What to Celebrate February 21 thru 27, 2022

Celebration Ideas for February 21 – 27, 2022
Welcome to the final week of February! We hope it’s been a good month.
This will also be our final weekly preview for a while. We’ve been neglecting the main part of the site, and we aim to fix that!
So until next time (whenever that may be), do take a peek and plan your week, and always remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of February
Decluttering feels so amazing! So does spending time in the library. And pies of all kinds taste amazing. Which makes February an amazing month.
Declutter for a Cause Month: Do you hold on to entirely too many things because they’re “too good to throw away”? Assuming that they really are in good shape and usable, give them a new life by donating them to a worthy charity. Do contact the charity to make sure you’re donating things it can actually use (or sell, depending on the charity). Some charities have second-hand shops/thrift stores that will happily take your donations to sell. Alternatively, if you’re good at decluttering and organizing, help a local charity declutter their space so they can focus their energies on their mission.
Great American Pies Month: Celebrate your decluttering successes with pie! Apple pie, blueberry pie, key lime pie, whatever your heart desires! You deserve it. You could even start with a savory pie (pot pie, hand pies, mince pie, shepherd’s pie …) for dinner and them move on to your favorite dessert pie.
Library Lovers Month: Spend time at the library exploring the stacks and just enjoying the peace. If you don’t already have a library card, get one of those so you can bring home some of your finds.
Weekly Celebrations for Feb. 21 to 27
Quit tobacco and put all your energy into help animals. And celebrating engineers. Then relax with a sauna. Or something like that …
National Justice for Animals Week (February 20 – 26, 2022): Help the Animal Legal Defense Fund fight animal abuse, and honor the animal victims and the people who work hard to help. If we each can make even a small difference it can add up to something big for defenseless animals.
Through with Chew Week (February 20 – 26, 2022): Do you use smokeless tobacco? Do you realize it’s not really safer than smoking? The risks are just different (actually many are the same). Use this week to learn more and take the first steps toward quitting all tobacco use.
National Sauna Week (February 20 – 26, 2022): If you love sauna or just want to learn more about it, this is the week for you! There’s online events as well as in-person events at some of the local Finlandia Foundation chapters!
National Engineers Week (February 20 – 26, 2022): Whether or not you realize it, many of the things you do every day have been made easier (or even possible!) by engineers. From your power tools and kitchen appliances—big and small—to the bridge you drive over and the computer (or tablet or phone) you’re reading this on, engineers had a hand in making it happen. Celebrate these unsung heroes for this week.
Celebration Days coming up for Feb. 21 thru Feb. 27
Celebrate polar bears. And wildlife in general. And stop using disposable plastic straws to help protect wildlife (and the environment in general).
Reward yourself with sticky buns. Or banana bread. Maybe chili or clam chowder?
Help your dog appreciate biscuits. Set a good example. Tell a fairy tale.
Then relax with a margarita. Or that special bottle of wine.
However you spend your week, make it another fun-tastic one!
February 21:
International Mother Language Day: Did you know there are more than 6,000 languages spoken around the world? Thousands! Not hundreds. And certainly not just the dozen or so most of us are familiar with. This day is about multilingualism and how it can benefit us all.
National Grain-Free Day: If the Mexican-American family behind Siete Foods can live a grain-free life (in support of one family member with major health issues) and still eat their favorite Mexican foods, you can go grain-free for one day! You might even discover how good grain-free can taste and feel.
National Sticky Bun Day: Make sticky buns! And then eat them, of course.
February 22:
National Wildlife Day: The world’s wildlife needs our help to survive. Find out why (and why it matters) and how we can all do our part.
World Thinking Day: For this day Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world celebrate each other and their place in our global community.
World Spay Day: Are your pets “fixed”? If not, find out why it’s important—both for their health and to prevent unwanted litters. If you’ve done your part, help spread the word. Maybe even volunteer with a local shelter or rescue to help them promote the message.
Digital Learning Day: As we write this many schools in our area are having a weather-related digital learning day. It’s a convenience not available only a short time ago, when students either had to go to school in potentially dangerous conditions or make up the day at the end of the year. For schools with the resources to create a robust remote learning experience the possibilities are enormous. And we should work to create a world where all schools have that opportunity.
National Margarita Day: Celebrate Tuesday with a margarita!
