What to Celebrate August 5 to 11, 2019

Celebration Ideas for August 5 – 11, 2019
August is officially here. And that means summer vacations are winding down. Lots of kids will be going back to school in just 2 or 3 weeks!
But there’s still plenty of summer to enjoy. And as usual there’s good food, silliness, and seriousness to be found.
There’s even a day just for being lazy! (But you might have to pass on the other celebrations for that day in order to celebrate laziness right …).
So go ahead & jump right in to take a peek and plan your week.
And as always …
Celebrate All August Long
For August we celebrate wellness—mental and physical. And we fuel our wellness journey with panini and goat cheese. And brownies, but only for brunch.
(We think brownies at brunch do wonders for mental wellness!).
National Panini Month: For the whole month of August we eat hot, toasty pressed sandwiches. Sargento created this month in 2008. Check out their website for lots of panini (and other sandwich!) inspiration.
National Goat Cheese Month: Use goat cheese for at least one of your paninis to celebrate 2 months in one! But don’t stop there. Here are 20 more recipes with goat cheese to help you celebrate this month right.
National Brownies at Brunch Month: August is shaping up to be quite the delicious month! Because in addition to getting creative with paninis & goat cheese, you have official permission to have a brownie for brunch every morning! No guilt allowed. So make yourself a pan of seriously fudgy brownies (or your favorite brownies) and savor one for brunch.
National Wellness Month: This month is all about taking care of yourself. Head over to the website to download a wellness calendar with simple things to do each day, like trying a new healthy recipe, doing something you’ve been putting off, and treating yourself to a spa day. You can also sign up for free daily prompts to keep you moving forward on your wellness journey.
Weekly Celebrations for Aug. 5 thru 11
There’s a lot going on for the 1st full week in August! We help feed pets of the homeless and honor working dogs.
We also eat local with help from the farmer’s market, admire the beauty of buttons, and remember to always obey the traffic lights (specifically the red one!).
Give a Dog a Bone Week / Feeding Pets of the Homeless Week (August 5 – 12, 2019): This is a pet food drive sponsored by the non-profit Feeding Pets of the Homeless. This caring organization not only makes sure homeless people’s pets get fed, it also helps them get vet care.
Assistance Dog Week (August 4 – 10, 2019): Learn more about assistance dogs, how they’re trained, and the many different jobs they can do. If you know any assistance dogs trainers, thank them for the valuable service they provide.
National Farmer’s Market Week (August 4 – 10, 2019): From April/May through October you can find Farmer’s Markets in many communities and on most days of the week. And for one week in August we celebrate this convenient and fun source of local fruits, vegetables, honey, and more. The US Department of Agriculture began the week back in 2000 to highlight the important ways these markets contribute to the economy. So make sure you hit at least one local farmer’s market for this week. And thank the hard-working farmers who bring their foods to you.
National Stop on Red Week (August 4 – 10, 2019): This week reminds us to obey traffic signals … and stop on red! You might be surprised at the number of accidents caused by someone running a red light.
National Button Week (August 4 – 10, 2019): Did you know there’s a button convention? Well there is! It’s held by the National Button Society to celebrate buttons and their beauty. It may be too late to make this year’s convention, but if you love buttons start planning for next year.
Celebration Days coming up for Aug. 5 thru Aug. 11
This week we feast on oysters, raspberries & cream, and s’mores. We also celebrate assistance dogs and cats in general.
And we remember Hiroshima, the creation of the Purple Heart, and the US Monetary System.
Then we get lazy & play in the sand. Plus so much more.
So let’s get out there and have another fun-tastic week!
August 5:
National Oyster Day: Cook up, or go out for, oysters made your favorite way. Or try a new recipe. You might just discover a new favorite! And maybe make plans to go to an oyster festival later this year (lots of them seem to be in September or October).
Assistance Dog Day: This day is part of Assistance Dog Week, honoring these helpful dogs and their trainers.
National Work Like a Dog Day: It’s a coincidence this year that this day falls on the same day as Assistance Dog Day. But since it does, spend today working just as hard, and being as productive, as those hardworking animals. And do it with calmness, love and commitment, too. Because that’s how assistance dogs work.
National Underwear Day: Freshpair encourages us to embrace our underwear. Not literally (we hope). But find yourself underwear that ‘s comfortable and helps you feel confident. After all, if your underwear doesn’t fit right, you’re only going to feel uncomfortable all day.
August 6:
National Root Beer Float Day: When was the last time you had a root beer float? Well this is the day to end the drought! They’re not just for kids. And a hot August day is perfect for this cool treat.
National Night Out: Head outside to meet your neighbors and local police officers on this evening. If your community isn’t taking part this year, ask why not & suggest doing it next year. And encourage your town & police department to work on (or keep working on) community relationships between now and then.
National Wiggle Your Toes Day: Some time during this day kick off your shoes (yes, even sandals) and wiggle those piggies! Maybe to express your delight with your root beer float? Whatever the reason, it’ll make your toes happy, too.
