What to Celebrate January 31 thru February 6, 2022

Celebration Ideas for January 31 – February 6, 2022
February! It’ll be here in just a few more days.
And much like January, it’s full of celebrations of animals, food, health, and more. So we won’t keep you!
Go ahead, take a peek and plan your week. And of course …
Celebrate All February Long
Animals and pictures of animals. A perfect month for sure!
Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month: Love bunnies? Adopt one! Or more. And make it a rescued rabbit. Because rabbits end up in shelters just like cats & dogs, and they sit and wait patiently for their perfect person to find them. Might that person be you?
Dog Training Education Month: Do a different dog training exercise each day of February, and by the end of the month you’ll have a perfectly trained dog! Ok, probably not, but you should see definite progress.
National Pet Dental Health Month: Dental health is important to your pet’s overall health, just as it is for you. So learn how best to keep your pet’s mouth healthy for this month. And if a cleaning is in order, get that done. Or at least scheduled.
International Brownie Camera Days: If you have a Brownie camera, use it during February. Maybe take some pictures of that rescued rabbit or your well-trained dog. Even your pet’s excellent dental health! Or anything else that strikes your fancy. And then upload your favorite to the Brownie Camera Days gallery. You could be famous! Or not. But you’ll have fun. And isn’t that what counts?
Weekly Celebrations for February’s 1st Week
Protect your identity and your heart.
Identity Theft Awareness Week (January 31 – February 4, 2022): Learn about preventing and detecting identity theft during this important week. Because the more you know, the better you can protect your information and identity from those who want to misuse it.
Women’s Heart Week (February 1 – 7, 2022): Heart disease kills more American women than breast cancer, or any other disease for that matter. But often women don’t know the symptoms of heart disease or a heart attack, because their symptoms can be different than for men. So take some time during this week to learn and help spread awareness.
And another important week for keeping you and your family safe begins on Sunday, Feb. 6: Burn Awareness Week.
Celebration Days coming up for Jan. 31 thru Feb. 6
Serpents, hedgehogs, & Monarchs (the butterflies, not the rulers!). Along with crepes, carrot cake, & dates. Plus bubble wrap, wetlands, & libraries. All these and more are waiting to help you enjoy another fun-tastic week!
January 31
Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day: Who doesn’t appreciate bubble wrap? It protects your precious items during shipping and then provides hours (ok, minutes) of fun popping!
National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day: How does art inspire you? Think about that for this day and then spend some time enjoying your favorite, inspirational art. Consider how it makes you feel. Whether you enjoy/get inspired viewing others’ art or creating your own is up to you.
National Hot Chocolate Day: Art may warm your heart, but hot chocolate warms your fingers! Along with the rest of you. Make a mug of your favorite hot chocolate to sip on a cold winter day. Don’t have a favorite? Try one (or more!) of these recipes.
February 1:
National Serpent Day: Serpent lovers, this day’s for you.
Change Your Password Day: If you haven’t changed your passwords in a while, this is the day to do that! Of course, depending on how many passwords you have (probably a lot!), that could be a big job. So if you’re not up for that, at least change your passwords to your most important accounts to help keep them secure. And for goodness sake, don’t use the same password for everything!
National Dark Chocolate Day: Mmmm … rich, slightly bitter dark chocolate. Heavenly! If you agree, you’ll want to celebrate this day. With your favorite dark chocolate, of course.
National Baked Alaska Day: Any day is a good day for Baked Alaska! (Although a cold February day may not be the best day, it’s still a good day.) So for dessert it must be Baked Alaska. Go out for it or try making this version at home.
February 2:
Hedgehog Day: Much like the groundhog, the hedgehog can (not) predict how much more winter you’re going to get! And actually the hedgehog weather-critter was the original, letting the Romans know winter would linger if it saw its shadow in the moonlight. But hedgehogs aren’t native to North America, so when settlers here wanted to continue their Hedgehog Day tradition, they turned to the groundhog. But don’t worry about silly weather predictions! Celebrate hedgehogs ’cause they’re cute.
Marmot Day: Here is another alternative to groundhogs. Although actually it includes groundhogs, which are a species of marmot. But this day is for celebrating all marmots. And not just checking out whether or not they see their shadows. It’s even an official holiday in Alaska, where the day celebrates Alaska’s native marmots along with Alaskan culture. Why not learn a little bit about marmots for the day?
