gardeners are itching to get out and play in the dirt! So it’s the perfect month for this celebration. Of course early April is a bit too early for actual planting in much of the country. But it’s perfect for putting your planning into high gear. So hopefully you can get to planting by the end of the month.
National Frog Month: Frogs are fun! And you get a whole month to celebrate them.
Weekly Celebrations For April’s 1st Week
This week’s weekly celebrations range from being a responsible pet owner to understanding animals many people find scary. Also two reminders to pay attention to your health.
International Pooper Scooper Week: A reminder to dog owners & walkers to scoop that poop! Every day, all year long of course. Not just during this week!
Bat Appreciation Week: A little later this month we have Bat Appreciation Day. But first we give the bats a whole week of appreciation. Because they really do deserve it. They protect us from mosquitoes, pollinate our tequila, and so much more!
Medication Safety Week: This is the week to make sure you and your family are storing & using your medications safely. Toss expired medications. Store all drugs away from children & pets. Learn about possible interactions between the drugs you take and foods or other medications.
Testicular Cancer Awareness Week: A week to remind young men to do a self-exam at least monthly. It could be life saving! Caught early this cancer is very treatable.
Celebration Days Coming Up For April 2 thru April 8
Once again our daily celebrations offer something for almost everyone.
On the food front we celebrate PB&J, deep dish pizza, and Twinkies, among others.
For the animal lovers we celebrate rats and beavers. And ferrets … yes, we’re also celebrating them all month. Ferrets are just that great!
We also party with the whole world. On the same day we must only go to to work if it’s fun. Guess we know what we’ll be doing with our day off!
We also read a real, paper newspaper; draw a bird; get our Vitamin C; and much more.
So pick out your favorite celebrations, make a plan, and have a funtastic week!
April 2:
National Ferret Day: Yay! Today we celebrate ferrets. Since it’s also Adopt a Ferret Month, adopting a ferret seems like a perfect way to celebrate this day. Of course, giving your favorite ferret(s) extra love & attention works, too. Don’t like ferrets? Well, I guess you get a pass for this celebration … But first, maybe you could reconsider your opinion? They’re really quite adorable & fascinating. Technically you also get a pass if you’re in the UK. Your Ferret Day is in May. But if you really love ferrets, you’ll celebrate both days!
Dyngus Day: This Polish-American tradition is a fun way to celebrate the end of the Lenten season. You can find Dyngus Day festivals pretty much anywhere with a sizable Polish-American population.
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day: Were peanut butter & jelly sandwiches a lunch box staple when you were a kid? Do you still eat them? Someone sure does, ‘cause fully half of the world’s peanut crop gets turned into peanut butter! Get more peanutty trivia here.
April 3:
Don’t Go to Work Unless it’s Fun Day: Hmmmm … Well if it’s not going to be fun & you can get away with taking the day off, good for you! Go for it! For those who do have to go in no matter what, maybe try to make the day as fun as possible.
World Party Day: Today the entire world must party, because “Party is the opposite of war.” Apparently “peace” is too passive, and celebrating life & happiness is the true way to create a better world. The day is based on the worldwide celebration at the end of the book Flight by Vanna Bonta.
National Chocolate Mousse Day: Mmmm … rich & decadent, but light & airy. All at the same time. How can you not love chocolate mousse? And by extension this delicious day!
April 4:
World Rat Day: Hey! No eeeek-ing allowed! Pet rats are just as adorable as any other furry pet. If you have one you know! And you’ll want to give your pet some extra love & treats today. If you don’t have one, consider learning a little more about them … maybe you’ll even come to love them!
National Walking Day: Today you must walk. Walking is good for your heart, and your body in general. So to celebrate this day, commit to getting up and taking a walk. Try for at least 30 minutes. But do whatever you can! Note that this is different from Walk to Work Day, coming up on April 6. Yes, walking is so good for you, there’s two days devoted to it just this week!
Vitamin C Day: Yes, really, this important vitamin has its own day. And since it’s important for everything from a healthy immune system to a healthy cardiovascular system, eyes, and more, that seems appropriate. So today spread the word about vitamin C’s importance, and make sure you always get enough. Learn a bit more about this vitamin, what it does, and what foods contain it here.
April 5:
International Fun at Work Day: It’s been more than 2 months since January’s Fun at Work Day. So you’re due for some workday fun! Luckily, here comes an international day dedicated to just that. So make your plans to be a little (or a lot!) silly! Yes, this day is normally on April 1. But since that’s a weekend it moves to Thursday. Why Thursday? No clue … Have fun anyway! :)
National Deep Dish Pizza Day: Mmmm … on April 5 we celebrate the anniversary of the 1st Pizzaria UNO to open outside Chicago (in lucky Boston). Maybe part of your fun at work today could include deep dish pizza for lunch? At any rate, enjoy a slice or two of deep dish pizza on this delicious day.
National Alcohol Screening Day: Get screened if you think you may have a problem. Or learn more about how you can help someone who may have a problem.
National Burrito Day: Pizza and burritos on the same day? Plus fun at work? We’re just not sure how this day could get any better!
April 6:
National Walk to Work Day: On the 1st Friday in April we celebrate the warm(ish) weather and get some exercise. If you can walk to work, do it! If not, then walk to your train stop, get off before your regular stop, or take a walk at lunch. Whatever works for you!
New Beer’s Eve: On April 6, 1933 people started lining up outside taverns and breweries awaiting the magic midnight hour. No, they weren’t waiting for the latest iPhone to go on sale. Something much, much better! Buying beer legally again. Prohibition ended on April 7, 1933 … but only for beer.
National Twinkie Day: Did you love Twinkies as a kid? Do you still? Were you panicking during the months when Hostess stopped making Twinkies?! Well today you get to celebrate this sweet, spongy treat. And here’s a bite of Twinkie trivia to whet your appetite.
April 7:
No Housework Day: That’s right, for this one day you’re not allowed to do any housework. None! No laundry. No dishes. Not even a single swipe of dusting. Nada!
International Snailpapers Day: Snailpapers?!? Yes! Apparently back in 2010 a blogger decided we need a new name for newspapers. So he expanded on the idea of calling physical, paper mail “snail mail” to call the physical newspapers “snailpapers.” And he created a day to go with the new name. And yes, the idea is to actually celebrate the snailpaper, preferably by reading one.
International Beaver Day: Did you know the beaver is Oregon’s state animal? Here are some other beaver facts to celebrate these fascinating animals.
April 8:
National Dog Fighting Awareness Day: Join the ASPCA’s #GetTough movement and help spread awareness of this horribly cruel practice. It’s more common than you might think.
Draw a Bird Day: Check out the link to find out the sweet and sad way this day started. And then draw a bird in honor of Dorie.
Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day: Tom & Ruth Roy rightly ask why adults should have to give up their trading cards. And the answer is they shouldn’t! So the Roys created a day.