What to Celebrate August 30 thru September 5, 2021

Celebration Ideas for August 30 – September 5, 2021
Summer is (unofficially) coming to an end. Luckily the good times and good deeds don’t have to.
We hope you’re planning a fun & safe Labor Day weekend (assuming you’re in the US). But you’ll also find plenty to do (and eat and drink) before then.
So do take a peek and plan your week. And yes, remember to …
Celebrate All September Long
Happy cats, dogs, & koalas. We celebrate ’em all this month!
Happy Cat Month: For this month you must keep your cat happy! Twenty four hours a day, 7 days a week. For the full 30 days of this month. For some cats that’s going to be challenging! But you can do it. After all, doesn’t your precious furball deserve all the happiness you can provide? 🐈 💝
Responsible Dog Ownership Month: Now this one is not going to make the cats happy. Sharing their month with dogs?! Just the same, your dog deserves a responsible owner. Which includes not only good food & water, but vet care, picking up poop on walks … and keeping your pupper just as happy as your kitty. Boy, you’ve got you’re work cut out for you this month! 😍
Save the Koala Month: Help the Australian Koala Foundation save the koalas. Of course, the Foundation works to save the very vulnerable koalas all year long, but September is the main awareness and fundraising campaign. And you can help wherever in the world you live.
Weekly Celebrations for Aug. 30 to Sept. 5
Enthusiasm will serve you well in your quest for continued learning. But it’s unlikely to get you out of a DUI/DWI (nor should it!).
International Enthusiasm Week (September 1 – 7, 2021): Find your enthusiasm for this week! Figure out what you’re enthusiastic about or figure out how to be enthusiastic about what you’re doing. Either way you win … because you’ll be enthusiastic!
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over (August 18 – September 6, 2021): This campaign reminds us that driving while impaired (by alcohol or drugs) is both illegal and unsafe. This is especially important to remember as we head into the holiday weekend, when we just want to have fun. But nothing ruins fun faster than a crash or a night in jail (or both). A companion campaign is Ride Sober or Get Pulled Over, reminding motorcyclists that the same rules apply to them.
Self-University Week (September 1 – 7, 2021): This week reminds us to never stop learning. Just because your formal education has ended doesn’t mean you know all you need to. Or even that what you know is necessarily the “right answer.”
Celebration Days coming up for Aug. 30 thru Sept. 5
This week we learn about & help protect whale sharks, dolphins, and wildlife in general. We also take a look back at the first newspaper carrier and the first female telephone operator.
Then we toast some marshmallows, write some letters, and go to the beach.
All this & more is waiting for you to create your fun-tastic week.
August 30:
International Whale Shark Day: Learn about and raise awareness of the very cool shark with the misleading name. We don’t know as much about these sea creatures as we do about many others, but we do know they’ve been over hunted and are listed as endangered.
National Holistic Pet Day: Are you taking care of your whole pet, body and spirit? Sometimes we think we are, but we aren’t actually listening to our pets, so we may not be nurturing their spirits in the way they need.
National Beach Day: Celebrate the beach! On the beach, if possible. And before you leave, do your part to keep our beaches clean. Make sure you throw away or take back out with you everything you brought in. And pick up some extra trash while you’re at it. Every little bit helps!
International Cabernet Sauvignon Day: If you’ll be enjoying a glass of wine to celebrate a productive Monday (or any other reason!), make it a Cabernet Sauvignon. Because how else can you celebrate this day?
National Toasted Marshmallow Day: Build yourself a cozy fire & toast yourself some marshmallows. Chocolate & graham crackers optional. How do you like your marshmallows toasted? Lightly browned or nicely charred?
August 31:
National Trail Mix Day: Celebrate that energy-boosting snack of fruit & nuts that’s easy to carry and almost endlessly customizable. Buy or make your favorite trail mix & make sure you always have some with you for a quick boost of energy or to quell your mid-day hunger.
National Diatomaceous Earth Day: For this day we celebrate the tiny little single-celled organisms that offer huge benefits to humans. And to the earth in general. They produce oxygen, which we need to live. And when they die their skeletons form diatomaceous earth, which we use for everything from filters and paints to pest control.
International Overdose Awareness Day: This campaign aims to end the stigma of overdose deaths, recognize the pain & grief of those left behind, and work toward ending overdose deaths.
National Matchmaker Day: For this day we celebrate the matchmakers; those people who recognize the perfect couples around them (before they’re actually couples!) & work tirelessly to help those couples recognize it too. Most of us know at least one matchmaker. And many of us have been their target at least once! Take your favorite matchmaker out to lunch or dinner to celebrate. Especially if your matchmaker’s efforts worked out for you!
September 1:
Emma M. Nutt Day: Celebrate the woman who showed the world (or at least the telephone companies) that women make better telephone operators than men. Because in 1878, when Emma became the very first female telephone operator, only boys were hired as phone operators. Apparently because they had been good telegraph operators. As it turned out, women had more patience when dealing with people on the other end of the phone. Shocking! 😁
International Day of Awareness for the Dolphins of Taiji: Every year dolphins and small whales fall victim to a 6-month hunting season in the waters around Taijin, Japan. And every year, on or around the first day of the season on Sept. 1, activists demonstrate to raise awareness of the cruelty of this hunt and work to finally end it. Because much like seal hunts, this hunt has no real purpose any longer.
World Letter Writing Day: Pick up a pen and paper and write a real, physical letter to someone … you do remember how to write, right? 😉
National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day: Celebrate words that have no rhyming partner. Words like orange or spirit. But not purple, which many people mistakenly think rhymes with nothing else. But it does! Curple is the rump of a horse. And yes, it rhymes with purple.
