What to Celebrate February 8 thru 14, 2021

Celebration Ideas for February 8 – 14, 2021
If you celebrate Valentine’s Day you have just over a week left to plan it. Or maybe less depending on when you’re reading this. 😧
But don’t let the stress of one romantic day overwhelm you! There’s plenty of other things to celebrate all week. Some may even give you inspiration for V-Day! Like cream cheese brownies for dessert and peppermint patty cocktails to toast your love.
Although before all of that we understand there’s some sort of big game on Sunday. 😁 We hope your team wins! And that you won’t have to celebrate Football Hangover Day …
So before you get too far into your planning for these 2 big Sundays, jump right in to take a peek and plan your week.
And of course, remember to …
Celebrate All February Long
February is all about food. Safe food, delicious food, and eating food differently. And yoga. But not just any yoga. Yoga with goats!
This might just be the best February ever.
National Goat Yoga Month: If you love yoga and animals (more specifically goats!), then this is the month for you. You get to practice yoga. With goats. Well, technically you can practice goat yoga any day of the year, but February is special. See if there are any goat yoga classes near you to join!
National Fasting February: Some evidence suggests intermittent fasting can improve metabolism & health. If that sounds interesting to you, you might want to try it to celebrate this month. It’s safe for most healthy people, but it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting. Learn more about intermittent fasting from the creator of the day, LifeOmic. Download the LIFE Fasting Tracker app too.
National Canned Food Month: Canned foods are just as nutritious as fresh in many cases. And of course they store better than fresh! If you can it yourself you even know exactly what’s in it. So use this month to learn more about how foods are preserved in cans & jars to be more confident in their nutrition and safety. And if you have a garden, learn how you can can your garden bounty,too.
Bake for Family Fun Month: If you live where February is winter, and winter is cold, then this month is often dreary and not much fun. So we must make it fun! And baking is fun. Especially with the whole family. What to bake? Whatever you love! The Home Baking Association also has some ideas. And the next celebration can help too …
Great American Pies Month: Your month of family baking fun must include pies! Since it is American pie month one of those pies must be apple. Beyond that, make all your favorites. And try at least one new pie. Get some inspiration from some past Pie Council’s National Pie Contest Winners.
Weekly Celebrations for February’s 2nd Week
Bird-watchers can help science. Everybody can help prevent burns & help chained dogs. And freelance writers get some love … maybe.
Great Backyard Bird Count (February 12 – 15, 2021): Spend at least 15 minutes counting birds in your backyard or a nearby park on at least one of these days. That’s all it takes to help scientists track & understand bird populations & how they’re changing. You can count more, too.
Burn Awareness Week (February 7 – 13, 2021): Is your home safe from burn hazards? Most of us probably have things we could do better to prevent burns. We know this because burns are one of the top injuries in the US. So spend some time this week learning what you can do better to keep yourself and your family safe from burns.
Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week (February 7 – 14, 2021): Help Dogs Deserve Better, founder of this day, help chained and neglected dogs find the loving homes they deserve. Learn more about the organization, the animal welfare laws in your area, & how you can help chained dogs. Donate if you can. And if you know of a chained dog, you can contact DDB for help in getting the ball rolling on finding rescue for the dog. Of course, do this any day or week of the year, not just for this week!
Freelance Writers Appreciation Week (February 8 – 13, 2021): Do you realize much of the content you read on the internet is written by freelance writers? But in many, many cases they get no credit for it at all. No byline or even contributor credit. So they’ll certainly appreciate any appreciation you can give! If you know any freelance writers, talk with them about their work. If you use freelance writers, make sure they know how much you value them. At least a thank you. But a gift card would also be welcome!
Random Acts of Kindness Week starts on Sunday the 14th. Why not think of ways you can spread kindness all week?
Celebration Days coming up for Feb. 8 thru Feb. 14
Of course, Sunday is Valentine’s Day. But there’s so much to do before then! And even on Valentine’s Day there’s other celebrations you can include to make your day uniquely yours. Like riding a Ferris wheel and signing up to be a blood or organ donor.
But first … clean out your computer & practice safe internetting. Then cut the (cable) cord & break up with your (wireless) carrier.
Enjoy pizza and pulses. And peppermint patties and plum pudding!
So how will you create your fun-tastic week?
