What to Celebrate August 3 thru 9, 2020

Celebration Ideas for August 3 – 9, 2020
Yikes! Another month has gone. How does this keep happening?!
Somehow 2020 is managing to both be the longest year ever and to be passing by in a blur. But we can make each day a bit more memorable (and possibly slow it down a bit too) by finding ways to make each day special.
And that’s just what we try to do! So do jump right in to take a peek and plan your week.
And as always, remember to …
Celebrate All August Long
For the month of August we try to remember that happiness is still possible. And it’s easier with brownies! At brunch or any other time, really. We also have some pirate fun for a good cause.
Happiness Happens Month: We all need as much happiness as we can get these days! So we need Happiness Happens Month more than usual, too! And the Society of Happy People (creators of this month) understands. That’s why this year’s theme is Operation #SmileStarter, to encourage more of those smiles we need right now.
Arrr-gust: International Pirate Month: This fun month (pirates! And talkin’ funny!) is also a serious month. You see, the idea is to hold at least one pirate-themed event to raise money for charity. Which charity is up to you, although the official celebration is supporting FeedingAmerica.
National Brownies at Brunch Month: Mmmm, brownies. Talk about smile starters! How can you not smile with a rich, chocolaty brownie sitting on your plate? And tingling your taste buds? And since chocolate is good for you, we see no reason you shouldn’t have brownies for brunch as often as you’d like all month.
Weekly Celebrations for August’s 1st Week
Once again many celebrations that had been scheduled for this week have been cancelled. But not everything requires crowds. Like these.
Simplify Your Life Week (August 1 – 7, 2020): How many of us used our stay-at-home time to get our lives simplified and organized? Hey, why are you laughing?! Surely we all noticed how much extra stuff we have. And how many of the things we do are either just busy-work or not at all enjoyable. Or both! Yes? So why haven’t we done anything about it?! This is the week to get started doing something about it. Now go!
Assistance Dog Week (August 2 – 8, 2020): So, we jumped the gun a bit when we included this in last week’s post! But it’s definitely a worthwhile week. So let’s do remember to honor the working dogs and their trainers. Without them many people would have a much harder time getting through their daily lives.
National Bargain Hunting Week (August 3 – 9, 2020): Bargain hunting is fun any week of the year! But this is the week to be serious about it. If there’s things you need, you might as well get them at a bargain. So check out clearance sales, garage sales, thrift stores, flea markets, and more to find just the right thing at just the right price. Good luck!
Stop on Red Week (August 2 – 8, 2020): This week reminds us to pay attention and stop at red lights! Many injuries and even deaths can be prevented just by not running red lights. That includes rolling turns!
Celebration Days coming up for Aug. 3 thru Aug. 9
It’s time to read a book & have a water balloon fight (not at the same time!). Enjoy watermelon & oysters. Wiggle our toes & keep our breath fresh.
And yes, plenty more too. More than enough for another fun-tastic week!
August 3:
Assistance Dog Day: On the Monday of Assistance Dog Week we double down on the celebrating! Because it’s impossible to say too many good things about these loyal dogs and the people who train them. Many organizations hold events for the day & week, so why not see if there’s something near you? Or something virtual.
Watermelon Day: Is summer ever complete without watermelon? If your answer is “No!” then you’ll want to be sure to celebrate this day. Eat all the watermelon you want. Maybe even have a seed-spitting contest (you know you want to!) … make sure you don’t buy a seedless watermelon if you’re planning this! And discover just how versatile watermelon really is by exploring all the recipes at watermelon.org.
National Grab Some Nuts Day: Enjoy nuts all day. Add them to all your meals and snack on them too. Add walnuts to your pancakes for breakfast. Include almonds in your chicken salad for lunch. Grab a handful of pistachios for an afternoon boost. Whip up some cashew chicken for dinner. And make pecan pie for dessert! What a deliciously nutty day! 🤤 😋
August 4:
National Night Out: This annual celebration is all about strengthening the relationship between law enforcement and their communities as well as relationships within the community. It’s usually a time for neighbors to meet each other and the officers working to keep them safe. But like many celebrations involving large gatherings this year, celebrations in your community may be postponed. In fact organizers are recommending moving all celebrations to October 6 this year.
Single Working Women’s Day: If you’re a single working woman, this day celebrates you! It doesn’t matter if you’re never-married, divorced, widowed, a mom or not … if you’re doing it all on your own you deserve the recognition. And if you know any single working women, make sure you let them know what an awesome job they’re doing!
National Coast Guard Day: On August 4, 1790 the US Congress created the Revenue Cutter Service which would eventually become our Coast Guard. And now we honor all Coast Guard service members on this date every year. So thank any Coast Guard members you know for their service.
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day: On this day we savor one of the most delightful cookies ever invented. And it was an accident! Yep, Ruth Graves Wakefield was out of baker’s chocolate and thought chocolate chips would work similarly. They didn’t, but they did work deliciously! Buy or make chocolate chip cookies [https://sugarspunrun.com/worst-chocolate-chip-cookies/] to enjoy all day.
National White Wine Day: Kick back and relax with a glass of your favorite white wine. A simple and simply perfect celebration. Cheers!
August 5:
National Oyster Day: Enjoy oysters your favorite way! Whether you love them raw, steamed, or baked you can’t go wrong with oysters.
National Work Like a Dog Day: “Work like a dog” usually means working hard, possibly to the point of exhaustion. But have you ever watched a dog work? Assistance dogs work with loyalty and patience. Herding dogs work with energy and precision. And your family pet “works” at playing with abandon and enjoyment. So take your cue from actual dogs and attack your day with joy, energy, and patience.
