What to Celebrate January 17 thru 23, 2022

Celebration Ideas for January 17 – 23, 2022
Welcome to the second half of January, when the days are still cold & dreary. And darkness falls entirely too early.
But don’t dwell on those negatives! Keep finding ways to brighten those days, even if only figuratively.
Yes, we’re back to suggest you take a peek and plan your week. And of course, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of January
January’s all about planning and organizing! And maybe doing it with a bit of creativity? Or even a lot of creativity. Maybe accompanied by some polka music!
Mail Order Gardening Month: It’s time to order those seeds so you’re ready for planting come spring! It’s so much fun planning this year’s garden & dreaming of the days when planting can begin. And when all that hard work bears fruit (or flowers … or vegetables … or all of the above)! If you haven’t gotten started yet, there’s still time!
International Creativity Month: Gardening’s creative! So if you’re celebrating Mail Order Gardening Month you’re also celebrating this month. And of course, there’s the more usual creative pursuits, like music & art & dance. Then there’s things like creative problem solving and “thinking outside the box”. However you get creative, do more of it for this month.
Get Organized Month: Organization and creativity often seem like polar opposites. But they don’t have to be! If you’re organized you can spend less time looking for stuff and more time being creative. A win-win for sure! If you need to, consider working with a professional organizer to get your space in shape once and for all.
National Polka Music Month: Apparently there’s not much happening in the world of Polka in January. So the folks at the International Polka Association though it would be the perfect time to promote more interest in polka. Soo … listen to polka! Maybe learn a bit about about polka. The music is oddly infectious, so you may just find yourself enjoying polka more & more often!
Weekly Celebrations for Jan. 17 to 23
Find your happy this week! Preferably with some fresh-squeezed juice and no added sugars. Of course we’re all happier without bullying and name calling.
Hunt for Happiness Week (January 16 – 22, 2022): Life can be challenging sometimes. And the past couple of years have been more challenging than most for a lot of us. But happiness is out there. This is the week to hunt for it (and hopefully find it!).
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Week (January 17 – 23, 2022): Mmm … fresh-squeezed juice is the best juice! Squeeze yourself some orange, cranberry, grape, or any other juice you’d like for this week. If you’d like to make fresh-squeezed juice a regular thing, a juicer makes it easier.
No Name Calling Week (January 18 – 22, 2022): This week is about ending name-calling and bullying in schools. Does your child’s school participate? If not, consider asking it to take part. This campaign is specifically aimed at LGBTQ+ bullying, but of course helping kids to understand why bullying LGBTQ+ classmates is wrong can help them be kinder and more understanding of everyone.
Sugar Awareness Week (January 17 – 21, 2022): Do you know how much sugar is in the foods you eat? You might be surprised! Try to avoid added, refined sugars for this week and see how you feel. It could be harder than you think … both to find foods without added sugars and to avoid giving in to temptation.
Celebration Days coming up for Jan. 17 thru Jan. 23
Penguins & squirrels & cats with questions, oh my! Popcorn, pie, and puppies in need of hugs. These are a few of the celebrations waiting to make this yet another fun-tastic week.
January 17
Cable Car Day: If you happen to be in San Francisco, ride a cable car to celebrate this day! Otherwise, just learn about them & celebrate in spirit.
Judgment Day: No, not that Judgment Day! More like a trial run for that Judgment Day. One where you get to decide where you can do better. And then go do it!
Kid Inventors’ Day: Do you realize how many everyday things were invented by kids? Earmuffs, the trampoline, toy trucks, even Braille! And kids keep inventing things every year. So celebrate the imagination and ingenuity that leads kids to invent all kinds of fun and useful things. And if your kids have ideas for inventions, encourage them!
National Bootlegger’s Day: Celebrate the births of Templeton Rye Whiskey, Prohibition, and the rise of the bootleggers. It all began on Jan. 17, 1920. Of course Prohibition is long gone, but Templeton Rye is still based on that original recipe. So make a toast to Al Capone’s (who was also born on this date!) favorite whiskey, also known as “The Good Stuff” back when most illegal alcohol you could find was far from good.
