What to Celebrate February 7 thru 13, 2022

Celebration Ideas for February 7 – 13, 2022
Welcome to the end of another week! We hope it’s been a good one.
It’s been a busy one here, so without further ado we’ll invite you to take a peek and plan your week. And always remember to …
Celebrate All February Long
Does snacking together make for a good relationship? How about writing Haiku together? We’re not sure! But we do know cherries make a great snack, whether enjoyed alone or with a loved one.
National Snack Food Month: Get through the long, dark, cold days of February with snacks! Just do try to make most of them healthy snacks, because you don’t want to have to work too hard to burn off too many extra calories.
Relationship Wellness Month: February is usually billed as being all about love. But just because you love someone doesn’t mean your relationship with that person is a healthy one. Learn what a healthy relationship looks like and how to nurture your relationships for this month.
Haiku Writing Month: It’s baaaaack! Time to write Haiku! Go ahead, give it a try.
National Cherry Month: February isn’t only about love and Haiku. It’s also about cherries! Did President Washington really chop down a cherry tree? Probably not, but who cares?! His birthday was in February too. So it’s as good an excuse as any to celebrate these sweet (or tart) fruits. Eat them fresh, bake with them, cook with them, just enjoy them all month long.
Weekly Celebrations for Feb. 7 to 13
Protect your home and your heart for this week.
Burn Awareness Week (February 6 – 12, 2022): Is your home safe from burn risks? Are you sure? Learn more and be sure for this week.
Dump Your Significant Jerk Week (February 6 – 12, 2022): Dating a jerk? Want to get out of a bad relationship? You know you need to do that before Valentine’s Day, right? Because spending Valentine’s Day with someone you just don’t like anymore is worse than spending it alone! (Yes, yes it is!) So now you have a whole week that’s a ready-made excuse to just get it done. Do it!
And plan ahead, because Random Acts of Kindness Week starts on Sunday, Feb. 13. (Is dumping your Significant Jerk a random act of kindness? In a roundabout way yes! Because then you are both free to find your way to real happiness)
Celebration Days coming up for Feb. 7 thru Feb. 13
Wave at your neighbors, fly a kite (maybe with your neighbors?), and laugh. Dump your cable company and your wireless company. And be happy being single.
Whip up some Fettuccine Alfredo, bagels & lox, and plum pudding. Enjoy it all alone or with your significant other, friends, or even those neighbors you waved at.
However you choose to spend the week, make it a fun-tastic one!
February 7:
Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day: Tom & Ruth Roy want us to wave at our neighbors and mean it. Yes, even if you’ve been feuding with those neighbors since the day they (or you) moved in.
National Periodic Table Day: On this date in 1863 John Newlands, an English chemist, published his version of the periodic table. It wasn’t the first table created, and it wasn’t too terribly accurate, but it was the first one published. Flaws in his table (and later ones, too) were corrected over time, and new elements added of course, but we still celebrate that first published table. How well do you know your periodic table?
National Send a Card to a Friend Day: Send at least one friend an actual, physical card in the mail for this day. For no reason other than to say “I’m thinking of you”. Well, and because you want to celebrate this day! No, an ecard won’t do. Not for this day. Let all your friends know you care, if you’re feeling ambitious!
National Fettuccine Alfredo Day: Fettuccine Alfredo is definitely not a health food! Made right it’s chock full of butter and cream and cheese. But a good Alfredo sauce is absolutely worth it! So if you have a favorite place to get Fettucine Alfredo, plan to go there for dinner to celebrate this day. Or make your own Alfredo sauce to dress a dish of Fettucine.
February 8:
National Kite Flying Day: Go fly a kite! Yes, in February. As long as you’re not in the middle of a blizzard (or polar vortex) there’s no reason you can’t get out and enjoy the fresh air. And flying a kite is fun for everyone, young and old alike. Of course, you’ll need a kite …
Boy Scout Anniversary Day: The Boy Scouts of America was incorporated on this date in 1910. Although the organization has had its challenges over the years, it has also helped generations of boys learn survival skills and grow up with confidence. Remember your own time in Scouts, give a shoutout to any Scouts or Troop Leaders you know, or just learn more about the organization to celebrate.
Laugh and Get Rich Day: Laugh often and loudly all day and you will be rich. Not in dollars, of course, but in happiness. And isn’t that the best wealth of all?
February 9:
Read in the Bathtub Day: This day is pretty self-explanatory. And immensely enjoyable! Draw yourself a bath (with or without bubbles), climb in with a good book, and relax. Lock the door if you have to. And forbid anyone from disturbing you for anything other than a life-threatening emergency (make sure you define “life-threatening”).
National Cut the Cord Day: Two years ago Sling TV decided we all need to “cut the cord” to cable TV and switch to streaming. And to encourage it, the company offered exclusive deals to new and returning customers. If you’ve been considering making the switch, this could be a good day to do it. We’re not sure if Sling is offering specials this year, but if the move would be good for you, do you really need them? (We understand you want them … we do too!) And Sling TV is, of course, far from the only streaming option. Look around, see what’ll work for you, and then cut the cord!
National Toothache Day: Why the heck would we celebrate toothaches?!?? Well, we’re not really. This day is more of a reminder of what could happen if you don’t take care of your teeth. So if you haven’t had a visit with your dentist in more than 6 months, get that scheduled! And if you accidentally chip a tooth (or worse!) get it checked out & fixed before you end up with sensitivity or an infection. We celebrate on the feast day of Saint Apollonia, patron saint of dentists and tooth problems.