February 8:
National Football Hangover Day: If you watch that big football game on Sunday the 7th you’re likely to be feeling a bit worse for the wear. And it probably doesn’t matter whether your team won or lost. Or even whether or not you had any alcohol. That hung over feeling could just as easily be from too much food and/or too little sleep. The appropriate way to celebrate? Call in sick to work and nurse that hangover, of course! Even better, just schedule the day off if your boss will let you.
National Clean Out Your Computer Day: The timing of this day this year is not great! Because who feels like cleaning out their computers with a hangover? On the other hand, it requires much less thinking than a lot of other tasks, so maybe it’s the perfect day to do it? At any rate, you will feel better, and maybe even more productive, once you’ve cleared out the digital clutter.
National Kite Flying Day: Most days if you tell someone to “go fly a kite” you’re telling them to go away. But not on Feb. 8! Because for this one day you’ll be telling them to celebrate the fun of kite flying. Now, depending on where you live you might have to run through knee-deep snow to get that kite airborne, but give it a shot! It’s the perfect excuse to play in the snow. 😁 And it’s infinitely more fun than cleaning out your computer.
February 9:
Read in the Bathtub Day: Do like the day’s name says! Either start your day with a relaxing soak & good book to prepare for your day. Or wind down from a long day with a nice read in the tub. Or both if you can make the time! And whichever option you choose, don’t let anything or anyone interrupt your “me-time”.
Safer Internet Day: The internet is a wondrous creation, full of possibilities for making life easier. Of course it still hasn’t fully lived up to that promise. Especially because it can also be a cesspool of bullying, identity theft, misinformation, and more. But we can all do our parts to create a better, safer internet. And this is the day to start! You can also find information specific to your country. If you’re in the US, you’ll want to visit ConnectSafely.
National Cut the Cord Day: This day celebrates streaming services as an affordable alternative to expensive (and often restrictive) cable. If you’ve been thinking about getting rid of your cable, this might just be the perfect day to pull the trigger. Or at least research your options. There’s a lot of them to choose from, including the day’s founder, Sling. And you don’t have to choose just one! Even 2 or 3 streaming services are likely to cost less than your cable subscription.
National Bagel and Lox Day: Start your day right with a bagel & lox. Not that you have to stop with breakfast. Bagels also make fantastic lunches! Topped with lox, of course.
National Pizza Day: But you’re not going to want bagel & lox for dinner. Because then you’d miss out on the pizza! The toppings are all up to you, so if you reeeaaallly want more lox …
February 10:
Umbrella Day: Rain or shine, you’ll want to use your umbrella on Feb. 10. Because how else can you celebrate Umbrella Day?
World Pulses Day: This day celebrates the importance of pulses in feeding the world. What the heck are pulses, you ask? They are basically the things we call beans, peas, and lentils. And they’re delicious! They’re also nutritious, sustainable, and economical, which makes them a natural choice for keeping the world’s growing population fed.
National Home Warranty Day: How much do you know about home warranties? Possibly less than you should if you want to keep your home and appliances in good repair without breaking the bank.
National Cream Cheese Brownie Day: Desert for the 10th must be brownies! But not just any brownies. Add cream cheese for an extra luscious treat. If you can, make your cream cheese brownies from scratch. Your taste buds will thank you!
February 11:
White Shirt Day: Celebrate the end of the GM auto worker sit-in on Feb. 11, 1937. These workers won themselves the right to unionize and negotiate their pay and working conditions. Wear a white shirt and keep it at least as clean as the boss’ to celebrate right.
National Giving Hearts Day: On this day we open our hearts and our wallets and give to the charities that speak to our hearts. From animal rescues to homeless programs, there’s sure to be at least one charity that fits your giving goals. And quite possibly more than one!
National Inventors’ Day: Are you an inventor? Or do you have an idea for an invention? This day is for you! You and your ideas join the likes of Thomas Edison, Elisha Otis, John Deere, Eli Whitney, and other famous inventors in a day of honor. If you haven’t made your invention ideas a reality, why not use the day to research how you can do that (and protect your ideas, too).
National Make a Friend Day: Meeting new friends has been a bit harder this past year, what with social distancing, staying at home, & all the changes the pandemic has caused. But friends are still important. So see if you can find a way to make a new friend in honor of this day.
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day: On this day we try to remember that what’s done is done. When something goes wrong either fix it, or, if that’s not possible, pick up the pieces & move on. Stewing about it (crying over it) doesn’t help. And it just makes you miserable. So stop that!
