What to Celebrate February 22 thru 28, 2021

Celebration Ideas for February 22 – 28, 2021
Sooo … how’s February ending for you? A lot of the US, including southern states that aren’t used to it, have been seeing freezing temperatures and lots of snow & ice this past week.
And it’s still going to be there next week! Well, here anyway. Those southern states look like they’ll lose their snow & ice by the end of the month.
We, however, are running out of places to put our 14+ inches of snow! But we keep reminding ourselves this too shall pass. And keep our spirits up by finding ways to enjoy each day.
We really do recommend looking on the bright side whenever possible. And finding ways to help when there isn’t much of a bright side.
So do go ahead: Take a peek and plan your week. And yes, whenever possible, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of February
February is almost over, but if you’re managing your time wisely you still have plenty of time for becoming great and rescuing shopping carts. And if you’re not managing your time wisely, use some of the rest of the month to learn how to do that!
Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month: Believe it or not, this monthly celebration has been around since 1969! Because apparently stolen shopping carts have been a problem since the invention of shopping carts. One Chicago grocer channeled his frustration into the creation of this awareness month. So if you have a stolen shopping cart, or you come across a lonely, abandoned cart, return the poor thing to its rightful home. You’ll have done a good deed!
National Time Management Month: Did your New Year’s resolutions include some variation on getting organized or being more productive? You can’t do those things without managing your time well. In fact, pretty much any resolution that involves doing more of something or adding new activities requires good time management. So if your resolutions are flagging, maybe you just need to get your time under control first. Then revisit those resolutions & knock ’em out of the park. Get some tips for getting started here.
Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month: Managing your time better seems like it would be a good start on greatness! Because it’ll help you find the time to make a difference in your family and your community. So think about what you’d like to do, make a plan, and then make the changes necessary to do it!
Weekly Celebrations for February’s 4th Week
This week we work on getting justice for abused animals and stopping invasive species from taking over. We also learn about eating disorders and being smart consumers.
National Justice for Animals Week (February 21 – 27, 2021): Help the Animal Legal Defense Fund raise awareness of animal abuse and their efforts to bring animal abusers to justice. And this wonderful organization helps all animals, not just abused & neglected pets.
National Invasive Species Awareness Week (February 22 – 26, 2021): This is actually Part 1 of this year’s invasive species awareness campaign. This week is about advocacy and spreading information. In May there’s a 2nd week of outreach & education. The idea for both weeks is to raise awareness of the problems invasive species cause and offer solutions.
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 2 – 28, 2021): Learn more about eating disorders and understand they’re more than just not liking how you look. They’re mental disorders that cause people to have unhealthy relationships with food and body image. But people with an eating disorder can learn healthy habits and recover with time and support.
Then National Consumer Protection Week starts on Sunday the 28th, helping you understand your rights, avoid scams, and spend your money wisely.
Celebration Days coming up for Feb. 22 thru Feb. 28
For the final week of February we celebrate wildlife in general and polar bears specifically. We also spay/neuter our pets and bribe our dogs to forgive us with biscuits (or something like that …).
And we inconvenience ourselves for others and the environment (not that skipping a straw is all that inconvenient for most of us).
We fuel all this celebrating with banana bread, chili, margaritas, and more. And most of all, we enjoy another fun-tastic week!
February 22:
National Wildlife Day: Take some time on this day to learn about some of the world’s wildlife, how the animals are important to the web of life, and how we can help those animals in danger of going extinct.
World Thinking Day: This is a day for Girl Scouts around the world to think about their roles in the global community. Those who support the Girl Scouts and their mission may want to see if there are ways they can help their local troops.
For the Love of Mike Day: Tom & Ruth Roy, creator of this day, ask “Who is Mike and why are we supposed to love him?” We’re pretty sure they just wanted a day to honor their son, Michael. So if you know any Mikes, show them some love for this day.
Tex Avery Day: Frederick Bean “Tex” Avery was one of the most influential animation directors ever. He created or helped create many of our most recognizable cartoon characters, from Daffy Duck to Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig. He was born on Feb. 26, so we’re not entirely sure why we’re celebrating him on the 22nd. Just the same, watch some MGM cartoons (he had a hand in most of them between 1942 and 1954) or Looney Tunes (he worked on those as cartoon director from 1936 to 1941) to celebrate.
