What to Celebrate January 6 thru 12, 2020

Celebration Ideas for January 6 – 12, 2020
So 2020 is finally and officially here. How’s it going so far? Hopefully you’re seeing lots of positive possibilities ahead.
And of course, turning each day into a celebration is a fantastic way to keep a positive mood. Whether you like to celebrate foods (tempura & toffee!), silliness (bobbleheads & pantsless subway rides), or something else entirely, make a point of finding something to celebrate each day this week.
And then each day this year.
So go ahead & take a peek to plan your 1st week of the year. And do remember to …
Celebrate All January Long
Cold January is the perfect time to enjoy warm, comforting foods. And would you look at that … we’re celebrating 3 warm, comforting foods (& drinks) all month long!
National Hot Tea Month: Cold winter days are for getting cozy in front of the fire or under a warm blanket with a hot drink. And tea fits the bill! So enjoy your favorite teas all month long (and then all winter). Explore some new teas too. You might find a new favorite. And Hot Tea Day happens on Jan. 12, so make sure you’re drinking tea all day. Use caffeinated teas in the morning & herbal teas for the evening.
National Oatmeal Month: Get creative with oatmeal all during January. Of course it makes a satisfying breakfast. And since you can top it with just about anything, it’s hard to ever get tired of it! But it also makes a fantastic ingredient for breads, cookies, muffins, and even soups.
National Soup Month: Winter is soup season, so it makes sense for January to be all about soups. Make a different soup every night & freeze your leftovers for quick & easy meals when you don’t have time to cook. Make your favorites, of course, but try some new recipes too. The possibilities are nearly endless. Start with this list of 20 hearty soups.
National CBD Month: CBD seems to be everywhere these days! You can find it in lotions & capsules & lots of different edibles. Many people swear by its power to help alleviate pain, promote sleep, prevent seizures, and more. And it does all this & more without getting you high. It’s not for everyone, but why not use this month to learn more about CBD’s possible effects & decide for yourself if it might help you.
Weekly Celebrations for January 6 to 12
This week is about your health. Making sure you’re getting enough of critical vitamins (like B9) and getting to a healthy weight can both help you feel better and protect your health.
National Folic Acid Awareness Week: Folic acid is an important B-vitamin that helps prevent birth defects. So it’s especially important for women who are planning to get pregnant to get enough. But it’s also important for everyone because it helps your body make new cells and may offer some protection against certain cancers and heart disease. Technically folic acid is a synthetic form of folate (vitamin B9), and these benefits apply to both forms.
National Lose Weight, Feel Great Week: If one of your resolutions this year is to lose weight, use this week to keep your motivation up. Every time you’re tempted to eat something likely to sabotage your weight-loss efforts, remind yourself that losing weight can help you feel healthier and more energetic. And isn’t that worth sacrificing chips, cake, or other less-than-nutritious foods for?
And National Pizza Week starts on Sunday the 12th. So start eating pizza Sunday! (Yes, we know. This will not help you reach your weight-loss goals … but neither will completely depriving yourself. So enjoy pizza in moderation for the week).
Celebration Days coming up for Jan. 6 thru Jan. 12
Heading into the 1st full week of January (and the new year!) we begin by being grateful it’s … Monday?! Well, gratefulness does seem like a good way to begin the year. And getting to cuddle on that day may make it more acceptable.
Then we move on to more interesting & fun things. Like bobbleheads & bubble baths. And bittersweet chocolate.
We also spread joy while enjoying English toffee. And argyle.
For the more serious-minded we help save the eagles and thank law enforcement officers.
With all these celebrations & more waiting for you, we’d say it’s looking like a fun-tastic first week of the year!
January 6:
Cuddle Up Day: A cold winter day is perfect for cuddling … with your significant other, with a pet, or even just with a good book. However you like to cuddle, do that for this day. And if January is warm (or even hot!) where you are? Cuddling is still a great mood booster. So you have no excuse not to cuddle up. (And maybe even laugh at what a ridiculous word “cuddle” is … seriously, say it a few times in a row & it just starts to sound weird!).
National Thank God It’s Monday Day: On the 1st Monday in January we celebrate the day we usually hate. Because lots of good things can also happen on Mondays. For example, when you get a new job what day do you usually start? Monday! When do vacations start? Monday! (ok, maybe “the moment you walk out of work on Friday” is more accurate here). Where do movable holidays often go? Monday! So start the year by giving Monday its due. Celebrate it!
National Technology Day: With every passing year technology becomes a bigger & bigger part of our lives. For just one example, today’s tiny cellphones have more computing power than the room-sized computers from just 30 years ago! Shoot, there’s a good chance your phone is more powerful than you current laptop (assuming you even have a laptop). And that small device lets you control your home heating, security and more. Yep, technology definitely deserves a day of celebration.
National Bean Day: Beans are delicious and nutritious. And there’s enough different kinds & ways to make them to keep you from getting bored for a good long time (or ever). So for this day make beans your favorite way and enjoy. Or try a new bean recipe. Maybe even one that sounds kinda weird, like these black bean brownies.
National Shortbread Day: On this day we enjoy the sweet, crumbly texture of shortbread. Make a batch of shortbread cookies yourself, or buy them. Just be sure to enjoy them!
January 7:
National Tempura Day: On this day we dip shrimp, veggies, & pretty much anything you like in a light airy batter, deep-fry ‘em, & enjoy. There you go, dinner’s sorted!