National Peppermint Patty Day: If you need a cool, sweet treat after a day of inventing, friend making, and (not) crying over spilled milk, you’re in luck! Peppermint patties are perfect for this. Or for any other time you need a treat. And practically required on February 11. You could even make your own peppermint patties. Or maybe you’d prefer to be a bit more creative with your peppermint patty. Like making a peppermint patty cake! Or a peppermint patty cocktail?
February 12:
Darwin Day: Wish Charles Darwin a very happy 222nd birthday! And learn more about his findings on evolution. Maybe even read one of his books!
Lost Penny Day: On Lincoln’s birthday we celebrate that much-maligned coin featuring his image. People have tried for many years to discontinue this coin that costs more to make than it’s worth. But so far it’s been a lost cause. So, since the coin is still worth something, keep your eyes peeled for any lost pennies in honor of Lincoln and his coin.
No One Eats Alone Day: For the past year many, many of us have indeed been eating alone. Although the students this initiative intends to reach have mostly been eating at home. And hopefully not alone. But schools have been reopening to in-person learning, so this day rolls back around at at good time. It’s time to get back to creating a school environment where everyone feels welcome. And that’s a lesson these kids will be able to carry with them wherever they go. And that can help create a whole world where everyone feels welcome. Here’s to the future.
National Plum Pudding Day: We’re not sure why we’re celebrating plum pudding in mid-February. It is, after all, usually served during the winter holidays, giving it its other name: Christmas Pudding. Of course, we do actually celebrate it in December as Christmas Pudding Day. How confusing! Especially since it rarely contains actual plums … At any rare, enjoy some plum pudding to celebrate. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, consider making your plum pudding. Be forewarned: It requires 4 hours of boiling!
February 13:
National Tortellini Day: Tortellini is incredibly versatile, and for this celebration you get to discover just how versatile! Make skewers, soups, bakes, salads and so much more. It’s all up to you!
International Condom Day: This day reminds us that safe sex and condoms are “Always in Fashion”. They help prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. So you can enjoy yourself with less worry. And yes, celebrating this day on the day before that oh-so-romantic day is deliberate. So celebrate by making sure you have your preferred condoms on hand for the 14th.
National Break Up With Your Carrier Day: Stop stressing over finding the perfect V-Day gift for your significant other. Or fretting that you don’t have a significant other. You have bigger problems! Your wireless carrier may no longer be satisfying your needs. So take some time on this day to evaluate your relationship with your carrier and, if necessary, break up. Send a nice little “it’s not me, it’s you” note if you’d like. Now, T-Mobile, creator of this day, is probably hoping your break-up will send you straight into their arms. And it might! But first check out your options.
Global Movie Day: Spend your Saturday evening enjoying the movies. Watch old favorites or finally get around to those movies you’ve been meaning to watch. Argue over the best movies of all time. Maybe even catch one of this year’s Oscar nominees, in honor of the day’s creator, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
National Cheddar Day: Use cheddar cheese in all your meals for the day! Yes, even on that tortellini. And on your snacks, too. Cheddar popcorn is perfect for your movie night!
February 14:
Pet Theft Awareness Day: The last thing you want to think about on such a romantic day is your pampered pet being stolen. But it happens. And it happens more often than you think. So use this day that’s all about love to show your pets how much you love them by making sure you’ve done all you can to ensure they get back to you if the worst does happen.
Autism Sunday: On the 2nd Sunday in February we help spread awareness and understanding of people with Autism. Because in all the ways that matter they’re just people like the rest of us.
National Donor Day: Are you an organ donor? How about a blood donor? If not, use this day to learn more about how many lives you could change just by giving blood. Or platelets. Or signing up to be an organ donor. After all, you won’t need those organs any more. (Liver, kidney, & marrow can be living donations). But someone else could get the chance to live through your generosity.
National Ferris Wheel Day: If you can you’ll want to ride a Ferris wheel to celebrate this fun day. What could be more romantic? It’s the birthday of the ride’s inventor, George Washington Gale Ferris, Jr. His wheel debuted at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition (World’s Fair) in Chicago.
National Cream-filled Chocolates Day: At least one of your Valentine’s Day chocolates must be cream filled. Because how else can you celebrate this day? But there’s lots of cream flavors to choose from, and that choice is all up to you.