What to Celebrate January 3 thru 9, 2022

Celebration Ideas for January 3 – 9, 2022
Happy New Year!
Let’s hope 2022 brings us all everything we wish for and deserve.
Which, of course, includes fun! Let’s continue to find joy in the little things, like silly, unofficial celebrations. And not-so-silly celebrations, too.
So, before you begin your New Year’s Eve celebrations, do take a peek and plan your (brand new year’s) week. And as ever …
Celebrate All January Long
January is going to the dogs. And the birds. (in a good way)
National Train Your Dog Month: If you’ve adopted a puppy recently, or even an older dog, this is the month to make sure you train it. Because training is important to a healthy, happy dog.
Adopt A Rescued Bird Month: Cats & dogs aren’t the only pets that end up in shelters and need adopting. Birds do too! So if you love birds, consider adopting one during this special month. And even if you can’t adopt, consider supporting a bird rescue, like RoseBerry Bird Rescue in Wisconsin. (Always check out any organization before donating).
Unchain a Dog Month: This month encourages us all to pay attention and, if we see a dog being abused or neglected, chained up outside all the time, do what we can to help.
Walk Your Pet Month: This one makes a great companion to Train Your Dog Month. Because a trained dog walks much better on a lead. And regular walks can help you & your dog bond, making training easier. A win-win all around. Of course, you can walk any other pet who’s willing, too!
Weekly Celebrations for January’s 1st Week
Take care of yourself with silence and folic acid.
Silent Record Week (January 1 – 7, 2022): Did you know silent records actually exist? Or more likely existed. But even if you can’t find a “recording” of silence, you can enjoy moments of silence wherever you are.
National Folic Acid Awareness Week (January 3 – 9, 2022): Learn about the importance of folic acid to everybody and especially during pregnancy during this important awareness week.
Celebration Days coming up for Jan. 3 thru Jan. 9
It’s time for celebrating Mondays & trivia & birds. Enjoying spaghetti, chocolate covered cherries, and tempura. Cuddling up, spreading joy, and soaking in a bubble bath.
Sounds like the first week of 2022 is shaping up to be another fun-tastic week!
January 3
National Chocolate Covered Cherries Day: Treat yourself to a delightful bite of chocolate and maraschino cherry to celebrate the first Monday of the new year. Even if your New Year’s resolutions include eating healthier, the occasional sweet treat shouldn’t be off limits. So if you love chocolate covered cherries, make this celebration one of those occasional treats.
National Thank God It’s Monday Day: Mondays get a bad rap. But they’re not all bad! So twice a year we celebrate the day we find so hard to love. The first of these is the very first Monday of the year. So why not make it a Monday to remember! In a good way, of course. 😉
Memento Mori Day: “Memento Mori” is Latin for “Remember, you die”. Which of course we all know. But we generally prefer not to think about. For this day, use the reminder of the inevitability of death to do your best to live each day to the fullest.
National Drinking Straw Day: If it seems wrong to celebrate straws when so many plastic straws end up littering our parks, beaches, oceans & more, never fear! We’re actually celebrating the paper straw. Or, more accurately, the first patent for a paper straw, issued on this date in 1888 to Marvin C. Stone. Now, the paper straw has some drawbacks, but it’s also been much improved since 1888! So try out a paper straw for the day. Or use your favorite reusable straw to celebrate this day while also protecting the environment.
January 4
National Trivia Day: Learn and share little bits of mostly useless information all day long. Why? Because it’s fun! And anyway, what seems useless today could be quite useful one day. You just never know!
World Braille Day: Celebrate the birth of Louis Braille, inventor of the code that has helped generations of blind people read and learn and be independent.
National Spaghetti Day: Spaghetti makes a delicious meal any day of the year. But for this day it’s a must! Make your favorite spaghetti meal to celebrate right.
January 5
National Bird Day: Learn about birds! Sadly those lessons should also include how the pet industry exploits birds. And after learning just how fascinating birds can be, consider also celebrating Adopt a Rescued Bird Month (see our monthly celebrations, above). Then you can learn even more first-hand!
National Screenwriters Day: None of your favorite movies and tv shows would exist without screenwriters! Sure, directors & producers get tons of credit, but the screenwriters work behind the scenes, usually mostly unknown. If you don’t already know the writers behind the shows you watch, learn who they are and give them some love. Maybe read a screenplay too.
National Keto Day: If you don’t already eat a keto diet, spend some time learning about it for this day. It’s not for everyone, but don’t dismiss it without knowing what it really is and the benefits it may be able to offer you.
National Whipped Cream Day: Add whipped cream to everything! Or at least dessert. Whipped cream is keto-friendly too, so you can celebrate both days if you’d like.
January 6
Cuddle Up Day: For Friday Eve spend some time cuddled up. In front of the fireplace, if you have one! Cuddle up with your significant other, a pet, a friend, or even just a good book. Whatever makes you feel warm and cozy works for this celebration.
National Technology Day: Celebrate technology and all the ways it makes your life better. And how it will continue to find new ways to make life even better. (For this day ignore all the ways technology also makes life supremely frustrating … usually when it doesn’t work right!) These days we pretty much take technology for granted. We shouldn’t!
National Bean Day: Eat beans! Any beans will do: black, pinto, kidney, garbanzo, green …
National Shortbread Day: The best way to celebrate Shortbread Day is, of course, with homemade shortbread biscuits (cookies)! If you want to get a little fancier, consider these shortbread wedges.
January 7
National Tempura Day: Coat everything in a light batter and deep-fry it for the day! Or head out to your favorite Japanese restaurant & order your favorite tempura.
National Bobblehead Day: This day is for all you bobblehead lovers! And we’re quite sure you can figure out how to celebrate.
January 8
National Joy Germ Day: For 2 years now we’ve all done our best to avoid spreading any kind of germs at all. But there’s one germ that’s not only safe to spread, it’s generous to spread. And that’s joy! How to spread joy? Just be joyful yourself! Because joy is highly contagious … and in this case contagious is a good thing.
National Argyle Day: Wear argyle! Depending on just how much you love argyle, buy some new argyle items too.
National Bubble Bath Day: Celebrate making it through the first week of the new year (hopefully with any resolutions still intact!) with a fun & relaxing bubble bath.
National Winter Skin Relief Day: Cold, dry winter air requires upping your skin care game! Take some time on this day to learn how to keep your skin healthy all season long. And even if you already do a good job keeping your skin protected & hydrated, see if there are any new products or techniques that can help you.
National English Toffee Day: Make yourself some English toffee to enjoy and share (or don’t share … up to you!).
January 9
National Cassoulet Day: For this day we slow-cook beans & meat to create a delightful French dish called cassoulet. If you have time, give it a try! Or find a restaurant that serves it, and treat yourself for your Sunday evening.
National Static Electricity Day: Create some static electricity to celebrate this hair-raising day! (We’re assuming at some point, as a child, you have rubbed a balloon on your hair, creating static electricity and causing your hair to get a bit stand-uppy 😁) Shuffle across the carpet wearing socks & touch a doorknob or person, wear a wool hat & watch the fun when you pull it off, rub that balloon on your head & stick it to the wall while your hair flies about.
National Apricot Day: Eat apricots all your favorite ways: fresh, in pies (or other baked goods), dried, canned, as jam. You can even cook with them. It’s all up to you.