What to Celebrate January 7 to 13, 2019

Celebration Ideas for January 7 – 13, 2019
Happy New Year!
Are you on track to make 2019 your best year yet?
If one of your resolutions is to have more fun, celebrating offbeat, weird, and delicious unofficial holidays is a great way to do that! And if you haven’t resolved to have more fun … why not?!
If you’ve resolved to make a difference in the world, good for you. And there’s plenty of unofficial holidays to help you do that too. The upcoming week includes celebrating eagles, reducing energy use, and promoting the benefits of folic acid.
Want to take better care of yourself? Eat soup and oatmeal, protect your skin, and enjoy bittersweet chocolate (it’s good for you!).
So let’s jump right in, take a peek, and plan our week!
And whatever you choose to do …
Celebrate All January Long
You still have plenty of time to celebrate National Train Your Dog Month. If your dog is already trained, spread the word to family & friends!
And after you and your dog have worked hard at training, fortify yourself with some hot soup, hot tea, and hot oatmeal! Make some of them in your slow cooker.
National Hot Tea Month: Hot tea lovers, this month is for you! And even if you only like hot tea, consider drinking more of it this month. Studies suggest various compounds in tea may help improve blood pressure and metabolism, among other benefits. And at the end of the week we even have National Hot Tea Day! So have a tea party & enjoy.
National Soup Month: Soup is awesome! It’s a one-pot comforting meal. It can be simple or complicated. Brothy or creamy. Meaty or vegetarian. There are so many different way to make it, you can easily enjoy a different soup every day this month! Here’s a list of 20 to consider.
National Oatmeal Month: Oatmeal makes a delicious & filling breakfast for sure. Especially if you add your favorite fruits or sweetener. Or maybe some peanut butter and/or cinnamon. But oats also make great snacks (oatmeal balls!), and add a satisfying crunch to yogurt or fruit plates. So find new ways to incorporate oatmeal into your meals all month.
National Slow Cooking Month: Soups & oatmeal can both be made in a slow cooker, which is convenient since we’re celebrating all 3 all January. The slow cooker is also a convenient way to make stews & chilis … which are comforting meals during this cold month (and also almost soups …). So if you don’t already use your slow cooker regularly, break it out & simplify your meal prep this month. And if you do use it regularly, then you’re all set to celebrate! Here are some slow-cooker recipe ideas to get you started.
Weekly Celebrations for January’s 2nd Week
Yes, we’re already heading into the 2nd week of the month & year. If you have a home office, this is the time to make sure it’s both physically and digitally secure. And since the new year is a popular time to focus on health, it’s also a good time to spread the word about folic acid. It’s important for everyone of all ages, but especially for women who might get pregnant.
Home Office Safety and Security Week (January 6 – 12): So there’s apparently some disagreement about when this week is. We’ve seen it as the 1st full week of Jan and starting on the 2nd Sunday. But for people who work from home—either full or part time—safety & security is important. So we’re going to highlight it for this week and next. And you get to decide when to celebrate! Get some simple tips for making your home office safe & secure here.
Pizza Week (January 6 – 12): Eat pizza for a whole week! Get your favorite(s) of course. But try a few new combos too. You never know, you might discover a whole new favorite!
National Folic Acid Awareness Week (January 6 – 12): This B-vitamin is very important for a healthy pregnancy. It’s also important for people of all ages because it helps your body make new cells.
Celebration Days coming up for Jan. 7 thru Jan. 13
Deliciousness abounds for this week. From tempura and cassoulet to apricots, curried chicken, and marzipan, you’re sure to find something to delight your taste buds.
Speaking of delight, you might also like to spread joy, hop on the subway without pants (do wear underwear, please!), and jump in a puddle.
There’s also old rocks & static electricity to celebrate. Along with plenty more.
Yes, it’s looking like the makings of another fun-tastic week!
January 7:
National Tempura Day: For this day enjoy lightly battered, deep fried deliciousness for at least one meal. Traditionally tempura is vegetables and seafood, but there’s no reason you can’t get creative with it.
National Bobblehead Day: This day is for bobblehead lovers everywhere! Did you know there’s a Bobblehead Hall of Fame & Museum? Yep, bobbleheads have their very own museum. It was founded in 2014 and the founders also created this awesome day beginning in 2015.
Old Rock Day: For this day celebrate with your favorite kind of old rocks. How? Well that depends on which rocks you prefer. Gemstones are old rocks … so maybe buy yourself some new jewelry with your favorite stone. Or go hiking and marvel at cliffs or other old rock formations. Head for a canyon or cave & be completely surrounded by some very old rocks. It’s all up to you!
Handsel Monday: This was a traditional Scottish holiday when servants and children would get small gifts.