National Margarita Day: Celebrate the end of Monday with your favorite Margarita. Don’t have a favorite? Find some recipe ideas here. Then raise a toast to Tex Avery & wildlife. And any Mikes you know.
National Cook a Sweet Potato Day: We’ve never tried pairing sweet potatoes with margaritas, but if you think it sounds interesting go for it! At any rate, sweet potatoes are nutritious, low-calorie, high-fiber root vegetables, full of Vitamins A, C, & B6. So bake some whole, make fries with them, mash them, or even make a pie with them! However you love them is the right way to celebrate.
February 23:
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day: This is the day to indulge your dog’s appreciation of all things dog biscuit. So give your good boy (or girl) an extra treat or 2. You’ll definitely get lots of appreciation for your generosity!
World Spay Day: This day is a reminder to pet parents to get their babies “fixed” (despite the name, both neutering and spaying are covered for the day). Because the fewer animals born, the fewer animals that end up in shelters. Also, spayed/neutered animals tend to live longer, so you may get more time with your furbaby.
Curling is Cool Day: Do you agree with the Roys that curling is cool? If you do, this is the day for you! Celebrate by curling. Or watching curling. Or talking someone’s ear off about curling. And if you don’t agree? Why not learn more about curling? You might change your mind! And if you don’t, well at least you’ll have a better understanding of what you’re dissing.
National Tile Day: Once upon a time tile was expensive and only for the rich. These days anyone can add texture and beauty to their homes with tile. Learn more about how you can use tile in your own home—it’s more than just a bathroom floor or kitchen backsplash!
National Banana Bread Day: Do you have some bananas turning brown? Of course you do! But don’t waste them; turn them into yummy bread. Banana bread is equally good for breakfast, a snack, or even dessert. And you can dress it up with just about any nut, chocolate, and even dried fruits. If you don’t have a favorite banana bread recipe, try this one.
February 24:
World Bartender Day: Are the bars near you open? With dropping COVID rates there’s a good chance they are. Especially if they also serve food. So if you feel comfortable, head out to your local bar and support the bartenders there. If you can, give can extra generous tip, too.
Pink Shirt Day: Wear pink to spread the anti-bullying message of the day. Yes, men & boys should wear pink too! Especially because that’s actually how the day started. A boy was bullied for wearing a pink shirt, and two other boys bought pink shirts to school the next day for their classmates to wear in support of the bullied boy. It began in Canada in 2007 but has since spread around the world (some countries hold their pink shirt days on other dates).
Inconvenience Yourself Day: On this day we cause ourselves inconvenience to make life a bit less inconvenient for others. It helps us remember we share this earth with others, and every minute of every day doesn’t have to be about ourselves. Make a positive impact on others’ lives, even if it’s not so convenient to do so. Like, perhaps, wearing that pink shirt. Or shoveling your neighbor’s sidewalk & even driveway (even if you have to start a bit earlier to still make it to work on time). Or letting that person with 3 items at the grocery store go ahead of you & your full cart. If you put a little effort into looking you can find plenty of ways to inconvenience yourself to help others.
National Tortilla Chip Day: Mmmm … forget the potato chips; snack on tortilla chips to celebrate this day. Eat them plain or with salsa. Or make nachos. Heck, make loaded nachos and make a filling meal with those tortilla chips! As long as you’re eating tortilla chips there’s really no wrong way to celebrate.
February 25:
Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day: Snack on chocolate covered peanuts for the day. Or any chocolate covered nuts, because the day’s other name is Chocolate Covered Nuts Day. Eat them alone or make them part of a snack mix.
Digital Learning Day: This day has been around for a decade, but this year it’s more relevant than ever! Digital learning has, of course, come a long way in those years. But even a year ago full digital learning was more for “non-traditional” college students than for younger students. But this past year has highlighted both the benefits and pitfalls of digital learning. Check otu the day’s website for more information on digital learning and tons of resources for students of all levels.
National Toast Day: Do you start your day with toast? If so you’re all ready for this day! If not, you might want to do that. Or have toast any other time of the day. Remember, it doesn’t have to be plain toast! Toast elevates your lunch sandwich to something deli-worthy (well, maybe 😉). And it makes a great side with just about anything, with or without butter or some other topping.