National Acne Positivity Day: This day reminds us that acne is a common skin condition that we shouldn’t be embarrassed about. Of course, that’s often easier said than done. But with more and more people bravely showing their “real” faces without makeup—including celebrities—it’s getting easier to feel less alone in your bumpy, reddened skin.
National Chicken Boy Day: Statues are a controversial topic these days, but this one is just fun. And it’s exactly what it sounds like: a statue of a boy with a chicken’s head. Chicken boy is also holding a bucket of chicken, because Chicken Boy’s original home was the roof of the Chicken Boy Restaurant in Los Angeles. Today he perches atop the Future Studio Design & Gallery on a stretch of Historic Route 66. Apparently we celebrate on Sept. 1 to celebrate his birthday … or his hatching?
National Burnt Ends Day: Enjoy some burnt ends! Doesn’t sound to appetizing does it? But it is! Because burnt ends are just the tips of a perfect brisket that have become beautifully charred. They make a fabulous sandwich!
September 2:
V-J Day: Celebrate the day World War II officially ended, with the signing of Japan’s surrender to the Allies. Many people also celebrate on August 14/15, the day Japan actually surrendered (the date depends on your time zone!). But it wasn’t until Sept. 2, 1945 that it became official.
World Coconut Day: Eat, cook with, and bake with coconut! It’s delicious and nutritious, and you just can’t go wrong with coconut! (If you disagree, well you’re wrong. 😉)
National Blueberry Popsicle Day: Enjoy the sweet, frozen goodness of blueberry popsicles. Buy a box or, for even better goodness 😉, make blueberry popsicles yourself. You might also like blueberry yogurt swirl popsicles, which add more goodness with yogurt and use less sugar.
September 3:
Skyscraper Day: Visit a skyscraper to celebrate this day if you can. Or learn about skyscrapers and their history. And how the definition of a skyscraper has changed over the years (not that there’s any official definition …).
National Lazy Mom’s Day: For this day moms everywhere have official unofficial 😉 permission to not do it all. To be lazy and not feel an ounce of guilt about it. How will you spend this windfall of time? Here are some ideas. And if you’re not a mom but are the spouse/parent/friend of a mom, help her celebrate by doing some of her usual mom duties & chores.
National Food Bank Day: In 2020 food insecurity skyrocketed overnight due to the pandemic and sudden loss of jobs for so many people. While things have improved, many people still need help making sure they & their families get enough nutritious food each day. If you can, make a donation (either monetary or food) to a local food bank.
National College Colors Day: For this simple but spirited day wear your favorite college colors!
National Chianti Day: Make your Friday evening shine with a glass of rich, fruity Chianti.
National Welsh Rarebit Day: Does Chianti go with toast covered in cheese sauce? Well, the more traditional drink to go with Welsh rarebit is ale, but the acidity of the Chianti could work quite well with the richness of the cheese. Why not try it and find out?
September 4:
National Wildlife Day: All around the world wildlife is at the mercy of humans. And all too often humans aren’t too merciful. For this day let’s help spread the word about the dangers wildlife face from us and encourage everyone to help protect our endangered wildlife.
International Bacon Day: Bacon! You do realize there’s only one right way to celebrate this one, right? Bacon! Lots & lots & lots of bacon. You’re welcome.
World Beard Day: Celebrate your beard. And your friends’ beards. And all the beards everywhere! And if you have no beard your duty for the day is to allow the bearded to enjoy time with their beards without having to do things like “work” or “chores”. 😁
National Newspaper Carrier Day: There are a whole lot fewer newspaper carriers than there once were. But they do still exist. And this is the day to thank them for their tireless work getting your actual, physical newspaper to you early in the morning each day. We celebrate on September 4 to honor Barney Flaherty, who was only 10 years old when he became the first newspaper carrier on this date in 1833.
National Cowgirl Day: Cowboys have had their day every July for more than 15 years now. So it was about time when Cowgirl Day came about in 2018, recognizing all the women who have made equal contributions to western culture.
National Spice Blend Day: Add oomph to your cooking with spice blends. Because certain spices just go incredibly well together and create dishes full of flavor and warmth. From Garam Masala and Chinese five spice blends to Old Bay seasoning and chili powder, spice blends make seasoning your favorite foods simple. And anything that simplifies life deserves a day of celebration!
National Macadamia Nut Day: Snack on, cook with, and/or bake with the creamy, buttery nut discovered by John Macadam and named for him. And be thankful he started cultivating the native Australian tree that eventually found its way around the world.
September 5:
Be Late For Something Day: Being on time is generally a good thing. It helps days go more smoothly. But it can also get stressful when you’re running from one thing to the next by the clock. So for this day you get to be late for whatever you choose. We do recommend you not be late for things like meeting with your boss or a client. Or for a job interview. Or that bus, train, or plane that absolutely will leave without you! But anything not absolutely time dependent? Don’t worry about it.
International Day of Charity: Commemorate Mother Theresa’s passing and help those less fortunate live better lives.
Jury Rights Day: On this date in 1670 a court tried to bully a jury into coming to the court’s idea of the “right” verdict, even going so far as to send the jury to prison. The jurors challenged the court’s right to do this, resulting in the legal precedent for an independent jury allowed to vote its conscience.
National Cheese Pizza Day: Mmmm … warm, melty cheeses covering your favorite sauce and crust. Is there anything better? No there is not! (ok, there actually is: adding pepperoni. But this day is about cheese pizza!) And for this day you get to indulge. Order from your favorite pizza place or make your own cheese pizza with your favorite blend of cheeses. What a perfect Sunday!