What to Celebrate February 11 to 17, 2019

Celebration Ideas for February 11 – 17, 2019
Can you believe in just a few short days we’ll be half-way through February? It just doesn’t seem possible.
But on the bright side, we’re that many days closer to spring. It’s actually felt rather spring-like the past few days. But a winter freeze has returned. We just can’t wait to see the world waking up & turning green again.
But in the meantime, everything’s pink & red & covered in hearts. Because next week is also Valentine’s Day. Do you love or hate this holiday? Or is it just another day to you?
No matter how you feel about Feb. 14th, there’s plenty else to keep you occupied for the week. From birds, pangolins, & whales to books, kindness, & cabbage.
So do take a peek & plan your week. And make it one to …
Celebrate All February Long
Bunnies & haiku & baking. Those should keep you busy for a while!
Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month: Just like dogs & cats, rabbits end up at shelters & rescue organizations. So if you’re looking for a new bunny to make your house a home … adopt, don’t shop! But if you’ve never had one before, learn a bit about them first.
National Haiku Writing Month: For this fun month you write haiku each day. Ok, you’re a little behind if you haven’t started yet … but it’s supposed to be fun, so don’t worry about it! Just start. There’s even a NaHaiWriMo Facebook page where you can get daily writing prompts. Enjoy! Maybe even write a haiku about your new rescued rabbit?
Bake for Family Fun Month: Spend the month baking! What could be better than spending cold, gray days making delicious treats that make your home smell amazing? Yes, this assumes February is winter where you live. But homemade treats are welcome any time of year. So let’s get baking! You could even bake treats for your new adopted bunny!
Weekly Celebrations for Feb. 11 – 17
This week is perfect for anyone who likes to sit & watch the birds. You have the perfect excuse to do just that: it’s for science!
Also, if your wardrobe could use some sprucing up, think second hand. And freelance writers deserve your thanks.
Great Backyard Bird Count (February 15 – 18, 2019): Count birds in your backyard or another area for at least 15 minutes during this annual citizen science effort. Then upload your data & you’ll have helped scientists understand how our bird populations are doing.
National Secondhand Wardrobe Week (February 10 – 16, 2019): Secondhand shops are a great source for inexpensive pieces to add flexibility to your wardrobe without breaking the bank. This week celebrates that idea. So head out to your local secondhand shop … bring some pieces you no longer wear so someone else can get good use from them, and pick up a few new items for yourself. It’s a win-win!
Freelance Writer Appreciation Week (February 10 – 16, 2019): If you use freelance writers, this is the week to thank them for all they do for you (and your business!). Here are some ideas on ways to do that.
Celebration Days coming up for Feb. 11 thru Feb. 17
This week we eat tortellini, gumdrops, and cabbage (but probably not at the same time!). We clean out our computers, change our names, and keep our pets safe from thieves.
We also love libraries, give children books, and celebrate hippos. Plus so much more.
So we wish you a happy weekend and a fun-tastic next week!
February 11:
White Shirt Day: Honor the auto workers who forced GM to recognize their union in 1937.
Be Electrific Day: This day celebrates Thomas Alva Edison’s birthday. But not in a generic “happy birthday” sort of way. No. This day asks us to bring light where there is no light. Mr. Edison did this literally with his light bulb. We can do it figuratively by tapping the electricity or light within us and sharing it with others.
National Clean Out Your Computer Day: It’s so easy to collect digital garbage on your computer. Old files & programs you don’t use anymore take up space & can slow down your computer. This is the day to take a look at what’s there & get it all cleaned up!
National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day: Did your mom or grandma ever tell you this? It may not have felt helpful at the time, but it’s true. What’s done is done. Things go wrong; it’s part of life. Clean it up and move on. So for this day, practice being positive.
February 12:
Darwin Day: Say happy birthday to the man who helped us understand evolution. He would have been 210 this year!
Safety Pup Day: Safety Pup makes learning about safety fun for kids. The adorable pup made its debut on Feb. 12, 1985 & has been helping kids learn to stay safe ever since. Safety pup comes as a puppet and as a mascot costume, and the pup has even appeared on milk cartons in schools.