National Underwear Day: Celebrate by wearing underwear? Well we hope you wear underwear every day! So maybe celebrate by wearing your favorite, most comfortable and/or flattering underwear. Or maybe treat yourself to some new underwear. Freshpair created this day, so take a look at their underwear offerings. If you’re still working from home, consider wearing only underwear all day, especially if it’s HOT where you live.
August 6:
National Root Beer Float Day: Float a scoop of your favorite vanilla ice cream in a tall glass of your favorite root beer for a refreshing and nostalgic treat.
National Wiggle Your Toes Day: Give your toes something to wiggle about! Ditch the shoes and dangle those toes in a lake or a pool. Trot them out into some lush green grass. Buy them some shoes with enough room for them to wiggle inside of! Whatever your toes enjoy is fair game for this day.
National Fresh Breath Day: On this day we remind ourselves to practice good oral hygiene. Because that’s the surest way to keep our breath fresh! So brush & floss regularly. Keep those dentist appointments for your cleanings. And drink plenty of water … it’s good for your body and your breath!
Hiroshima Day: On the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan we commemorate the lives lost and advocate for a nuclear weapon-free world. This year marks 75 years since the bomb claimed more than 100,000 civilian victims.
National India Pale Ale (IPA) Day: If you’re drinking beer on August 6 make it an IPA. Nothing else will do for this day! And if you don’t like IPA? Maybe you just haven’t found the right one. Try a different one. Maybe even one from a brewery you’ve never tried before. You just might find a new favorite beer and brewery!
August 7:
National Lighthouse Day: Learn about lighthouses and maybe even help preserve the few we have left on this actual National (by an act of Congress) day.
Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day: “Celebrate” that impossible-to-open packaging many manufacturers seem to think is necessary to “protect” their products. Maybe by finding alternative products that’ll work just as good and be easier to actually get to? Or prank a friend by sending something in the most preposterous packaging you can create.
National Water Balloon Day: A hot day in August is the perfect day for a water balloon fight! And since you don’t really need to get too close to your target, you can even have one safely. Enjoy! (Please remember to clean up the broken balloons afterward. Our wildlife will thank you).
International Beer Day: Just one day after celebrating IPAs we celebrate beer of all kinds. So grab a favorite beer and enjoy your Friday. If you can enjoy it (safely) with friends, even better!
National Raspberries n’ Cream Day: But you can’t live on beer alone. (No, you can’t!). So take a break and enjoy a sweet treat of raspberries & cream. Now, you can certainly do a simple dish of raspberries with cream (and a little sugar, if you’d like!). But why not get creative? If you love raspberry iced tea, try this raspberries & cream iced tea! Or beat the heat with raspberries and cream popsicles. How can you go wrong with either of those? You can’t!
August 8:
Odie Day: On August 8 Garfield’s long-suffering pal gets his due. Throw Odie a birthday party or at least raise a toast in his honor.
International Cat Day: Can we ever have enough days celebrating cats? No! We cannot. So on August 8 celebrate cats of all kinds. Like lions and tigers and … leopards! Oh my! And feral cats too. And of course, your pampered little house tigers. They get extra treats and love and playtime to celebrate their felineness.
Dalek Day: We’re pretty sure this was supposed to be a one-off celebration in 2013. But come on! Daleks! How can we not celebrate these weird aliens every year? And we do so on the birthday of the late Terry Nation, their creator. Celebrate by watching The Doctor battle Daleks. Or find yourself a plunger and whisk and play Dalek. 😁
Happiness Happens Day: All of August is Happiness Happens Month, but even if you don’t celebrate every day of the month, make sure you celebrate at least this one day. It’s simple, just let happiness happen! Or you could even give it a little nudge with a smile. Because smiles have the power to make you and everyone around you happy. Of course, if you’re wearing a mask it’s going to be harder to get that smile to others, but do it anyway. Maybe post a selfie of yourself smiling to all your social networks!
Global Sleep Under The Stars Night: Celebrate the very first Sleep Under the Stars holiday, founded by Eddie Bauer to celebrate their 100th anniversary. So enter their contest, then head out to your favorite camping spot—or the backyard!—and sleep under the stars. What a beautiful way to spend a night (or even 2 or 3!).
National Frozen Custard Day: Before heading out to sleep under the stars, enjoy a dish of ice cream’s richer, creamier cousin, frozen custard. You can dress it up with all the same toppings as ice cream. Even have it in your favorite cone. Because it’s just like ice cream. Only better.
August 9:
Book Lovers Day: This day is for anyone who loves books. It doesn’t matter what kind of books. Fiction or non-fiction. Romance, mystery, or horror. Just pick up a book and get lost for a while. Such a simple but immensely enjoyable celebration!
National Spirit of ’45 Day: On this day we celebrate the people who lived through and survived World War II, often called The Greatest Generation. Many communities across the country hold events for the day. Some have no doubt been cancelled or scaled down this year. Or have been moved to a different date. Some may even have gone virtual. See if there are any events near you or online you can attend. At least visit the Spirit of ’45 Organization to learn more about this resilient generation. You might be surprised at what you didn’t know about them!
National Veep Day: On this day we recognize the presidential succession plan. This plan has been needed 9 times in the history of the US. And we celebrate it on the anniversary of the date a man who was never elected became president. That man was Gerald Ford who became President Nixon’s VP by appointment when Spiro Agnew resigned. And then became president on August 9, 1974 when Nixon resigned.
National Rice Pudding Day: Rice pudding sounds boring. But there are literally dozens of different recipes. Of course rice is a must. But beyond that ingredients can vary quite a bit. Especially the choice of sweeteners and spices. Here’s a simple rice pudding recipe to try. But if you want something with more oomph, try this spiced rice pudding with cinnamon and cardamom.