Orange Day: This day is part of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (February) and Respect Week (Feb. 7 – 11, 2022). Learn more about teen dating violence and how to recognize it. Then wear orange to show your support, raise awareness, and encourage conversations.
National Bagel and Lox Day: Start your day with the simple but supremely delicious bagels and lox. Now a bagel topped with cream cheese and cured salmon (lox) is perfect as is. But sometimes you might want to get fancy. Consider some of these ideas to dress up your bagels and lox.
National Pizza Day: Look at that, you can both start and end your day with tasty food celebrations. It’s pizza for dinner! Order or make your favorite.
February 10:
Umbrella Day: Rain or shine (or snow!) for this day you must use an umbrella.
National Giving Hearts Day: This is the day we give to our favorite charities! The “giving season” (winter holidays) is over, but charities’ needs never end. It began as a 24-hour fundraising event for North Dakota and northwest Minnesota charities. And it still is. But it can also be a day for everyone, everywhere to open their hearts and wallets to help their chosen causes. Will you be participating?
National Home Warranty Day: This is the day to learn how a home warranty can protect your appliances and other items in your home not covered by homeowners’ insurance. A home warranty can be a cost-effective way to ensure you can quickly and easily repair or replace the things that can and do break down (often at the worst possible time!).
World Pulses Day: Take some time for this nutritious day to learn about pulses (what the heck are they?) and how they can be great additions to a healthy diet. They can also contribute to better, more sustainable farming practices. So they’re good for you, for farmers, and for the earth! Now that’s a win-win-win worth celebrating.
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day: Clearly you’re going to have to make and eat cream cheese brownies. And don’t you deserve a sweet treat for adding nutritious pulses to your diet?
February 11:
White Shirt Day: Put on a white shirt and learn about the 44 day strike at the Flint, Michigan General Motors plant in 1936-1937. The strike was over the workers’ right to unionize, and they won. We honor these workers on the anniversary of the strike’s end, on February 11, 1937.
Be Electrific Day: Celebrate the birth of Thomas Alva Edison, inventor of the light bulb and other useful things. Now, he didn’t invent electricity, but he sure did put it to good use! And according to Carolyn Finch, you can also put the electricity in your own body to good use, helping to keep you healthy and feeling great. Whether you believe that or think it’s just a bunch of woo, learn a bit more about it for this day.
International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Take some time (or the whole day!) to give women and girls in Science the recognition they were denied for too long. Seriously, Marie Curie only got a Nobel Prize in Physics because her husband refused to accept his prize if her contributions were ignored. So the prize committee split his half prize (he shared it with Antoine Henri Becquerel) in half again so she got 1/4 prize. And while Marie did get her own prize in Chemistry 8 years later, and other women have also won awards for their scientific endeavors, Science is still too much male-centric. Hopefully this day can help change that. How will you celebrate?
Satisfied Staying Single Day: Don’t have a significant other to celebrate that romantic holiday coming up in just a few days? Celebrate yourself and the fact that you’re good enough and you’re all you really need. That doesn’t mean you can’t hope for and go looking for love. But it does mean you won’t settle and you’re just fine being single.
National Peppermint Patty Day: This day is for anyone who loves the shockingly (but also refreshingly!) minty wafer covered in chocolate known as a peppermint patty. So indulge!
February 12:
Darwin Day: It’s Charles Darwin’s birthday! Celebrate the man who helped us understand natural selection and evolution.
Lost Penny Day: Celebrate the lowly penny on the birthday of the man featured on this copper-colored coin, Abraham Lincoln. Why “lost penny”? We’re not sure! Maybe because so many pennies get “lost” in pockets, purses, couches, and many other places, never to be spent again. Or maybe because the US government “loses” an awful lot of pennies making pennies, since it costs more to make that penny than it’s worth!
Safety Pup Day: Celebrate the birthday of the National Child Safety Council’s safety mascot, Safety Pup! This cute little pup has helped kids understand how to stay safe in many different situations since February 12, 1985. Why not have your kids throw Safetypup a party? A safety themed party of course. Maybe with some of these free downloadable resources.
National Plum Pudding Day: Make plum pudding. Eat plum pudding. Wonder about the name. Because while this recipe does use plums, they’re not actually required for making plum pudding, and many recipes leave them out!
February 13:
National Tortellini Day: Eat tortellini all day! Or at least for one meal. Because how else can you possibly celebrate these little pockets of delight?
Autism Sunday: Learn about autism and speak up for the rights of people with autism. Because they really are just people, like the rest of us. They just happen to have some unique challenges that can be hard for many of us to understand. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day: So on the 9th you break up with cable TV, and a few days later you break up with your wireless provider! Unless you already have T-Mobile, anyway. Because T-Mobile created this day in 2019 to encourage people to leave their other carriers (primarily Verizon and AT&T) and switch to T-Mobile. Sooo … will you be switching?
World Radio Day: Celebrate the radio! Because even with the internet seemingly offering all the news & entertainment anyone could want (and more!), radio is still an important medium for connecting us with important information. Of course, much “radio” can also be found online, especially in the form of podcasts. But traditional radio is still important, especially for communities where digital access may be limited.
Get a Different Name Day: Do you like your name? Love your name? Hate your name? None of that matters for this day, because you get to use whatever name you desire for the day! This fun day comes to you from Tom & Ruth Roy. Which leaves us wondering which one of them wanted a different name …