What to Celebrate January 25 thru 31, 2021

Celebration Ideas for January 25 – 31, 2021
The final week of January is upon us!
We hope this first month of the new year has been a good one for you. And that February will be even better.
You can help make it so by making time each day for a bit of celebrating. And we have ideas to help.
So once again we invite you to take a peek and plan your week. And whatever else you do, make sure to …
Celebrate for the rest of January
You still have time to celebrate Walk Your Pet Month (easier if you also celebrate Train Your Dog Month), Hobby Month, and Slow Cooking Month (leaving you more time for hobbies & walking your pet!), among others. You may also want to fit in some celebration time for these:
National CBD Month: While marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, with state legalization in a grey area, hemp products are perfectly legal as of 2018. Since then many people have come to swear by the wellness benefits of CBD products. If you’ve been wondering if CBD might be right for you, this is the month to learn more.
International Quality of Life Month: For January we reflect on the quality of our lives and how we might make them better. If there are specific areas of your life you’re not satisfied with (relationships, finances, health, etc), consider what changes you can make to improve them. Get some ideas & resources here.
Be Kind to Food Servers Month: The past year has not been kind to food servers. And this year isn’t much better. At least not yet. But if you do go out to eat or order carryout, let your servers know just how much you appreciate them. Maybe with an extra nice tip?
Weekly Celebrations for January’s Final Week
Close out January with appreciation for anesthesia nurses, school choice, and uncluttered inboxes.
National CRNA Week (January 24 – 30, 2021): Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists make sure patients receive the anesthesia they need for a safe, comfortable surgery or other medical procedure. Thank any CRNAs you know for their dedication to their patients.
Clean Out Your Inbox Week (January 24 – 30, 2021): Those dang inboxes get so cluttered so fast! Whether it’s your email inbox or a physical inbox on your desk (yes, they still exist!), this is the week to clear it out. Deal with anything requiring your attention, file whatever you need to keep, and toss anything outdated or irrelevant. Now doesn’t that feel better?
National School Choice Week (January 24 – 30, 2021): School choice has been a contentious issue for many years. But it’s important for parents to know all their options when deciding what’s best for their children. Because each child is different, and they all deserve to have the learning environments that work for them.
Celebration Days coming up for Jan. 25 thru Jan. 31
Start the final week of January with an Irish coffee and end it with hot chocolate.
In between take a shelfie (no, that’s not a typo), protect your personal data, and let your inner curmudgeon out. Or whatever other celebrations spark your interest.
However you spend your week, make sure it’s a fun-tastic one!
January 25
National Irish Coffee Day: Fuel your Monday morning with an Irish coffee! Or wind down after a long day with an Irish coffee. We don’t, however, suggest fueling your whole day with Irish coffees. That’s just likely to end badly.
Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day: It’s the day we look forward to all year! A day to spend joyfully popping those little bubbles in all the bubble wrap we can find. Assuming what we find isn’t some of that infernal unpoppable nonsense.
National Opposite Day: This day can get pretty confusing! But it’s also rather fun. Do things the opposite of how you normally would. Say the opposite of what you mean. But maybe only at home and/or with friends who’ll understand! Telling customers to have a rotten day could just backfire. 😮
Burns Night: Celebrate the life of the Scottish poet Robert Burns. So read some Burns. Have a Burns Supper (safely). Don’t forget the haggis! And of course the whiskey. And wear your traditional Scottish dress if you’ve got any!
January 26
Dental Drill Appreciation Day: Why should we appreciate this torture device? Because it helps dentists fix our teeth & stop the pain and/or save the tooth! If you’d rather your dentist didn’t use a drill in your mouth, take good care of your teeth, including brushing & flossing every day. It’s not a guarantee, but it sure does help!
National Spouses Day: If you’re married this is the day for the two of you to celebrate each other! Unlike Wife Appreciation or Husband Appreciation days, this one doesn’t have one person celebrating the other. This celebration is for both of you equally. So set aside some time on this day to just be together, appreciating each other.
National Green Juice Day: Keep that New Year’s resolution to live a healthier lifestyle with a green juice. But not just for one day! If you’ve been slacking on eating & drinking nutritious things, get back on track with a green juice for this day and every day. Your body will thank you!
National Peanut Brittle Day: Yes, sweets can be a part of a healthy eating plan. Because putting them on a “can’t have” list just makes you want them more! So after that green juice, have a little peanut brittle treat. And if you make your peanut brittle yourself you’ll even know exactly what’s in it.
January 27
Chocolate Cake Day: Mmmmm … chocolate cake. It should be illegal to serve anything else on this day! (kidding … mostly 😉).
