What to Celebrate January 4 thru 10, 2021

Celebration Ideas for January 4 – 10, 2021
Well, the new year is officially here. How’s it feeling so far? (Not your head. The year.).
So far it’s feeling chilly and rather gray here. But we’re optimistic it’ll turn out bright & shiny and won’t tarnish too badly.
And we’re looking forward to enjoying some more silliness, deliciousness, and yes, some seriousness too as the year progresses.
We wish you only good things in the year ahead. So do go take a peek and plan your week. And as always, remember to …
Celebrate All January Long
Get you and your dog(s) (and other pets) ready for a happy, healthy year. Give a bird a new lease on life, too. And look forward to gardening season! It’s an exciting start to the year.
National Train Your Dog Month: Did you get a new family member for the holidays? Or maybe you have a furry family member who doesn’t listen as well as you’d like. January is the perfect time to enroll in a training class!
Unchain a Dog Month: Dogs deserve better than a life spent chained in the backyard. And we can all help make sure they have it. If you have a “backyard dog” consider bringing it inside to be a real part of your family. If you know of a dog living outside, make sure it has at least adequate shelter, food, and water. Encourage the owner to bring it inside if you can. Report any neglect.
National Walk Your Pet Month: You know that New Year’s resolution to get more exercise? Your pet can help with that! This celebration goes well with the other 2, too. Instead of a chain in the backyard, put your dog on a lead, and head out for a walk! And if Fido won’t walk on a lead, then it’s probably time for some training. And if your pet’s a cat? Well, they’ve been known to go for walks. Even turtles can go for walks! Although a turtle’s pace probably won’t be a whole lot of exercise for you. But it could still be fun!
Adopt a Rescued Bird Month: Have you been thinking about getting a bird to share your home? Pet birds can be quite fun! And just like cats, dogs, & other pets, lots of pet birds find themselves homeless. So “Adopt Don’t Shop” applies to our feathered companions too. And January is all about finding abandoned birds new forever homes.
National Mail Order Gardening Month: Spring will be here before you know it! So it’s time for avid gardeners to start planning. Thumb through paper catalogs if you still get them. Or visit your favorite gardening websites to get ideas and start ordering seeds and/or making a plant wish list.
Weekly Celebrations for January 4 to 10
Continue reveling in silence. But enjoy some laughter (or at least the promise of future laughter) too!
Silent Record Week (January 1 – 7, 2021): We’re still quietly celebrating this week. And a glorious week it is.
Someday We’ll Laugh About This Week (January 2 – 8, 2021): Use this week to remind yourself that today’s “disasters” will most likely become tomorrow’s funny stories.
Celebration Days coming up for Jan. 4 thru Jan. 10
Get some cuddling in, spread some joy, and take a fresh perspective on Mondays.
Enjoy spaghetti & shortbread, tempura & toffee, and beans & bittersweet chocolate for the week. No, we’re not suggesting you put spaghetti on shortbread or chocolate in your beans. Or make tempura with your toffee. But if any of that sounds good to you, go for it! 😉
However you choose to spend it, just make sure you have another fun-tastic week!
January 4
National Trivia Day: If you’re a trivia fan, this is the day to share all those “useless” bits of information with anyone who will listen. And even those who won’t. 😉 If you know other triva fans, have a trivia party!
World Braille Day: On Jan. 4 we celebrate the birthday of the man who invented the Braille code, Louis Braille. Mr. Braille lost his sight at age 3. By age 15 he had created his code, based on a system of dots & dashes used by the military.
Tom Thumb Day: General Tom Thumb, born Charles Sherwood Stratton, was P.T. Barnum’s first major attraction. He stopped growing at 6 months old, and although he started again at age 9—and kept growing all his life—he only got to be 3 feet, 4 inches tall. He was born on this date in 1838. See pictures of him here.
“Thank God it’s Monday” Day: On the first Monday of the new year we give thanks for this much-maligned day. Because Mondays are weekly opportunities for fresh, new beginnings. So instead of dreading Monday mornings we should look forward to them! Start with this one.
National Spaghetti Day: What better way to enjoy the end of your joyous Monday than with a simple but delicious dinner of spaghetti? The sauce is up to you, but the pasta must be spaghetti.
January 5
National Bird Day: Celebrate the beauty of birds. And learn why they, like so many other animals, need our protection.
National Screenwriters Day: For this day we honor the people who write the scripts for our favorite (or not so favorite!) movies and tv programs. We all know the actors of course; they’re right there on the screen! And we know the directors too. They get all the credit for making the whole thing come together. But without the screenwriters there wouldn’t be anything to put together! So use this day to learn more about the screenwriters for the movies & shows you love.
National Keto Day: Do you “do” keto? While it may seem like a fad, eating a diet low in carbs can have some health benefits. If you already eat this way, use the day to introduce others to the keto diet (gently!). If you’ve been considering it (or even if you haven’t), learn a bit more about how it works for this day.
National Whipped Cream Day: Clearly you must eat whipped cream! And you’re in luck, because this light, airy delight is keto friendly. Well, as long as you don’t add sugar. And you use it on something other than standard baked goods … keto-friendly baked goods are fine, of course! And if you’re not celebrating Keto Day, add that whipped cream to anything your little heart desires. 😋
January 6
Cuddle Up Day: Get cuddly! Cuddle with your favorite person, a pet, or even just yourself and a hot mug of tea (or your favorite hot beverage). It’s your time to relax and enjoy.
