What to Celebrate January 10 thru 16, 2022

Celebration Ideas for January 10 – 16, 2022
How’s your 2022 going so far? Well, we hope.
For anyone impacted by snow or fire, we hope everyone’s safe and you’re recovering well.
And no matter how your year is starting, remember it’s important to find joy in every day. Even if only for a little while. These unofficial celebrations can help.
So without further ado we invite you to take a peek and plan your week. And do remember to …
Celebrate All January Long
During cold, dark days food can be comforting. So make sure you celebrating these food months. And get creative with them, too!
California Dried Plum Digestive Month: Prunes. We’re celebrating prunes. If your digestive tract is still feeling the aftereffects of all that holiday food, get your system back on track with the help of prunes (or, if you prefer, dried plums). They’re also rich in other nutrients, like potassium and vitamin K. These things can help you maintain bone density. Dried plums (prunes!) may even lower your risk of colon cancer. Looks like dried plums are something worth celebrating!
National Soup Month: If January is winter where you are, you probably already have lots of soup during the month. So celebrate Soup Month with even more soup! Try some new soup recipes to keep things interesting. There’s almost nothing you can’t turn into soup!
Oatmeal Month: January is also all about warm breakfasts. Like oatmeal! It’s the warm breakfast that’s quick & simple enough for even a weekday breakfast. Add your favorite toppings and get out the door in plenty of time.
Weekly Celebrations for Jan. 10 to 16
Say “Thank you”, have fun without alcohol, and dare to look a bit silly dancing. It’s all part of the fun that is January.
International Thank You Days: Life gets busy & all too often those 2 little words get forgotten. Well this is the week to remember. Say thank you to all who deserve it. And remember too: It’s never too late to say thank you.
National Mocktail Week (January 9 – 15, 2022): If you’re celebrating Dry January you’ll definitely want to celebrate this week. With mocktails you can drink all you want and not regret it the next morning! And even if you’re not celebrating Dry January, mocktails are delicious and deserve more respect. Just because you’re not drinking alcohol doesn’t mean your not having fun (or being fun)!
Cuckoo Dancing Week (January 11 – 17, 2022): For this week we make like Laurel & Hardy and do the Cuckoo Dance! Now, we do understand some of you may feel more comfortable doing this goofy dance after an actual cocktail or two. But it’s really not necessary … after all, everyone loved Laurel & Hardy! This is how it goes:
Celebration Days Coming Up For Jan. 10 thru Jan. 16
Get organized (ok, start getting organized), save money, and tackle your dreams. Appreciate dragons and have fun with rubber duckies.
Munch on marzipan & fig newtons, enjoy hot tea & hot pastrami sandwiches, wear a hat, and thank a pharmacist.
All these celebrations and more are just waiting for you to turn them into another fun-tastic week.
January 10
Save The Eagles Day: Celebrate and learn about the world’s eagles, many of which are threatened or endangered. The Bald Eagle in the US is a conservation success story. Can we repeat that success with other eagles in other countries?
National Clean Off Your Desk Day: If you haven’t already, get your year started off neat & organized … at least as far as your desk is concerned. It’ll help you be more productive and reach your other goals.
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day: Pandemic- and supply chain-fueled inflation is causing many of us to take a hard look at where we can cut costs. One simple (well, mostly simple) way is to make sure you’re running an energy-efficient home. Learn some easy ways to cut your home energy costs for this day. And then put them into action, of course!
National Oysters Rockefeller Day: Of course you must enjoy Oysters Rockefeller! Plan to eat at someplace that has them on the menu (although unless you’re going to Antoine’s it won’t be truly authentic Oysters Rockefeller). Or consider making an Oysters Rockefeller version at home.
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day: For your snacking or baking pleasure, it’s bittersweet chocolate!
January 11
National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day: Do like the day’s name says and irritate your friends! Especially if the weather’s just warm enough for that puddle to be icy cold & slushy. Good times! 😆 Of course for many of us finding a puddle not frozen solid could be challenging. 🥶😰
Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day: Here’s another day that’s pretty self-explanatory. Here’s how NonStop Celebrations looks: -.—-….—-.–. -.-…-…-….-..–..—-…. (of course technically you’re supposed to hear Morse Code, not read it)
National Milk Day: Once upon a time milk came to homes in glass bottles, delivered by the milkman. Kinda like an early version of Instacart! But only for milk. It is believed that happened for the very first time on this date in 1878. So raise a glass of milk in a toast to milk and milkmen (and milkwomen), who actually do still exist!
January 12
National Kiss a Ginger Day: Started in response to November’s Kick a Ginger Day, this day invites you to kiss anyone you know with red hair. Although we’d suggest asking first. Because while asking before planting a kiss is a good idea with anyone, it’s especially important when dealing with anyone with a fiery temper (like every ginger we’ve ever known 😉)! NOTE: if you click through to the Facebook page for this celebration you’ll see they’re also suggesting, in light of the ongoing pandemic, to celebrate the day as Miss a Ginger Day instead. Depending on your relationship with the gingers you know, this may be a good alternative. Or celebrate both!
National Pharmacist Day: Pharmacists do more than just hand out medications your doctor orders. They also help make sure any new prescriptions won’t cause problems with medications you’re already taking and offer advice about alternatives, side effects, and more. So thank your pharmacist for this day. If you have a really great pharmacist, make it a public thank-you on your favorite social media platform.