National Fresh Breath Day: Hopefully you try to keep your breath fresh every day. But for this day give a little extra attention to your oral hygiene routine. See if there’s anything you can improve (floss better or more often, brush longer, etc.) to ensure your mouth smells fresh. And stays healthy … after all, a healthy mouth is more likely to be a fresh mouth.
Hiroshima Day: Mark the anniversary of the US bombing the city of Hiroshima, Japan. That bombing, along with the one on Nagasaki 3 days later, led to Japan’s surrender and the end of World War II.
August 7:
National Lighthouse Day: America doesn’t have too many lighthouses left, but we want to preserve them! Some are even still in use, although they’ve been automated & no longer have keepers. This day reminds us of the important role they once had for guiding sailors safely to land.
Purple Heart Day: This day celebrates the creation of the Badge of Merit by George Washington on August 7, 1782. It also honors all service members who have received the oldest military merit decoration.
National Raspberries N’ Cream Day: We’ve already celebrated raspberry cake and raspberry cream pie in the last couple of weeks. And now we celebrate the simple but insanely delicious raspberries & cream. So make yourself a quick & simple desert of raspberries & whipped cream. Or turn your raspberries & cream into something else … like that pie (especially if you didn’t celebrate that day!) or even a cake.
Particularly Preposterous Packaging Day: Another Tom & Ruth Roy fun day! This one pokes fun at those bottles, tightly sealed clamshells, and other packaging that’s just impossible to open. It also highlights the seriousness of being unable to open something like a bottle of pills you need!
August 8:
Odie Day: On this day we celebrate the side-kick. The goofy yellow dog who accepts everything his grumpy feline friend, Garfield, dishes out … although he does sometimes get even! It’s Odie’s birthday, so throw him a party! Because his creator seems to forget most years. Poor Odie …
International Cat Day: On this day we give our feline friends extra love, attention, and treats. Because cats can be just as sweet and loyal as that other popular pet (who shall not be named on this day!). They just need a chance to show you … of course, if you already live with felines you probably already know that! So reward their love & loyalty accordingly.
National Dollar Day: Why are we celebrating the dollar? Which, let’s face it, doesn’t buy too much these days. Because it’s part of the US Monetary System, which the Continental Congress created on this date in 1786. And of course, when you put that dollar with some of its friends, it can buy quite a bit. Even other countries agree, as most international transaction are in the US dollar.
National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day: Tom & Ruth Roy must have been bored in early August, because here’s another day from them! Actually, considering the days they created this week, maybe they were frustrated. First with packaging and then with an overabundance of zucchini! And how do you get rid of too much zucchini? You give it away! Except everyone’s in the same boat, so you have to be sneaky about it. But maybe leave them some zucchini recipes, too?
National Frozen Custard Day: If you’re looking for a cool treat on August 8, skip the ice cream and indulge in a creamy frozen custard instead. Frozen custard is smoother than ice cream, so you may well decide to stick with it the rest of the year, too!
National CBD Day: It’s the 2nd annual CBD Day! A day to learn more about this hemp product and see if it could help you.
Dalek Day: This day is different from the Dalek Remembrance Day in December. Instead of celebrating the Daleks themselves, this day honors their creator Terry Nation whose birthday was August 8.
August 9:
Book Lovers Day: Whatever kind of book you love, make sure you pick one up for this day & read. Because what else would book lovers do on a day dedicated to them?!? Oh, right … head to a bookstore or library for more books. So do that too!
National Rice Pudding Day: Make yourself some creamy, cinnamony rice pudding to celebrate this day.
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Indigenous peoples tend to be overlooked & ignored. This day recognizes them and their needs, encouraging us all to help protect them and their ways of life.
National Veep Day: This day recognizes the US federal government’s succession plan for president. We do this on the date President Richard Nixon resigned and the Veep, Gerald Ford, became president in 1974.
August 10:
National S’mores Day: Make & eat s’mores! ‘Nuff said. Did you know someone made a 267-pound s’more? Yum!
National Lazy Day: On this day we do as little as possible, because we have permission to be lazy! So head to your favorite lounging spot & just hang for the day. Maybe with some s’mores … ‘cause making those is simple & doesn’t violate the spirit of being lazy!
National Garage Sale Day: Well, this day doesn’t go so well with Lazy Day. It’s hard to be lazy while having a garage sale! But maybe you could go to a garage sale & find a hammock or comfy chair you could lounge in to be lazy. Whether selling or buying, you’ll be celebrating right.
And you might want to plan ahead if you want to celebrate the raspberry bombe on the 11th … if you make one you’ll need to allow for freezing time!
August 11:
Play in the Sand Day: Do as the name says & get out in the sand for some playtime! If you can make it to the beach, great. But if not, your kids’ sandboxes will work too. No beach or kids with a sandbox? Make a sandbox just for yourself!
National Raspberry Bombe Day: Serve a cool, creamy raspberry bombe for dessert. Get a simple recipe here.
National Spirit of ‘45 Day: This day honors “the Values and Achievements of America’s ‘Greatest Generation’,” those who lived through World War II.
National Hip Hop Day: Celebrate the birth of hip hop, on August 11, 1973. There’s an official celebration in Texas, but if you love hip hop celebrate whatever way feels right to you.