National Technology Day: Technology has been getting more and more important for a long time now. But this past year has really driven the point home. As hard as the pandemic has made a lot of things, it would have been a lot harder without technology. Working from home, virtual school, and more would have been impossible.
National Bean Day: Eat beans! In chili, in soup, or in a stew. Make burritos or refried beans. Or both! You can even use them in cake! 😮 With so many different kinds of beans and so many different ways to make them, there’s no wrong way to celebrate this day (well, unless you don’t eat beans …).
National Shortbread Day: After your beans, enjoy a sweet (but not too sweet!) treat: shortbread. Buy your favorite shortbread, or try your hand at making some shortbread cookies. Or get fancy and try some pecan shortbread cookies. Yum!
January 7
National Tempura Day: Make it a tempura night! If restaurants are open & you’re comfortable going, head out to your favorite Japanese spot. Or order for takeout. Of course, making it yourself is also always an option.
National Bobblehead Day: Did you know bobbleheads have their own museum? They do! And that museum decided they need their own day, too. Because who doesn’t love bobbleheads?! If you have a favorite bobblehead, show it off. And visit the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame! The building will probably still be closed, but there’s a virtual tour for you to explore.
Old Rock Day: Is geology more your style? Or maybe you love fossils? Whatever kind of old rocks you find fascinating, this is the day to learn more about them, go in search of them, and/or share your passion with other old rock fans.
I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore Day: Have you been silently putting up with something you’d rather not? Well this is the day to change that. Whatever (or whoever) “that” happens to be.
January 8
National Joy Germ Day: For almost a year now we’ve tried to be super careful about not spreading germs. But this germ is different! Joy is one of the few things we want to spread around with wild abandon. So do that!
National Winter Skin Relief Day: Skin care is important every day of the year. But in the winter our skin really takes a beating. Learn how to protect it from getting dry, rough, and cracked in celebration of this day.
National Bubble Bath Day: Take a bubble bath! Let your kids have one, too. And maybe even raise some money for Ronald McDonald House? Oh, and try to win some bubble bath too!
National Argyle Day: Celebrate the diamond pattern known as argyle. The pattern is from the tartan of Clan Campbell of Argyll in western Scotland. Today we wear it because we love it (although some avoid it because they hate it!). If you love it and want to celebrate the day, wear your argyle socks, hats, sweaters, vests, and whatever else you’ve got!
National English Toffee Day: Head into the weekend with a sweet treat. English toffee is buttery & nutty and perfect any time. Do you prefer your English toffee with or without chocolate? If with, dark or milk? Or white?
January 9
National Cassoulet Day: Simmer a big pot of the meat & beans dish called cassoulet. Your home will smell amazing, and you’ll have a delicious dinner waiting whenever you’re ready. What could be more perfect for a winter evening?
National Balloon Ascension Day: The very first balloon flight in the US happened on this day in 1793. Jean Pierre Blanchard flew his balloon over Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Prison. The awe-struck crowd included George Washington. Consider taking a hot air balloon ride if you can.
National Static Electricity Day: Dry winter air is conducive to creating more than dry skin (see Winter Skin Relief Day on the 8th). It also increases the chances of getting zapped when you touch a light switch, another person, or your pet, among other things. And this day celebrates that shocking touch. Spend some time learning how to avoid getting shocked. Or have fun with it and create some static electricity. Maybe by rubbing a balloon on your head? (Preferably a much smaller balloon than those used for rides).
National Apricot Day: Enjoy some sweet, juicy apricot for the day. Snack on fresh apricots or canned. Bake them in a pie or spread apricot preserves on toast. As long as you eat apricot you’ll be celebrating right.
January 10
Save The Eagles Day: Here in the US we only have 2 species of eagle. And we did a fantastic job of saving the Bald Eagle, our national bird. But many other eagle species around the world also need saving.They deserve the same chance as the bald eagle.
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day: This is the day to learn more about how to make your home more energy-efficient and save money in the process. Things like weatherproofing, setting your water heater at a lower temperature, and maintaining your furnace are good places to start. Get more energy-saving ideas here. Businesses can take many of these same steps to save energy and money.
National Oysters Rockefeller Day: You’re just going to have to serve oysters Rockefeller to make your Sunday celebrations complete. The original, authentic recipe—created at Antoine’s Restaurant in New Orleans—is secret, but there are plenty of yummy variations around. Like this classic oysters Rockefeller recipe.
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day: A dessert with bittersweet chocolate is the perfect way to balance the richness of your oysters Rockefeller. You could, of course, just enjoy a bittersweet chocolate bar. Or you could get more creative and make some bittersweet chocolate crinkle cookies. If you prefer brownies, bake up a batch of bittersweet chocolate brownies. Or get truly decadent and make bittersweet chocolate souffles. Whatever you choose, you won’t be sorry!
National Sunday Supper Day: Make sure you have enough Oysters Rockefeller and bittersweet chocolate creations to go around! Because you’ll want to get the whole family to sit down together for a real meal. With conversation and everything! You’ll probably need a main course too. Find lots of ideas at Sunday Supper Movement, creator of this day.