National Hot Buttered Rum Day: Don’t like whiskey? Celebrate with a hot buttered rum instead! (And if you do like whiskey, there’s nothing stopping you from toasting the bootleggers with a whiskey and enjoying a hot buttered rum later 😊)
January 18
National Winnie the Pooh Day: Celebrate the kind-hearted bear with a love of hunny for this day. Maybe even strive to be a bit more like him.
National Thesaurus Day: Celebrate the birth (delivery, arrival, appearance) of Peter Mark Roget, author (creator, inventor, writer) of that useful book (publication, volume, tome), the thesaurus (wordfinder, phrase book, wordlist). How? With words, of course!
National Peking Duck Day: Head out to your favorite Chinese restaurant to enjoy the national dish of China. From its perfectly crispy skin to the tender meat (served separately!) Peking Duck is a gastronomical delight.
January 19
National Popcorn Day: Popcorn! You know what you must eat for this day, right? How you flavor it is up to you, as long as you eat some!
Tin Can Day: Celebrate the tin can, a simple but effective way to store perishable foods long-term. Peter Durand got the first patent for the tin can in 1810 in England and Thomas Kensett got the first US patent in 1825. Of course, the can opener wasn’t invented until almost 50 years later … Celebrate by eating some canned foods (most probably in steel cans these days).
World Quark Day: Celebrate the food that’s low in fat & calories but high in protein (and shares a name with a subatomic particle). The nonsubatomic quark is a dairy product similar to soft cheese or yogurt—in fact, it makes a great substitute for either. Make something with quark to celebrate. You could even make your own quark!
January 20
Penguin Awareness Day: Celebrate the penguins! Admire them, learn about them (how many different kinds are there?), help protect them. After all, who doesn’t love these beautiful, adorable birds?
National Disc Jockey Day: Honor legendary radio DJ Alan Freed on the anniversary of his death. And honor all the other DJs out there, spinning tunes (not necessarily records any more!) for your enjoyment on the radio, in the clubs, at festivals, and at all kinds of events from weddings to dances. Give a shoutout to your favorite DJs for this day. And if you know any DJs personally, give them some extra love (and gigs!).
National Cheese Lover’s Day: If you love cheese you know exactly what to do! Do it with all your favorite cheeses.
National Buttercrunch Day: For a sweet treat after all that cheese, make yourself some chocolate-almond buttercrunch!
January 21
Squirrel Appreciation Day: Do you appreciate squirrels? You should! As much as they can be annoying, with their bird seed stealing and their cord chewing, they’re also cute and funny.
International Sweatpants Day: No matter what you normally wear, this is the day to don sweatpants and be supremely comfortable. Ahhh …
National Cheesy Socks Day: Wear your cheesy socks with your sweatpants to be the height of fashion!
National Hug Your Puppy Day: Your puppy won’t care what your wearing while giving hugs … but sweatpants & cheesy socks seem like the perfect clothes for puppy hugging! Don’t have a puppy? Borrow a friend’s! Or go hug puppies at a shelter. They’ll adore it!
National Granola Bar Day: Have a granola bar or two to keep your energy up during the day. If you’re feeling really ambitious (maybe right after one of those granola bars?), make your own granola bars. It’s easier than you might think. And you get to have exactly what you want in them!
January 22
National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day: You know your cat has questions. So answer them already!
Celebration of Life Day: Celebrate all that is good in life. Especially your children and grandchildren (who were the original point of the day), but also everyone and everything else that makes life worth living.
National Blonde Brownie Day: Make a batch of blonde brownies to devour and share (or not).
January 23
National Pie Day: Pie. It’s what’s for dinner. No? Well at least have a slice of your favorite pie for dessert!
National Handwriting Day: How often do you actually handwrite anything these days? It’s pretty much all about the type-type-typing now! Which is great for a whole lot of things. But handwriting a letter or even a journal entry just feels different, more connected somehow. If you’ve mostly abandoned handwriting—or even if you haven’t—spend this day writing things by hand.