What to Celebrate April 20 thru 26, 2020

Celebration Ideas for April 20 – 26, 2020
We’re heading into the home stretch of April! Can you believe it? Do you think states will be lifting the stay-at-home orders?
We’re certainly ready. But if we have to wait, we’ve gotten pretty good at figuring out how to celebrate at home! How about you?
At any rate, the upcoming week will probably still be stay-at-home fun. Luckily there’s lots of food & animals to celebrate. Those are easy to do at home.
Celebrate for the rest of April
Wear your straw hat & tend to your lawn in anticipation of better days in the (hopefully) near future. But don’t turn to alcohol to relieve current stresses. And if you or a loved one may have a problem with alcohol, learn the signs and recovery options.
Straw Hat Month : It’s time to put away the winter hats & wear something lighter & more fun on your head. Yep, it’s time for straw hats! Don’t forget, they’re not just fun, they also keep the sun off your face. If your straw hat it looking a bit sad, or you don’t already own a straw hat, get yourself a new one to celebrate.
National Lawn Care Month: Put on that straw hat & head outside to take care of your lawn! Your grass & plants are waking up as the weather is warming up (yeah, yeah, we know, we saw snow a few days ago too. Pretend it it didn’t happen!). So this is the perfect time to give your lawn a head start on a healthy, green summer.
National Alcohol Awareness Month: This month raises awareness of alcohol addiction and invites you to learn about treatments. This is important information at any time. But it may be especially important now, when forced isolation may lead more people to turn to alcohol to combat stress.
Weekly Celebrations for April 20 to 26
Most libraries and lots of parks are closed, but we can still celebrate them from afar. Like we do most things these days. But chemists and medical laboratory professionals are still working hard, for you and for the earth.
National Library Week (April 19 – 25, 2020): Many (most?) libraries are closed during this time of staying at home. But they’re still staying connected with their communities. Our library has regular virtual storytime for the kids & other virtual events. Have you checked to see what yours is doing?
Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (April 19 – 25, 2020): Each year during the week of Earth Day chemists promote a better, cleaner world through chemistry. In fact, this year’s theme for the week is Protecting Our Planet through Chemistry.
National Park Week (April 18 – 26, 2020): For this week we celebrate the amazing, beautiful treasures of our National Park system. Most official events are likely to be virtual this week. But some areas of some parks may be open, so if you can safely visit one, consider doing so. Otherwise, find your virtual park & join in the virtual fun.
Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (April 19 – 25, 2020): Celebrate the people who run the tests that help you manage your health and get accurate diagnoses. Most of us probably don’t think much about them most of the time, but these days tests & testing laboratories are top of mind all the time! Thank any medical lab pros you know.
Celebration Days coming up for April 20 thru April 26
Have you been spending more time in the kitchen these days? If so, make sure to check out the food holidays for some inspiration!
Beyond that we celebrate the earth & dogs & hairballs. Ok, not the actual soggy mat of fur 😉, but more like preventing them.
Then there’s picnics & books & plumbers & more. All waiting for you to create yourself another fun-tastic week.
April 20:
International Cli-fi Day: What the heck is cli-fi? Even if you don’t know, you’ve probably read or watched some. Find out more about it here.
National Look Alike Day: Is there someone people always tell you you look like? If so, play up the similarities for this day. Or pick someone you’d like to look like & do what you can to do just that. Style your hair like that person, wear similar clothes, etc.
National Cheddar Fries Day: Cheddar fries! Crisp potato sticks or wedges smothered in a cheesy sauce. Mmmm … you know what to do, right?
National Lima Bean Respect Day: Do you respect lima beans (butter beans)? You should! Like many beans they’re good sources of proteins & minerals. Don’t like limas? These recipes claim they’ll change your mind.
National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day: After reading some Cli-fi and feasting on lima beans & cheddar fries, you’ll want dessert. And pineapple upside down cake is a perfect spring dessert. If you need a recipe, try this one.
April 21:
Bulldogs are Beautiful Day: Why yes they are! If you have bulldogs, let them know just how beautiful they are all day.
National Kindergarten Day: Honor Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel, the German teacher who started the very first Kindergarten in 1837. We celebrate him and his educational innovation on the anniversary of his birth on April 21, 1782. Why not thank your kids’ kindergarten teacher for this day? Even if it’s been a few years since your kids were that little.
National Pet CBD Day: Has CBD oil helped your pet? Did you even know CBD products specifically for pets exist? Learn more about them & decide for yourself if your pet could benefit.
National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day: Chocolate & nuts are always a delicious combination. For April 21 cashews get the chocolate treatment. They’re incredibly simple to make yourself too. Enjoy!
April 22:
Jelly Bean Day: Do you have any jelly beans left over from Easter? This is the day to scarf ’em all down! Ok, maybe not (but you could!). You might also like to use them for crafts or baking.