National Cook a Sweet Potato Day: You’re going to want to have sweet potatoes with at least one meal for the day. Luckily there are dozens of amazing ways to use these sweet root veggies.
February 23:
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day: Your dog does not need a special day to appreciate biscuits. But I’m sure woofies around the world appreciate a day to remind their humans of the utmost importance of those yummy treats. All the dogs deserve an extra treat in honor of the day.
Curling is Cool Day: Well, considering it’s played on ice we’d probably go with curling is cold, but then we’re not Tom & Ruth Roy, creators of the day. Besides, despite the jokes about this sport, if it’s in the Olympics it must be cool! Right? Which means curling has been cool for 30 years (the IOC granted medal status to the sport in 1992). Or 24 years if you count from the year medals were first awarded for it at the Olympics. Either way, it’s cool!
National Banana Bread Day: Make sure you have some really overripe bananas on hand for this day, because you’re going to need to make banana bread. Yes, really. Need! Seriously. Don’t go buying something that is sooooooooo simple to make. And infinitely better straight out of the oven (ok, you’re allowed to cool it a bit 😊).
Tootsie Roll Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the first Tootsie Roll sales, February 23, 1896. (Or maybe not; there’s some debate there. But don’t let that stop your celebrations!) How? With Tootsie Rolls, of course! Preferably the original flavor. But if you prefer some of the fruit flavors, we won’t complain!
February 24:
National Tortilla Chip Day: This is the day to enjoy tortilla chips all your favorite ways! Make nachos. Dip ’em in salsa. Or guacamole. Or whatever dip you prefer. You could even eat them plain!
National Toast Day: When you’re done having tortilla chips the way you like ’em it’s time for toast the way you like it! Or have toast first. These are your celebrations, after all. So how do you like your toast? Buttered? With jelly or jam? Buttered and jam? Do you use toast to make your sandwiches?
National Chili Day: Make sure you leave room for chili! Or your could have your tortilla chips and/or toast with your chili … not exactly traditional we know. But still an option! What a delicious day.
February 25:
Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day: Snack on chocolate-covered peanuts. Or the chocolate-covered nut of your choice (because the other name for the day is Chocolate Covered Nuts Day).
Skip The Straw Day: Do like the name says and skip the straw for the day. The single-use plastic straw anyway. If you do need or want a straw, paper or reusable straws are just fine. And then consider skipping single-use plastic straws every day.
National Clam Chowder Day: Clam chowder makes the perfect comfort meal for a cold February day.
February 26:
For Pete’s Sake Day: Everything you do today will be for Pete. Pete who? No clue! Do it for the sake of all the Petes! But if you know a Pete, do it for that specific Pete’s sake.
National Set a Good Example Day: Celebrate the very first Set a Good Example Day by … well … setting a good example! This is, of course, not a new idea. We all have the power to influence others with our actions. Why not make them good influences? And not just for this day, although it is the perfect day to start.
National Tell a Fairy Tale Day: Do like the day’s name says and tell a fairy tale. Create your own, rework an old one (which has been done for centuries!), or just read your favorite fairy tale … aloud to an audience so you can “tell” it!
Open That Bottle Night: If you have a special bottle of wine you’ve been saving for a special occasion, this is it! No matter how your day has been or what is happening in your life, the last Saturday in February is always a special occasion. Salud!
National Pistachio Day: Eat pistachios. We’re not sure how well they go with wine, but there’s nothing stopping you from finding out!
February 27:
International Polar Bear Day: Celebrate the polar bears. And learn why, like many wild animals, polar bear populations are in trouble. Find out what you can do to help, too.
National Retro Day: Got retro for the day! Whatever decade the word “retro” means to you, dress like it, do your hair like it (if you dare!), eat like it, listen to music from it, and talk like it. Watch your favorite movie from then too. And above all, have fun with it!
World NGO Day: Celebrate the amazing work non-governmental and nonprofit organizations around the world do every day. And don’t forget the people, many of them volunteers, who make the organizations’ visions into reality.
National Kahlua Day: Drink Kahlua! Enjoy it on the rocks or make your favorite Kahlua cocktail or other drink. Or try something new.
National Strawberry Day: Have strawberries with your Kahlua? Or strawberry shortcake. Strawberries & cream. Chocolate-dipped strawberries. However you like strawberries, that’s how to celebrate them!