What to Celebrate February 4 to 10, 2019

Celebration Ideas for February 4 – 10, 2019
If you were affected by this week’s polar vortex we hope you got through it without major issues.
With warmer temperatures forecast for the foreseeable future—above freezing even for a few days!—it’s time to put that deep freeze in the rear-view mirror. And look ahead to making next week much more pleasant. Fun, even!
There’s some seriousness in there … being a responsible pet owner, burn awareness, and mental health, for example.
But there’s lots of deliciousness too. Like pizza & cream cheese brownies. And we deserve that for surviving this week!
So come on. Jump right in to take a peek and plan your week!
And as always …
Celebrate All February Long
This week we highlight some animal-related month-long celebrations. So for February plan to keep your pet healthy & happy and help out your backyard birds too.
National Prevent a Litter Month: It’s up to us, the loving pet owners to make sure our pets don’t have babies we may not be able to find homes for. Because even though “everybody wants puppies & kittens” it’s harder than you think to get them all into loving homes. And shelters & rescue organizations fill up with adoptable babies every year too. Let’s be the solution … spay & neuter all our pets!
National Pet Dental Health Month: Dental health is just as important for your pets as it is for you! Learn more about how to keep your pet’s teeth & mouth healthy for this month.
Responsible Pet Owner’s Month: Having a pet involves a lot of responsibility. You’ve promised to love & care for your pet and give it a good life. And February is dedicated to that idea … being a responsible pet owner. Start by celebrating the above 2 months (Prevent a Litter and Pet Dental Health). Then find more simple tips here.
National Bird Feeding Month: February can be a rough month for all of us. Many parts of the US are freezing & snowy & just plain miserable. Birds in these areas have it especially tough as they try to find food. We can help by setting up feeding stations in our yards. As a bonus we get to watch them!
Weekly Celebrations for February 4 – 10
Early February brings us some serious week-long observations. We review burn safety, help our kids grow up mentally strong, and try to educate chained dogs owners on why to change their ways.
National Burn Awareness Week (February 3 – 9): For this week learn how to identify potential burn situations & how to avoid getting burnt. From scalding yourself while cooking to spilling chemicals on your skin, it’s entirely too easy to accidentally cause a burn if you’re not paying attention.
Children’s Mental Health Week (February 4 – 10): Mental health conditions can affect anyone, including children. If your child (or any child you know) is struggling it may be more than just “a phase” or a normal part of growing up. It’s important to find out and, if necessary, get your child the help that can help him or her grow up mentally healthy.
Have a Heart for a Chained Dog Week (February 7 – 14): This week brings attention to the sad life of dogs left chained outside all the time. It has been sponsored by Dogs Deserve Better (although we can’t confirm if it still is), which works to educate dog owners to help them understand the benefits of making their dogs part of the family.
Celebration Days coming up for Feb. 4 thru Feb. 10
This week we have something for Math fans, Chemistry fans, and sports fans alike.
We also thank our mail carriers, wave at our neighbors, and … shower with friends?!?
Of course there’s food to enjoy. Laughter to be had. And relaxation to savor. Plus much more.
So let’s make it another fun-tastic week!
February 4:
USO Day: Honor the organization that does so much to support our troops on the anniversary of its creation.
National Hemp Day: It’s the 1st annual National Hemp Day! And it’s about time this amazing plant got its own day. We can use it to make products ranging from paper and building materials (hempcrete—a replacement for concrete!) to clothing and biofuels. And yes, CBD oils.
National Thank a Mail Carrier Day: For all the griping we do about the US Postal Service, most of its employees are truly friendly, helpful people. And they deserve our thanks. If you happen to live in the Midwest, this day comes just in time for you to thank your mail carrier for being out in the exeptionally brutal cold we’ve just experienced. Seriously, thank any mail carriers you see on this day, whether they’re “yours” or not!
February 5:
World Nutella Day: Mmmm … Is there anything Nutella can’t make better? It’s an awesome toast topping, cake frosting, and sandwich cookie filling. It dresses up crepes, pancakes, and fruit. And it’s just delightful by the spoonful! And this is the day to enjoy it in all its glory.
Western Monarch Day: The Monarch butterflies (both Eastern and Western populations) are in trouble. The Eastern Monarch seems to be having a good year, but the number of Western Monarchs in California just hit a record low. 😢 If this continues they’ll become just another memory. Celebrate this day by learning more about them and how we can all work together to save them.
Safer Internet Day: This day started in the EU back in 2004. But internet issues like cyberbullying, identity theft, and misinformation are worldwide problems. And so this day has become a global one. See how the US is celebrating here.
National Shower with a Friend Day: On this day you can save water and have a bit of fun by showering with a friend! Or not. The name is actually just a bit of fun. The true reason for the day is to “educate people on the benefits of showering in fresh, filtered water.” And to highlight how chlorine in your water can affect you.