National Bobblehead Day: Do you collect bobbleheads? This is a great day to get yourself a new one! Or even just admire the ones you have. See if your favorite team(s) or stores are having any specials in honor of the day. You might be able to score that bobblehead you’ve been wanting! What do you mean your favorite teams/players don’t have any bobbleheads?! This would also be the perfect time to let them know they should!
Old Rock Day: If you love geology or just fossils & old rock formations, this is the perfect celebration for you! Because it’s all about old rocks & fossils. So go looking for old rocks & fossils, or learn more about them, to celebrate.
I’m not Going to Take it Anymore Day: What is it that you just can’t take anymore? Identify it and then do something about it for this day. Whether it’s standing up to a person or taking action on some situation that’s been driving you crazy, you can start taking your life back for this day.
January 8:
National Joy Germ Day: On this day we spread joy! It only takes one little germ of joy to start a wave of infection. Why not provide that joy germ in your little part of the world?
Earth’s Rotation Day: On this date in 1851 physicist Leon Foucault proved that Earth rotates on its axis. We do not recommend celebrating by rotating on your axis …
National Argyle Day: Love it or hate it, for this day you must celebrate the diamond pattern known as argyle. So wear something argyle for the day.
National Bubble Bath Day: When was the last time you took a bubble bath? Sadly, as we grow up many of us start to think we’ve outgrown bubble baths. But it’s just not true! So block out some time for yourself & settle in for a nice long, bubbly soak. You’re welcome.
National English Toffee Day: Mmmmm … sweet, buttery, & nutty English toffee definitely deserves a day of its own. And you deserve to celebrate by indulging in some of that deliciousness completely guilt-free.
January 9:
National Cassoulet Day: If you like beans and meat, this is the day for you. A cassoulet is a dish of slow-cooked beans & meat! So make yourself a cassoulet to celebrate. Or find a restaurant that serves it & enjoy it without all the prep time.
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day: On this day we thank the law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to keep us safe. So thank any officers you know. Or any officers you see on this day. And remember, every profession includes some people who shouldn’t be there. So don’t let the negative stories about a few officers tarnish your opinion of our police forces as a whole.
National Static Electricity Day: Create the shocking charge known as static electricity & then watch or feel the effects. How? Rub a balloon on your head & watch it lift your hair up. Or shuffle across a carpeted floor & then touch someone … that someone probably won’t thank you for the shock!
National Apricot Day: Enjoy this velvety fruit fresh, canned, or cooked. They make fantastic snacks on their own, but they also make lots of dishes, from salads to baked goods, better. So buy yourself a bag or a can of apricots & add ‘em to everything.
January 10:
Save The Eagles Day: Although North America doesn’t have too many eagles, one of its 2 species is pretty famous. Not only is it the US’s national bird, it’s also a conservation success story, having come back from the brink of extinction. But more than 60 eagle species exist around the world. And sadly many of them also face extinction. This day asks us to consider helping those eagles not lucky enough to be the pride & joy of the USA.
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day: The costs for heating & cooling your home plus powering all your electronic appliances & devices can add up fast. This is the day to find ways to save on energy use, thus cutting those costs. Find some simple tips here to get you started.
National Oysters Rockefeller Day: For this relatively new celebration you must have Oysters Rockefeller (of course!). So head out to your favorite restaurant or try this recipe to make them at home.
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day: After your Oysters Rockefeller enjoy a dessert made with bittersweet chocolate. Like these bittersweet chocolate brownies.
January 11:
National Vision Board Day: Create a vision board to help inspire you to keep working toward your goals. Especially if you’re having trouble keeping those New Year’s resolutions or focusing on your goals.
Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day: Morse Code is becoming a relic of the past, as the people who know it die off and younger generations don’t learn it. And that’s sad. Because even though it’s not terribly useful any more, it is fun. So use this day to at least learn to “write” your name in Morse Code.
National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day: On this day we get our friends wet! And probably mad. Because even as kids the splashee usually enjoyed the splashing a lot less than the splasher. Of course, how effectively you can splash depends on the weather where you are. And around here January is more icy than puddle-y. But you never know!
National Milk Day: Celebrate the beginning of home delivery of milk in 1878. Although it’s not clear if it actually began on this date or if Jan. 11 was a random choice. And yes, milk delivery does still exist, but it’s much less common than it once was. And dairies that deliver don’t exist everywhere.
January 12:
No Pants Subway Ride Day: On a cold January day we join with subway riders around the world & take a ride without wearing pants. Or skirts! But do please wear underwear. Preferably full-coverage underwear. Learn more about the 2020 event here.
Kiss a Ginger Day: Give any gingers you know a great big smackaroo for this day! The day apparently started as an alternative to Kick a Ginger Day. And we support the message of countering hate with love.
National Hot Tea Day: Enjoy a cup or 2 of your favorite hot tea to celebrate this day. Whether you prefer black or green, with milk or with lemon, honey-sweetened or with sugar, hot tea makes a delicious change from coffee.
National Curried Chicken Day: For this day you must curry your chicken the right way. With minimal curry powder & lots of other flavorful ingredients like butter & garlic & various spices. Try these simple curried chicken skewers for an easy Sunday meal. Or this curried chicken stew.
National Marzipan Day: After your spicy chicken curry enjoy some sweet marzipan. Buy some marzipan candies shaped as fruits or animals. Or make your own. You could even make your own marzipan to shape! Or make/buy your favorite baked goods made with marzipan.