National Clam Chowder Day: Need something to warm you up on a cold February day? Clam chowder to the rescue! Make or order your favorite clam chowder for lunch or dinner. Or try a clam chowder you’ve never had before. There’s more kinds than just New England or Manhattan! Consider a Long Island Clam Chowder. Or maybe you’d prefer a Rhode Island Clam Chowder?
National Chili Day: Don’t plan on clam chowder for 2 meals, though. You need to save one of them for chili! Simmer a big batch of your favorite chili recipe to enjoy for this day and another day. Chili freezes well, too. So you could pop some in the freezer for a day when you just don’t want to cook!
February 26:
For Pete’s Sake Day: For this day we celebrate that kinda weird expression people use (or used to use?) to show frustration. As in: “For Pete’s sake, not again!” or “Can’t you sit still, for Pete’s sake?” How to celebrate? That’s all up to you.
Skip the Straw Day: On this day we do without straws to sip our drinks. Unless they’re paper or reusable, anyway. Because each little straw may be small, but they really do add up. And lots of small changes then add up to real progress on fighting plastic pollution.
National Tell a Fairy Tale Day: On this day we do like its name says and tell a fairy tale. Any fairy tale will do. So read your favorite fairy tale. Or a new fairy tale. Or make up a fairy tale! Tell your kids fairy tales, or read them for yourself. Yes, adults are allowed to like fairy tales!
World Pistachio Day: Snack on pistachios while telling those fairy tales!
February 27:
International Polar Bear Day: Support polar bear conservation! Because their habitat is changing, making their survival iffy. Some of the polar bear populations we know of are doing better than others. But overall the polar bears face serious challenges to their survival.
Anosmia Awareness Day: If you’ve never heard of anosmia you’re not alone. People with this condition can’t smell. Some people are born with it, others lose their ability to smell later. It may be permanent or temporary. In fact, if you have heard of anosmia it may have been recently, as a symptom or side effect of COVID-19. For some people it is an early sign of infection. And it can last well after the infection is gone. Learn more about the condition for this day, and help spread the word about it.
World Information Architecture Day: On this day we celebrate the art of making information understandable. Each year this day has a theme, and for 2021 the theme is “Curiosity.” So if you’re curious (and you should be!) check it out.
Open that Bottle Night: Do you have a special bottle of wine (or 2 or 10!) that you’ve been saving for a “special occasion”? Well this is that special occasion! Open one of those bottles, with a special someone if you’d like, and enjoy it. A more “special occasion” is never guaranteed to any of us. Heck tomorrow isn’t guaranteed—it’s likely but not guaranteed! So stop waiting to enjoy and just enjoy.
National Kahlua Day: Since you’ll be drinking wine this evening, may we suggest you use this coffee flavored liqueur in or on your dessert? It enhances everything from cakes (including cheesecake & brownies!) to ice cream!
National Strawberry Day: Add strawberries to your dessert along with that Kahlua? Or snack on them. Maybe add some to a salad? Or smoothie. If you love picking strawberries, take some time to find a pick-your-own strawberry farm to visit for Pick Strawberries Day in May.
February 28:
Rare Disease Day: A rare disease is one that affects fewer than 5 out of 10,000 people. Although that can still be a lot of people! And there are thousands of these diseases, some rarer than others. Why not learn about a few of them? If someone you know has a rare disease, consider donating to research into it or helping raise awareness of it.
Floral Design Day: Brighten up your home for these still-grey winter days with flowers! But don’t just stick a bunch of flowers in a vase and call it a day. No! Buy or create a nice arrangement. If you’d like to make one yourself but aren’t sure where to start, start here! Scroll past the info on the formal school classes to find lots of free mini-lessons.
National Tooth Fairy Day: It would be perfect if your child loses a tooth for this day! But since that’s unlikely (don’t force a tooth, even if it’s loose!), take some time to review good teeth hygiene with your kids. And color some tooth fairies!
National Chocolate Souffle Day: After creating awesome floral designs and coloring tooth fairy masterpieces you deserve chocolate. Chocolate souffle, that is! And since it’s much easier to make than you might think, why not whip up one more masterpiece for the day, your very own, homemade chocolate souffle!