What to Celebrate February 25 to March 3, 2019

Celebration Ideas for February 25 – March 3, 2019
Welcome to the final Friday in February!
Are you hoping March will be warmer & less snowy? Or, depending on where you live, maybe you’re hoping for cooler? And less (or more) rain?
Well while we’re looking toward the future, let’s consider a slightly closer future: Next week! As usual there are lots of special days & weeks to choose from.
Some are serious, others are silly. Actually all the week-long celebrations are serious this time ‘round. And so are a fair number of days. But there’s silliness too!
Quite a few days are delightfully delicious. Others are relaxing. And on the 3rd we get patriotic.
So what are you waiting for? Go take a peek and plan your week! And always remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of February (and get a jump on March)
You have a few days left to enjoy hot breakfasts, baking, feeding the birds, and writing haiku. Plus weddings and pies!
But don’t forget March arrives at the end of the week, so we bring you one delicious and one serious month-long observance to get you started.
For February:
Great American Pie Month: Pies! Yes, there’s only a few days left in the month, but let’s make the most of them. Make your favorite pie(s). Try a new pie recipe you’ve had your eye one. If you go out to eat leave room for dessert, and then order a slice of pie! And we won’t tell if you decide to extend your pie celebrations into March. 😉
National Wedding Month: June may be many-a-bride’s first choice for a wedding date, but February is the month we celebrate the love & commitment that ceremony symbolizes. Why? Well, February is when wedding planning for those summer wedding goes into high gear. The month hosts tons of wedding shows. Also, the month has 2 popular wedding dates, the 14th (I wonder why?! 😉 ) and (every 4 years at least) Feb. 29. And Valentine’s Day is a popular day to get engaged (although not the most popular).
For March:
National Breast Implant Awareness Month: Every few years concerns about side effects from breast implants make the news again. It’s been happening for decades. But this is only the 2nd year for Breast Implant Awareness Month. It promotes helping women make informed decisions about implants. A group of women who have been affected by implant side effects formed The Implant Truth Survivors Committee (yes, TITS Committee!) and they founded the month last year.
National Sauce Month: Sauces can turn almost any plain meal into a tantalizing delight. And sauces don’t have to be heavy and/or fatty. They just need to be flavorful to do the job. So get creative with sauces for the entire month of March. Popular condiments—ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise for example—also count as sauces and can also be good bases for more complex sauces. Don’t forget sweet sauces—chocolate & caramel sauces!—for your desserts.
Weekly Celebrations for February 25 – March 3
It’s a rather serious week this time. We spend this week speaking out for abused & neglected animals while stopping other animals (and plants, bugs, etc) from spreading outside their natural range.
And we consider eating disorders & what causes them.
National Justice for Animals Week (Feb. 24 – March 2): This week asks you to be the voice for abused and neglected animals. Not just pets, but all animals. Wildlife, livestock, working animals … all animals.
National Invasive Species Awareness Week (Feb. 25 – March 1): For this week we consider ways to stop invasive species from spreading & taking over from native species. Especially since invasive species usually get to their new homes via humans.
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Feb. 25 – March 3): Do you or someone you know have an eating disorder? It’s more common than you might think. And there are more kinds of disordered eating than anorexia or bulemia. This week invites you to learn about them, share your story, and clear up misunderstandings about eating disorders.
Celebration Days coming up for Feb. 25 thru Mar. 3
The week starts out on a delicious note, as we enjoy clam chowder, chocolate-covered nuts, and cupcakes! Surely it’s all downhill from there?
But no. Because we go on to eat pistachios, tell fairy tales, and enjoy Kahlua in everything. We also protect horses & polar bears, try our hand at floral design, and unplug for a day.
Plus much more!
Yep, we do have the makings of another fun-tastic week!
February 25:
National Chocolate-Covered Nut Day: Snack on chocolate covered nuts all day! And do it guilt-free because chocolate and nuts are both good for you. (But you probably still shouldn’t make a meal out of them …).
National Clam Chowder Day: Enjoy a rich, creamy bowl of clam chowder for this day. If you’d like to make it yourself, try this recipe. This one’s for New England clam chowder, but there are many other varieties, including Delaware, Puget Sound and Minorcan clam chowders.
National Cupcake Day: This is technically a Canadian day, but there’s nothing stopping you from celebrating elsewhere! All you do is have a party with cupcakes (and/or other treats) and ask for donations from all attendees. Then donate the money to your local humane society or animal welfare/rescue organization.
February 26:
World Spay Day: Also called Spay Day USA, this day promotes getting your pets spayed or neutered. Why? Because it can prevent many different problems for your pet and also help with the pet overpopulation problem. That’s a win all around.