Plum Pudding Day: Plum pudding is traditionally a holiday (especially Christmas) dessert. So we’re not sure why we’re celebrating it in February. A traditional plum pudding contains things like raisins, apples, & nuts … but no plums! Weird, right? But still delicious. Consider making a plum pudding to celebrate the day.
February 13:
National Tortellini Day: On the day before Valentine’s Day enjoy the stuffed pasta shape inspired by the sight of a navel. Well, according to one story anyway … but probably not. Of course, these little pockets of goodness are delicious no matter how they came to be.
International Condom Day: Apparently the day before Valentine’s Day is a good day to remind people to practice safe sex on that oh-so-romantic day. So if you plan to ‘get lucky” on Feb. 14, maybe plan to get ready on the 13th … in case you’re unsure, that means make sure you have (unexpired!) condoms available or go buy some. And apparently there are also wrong ways to celebrate the day.
Get a Different Name Day: For everyone who hates their names, Tom & Ruth Roy invite you to change it. At least for this one day. Inform everyone they must call you by your chosen name all day, no matter what it is. Don’t answer to anything else!
February 14:
Pet Theft Awareness Day: Pet theft happens more often than you might think. Learn how to keep your fur-baby safe & spread the word. Keeping your pets safe is the best Valentine’s gift you can give them!
International Book Giving Day: Forget chocolates; give books! The day is actually about getting books to as many children as possible all over the world. The day asks us to leave a book where a child is likely to find it or donate to a charity that works to get books to children. See the 2019 Book Giving Day posters here.
National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day: If you get a box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day, let’s hope some of them are cream-filled so you can celebrate appropriately. And if they’re not (or you don’t get any), go out & get yourself some!
National Ferris Wheel Day: Celebrate the birth of George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr., inventor of the Ferris Wheel. He came up with the idea for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. Daniel H .Burnham, the fair’s Director of Works, wanted something to rival Paris’ newly-opened Eiffel Tower, and Mr. Ferris delivered. Sadly he died just 3 years after the fair, and his original wheel is long gone. But Ferris Wheels continue to enchant people everywhere.
Library Lovers’ Day: This is the day to proclaim your love of libraries. And if you don’t (yet) love these amazing buildings filled with books, let some librarians change your mind. Here are 7 librarians’ reasons for their love of libraries.
February 15:
National Gumdrop Day: If you didn’t get enough sweetness on the 14th, here’s another chance. Indulge in your favorite gumdrops! Or maybe you prefer spiced gumdrops? Either way: Enjoy!
National No One Eats Alone Day: This initiative helps students learn to make friends at lunch. The national day is celebrated on February 15, but individual schools coordinate their own initiatives.
National Hippo Day: Celebrate and marvel at the 3rd largest land mammal on earth. Apparently the day actually started with the online world Second Life. But it has since spread beyond the game. Because who doesn’t like hippos?! Here are some baby hippo pictures for you to enjoy.
February 16:
National Almond Day: Almonds are delicious and good for you. And they can make everything from salads to fish to cookies taste better. So add some to every meal for this day.
World Pangolin Day: Do you know what a pangolin is? Lots of people don’t. And sadly those who do seem to want to eat them or use them to cure various ills. These odd looking but quite interesting animals deserve better than extinction due to large-scale trafficking. Learn more about them to celebrate this day. And then spread the word; help others learn too!
World Whale Day: Celebrate the whales! This day started in 1980 as part of the Maui Whale Festival, celebrating the island’s humpback whales. The annual Whale Day parade doesn’t seem to be part of the festival any more. But that’s no reason not to celebrate these amazing creatures! Learn more about humpbacks & other whales in honor of the day.
National Do a Grouch a Favor Day: Do you know a grouch? Of course you do. We all do! Maybe even more than one. For this day do something to make your favorite grouch a little less grouchy. But not too much less grouchy … because that might actually make him or her more grouchy (grouches are happiest being grouchy after all!).
February 17:
Random Acts of Kindness Day: Do your part to make the world a little kinder. At least for one day. Perform random acts of kindness wherever you see the opportunity.
My Way Day: This is the day to proclaim it’s “My way or the highway!” Of course, just because you say it doesn’t mean it’ll be true …
National Cabbage Day: Cook with cabbage for the day! Not sure what to make? Take a look at these 39 cabbage recipes. You’re sure to find at least one to try.