What to Celebrate December 6 thru 12, 2021

Celebration Ideas for December 6 – 12, 2021
How are your holiday plans shaping up? We hope it’ll be a wonderful holiday season for all.
It’ll probably also be a busy one. But remember to take some time each day for yourself, too. Maybe appreciate toilet paper or call a friend you’ve lost touch with.
So without further ado we invite you to take a peek and plan your week. And as ever …
Celebrate All December Long
Make sure your holiday celebrations are safe ones. Wear a tie at least once. And help scientists keep an eye on how bird populations are doing.
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month: The holidays are a time for enjoying good cheer, food, and drink with family, friends, coworkers, and … well, just about anyone. But make sure you always know who the designated driver is. Because nothing spoils a good time like an accident or DUI/DWI.
National Tie Month: Whether or not you usually wear ties, find at least one reason to wear one during December. Make it a funny one if that’ll make you feel better. Just wear a tie!
The Audubon Christmas Bird Count: This citizen scientist effort to compile data on bird populations starts on the 14th and runs through January 5. But each counting circle counts on only one specific date. So see if there’s a circle near you & sign up to be part of it!
Weekly Celebrations for 12/6 to 12/12
This week is focused on safety, of the cleanliness and the vehicular kind.
National Hand Washing Awareness Week (December 5 – 11, 2021): We sure do hope you and your family all know the right way to wash your hands by now! Even so, a reminder is always welcome.
Older Driver Safety Awareness Week (December 6 – 10, 2021): Learn how to help older drivers stay safe on the road. And yes, to also recognize when it might be time to stop driving.
Celebration Days coming up for Dec. 6 thru Dec. 12
We wish you another fun-tastic week!
December 6:
National Microwave Oven Day: Do you use your microwave to make your holiday feast preps a little easier? If you can’t live without this convenient appliance, thank Percy Spencer, who got curious when the active radar he was working with caused his chocolate bar to melt. He tested what the electromagnetic waves might do to other foods & eventually created the very first “microwave cooking oven”. Yay for curiosity! Microwave something (or lots of somethings!) to celebrate.
Miners’ Day: Celebrate the miners who do the dangerous, dirty work of excavating the metals and minerals that go into so many of the things we use every day. And commemorate the anniversary of the worst mining disaster in US history, when 361 coal miners died in an explosion in Monongah, West Virginia on December 6, 1907.
Mitten Tree Day: Read The Mitten Tree, by Candace Christiansen, which was most likely the inspiration for this day. It’s a sweet children’s book about kindness and giving. But read it even if you don’t have children, because we can all use a reminder of how wonderful the world can be with a little kindness.
National Gazpacho Day: What’s with all the cold soups we’re celebrating lately? It was vichyssoise a few weeks ago, and now it’s gazpacho! We surely prefer a hot soup in cold weather, but good gazpacho is delightful and delicious any time of year. So we’re willing to have a cold soup even on a cold day. How about you? Try one of these gazpacho variations.
December 7:
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day: As we celebrate a more normal-ish holiday season this year, let’s not forget a December day that turned the world upside down for many years, December 7, 1941. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and 2,403 service members died.
World Trick Shot Day: Grab your basketball and practice your best trick shots! Get inspiration from this skydiving slam dunk! (But we’d recommend you stay closer to earth while doing you’re trick shots)
International Civil Aviation Day: Did you know there is an International Civil Aviation Organization, in which most of the world’s countries work together to agree on standards and practices for all civil aviation? Celebrate the civil aviation industry, which has helped create a truly connected world.
National Cotton Candy Day: Eat cotton candy. ‘Nuff said.
December 8:
Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day: Humans seen to have always been fascinated with the idea of time travel. TV shows, movies, and books involving time travel are always popular. And for this day you get to pretend you’re from the future or the past and confuse everyone you meet.
Toilet Paper Appreciation Day: Celebrate the day toilet paper first became available to buy in the US, Dec. 8, 1857. It didn’t come on rolls then, though. That would take another 14 years.
National Lard Day: Stop being afraid of all animal fats! Pure, minimally processed lard is not only perfectly fine in moderation, it helps make your food taste amazing and your baked good flaky & light.
National Brownie Day: Speaking of baked goods, make and devour a pan of brownies to celebrate this day.
December 9:
Christmas Card Day: Do you still send physical Christmas cards? (Or did you ever?) If so, celebrate this day by getting those cards written, signed, and stamped! Mailed, even, if you can manage it. Or just marvel at the people who have time to do all that these days.
Weary Willie Day: Celebrate the sad clown, Weary Willie, created by Emmet Kelly at a time when white-faced, happy clowns were popular. But then came the Great Depression and Weary Willie, who looked like many people felt, struck a chord and became an icon. We celebrate the sad clown on the anniversary of his creator’s birth, December 9, 1898.
National Pastry Day: Keep the celebration of lard going for an extra day and use it for making your pastry to celebrate this day. What kind of pastry you make is, of course, all up to you. No ideas? Try one of these pastries.
December 10:
International Animal Rights Day: This day reminds us that all living beings have a right to live their lives free from abuse, pain, and suffering at the hands of humans. For most of human history we told ourselves animals don’t have feelings and we had a right to do as we wished with them. We now know that they do have feelings and deserve better than we’ve given them. This day is about raising awareness of these facts and making sure we do better going forward.
Human Rights Day: Yes, we celebrate human rights and animal rights on the same day. Because we can try to right more than one wrong at a time. And there are still plenty of human rights abuses to correct. So we will fight to treat all people and animals with kindness, dignity, and respect.
Dewey Decimal System Day: On this date in 1851 was born the man who would create the most commonly used library classification system. The Dewey Decimal System is brilliant in its simplicity (it only seems complicated and confusing until you understand it) and expandability. Why not learn a bit about how the Dewey Decimal System works for the day? Or browse your local library with your favorite call number(s).
National Lager Day: Toast your Friday with a beer. But not just any beer. Make it a lager to celebrate both Friday and National Lager Day. 🍻
December 11:
National App Day: Once upon a time, in the not so distant past, app meant appetizer—and wasn’t used all that often anyway. Now the world runs on apps … as in software applications, usually of the mobile kind. And of course they have their very own day. Try a new app to celebrate the day.
National Sobriety Day: Celebrate your sobriety—or your ongoing journey toward sobriety—for this day. And if you haven’t battled addiction yourself, celebrate and support anyone you know who has or is.
Magnum P.I. Day: Tom Selleck and his mustache hit the airwaves in the hit detective show on this date in 1980. Celebrate by watching some episodes.
National Noodle Ring Day: Make yourself a noodle casserole baked in a ring shape. Because why not?
December 12:
National Ding-a-Ling Day: Is there someone you haven’t spoken to in a long while and you would like to? This is the day to pick up the phone and call! No, not text or DM or any of that. A true call. It’s the point of the day!
Poinsettia Day: Celebrate the beautiful holiday plant whose leaf clusters look like flowers. Brighten up any room with a poinsettia or two.
Gingerbread House Day: Build a gingerbread house!
National Cocoa Day: Enjoy some hot cocoa while building that gingerbread house.
National Ambrosia Day: Make a simple Ambrosia salad to add a sweet (and still nutritious!) treat to your meal.