National Hot Tea Day: On a cold, cold January day, warm up with a cup of your favorite hot tea. Several cups, even!
National Curried Chicken Day: Make curried chicken for dinner! Simple. And delicious.
National Marzipan Day: Make dessert something with marzipan! Snack on delightful little marzipan “fruits”. Or chocolate-covered marzipan. Or get creative and try one of these recipes with marzipan. Either buy some marzipan to use in them or start with recipe #1: Basic Marzipan Recipe.
January 13
National Rubber Ducky Day: It doesn’t matter how old you are, rubber duckies are fun! And this is the day to take a bath with one. Or several.
Stephen Foster Memorial Day: Celebrate the “father of American folk music” on the anniversary of his death in 1864. Unlike many of our fun holidays, this one is actually an official Federal Observance Day (but, sadly, not a day-off-work holiday). Learn more about him and listen to some of his songs to celebrate.
Make Your Dream Come True Day: What’s your dream? Take steps for this day toward making it come true.
National Sticker Day: Celebrate the birth of the man who would create the first commercially available self-adhesive label (sticker) and found Avery Dennison Corporation, Ray Stanton Avery. His company still sells a dizzying array of stickers and labels. And so do many, many other companies. So use your favorite stickers for the day. Buy some new stickers, even. And for fans of nail wraps … those are stickers too! So give yourself a new manicure to celebrate this sticky day.
National Peach Melba Day: Make Peach Melba for dessert.
January 14
National Dress Up Your Pet Day: If you have pets willing to wear costumes, this is the day to dress them up and show them off! If not, well enjoy other people’s pets wearing costumes.
Ratification Day: On this date in 1784 the Continental Congress finally ratified the Treaty of Paris, which made it official: The United States was a sovereign nation … as long as the treaty got back to England within 6 months of its September 3, 1783 signing. Which it obviously did, although without much time to spare.
World Logic Day: Humans are supposed to be logical creatures … although some days we wonder about that! How well do you understand logic? Are you sure? Logic is critical to the world of science, math, philosophy and more. And, really, to everyday life. Learn more and see if there are any events you may like to attend (many appear to be virtual and free, so check them out!).
Organize Your Home Day: If you’re anything like us it’s gonna take a whole lot longer than one day to get your home organized. But use this day to make a real start. And a plan to keep going until it’s done!
National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day: You do know what you must eat for this day, right? Yes, that is right! A hot pastrami sandwich.
January 15
National Hat Day: At one time your outfit just wasn’t complete without a hat! This was true for both men and women, although women’s hats were often much more elaborate than men’s. These days most of us go hatless, and when we do wear a hat it’s a ball cap. But this is the day to wear a real, honest-to-goodness hat! Maybe even buy a new hat?
Thank Your Mentor Day: If you have a mentor, you know just how valuable they can be. And hopefully you’ve expressed your thanks at least once. Now this is the day to do it again. And even show your appreciation publicly. Post your thanks on your favorite social media platforms. Remember to use #ThankYourMentorDay in your posts!
National Booch Day: Kombucha fans, this is your day! Drink booch, share booch, share your love of booch. And if you’ve never tried kombucha, this is the perfect day to change that!
National Bagel Day: Have a bagel with your booch? Or have a bagel without booch. Just have a bagel! You can even get gluten-free bagels, so you really have no excuse.
National Strawberry Ice Cream Day: For dessert or a snack, make it strawberry ice cream. Simple, refreshing, and delightful!
January 16
Religious Freedom Day: Despite the strong religious views of our founders, the United States was founded on the belief that the government should not dictate how—or even if—you worship. Religious Freedom Day celebrates this freedom to worship or not, as we see fit, without interference from the government.
National Nothing Day: Sooo … this is technically a day to be free of celebrating unofficial holidays. Which would be easier to do if there weren’t other unofficial holidays on the same day! And it’s also kind of impossible, since if you’re celebrating this day then you’re celebrating an unofficial holiday … Well, you get to decide if you’re just celebrating this one or if you’re celebrating at least one of the others … up to you!
National Without a Scalpel Day: This day celebrates the innovations in medicine that allow many procedures that once required major surgery to be done without a scalpel, or with “alternative scalpels” that cause less risk of bleeding and infection. We celebrate on the anniversary of the first angioplasty in 1964. These procedures are generally done with the help of imaging (like CT scans) so even when a scalpel is necessary, the cut can be smaller and more targeted. Learn more about minimally invasive, image-guided surgery for the day.
Appreciate a Dragon Day: Who doesn’t appreciate dragons??! This is the day to officially admit you too appreciate dragons. And then have fun with it.
World Snow Day: Celebrate snow! Well, technically the day celebrates skiing and snowboarding, 2 sports that require snow. And see if there are any events near you to attend. Sadly, if you’re in the US it appears only Colorado and Michigan have events. 😢
National Quinoa Day: We’ve tried hard to like quinoa, and in honor of this day we may try again. But failure is expected. Whether you love or hate this seed with the odd name, try a new recipe with it to celebrate.
National Fig Newton Day: Reward yourself for eating quinoa with the decidedly tastier cookie known as Fig Newton.