February 6:
National Frozen Yogurt Day: Brrrr! Around here pretty much any yogurt left outside in February will be frozen in no time flat! But no matter. This day celebrates the yogurt we freeze on purpose to create a yummy ice cream-like treat. And whatever the weather is like where you live, enjoy a frozen yogurt to celebrate the day. See if any shops near you have any deals for the day (or even freebies!).
National Signing Day: If you’re a college sports fan you probably already know this. But here’s your reminder to find out who signs letters of intent with your favorite team. If you’re not into college sports, learn why your college sports fan friends are so excited for the day.
National Girls & Women in Sports Day: Speaking of sports, girls & women are just as able to achieve great things in their chosen sport as boys & men. This day celebrates all the female athletes who get out there to give it their all.
February 7:
National Periodic Table Day: Ah, the periodic table. An attempt to create order out of weird elements. Or something like that. ;) An early attempt was published on Feb. 7, 1863. It’s changed a lot since then, but we still celebrate that 1st publication.
e Day: This is apparently one of those days only math nerds understand (not that there’s anything wrong with being a math nerd!). If you want to know what the heck e is, this page explains it as well as any other we’ve seen. But we still have no clue. The one thing we understand is that we celebrate on 2/7 because e = 2.7xxx (and on & on). Of course in many countries 2/7 means July 2, so depending on where you live you may believe we’re celebrating wrong. But here in the US we’re contrary & we’ll celebrate on Feb. 7.
Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day: We just love Tom & Ruth Roy’s holidays (maybe you can tell?)! They fun & silly & sometimes also kind of serious. This one asks you to put aside petty differences you may have with your neighbors for at least one day & wave hello to them.
Fettucine Alfredo Day: All that Chemistry & Math & waving at neighbors is enough to work up an appetite! Lucky for us all Fettucine Alfredo is a rich, satisfying meal able to fuel plenty more waving. And math or Chemistry if you’re so inclined. So head out to your favorite restaurant or make a big dish this creamy, cheesy meal at home .
February 8:
Laugh and Get Rich Day: On this day you must laugh. And laughter has many benefits, including to your mood and possibly even your health (it may help lower blood pressure & strengthen your immune system). What about the get rich part you ask? Well, laughing is unlikely to directly make you rich in money. But people who laugh tend to be happier. And people who are happier are more likely to do well at their jobs … which is more likely to lead to more money. Plus being happier is a kind of wealth in its own way. Why not at least give it a try?
National Kite Flying Day: Flying kites seems to be a fun activity that can make you laugh. So simply flying a kite could help you enjoy 2 celebrations at once! Of course, flying a kite in knee-deep snow can be hard. So if the weather isn’t cooperating where you live, consider spending the day making a kite. And making plans to fly it when the weather does permit. Maybe even research if there are any kite festivals near you later in the year and plan to attend!
Boy Scouts of America Day: Celebrate the birthday of the Boy Scouts of America, Feb. 8, 1910.
February 9:
Read in the Bathtub Day: Surely you know what to do for this day … right? Preferably without your phone. Seriously. Leave it outside the bathroom. You can do it!
National Pizza Day: Enjoy a slice or 2 of your favorite pizza after relaxing in the tub with your favorite reading material. Or before. It’s completely up to you. Go out for your pizza, have it delivered, or consider making it yourself. Try this Perfect Pepperoni Pizza [] (pepperoni tops 36 % of pizzas sold!). Or maybe French Bread Pizza & let each person add their own favorite toppings. Then have a Fresh Fruit Cookie Pizza for dessert (hey, nobody said you had to stick with savory pizzas!)
National Toothache Day: No, despite the name we’re not really celebrating toothaches. At least, we don’t think we are. Because ouch! That would be crazy. Instead let’s use the day to make sure we’re practicing good oral hygiene, which can help prevent some of the problems that lead to toothache!
February 10:
Autism Sunday: People with autism are often misunderstood. Especially since autism isn’t just one well-defined disorder that’s easy to understand. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. So do that for this day.
Umbrella Day: Celebrate the umbrella! It keeps us dry, protects from the sun, and (if it’s strong enough) can even function as a cane. And yet we rarely think about it. Even worse, we curse it when we let it get turned inside out by the wind. Poor little umbrella …
National Home Warranty Day: Do you have a home warranty? Not homeowners insurance, but a warranty that help cover replacement or repair of things like your furnace or electrical system. Many people don’t even realize this exists! But it can be a valuable policy to have. At the very least it’s worth learning more to see if it’s right for you. 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty created this day in 2016.
National Cream Cheese Brownies Day: Yum! If there’s anything that can make chocolate brownies better it’s cream cheese! And you deserve a yummy chocolaty snack after all that learning and umbrella-ing you’re doing for this day. Make them yourself it you can. Try this recipe.