January 8:
National Joy Germ Day: Spread joy for this day! All it takes is one little germ of joy: a smile, a joke, or some words of encouragement. And just like the nastier germs we try to avoid, this germ is contagious. So the person(s) you spread it to will likely spread it to others. Soon there can be joy across the world … or at least your little corner of it.
National English Toffee Day: Enjoy a piece or 2 (or 3!) of buttery English toffee for this day. If you’re feeling ambitious, make it yourself.
National Winter Skin Relief Day: Winter is rough on your skin. For the 3rd annual National Winter Skin Relief Day learn how to protect your skin from the elements. And start treating it right every day of the year.
January 9:
National Cassoulet Day: For this day you must eat cassoulet! Head out to your favorite restaurant (that includes cassoulet on its menu of course!) or make it yourself. You can also buy jarred or canned cassoulet if you prefer.
National Apricot Day: Enjoy sweet apricots for this day. Consider cooking or baking wiith them. Make a main dish, like this pork tenderloin with dried apricots. Or dessert, like this apricot cobbler, made with canned apricot halves.
National Static Electricity Day: Celebrate the wonder (purifying air?) and irritation (your hair sticking out everywhere!) of static electricity for this day.
January 10:
Save the Eagles Day: America’s Bald Eagles may be a conservation success story, but we need to make sure it stays that way. And many more eagle species around the world are still in trouble. They need our help to survive.
National Cut Your Energy Costs Day: Help the environment and your wallet by learning how to use less energy all around your home. Consider starting with a heating system tune-up (save up to 10%! … although 3-ish percent is probably more likely, which is still great). Then consider lowering your thermostat a couple of degrees (even more when you’re not home) and turning down your water heater temperature too. Get lots more ideas here.
National Bittersweet Chocolate Day: It’s another deliciously sweet day … although bittersweet chocolate is less sweet than some, like milk chocolate. But no less delicious! And depending on your preferences, possibly more delicious. Eat it all on its own or use it to make a luscious dessert. Like this Bittersweet Chocolate Cheesecake. Or how about Bittersweet Chocolate and Walnut Fudge? Even better, make them both!
January 11:
National Milk Day: Commemorate the anniversary of the day the New York Dairy Company 1st delivered milk in glass bottles. It happened on Jan. 11, 1878. This was actually several years before Dr. Hervey Thatcher invented the “modern” glass milk bottle. This is a US day and is different from India’s National Milk Day in November. That day celebrates the birth of Dr Verghese Kurien, who helped India’s milk industry become self-sufficient.
National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day: What fun! Although we suspect it was not created by anyone living where January is kinda chilly … or just plain cold. And water outside is generally frozen. But if you can find some actual water (or even slush!) to splash on your friends, go for it. It might be best to make sure your friend isn’t headed for an important meeting or event though. That could get awkward. :)
January 12:
National Hot Tea Day: Warm up with a steaming mug of hot tea. What’s your favorite kind of tea? Do you take milk and/or sugars? Personally we prefer lemon & sugar (or stevia) in either black or oolong. And we find green tea’s lighter taste refreshing in the later afternoon.
National Curried Chicken Day: Not just any chicken … curried chicken! Simmer chicken pieces in a savory, spicy blend of onions, garlic, tomatoes, cumin, cinnamon, turmeric and other spices to celebrate this day. Try this recipe with coconut rice. Or, for a less labor-intensive recipe, go with slow-cooker chicken curry.
National Marzipan Day: Almonds make almost anything better! And turning them into a “candy dough” makes it better still! So for this day have some marzipan stollen. Or marzipan kringle (a Scandinavian pastry). Or chocolate-covered marzipan. Or just plain marzipan, shaped into little fruits. Or whatever other marzipan delights you desire. It’s all divine!
January 13:
No Pants Subway Ride: It is once again time to head out without pants & take a ride on the subway! Yep, this day is exactly what it sounds like. Improv Everywhere started the day back in 2002 and still organizes the annual event in New York. But anyone can coordinate events in their own cities around the world. Get more information here.
Rubber Ducky Day: Did you have a rubber ducky for bath time as a kid? Do/did your own kids? Well pull that sweet little toy out of storage & return it to its rightful home: In your tub! Don’t have one? Get one! Don’t take baths? Start! They’re comforting and relaxing … just the thing to help ease the tension from long days of adulting. Or if you prefer, celebrate the day by wearing rubber ducky clothes. Or using rubber ducky items.
National Peach Melba Day: Enjoy a dish of cool, creamy, and fruity Peach Melba. Try this easy recipe with fresh peaches. Or, if you’re short on time, this ultra-simple recipe with canned peaches.