Earth Day: It’s the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! So celebrate our one and only Earth. And help protect it so it can continue to sustain its incredible diversity of life for another 50 (x 1,000,000) years and more.
National Administrative Professionals’ Day: Are admin pro’s “essential employees”? We’re not sure about the official definitions, but we do know they’re quite essential to efficiently running most any office! Thank any administrative professionals you know, whether or not they’re currently working. And if your admins are keeping your offices running in this crazy time, give them some extra-special thanks.
National Bookmobile Day: This day is part of National Library Week, and it celebrates those libraries on wheels that bring books to those who can’t get to a “regular” library.
April 23:
Impossible Astronaut Day: Whovians everywhere know exactly what to do for this day.
National Lost Dog Awareness Day: For this day we recognize that dogs go missing from their homes all too often and thank all the volunteers who work tirelessly to get those dogs back to their frantic people. And we celebrate the dogs who did get that joyful reunion while also raising awareness of those still lost.
National Picnic Day: It’s springtime & time to have a picnic! Of course you may have to picnic in your own yard or even your living room floor if the weather refuses to cooperate. But if the weather does cooperate, why not see if you can get the neighbors involved & all have picnics on your front lawns so you can be together but at a proper distance!
National Talk Like Shakespeare Day: It’s that time again! You know what to do right?
World Book Night: On this night the world joins together in silence as we read. Or slightly less silence if you go the audiobook route. And either way, it’s a great way to feel connected with the world’s book lovers as we continue to remain isolated from each other physically. You can even register for a chance to get a free audiobook for the night.
English Muffin Day: Make your picnic sandwiches with English Muffins for a different spin on your meal! Or just have English muffins for breakfast. Make breakfast sandwiches or spread ’em with butter & jam. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, make your own English muffins. It’s easier than you might think!
National Cherry Cheesecake Day: Make your favorite cherry cheesecake recipe. And bring it on that picnic! Don’t have a recipe? Here’s a simple one for you.
April 24:
National Hairball Awareness Day: Why do your sweet little furballs leave nasty hairballs in the most inconvenient places? It’s not because they enjoy it! But you can help them have fewer hairballs.
World Day for Laboratory Animals: This day asks us to remember the animals still used for testing many products before they can be sold. And to promote the use of non-animals methods of testing, which have gotten better & better over the years. In many cases the non-animal tests can provide information at least as good as animals.
National Pigs in a Blanket Day: Make yourself some pigs in a blanket! Choose your favorite hot dogs or sausages & wrap ’em in croissant dough, biscuit dough, or even bacon! Or whatever you prefer. Then cook ’em up & enjoy!
April 25:
DNA Day: Celebrate the day the world got to see the structure of DNA, when James Watson, Frances Crick, and their colleagues published their paper on their discovery.
Save the Frogs Day: Learn more about frogs, the dangers they face, & how we can help save them. If you decide you approve of the Save the Frogs! organization, consider donating to ensure it can continue its work.
World Penguin Day: Learn about penguins and how to help them. Did you know there are actually 18 different species of these fascinating birds?
National Hug a Plumber Day: In most cases it’ll have to be a virtual hug this year, but you know anyone who keeps your plumbing operating properly deserves a hug!
Eeyore’s Birthday Day: Sadly Eeyore’s 57th birthday bash in Austin, TX is cancelled. But if you can help the charitable organizations that use the birthday bash to raise funds for their missions, consider doing that! If not, well raise a toast to Eeyore & plan to join next year’s celebration.
National Zucchini Bread Day: Make and devour a loaf of zucchini bread. Or make zucchini bread muffins for portion control … or more accurately portion counting, ’cause you can count how many portions you had as you finish ’em all! 😋
April 26:
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day: This is the day photography lovers get creative with the simple camera that’s not so simple to use. Then pick the best shot & submit it to appear in this year’s Pinhole Photography Day gallery. Check out last year’s gallery for inspiration.
National Kids and Pets Day: This day is all about fostering the natural bonds between kids & pets. Pets can help kids so much, from fostering a sense of responsibility to empathy and compassion. Not to mention pets offer unconditional love!
National Pet Parents Day: If you’ve been celebrating all the pet days of the year, you deserve to celebrate yourself! Which is what this day is all about. Pet parents who make sure their furkids have the best life possible get all the extra love & treats they usually shower on their furbabies. 😻
National Audubon Day: Celebrate the birthday of John James Audubon, April 26, 1785. Celebrate by checking out digital versions of some of the prints from his pioneering birding book, Birds of America. And then head outside to see what birds you can find in your neighborhood.
National Help a Horse Day: Help spread the word about the many horses around the country in need of homes. And about the organizations working to keep them safe and find them those homes. If you can, consider donating to or volunteering at one of them.
National Pretzel Day: Whatever your favorite pretzel—small & crunchy or big & soft—enjoy some for this day. Make your own soft pretzels if you’re feeling ambitious. Prefer hard pretzels? You can make those too!