Thomas Crapper Day: Celebrate the man with the very appropriate name who improved the toilet and made it “popular”. Mr. Crapper brought bodily functions out of the shadows and into showrooms. He held many patents on his “sanitary appliances,” often for improvements on others’ inventions. We honor the man on the anniversary of his 1910 death.
Library Shelfie Day: Take a shelfie and share it with the world! If you don’t know yet, that’s a selfie with a library shelf. So hit up your favorite library shelf and smile! 🤓 That shelf could be in your local library, your own library, a school, a friend’s home. Wherever! If it’s at your public library, make sure you follow any mask rules … we might not be able to see your smile, but we’ll know it’s there.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day: On the Anniversary of the Auschwitz-Birkenau liberation, we honor the victims of the Holocaust. Some 6 million European Jews died in the Nazis’ “Final Solution” , about 1.1 million of them at Auschwitz. Another 5 million non-Jews also died at the hands of the Nazis.
January 28
National Kazoo Day: It’s time to make some buzzy music! Or listen to buzzy music. If you have a kazoo, play it. Or buy a kazoo if you don’t have one.
Data Privacy Day: How many companies are collecting your personal data on a daily basis? Probably more than you think! And most don’t really need it. Make it a point to lock down security on all your devices and only grant access to information companies actually need.
Thank a Plugin Developer Day: Plugins. They’re everywhere. Pretty much any software can be made better with these little bits of code. Now, the day was originally created to thank the people creating plugins for WordPress, way back in the dark ages of 2009. And those folks still deserve lots of love for their tireless work making WordPress an amazing website platform. But so do the developers creating plugins for your other favorite programs. So celebrate this day by thanking the developers of all your favorite plugins.
National Blueberry Pancakes Day: Before you get into the frustrating tangle of privacy settings—and before getting out your kazoo, too—make yourself a big batch of blueberry pancakes to start your day right.
January 29
Curmudgeons Day: Celebrate all the cantankerous sourpusses you know! Yourself too if you’re a curmudgeon. Or be a curmudgeon for the day. 😉 So get your cranky on, watch a curmudgeonly movie, and just generally wallow in your curmudgeonness.
Fun at Work Day: We rarely consider work to be fun, but for this day it must be! So get your co-workers together for some fun & games … or whatever kind of fun your workplace will allow. Still working from home? Find ways to make it more fun, at least for one day. Retired or unemployed? Make whatever work-type activity you’re doing for the day fun.
National Puzzle Day: What are your favorite puzzles? Jigsaw? Crossword? Word search? Whatever puzzles you love, this is the day to do some!
Seeing Eye Dog Day: On this day we honor those service dogs who are guides for blind or visually impaired people. We celebrate their service on the anniversary of the opening of The Seeing Eye dog school in 1929.
National Corn Chip Day: Need a snack? Grab the corn chips! Nothing else will do for celebrating this day. Just remember, you’re celebrating corn chips, not tortilla chips! They’re not the same, so pay attention to what you’re eating. It wouldn’t do to have the wrong chips. 😉 😋
January 30
National Seed Swap Day: January’s ending, which means planting season is just around the corner! Sort of. If it’s a really long corner. But it’s never too early to start planning. And collecting your seeds. See if there are any seed swaps in your area. And plan to attend the free live chat Washington Gardener has planned for the day.
Inane Answering Message Day: Now this might sound like you’re supposed to leave inane messages on people’s voicemails. Or create your outgoing message to be inane. But it’s actually the opposite! Listen to your outgoing message and if it’s long or annoying, change it to something short and sweet. Your friends will thank you.
National Croissant Day: Enjoy buttery, flaky croissants all day. They make amazing breakfast sandwiches. And lunch sandwiches, too. And delightful sides for dinner. So pick up enough bakery-fresh croissants for everyone to indulge.
January 31
National Backward Day: So we started the week with Opposite Day and we’re ending it with Backward Day! So once again we do things differently than we normally do. But we do things backward (which may or may not be the same as opposite!). So wear our shirts backward. Eat dinner for breakfast. Greet people with “goodbye”, and say “hello” when leaving. Walk backward down the hall. (But please don’t drive backward down the street). What else can you do backward?
National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day: Art has amazing power over our hearts. It can make our hearts hurt or sing or fill with hope, for example. For this celebration view, listen to, watch, or create art that inspires your heart. Exactly what that art is is all up to you. And your heart, of course.
World Leprosy Day: On the last Sunday in January we raise awareness about leprosy. Because while it’s rare in developed countries, hundreds of thousands of people around the world are diagnosed with it each year. Even in the US there’s 100 or more cases each year. But it’s easy to treat, as long as patients have access to medical care. Sadly many don’t, but we can help change that.
National Hot Chocolate Day: End you inspiring and backward-filled day with a warm, comforting mug of hot chocolate. Top it with marshmallows or whipped cream if you’d like. And relax.