What to Celebrate December 13 thru 19, 2021

Celebration Ideas for December 13 – 19, 2021
Just two more weeks until Christmas! Hard to believe one year can go by so slowly and so quickly at the same time. But here we are.
So while you’re busy with the holiday shopping, decorating, baking, and cooking, make sure you also take some time just for you. Like celebrating some unofficial holidays. Silly holidays, even.
Go ahead, take a peek and plan your week. And as always, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of December
There’s still time to join the Christmas Bird count! And it’s always a good time for nutty, nutritious buckwheat. And driving sober.
The Audubon Christmas Bird Count: Here’s your chance to help science track & study bird populations. The counting starts on the 14th and runs through Jan. 5. But it’s divided into “counting circles”, each of which counts on only one day. There’s circles all across the country, so see if there’s one (or more) near you still looking for volunteers!
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month: Not driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (legal or otherwise!) is important all year long. But with all the holiday celebrating in December it can be especially easy to think you’ll be ok “just this once”. But it’s just not worth the risk to yourself, your family, and anyone else who could be affected by your choice.
Buckwheat Month: Find new and delicious ways to use this seed for the rest of the month. It’s not only tasty, it offers important minerals, souble fiber, and other nutrients. And, despite the “wheat” part of the name, it’s naturally gluten-free.
Weekly Celebrations for 12/13 to 12/19
Baking takes center stage this week!
Cookie Exchange Week (December 13 – 17, 2021): If you bake then you’re no doubt up to your elbows in Christmas cookie recipes! So get together with all the other bakers you know and have a cookie exchange! That way you don’t have to make 10,000 different kinds of cookies all by yourself. You each just make a few and all end up with 10,000. (Yes, we exaggerate … but only a little) 😁
Gluten-Free Baking Week (December 12 – 18, 2021): Think you can’t have a cookie exchange (or other yummy pastries) because you have to eat gluten-free? Surely you know gluten-free options have gotten soooo much better in recent years? So whether you’re gluten-free or you have friends who are, get in the caring holiday spirit and make your goodies gluten-free. Find some inspiration here.
Celebration Days coming up for Dec. 13 thru Dec. 19
Celebrate horses and monkeys with your pathologist pal while wearing your ugly Christmas sweater and herding cats! Or something like that. Then wind down with some yoga.
Of course, you’re free to create your very own fun-tastic week, whatever that may look like. Cat herding optional.
December 13:
Pick a Pathologist Pal Day: Find yourself a pathologist to befriend. They tend to be unique people with a unique sense of humor. And they’re surprisingly fun to be around. If you don’t already have a pathologist pal it’s time to change that!
National Day of the Horse: Horses helped shape the US just as much as any people. Celebrate them and their contributions for this day. If you have a horse, give it extra love (and carrots!) and go for a ride.
National Guard Birthday: On December 13, 1636 the Massachusetts Bay Colony’s militia organized into three regiments. Thus began what would become the National Guard, and so we celebrate the National Guard’s 385th birthday this year.
National Cocoa Day: Wind down after a long Monday with a warm, comforting mug of hot cocoa. Add whipped cream or marshmallows if you’d like.
December 14:
Monkey Day: Celebrate all things monkey! Along with any other non-human primates you happen to like. Donate to a primate sanctuary or conservation group. Learn about monkeys (and other primates). Throw a monkey party!
Yoga Day: Although the UN celebrates International Yoga Day on June 21, in December we celebrate the birth of “the father of modern yoga” in 1918. BKS Iyengar was a sickly child and as a teenager began practicing yoga to improve his health. Soon he was teaching it and helped spread it around the world. Get started with yoga in his honor. Or learn some new poses.
Free Shipping Day: For this day participating retailers offer free shipping on all orders, with delivery no later than Christmas Eve. It’s not necessarily automatic, though. To make sure you get your free shipping, find your store on the Free Shipping Day website and click through to the shopping site from there (or make note of the coupon code needed). So check it out anytime from 12:00 am to 11::59 pm EST on the 14th.
National Bouillabaisse Day: Learn about, and maybe even try making, this delightful French fish stew.
December 15:
Cat Herders’ Day: Despite the name, this day isn’t actually for herding cats (mostly because that’s impossible!). It’s for people whose jobs or lives make them feel as if they’re trying to herd cats all day every day. If that’s you, take a break from that impossible task and take care of yourself. Or, if you know someone who does their best to get those “cats” rounded up and acting right, offer them your sympathy.
National Wear Your Pearls Day: This day does not require actual pearls. Although if you have them, go ahead & wear them! But even if you don’t you can celebrate. Because the day is actually about what pearls represent: something beautiful made from something bad or irritating. So whatever life throws at you, take it and make the best of it, make something beautiful even. And if you’ve got pearls, wear ’em!
Bill of Rights Day: The Bill of Rights—the first 10 amendments to our Constitution—was ratified on this date in 1791. So celebrate your rights! But first, maybe make sure you actually understand all the rights in the Bill of Rights.
National Cupcake Day: Enjoy a cupcake or two to celebrate Hump Day … and cupcakes, of course! Make a batch of cupcakes if you have time. Get inspiration from The Cupcake Project!
December 16:
Barbie and Barney Backlash Day: Both Barbie and Barney are no doubt less popular than they were when this day was created, but they still have their fans! And if that includes your kids, well this is the day you get to tell them that Barbie and Barney don’t really exist. This day comes from Tom & Ruth Roy, whose celebration creations are usually a bit more … upbeat. Barbie & Barney must have really gotten under their skin!
National Chocolate-covered Anything Day: Coat absolutely everything with your favorite chocolate for the day. Perfection!
December 17:
Wright Brothers Day: Wilbur and Orville Wright made their famous (if short!) flight on December 17, 1903. Well, technically Orville made the flight, but of course they both deserve credit! So every December 17 we celebrate their achievement and all the achievements in aviation since.
Clean Air Day: On the anniversary of the US Clean Air Act’s 1967 passage we celebrate our clean(ish) air and raise awareness of the work still to be done. Because there are still too many sources of lung- and environment-damaging air pollution.
Ugly Christmas Sweater Day: Have fun wearing your ugly Christmas sweaters! Wear your favorite or get yourself a new one. And wear it everywhere! Even that important meeting. 😉
National Maple Syrup Day: Find ways to use maple syrup all day. Breakfast is easy, of course. Drizzle it over pancakes or waffles, or stir it into oatmeal. But there are plenty of other ways to cook and bake with this magical liquid.
December 18:
Wreaths Across America Day: Help the non-profit Wreaths Across America organization honor our fallen veterans with wreath-laying ceremonies for this day. You can sponsor wreaths (including for a specific cemetery), help lay wreaths yourself, or donate to a local sponsorship group. All these options are available on the website.
National Twin Day: Twins get a whole weekend in August and then another day in December. We must think they’re special or something! 😉 If you’re a twin, spend the day with your other half. If not, give a shoutout to any twins you know.
Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day: If you love the movie Elf you know what to do. If not, well it’s pretty simple: When you answer the phone say “[Your Name] the Elf, what’s your favorite color.”
December 19:
A Christmas Carol Day: Celebrate the anniversary of Charles Dickens’ classic tale, A Christmas Carol. It was published on this date in 1843. Celebrate by reading the book or watching one of the many movie versions.
National Oatmeal Muffin Day: Start your day off right with a homemade oatmeal muffin.
National Hard Candy Day: Treat yourself to your favorite hard candies.