What to Celebrate April 30 thru May 6, 2018

Celebration Ideas for April 30 – May 6, 2018
May is almost here! May?!
How did that happen?
But at least it looks like the new month is finally going to bring warmer weather. At least here. Not sure about where you are … but I hope you’ll get to enjoy a few days of spring, too.
But whether or not you’re celebrating warmer weather, there’s always plenty of other special days to choose from.
So take a look, plan your week …
And most of all, Enjoy!
Celebrate All May Long
You have one final day this week to celebrate pet first aid, pecans, and keeping America beautiful … or whatever your favorite April month-long holiday may be.
Meanwhile, we look ahead to May. This week we highlight some animal-related month-long May celebrations.
Chip Your Pet Month: Pets get lost, even when you try to do everything right to protect them. So give yours every chance to find their way back to you. In addition to a collar and tags, get your pet chipped! Learn more about the pros & cons of microchips here.
Garden for Wildlife Month: Attract wildlife to your yard! Not only does it help our wildlife to survive & thrive, but it’s also a ton of fun to watch! You might even want to try to create a Certified Wildlife Habitat. And no, you don’t need a huge yard to do this.
Pet Cancer Awareness Month: Yes, our furry family members can also get cancer. But researchers are working on better ways to diagnose and treat it. And animals lovers find this issue so important, there’s actually 2 months devoted to it. The other one is November.
National Pet Month: In the US we celebrate pets of all kinds all during May. Check out Petfinder’s ideas for “Pawing it Forward” for pets. But Americans aren’t the only ones crazy about our pets. National Pet Month in the UK (April 1 – May 7) is just winding down, but there’s still time to celebrate! … Hey! The UK gets 5 weeks to celebrate pets! No fair …
American Wetlands Month: Wetlands are more important than you might realize. They help filter pollutants out of water before it get to rivers & streams. They help protect nearby lands from flooding. And they’re important habitats for many different animals.
Weekly Celebrations For May 1 thru 6
The 1st week of May is a bit light on weekly celebrations. But here are 2 that might interest you.
Choose Privacy Week (May 1 – 7): Given what we’ve learned recently about how much various companies haven’t respected/protected our privacy, this seems like a good week to be part of.
Dystonia Awareness Week (May 5 – 11): Dystonia is a neurological condition that causes uncontrollable muscle spasms. This week is officially a UK event, but there’s nothing stopping you from learning more about the condition no matter where you live!
Celebration Days Coming Up For April 30 thru May 6
End April on a bright note by being honest and adopting a shelter pet. Then cuddle with your new pet in front of some classic Bugs Bunny while sipping a bubble tea! (Be honest, now … that’s sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?!).
Then for the rest of the week enjoy some more pet cuddles … specifically with your cat! Or your specially-abled pet.
You may also want to thank a Silver Star family, meditate in your garden, and/or head out without pants (yes, really).
There’s plenty more to choose from, too. So make your plans now for a fun-tastic week!
April 30:
National Honesty Day: A day to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And maybe the first day of making honesty a habit for the rest of the year?
National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day: Is there anything more honest than a pet? Probably not. Pets let you know exactly what they’re thinking … if you’re listening. So celebrate honesty and shelter pets today by doing as the day’s name says. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your new family member.
National Bubble Tea Day: Here’s your chance to celebrate a brand new holiday! April 30, 2018 is the world’s first Bubble Tea Day. Kung Fu Tea created the day, and April 30 doubles as the company’s birthday. It turns 8 on the 1st Bubble Tea Day. Enjoy!
Bugs Bunny Day: April 30 marks the anniversary of that wascally wabbit’s debut back in 1938. In that first short cartoon he was called “Happy Rabbit,” which is a pretty accurate description, but less fun to say.
May 1:
National Hug Your Cat Day: Could there be a more perfect start to May than hugging your purring feline?! Of course, that assumes your cat enjoys hugging. We have one that does & another that doesn’t. HuffPost offers a few hug varieties your kitty might enjoy. And yes, some sites list this day as June 4, but Chase’s Calendar of Events says it’s May 1 … of course true feline aficionados will want to celebrate both days (and the other 363 days of the year!).
Global Love Day: This is a day for all people to come together in peace & love. According to the Love Foundation, “Love Begins With Me.”
Silver Star Day: On this day we honor service members who returned home wounded or ill. Learn more about the Silver Star Service Flag and Banner here.
May 2:
Great American Grump Out Day: No grumpiness allowed on this day! Can you go a whole 24 hours without letting irritations make you grumpy?
World Tuna Day: On this day we raise awareness of just how important it is to manage the world’s tuna resources the right way. Sustainable management is key to protecting our tuna supply.
National Interpreter Appreciation Day: Sign language interpreters make a huge difference in people’s lives every day. And on the 1st Wednesday in May we give them the credit they deserve.
May 3:
National Specially-abled Pets Day: Celebrate the pets who might be a little different but still have lots of playtime, cuddles, & love to offer. Are you the right person for one of these beautiful souls?
National Day of Reason: The day started as an alternative to the National Day of Prayer for humanists, atheists, and other secularists. But we really think everybody should be in favor of using reason. Even if your faith in God is strong, surely you also believe we should be using the reason He gave us to make our daily decisions?
Garden Meditation Day: If you’re a gardener, you know getting out in your garden and digging, planting, mulching, etc can be the most peaceful, mind-clearing activity of your day. And isn’t what meditation is all about? Clearing your mind to focus on one thing? So get out there and meditate in your garden!
National Two Different Colored Shoes Day: Step outside your routine and celebrate your uniqueness … by wearing 2 different colored shoes? Sure, why not?!
May 4:
No Pants Day: Do as the name says and go about your day without pants. No skirts either! Just underpants (Please! Wear underpants! Full coverage underpants. Thank you.).
International Respect for Chickens Day: United Poultry Concerns created this day to raise awareness of how badly many factory farms treat their chickens. Join them in demanding that farms housing chickens for meat or eggs treat them humanely.
Bird Day: In the US we celebrate a few different bird days. But this one, on May 4, was apparently the first. Charles Almanzo Babcock created it back in 1894. His focus for the day was bird conservation.
Tuba Day: This day celebrates the usually maligned tuba player. Why? Because most days tubists get no respect.
May 5:
World Naked Gardening Day: It’s another take-off-your-clothes day! And this time it’s all your clothes. Then head out to your yard & get some gardening done! Are you brave enough to do this?
National Cartoonists Day: Now, the National Cartoonists Society hasn’t officially supported this day in some years. But as of a couple of years ago, many cartoonists and communities still celebrated. So consider joining them and celebrating your favorite cartoonists.
Herb Day: On this day we celebrate how herbs can enhance our lives. They not only make food taste better, but many have health benefits too. Maybe you’d like to celebrate this day and Naked Gardening Day by planting some herbs in the buff!
Free Comic Book Day: Dress up, head out to your favorite local comic shop, and get a free comic book! Think you don’t like comic books? You probably just haven’t found the right one for you. Find a shop & let them help.
May 6:
World Laughter Day: Laughing is good for you! And it can bring you closer to those you share it with. So find someone to laugh with, and maybe together we can achieve “good health, happiness and world peace through Laughter.”
International No Diet Day: Ditch the diet & stuff your face with all the unhealthy foods you can find! … Oh, wait. No. That’s not right. This day is actually about establishing a healthy relationship with food. So ditch the fad diets & weird “rules” that supposedly worked for your best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s cousin. Then learn how to eat well every day and appreciate your body.
prof premraj pushpakaran writes –let us celebrate world tuna day!!!