What to Celebrate Aug. 27 thru Sept. 2, 2018

Celebration Ideas for August 27 – September 2, 2018
Just one more week until Labor Day weekend! The unofficial, blowout end to summer. Of course, our weather forecast says it won’t be the end to summer weather. That may be happy or sad news depending on your perspective.
If the kids aren’t already back in school they will be after next weekend. And “routine” will become the name of the game.
Even if you don’t have kids, there’s something about “back to school” season that says it’s time to buckle down & get stuff done.
But you must still make time for fun!
After all, as they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We can’t let that happen. No we can’t.
So we bring you another week’s worth of celebrations to consider. Now they’re not all fun & games. But there’s a nice mix of fun, serious, silly, & delicious days to satisfy almost anyone.
So yes, it’s time to invite you to take a peek and plan your week. And of course remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of August
As August draws to a close we have a few days left to celebrate happiness and goat cheese and peaches, among other month-long celebrations. August has also been Wellness Month, which dovetails nicely with these 2 health related months.
National Eye Exam Month: Just like regular physicals help keep your body healthy, regular eye exams help keep your vision healthy and catch problems early. Even if you don’t need annual exams, August is your annual reminder to check how long its been since your last exam and schedule one if it’s time.
MedicAlert Awareness Month: Learn more about MedicAlert bracelets and how they save lives. Did you know a 14-year-old girl came up with the design for a silver bracelet with important medical information on the back after she almost died from a serious allergic reaction?
Get a head start on these September celebrations too.
Happy Cat Month: A happy cat is a healthy cat. And a joy to have around (yes, really!). Make sure your favorite feline is having the happiest life possible. And keep that happy life going all year round!
Responsible Dog Ownership Month: The cats probably aren’t happy about it, but they must share the month with dogs. Or at least dog owners, who are encouraged this month to make sure they’re being the best doggie parents they can be.
Weekly Celebrations for Aug. 27 – Sept. 2
This week celebrates kindness to humans. And kindness to the earth in the form of water efficiency. Also sweetcorn .. and if you can’t make it to the Hoopeston festival, consider cooking up & indulging in sweetcorn at home.
And by the end of the week you must be celebrating everything enthusiastically!
World Water Week (August 26 – 31): An annual conference for addressing earth’s water issues and creating a more water-efficient world. This year’s theme is “Water, ecosystems ad human development.”
Be Kind to Humankind Week (August 25 – 31): The inspiration for this week was a tragedy in which a young man died because nobody wanted to get involved. The goal for the week is to get us thinking about how we can help make the world a better place.
National Sweetcorn Festival (August 30 – September 3) Every year for the Labor Day weekend the town of Hoopeston, Illinois celebrates sweetcorn … by cooking 50 tons of the stuff with an antique steam engine. Plus the usual carnival, parade, & other festival activities.
And at the end of the week, along with the start of a new month is the start of an enthusiastic week:
International Enthusiasm Week (September 1 – 7): Start the weekend with enthusiasm! That’s usually easy, but for this week you’ll need to keep up that enthusiasm through next week. Can you do it?
Celebration Days coming up for Aug. 27 thru Sept. 2
Are you ready for the end of summer? No? Well it’s almost here!
So pack in as much fun, silliness, and deliciousness as you can manage.
Eat custard, cherry turnovers, and blueberry popsicles. Homemade wherever possible! Don’t forget bacon and chop suey. And season your meals with herbs instead of salt.
Do things just because. Make a mess of your keyboard. Learn about whale sharks. Wear bow ties. And try to find a word to rhyme with orange. Or spirit. Maybe you can rhyme silver?
Don’t miss out on a single one! Take a few moments now to plan your fun-tastic week.
August 27:
Just Because Day: For this day you don’t need a reason for doing things. Do them “just because.” And not “just because” it’s Just Because Day. But “just because”! Confused yet? 🙃
The Duchess Who Wasn’t Day: This day celebrates the Irish author who often used the pen name “The Duchess.” Her real name was Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, and she wasn’t a duchess! But she did have at least 57 works published before her death at age 42. She also coined the phrase “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
National Pots de Creme Day: Enjoy a “pot of custard” to celebrate this day. But not just any custard! It must be the French custard from which the day gets its name. Find some recipes here.