Sled Dog Day: Celebrate the amazing dogs that pull sleds through remote, snowy areas. At one time they were the only way humans could get to many of those places, especially in Alaska, parts of Canada, and Greenland. And they’re still used in those places today! Learn a bit about sled dog history.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day: If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, or know someone who does, you already know how frustrating this disease can be. Help spread the word to help others understand what it’s like living with rheumatoid arthritis. And if you don’t already know, learn more about it.
World Wetlands Day: Wetlands are critical to the health of the environment, something humans sadly didn’t recognize until we’d already done serious damage to the world’s wetlands. But it’s not too late to protect and restore what’s left. Learn more and help raise awareness for this day.
National Heavenly Hash Day: The name sounds like it should involve potatoes, and maybe some corned beef (hash browns, corned beef hash …). But it doesn’t. Not even close! Heavenly hash is a candy/dessert made with chocolate, marshmallows, and nuts. Why not try making some for the day? There’s lots of recipes around, but this one’s super simple. Others are more creative and include other ingredients. (There’s also a fruit salad with whipped cream called heavenly hash)
Crepe Day: Mmmm … crepes. Eat crepes for every meal. Just because you can.
February 3:
The Day The Music Died: Commemorate the day, 63 years ago when 3 rising stars died in a small plane crash. It is the story behind Don McClean’s American Pie.
Feed the Birds Day: Backyard birds struggle to find food when everything’s covered in cold white stuff. Give them a hand for this day—and for the rest of the winter—with some birdseed or suet cakes. This day is actually part of Feed the Birds Month, running all of February.
Optimist Day: For this day we celebrate the people that help make their corner of the world a better place (and by extension the whole world a better place). And we look toward the future with optimism and hope. Yes, these days it can be hard to have hope, but it is possible.
National Sweater Day: Wear your favorite sweater! Or your warmest sweater. Because this isn’t just a fun day. It’s a reminder to help the environment (and your wallet) by putting on a sweater if you’re cold instead of turning up the heat. This was created as a Canadian day, but we’re all connected. And we can all do our part no matter where we live!
National Carrot Cake Day: Make carrot cake. Eat carrot cake. What else is there to say?
February 4:
USO Day: On this date in 1941 six organizations joined together to form the United Service Organizations, or the USO. The USO’s mission, as you probably know, is supporting US troops, wherever they may be in the world.
National Wear Red Day: Wear red to raise awareness of heart disease in women.
National Thank a Mail Carrier Day: Thank your mail carrier for this day! Because while mail delivery has been frustratingly slow lately, it’s not your carrier’s fault. The USPS has actually slowed down mail delivery. And of course, when too many carriers are out sick with COVID, the ones left can’t get everything delivered. So do thank your carrier for doing a hard job that’s only gotten harder.
World Cancer Day: Help us move toward a world where preventable cancers are prevented and the rest are found early enough to be treatable. We won’t get there tomorrow, but every step we take gets us that much closer.
Working Naked Day: If you’re still working from home, plop your bare, naked butt down in front of your computer and feel the freedom of working naked. Of course, if it’s cold where you are, and you keep the thermostat on the cool side, that may not be comfortable for long! If you wrap your naked self in a blanket for warmth are you still naked?
Medjool Date Day: Snack on Medjool dates! Try some of these quick & simple “recipes” to dress up your Medjool dates. Not that they need dressing up! They’re amazing all on their own.
National Homemade Soup Day: Make and enjoy your favorite soup for the day. Or try a new soup recipe.
February 5:
Western Monarch Day: Once upon a time (in the 1980s) millions of western monarchs spent their winters in California. These days fewer than 250,000 show up (and some years only a few thousand!). Let’s make sure their numbers grow again.
World Nutella Day: Eat, cook with, bake with, and just generally indulge in the delight that is Nutella.
Take Your Child to the Library Day: Whether or not you go to the library regularly or even have a library card, this is the day to bring your child to the library to experience the wonder of rooms filled with books. And if they don’t have library cards, this is the perfect chance to change that!
Move Hollywood & Broadway to Lebanon, PA Day: We’re not entirely sure why Tom & Ruth Roy want to move the craziness of Hollywood & Broadway to quiet Lebanon, PA, but here we are! Why not run with it?
February 6:
National Chopsticks Day: Obviously you must use chopsticks to celebrate properly! Which means you might want to have Chinese food. Although really, you can eat whatever you want with chopsticks. Well … except soup … (yes, you can pick out the chunks—if there are any—with chopsticks and drink the broth)
International Frozen Yogurt Day: Frozen yogurt is probably also pretty challenging to eat with chopsticks (although it may depend on just how frozen it is!) At any rate, enjoy your favorite frozen yogurt with all your favorite toppings. It makes a sweet, creamy end to your weekend.