For Pete’s Sake Day: We still haven’t figured out who this Pete is. Or why he’s so special we should do things for his sake. But if you know a Pete, I guess you know what to do for this day?
National/World Pistachio Day: Enjoy pistachios! They’re good for you, so snack on ‘em & cook with ‘em all day. And then recycle the shells in the bottom of your houseplants’ pots for better drainage (rinse them first if they’re salted).
Tell a Fairy Tale Day: Read your favorite fairy tale for this day. If you have kids read it to them. Then have them read you their favorites. Or make up your own & share it.
February 27:
International Polar Bear Day: Take some time to learn about polar bears and conservation efforts to save them. Did you know that there are 19 known populations of polar bears? Scientists only have good data on about half of them.
National Strawberry Day: Enjoy sweet, juicy strawberries for this day … if you can find good ones anyway. Their best season doesn’t start until late April. But if you can’t enjoy fresh strawberries, at least make plans to visit a strawberry patch or plant your own when the time is right. And frozen strawberries will work just fine if you make smoothies. Yum!
National Kahlua Day: Add Kahlua to everything for this day! Well, maybe not everything … But have a splash in your morning coffee & make a Kahlua cocktail after work. Make a Kahlua-infused dessert, too. Like these brownies, maybe?
February 28:
Rare Disease Day: Learn about some of the rare diseases for this day. Did you know there are around 7000 of them?
National Chili Day: If you’re anything like us you’ve been having chili regularly all winter. And here’s your opportunity to have it again! Make your favorite chili recipe or try something new.
Floral Design Day: Decorate your home & office with flowers for the day. Maybe even try creating a floral design yourself.
National Tooth Fairy Day: Talk with your kids about oral health for this day. Hopefully you’ve already been emphasizing the importance of brushing & flossing, but for this day have a bit of extra fun with it. Check out these Tooth Fairy Activities! There’s coloring pages, word finds, & more.
March 1:
National Horse Protection Day: Horses get neglected & abused just like other animals. Learn more about the problem & how you can help. No, you don’t have to adopt a horse … although if you want to & you can, that’d be awesome! There are still plenty of other ways to help, like supporting a horse rescue or sanctuary.
National Pig Day: Celebrate the pig! Two sisters created the day back in 1972 to “accord the pig its rightful, though generally unrecognized place as one of man’s most intellectual and domesticated animals.” See if a school or zoo near you is having any events for the day.
National Day of Unplugging: This day actually starts at sundown Friday and runs until sundown Saturday. The idea is to turn off all your electronics & live in the real world for 24 hours. Can you do it?
National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day: Eat peanut butter all day! Make peanut butter pancakes for breakfast. Have a peanut butter & jelly sandwich for lunch. Make Crunchy Peanut Chicken Salad for dinner. And some No-Bake Peanut Butter Bars for dessert. You can even make your own peanut butter to fuel your peanut buttery day!
March 2:
Dr. Seuss Day: Celebrate the great Dr. Seuss’ birthday with your favorite Dr. Seuss stories. And yes, adults can have favorite Dr. Seuss stories! But if you have young kids it would be nice to also read their favorites. 😊
National Banana Cream Pie Day: Mmmmm … banana cream pie … the perfect excuse to extend National Pie Month (February) for at least a couple of extra days. Here are 4 recipes for you to consider (well, actually one’s a parfait, but we’re not complaining).
Sock Monkey Day: On the 1st Saturday in March we celebrate the sock monkey! And in Rockford, IL—the home of the Nelson Knitting Company which made the original red-heeled socks used to make that iconic sock monkey—there’s a festival every year. But even if you can’t make it to Rockford you can celebrate this fun toy. The Midway Village Museum in Rockford sells them. Or maybe you’d like to try to make one.
March 3:
What if Dogs and Cats had Opposable Thumbs? Day: Have you ever considered the possibilities of this? No? Well, you better. ‘Cause if dogs & cats do ever evolve to have these useful digits, humans are in big trouble!
National Mulled Wine Day: If dogs & cats had opposable thumbs we’d all need a whole lot more wine! And even thinking about the possibility may require a nice, relaxing glass. So Mulled Wine Day arrives on just the right day! Warm up and relax with a glass of heated & spiced deliciousness. Need a recipe? Try this one from Jamie Oliver (he says it’s super easy).
National Anthem Day: The Star Spangled Banner became the United States’ national anthem on March 3, 1931. Celebrate by singing the whole thing. Do you know the whole thing? Find all the verses here.