August 28:
Bow Tie Day: It’s a day for wearing bow ties. So do that. Yes, even if you don’t normally do that. They are, after all, cool! 😊
National Cherry Turnover Day: This is the day to enjoy a cherry turnover for dessert. Or even for breakfast! Make it yourself if possible. Try this simple recipe.
Race Your Mouse Around the Icons Day: The fertile minds of Tom & Ruth Roy of Wellcat have decided the thing we all do while waiting for our slow computers to load something must have its own day!
Crackers Over the Keyboard Day: The Roys were apparently not satisfied with one computer-related day on Aug. 28. So they also encourage you to eat crumbly crackers (cookies too!) right over your computer’s handy-dandy crumb-catcher … otherwise known as the keyboard!
August 29:
More Herbs, Less Salt Day: Wow, the Roys must really like late August, ‘cause this is another Wellcat Holiday. On this day refrain from dousing your food with salt & instead use lots of herbs to pack your meals with flavor. Then use only enough salt to make those flavors really pop. Hint: It shouldn’t taste salty, just insanely flavorful! Get some ideas for using herbs here.
International Day Against Nuclear Tests: If you believe nuclear weapons testing poses unacceptable risks to humans and the environment, be a part of this UN-created day.
National Chop Suey Day: On this day enjoy a meal of “assorted pieces” of your favorite meats & vegetables with egg in a savory sauce. Served over rice, of course. Nobody is sure how this dish came to be, but there are a lot of myths about it. There are also a lot of chop suey recipes around. Why not try this recipe in honor of the day?.
August 30:
International Whale Shark Day: Celebrate the whale shark (which is a shark but not a whale). But do it soon … these big, harmless creatures were listed as vulnerable for a decade, but in 2016 their listing changed to endangered. 😥
National Toasted Marshmallow Day: Toast yourself some marshmallows for this day. What you do with them after toasting is up to you. We’d recommend making s’mores. Did you know there actually is a marshmallow plant? Well, sort of. The mallow plant grows in marshes. And the plant’s root was probably the base for the 1st marshmallows.
International Cabernet Sauvignon Day: Enjoy a glass or 2 of this versatile wine. Maybe see how well it pairs with toasted marshmallows? 🤔
August 31:
National Trail Mix Day: Mix up a batch of your favorite trail mix & hit the road … errr, trail … for this day! Or try a new recipe. Or if you must, lace up your walking shoes & go buy a bag to sustain you on your hike.
National Diatomaceous Earth Day: This relatively new day, created in 2016 by EP Minterals, celebrates the long-dead, single-celled organisms whose fossilized bodies make diatomaceous earth. You can find this amazing stuff in filters, pesticides, toothpaste, paint, and lots of other products.
Love Litigating Lawyers Day: This week is chock-full of holidays from Wellcat Holidays! This one reminds us that no matter our opinion of lawyers, “…these are the folks who can end up saving the day.”
September 1:
International Bacon Day: Every year on the Saturday before Labor Day we gorge on bacon! So make up a big batch & have it on/with everything you eat on this day. Because everything (yes, everything) is better with bacon!
Emma M. Nutt Day: Celebrate the day the 1st female telephone operator started work back in 1878. Before her the operators were young men (who weren’t always good with customer service!).
National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day: This day celebrates those English-language words that do not rhyme with any other words. For example: Orange. Now, some people claim Purple has no rhyming word, but that’s just not true. Curple (a real word!) rhymes with purple. Now you know!
September 2:
National Blueberry Popsicle Day: Exactly one week after celebrating cherry popsicles we give blueberry popsicles their day. Make ‘em in the morning & enjoy ‘em in the heat of the afternoon. Mmmmm … Yes, you do have time. Check out this recipe to see just how simple it is!
National V-J Day: Celebrate the anniversary of Japan’s surrender in World War II. Technically the country surrendered in August, but the signing of the official surrender document was on Sept. 2, 1945. This also marked the official end to the war.