What to Celebrate July 1 to 7, 2019

Celebration Ideas for July 1 – 7, 2019
July! Welcome back!
Hopefully you have lots of plans for the long, hot days ahead. But if you need some help, we have ideas.
There are lots of delicious days coming up. And some scrumptious month-long celebrations, too. Blueberries & ice cream every day for a month? Yes, please!
We also work on protecting the environment, our skin, and our eyes. We celebrate meat and freedom from meat. We go to the park and to dive bars. And so much more!
So let’s not waste another minute. Dive right in to take a peek and plan your week.
And as always …
Celebrate All July Long
For July we celebrate being responsible human beings by helping the environment (avoid single-use plastics!) and being courteous about our cell phone use. We also celebrate some foods of the season.
Plastic Free July: Single use plastics are sooo convenient! But they’re clogging up our oceans & rivers and killing birds, sea turtles, whales, and other wildlife. Let’s start finding alternatives to our single-use plastics this July. And then keep up the momentum all year!
National Cell Phone Courtesy Month: Apparently cell phone users have been discourteous for pretty much the entire existence of cell phones! Because Jacqueline Whitmore founded this month back in 2002. And we’ve only gotten worse since then. Although to be fair, fewer people are probably shouting into their phones these days. But only because now they’re staring at them while texting or surfing. And completely ignoring the people next to them. This month reminds us to be present when we’re with others. Nobody needs an immediate answer to their texts. Your Facebook friends & Twitter followers won’t die of boredom if you don’t post for an hour (or even two!). About the only exceptions are doctors on call, someone waiting on important medical test results, or someone with a sick relative/friend.
National Blueberry Month: Indulge in the sweetness of fresh blueberries all month! Eat them as a snack. Top cereal, yogurt, or even ice cream with them. Make cakes, pies, & pancakes with them. Make sure your berry smoothies include blueberries! There’s so many ways to enjoy them, and you have a whole month to discover them all!
National Baked Beans Month: Baked beans are the perfect side any time of year. But they go especially well with grilled burgers, sausages, & pretty much any cook-out foods. So July is the perfect month to celebrate them. And eat them every day!
National Ice Cream Month: If you were looking for an excuse to enjoy ice cream every day this month, well here it is! Have your favorite flavor(s) in a bowl, cup, or cone. Eat them plain or add sprinkles, fruits, sauces, and/or candies. Try new flavors (there’s some weird ones out there!). Make your own ice cream! Just enjoy the cool creaminess on these hot, hot days. (If July is winter where you are, enjoy ice cream any way!).
Weekly Celebrations for July’s 1st Week
During the 1st week of July we celebrate beans, bacon, and UFOs. And we try to be nice to New Jersey. We do it all while protecting our eyes from injury. (Those of you who’d rather poke your eyes out than be nice to New Jersey … please don’t!).
National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness Week: Summer offers lots of opportunities for eye injuries. Baseball, Frisbee, and pretty much any game that involves throwing things pose a risk. Even things that seem low-risk, like gardening & grilling can end with you getting things like dirt or lighter fluid in your eyes. And the 4th of July adds burn risks from fireworks, sparklers, etc. Don’t let your fun end with damage to your eyes. Protect them always.
Be Nice to New Jersey Week (July 1 – 7): Apparently we make fun of New Jersey a lot. At least we did back in 1985 (and let’s face it, we probably still do!). So in that year a San Antonio, Texas media company had the idea we should be nice to the poor, maligned state for a whole week. Doesn’t seem like too much to ask, does it?
Roswell UFO Festival (July 5 – 7): After celebrating the anniversary of US independence we celebrate the anniversary of the alien crash-landing in New Mexico. It was 1947, and the US Air Force’s changing story about what, exactly, they recovered from that field turned into a conspiracy debate that has lasted more than 70 years! If you can make it to Roswell, you’ll find an Alien Chase (10K & 5K run/walks), alien pet contest, a light parade, and more. Most are free. Follow the festival’s Facebook page too. (And don’t forget to get into the alien spirit with World UFO Day on the 2nd!).
Beans and Bacon Days (July 3 – 7, 2019): Apparently Augusta, Wisconsin celebrates beans & bacon with a car show, fireworks, craft fair, Run for the Bacon, and more. We sure do hope there’s actual beans & bacon to eat somewhere in all the fun! (And since we won’t be making to to Wisconsin for this festival, just eating beans & bacon on at least one of these days seems like a excellent substitute ).
Celebration Days coming up for July 1 thru July 7
This week we wish a happy Canada Day (July 1) to our neighbors up north. And we celebrate our own independence.
But that’s not all!
We feast all week. On gingersnaps and weird ice cream flavors and chocolate wafers. Plus fried clams, barbecued spare ribs, and fried chicken. And tons more deliciousness, too.
We celebrate some anniversaries, too. There’s the introduction of the postage stamp, and 116 years later the ZIP code. And we can’t forget the introduction of the bikini and crash-landing of a UFO.
Yes, it’s shaping up to be yet another fun-tastic week!
July 1:
ZIP Code Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the national roll-out of the 5-digit ZIP code in the US. It’s been 56 years since that simple code made getting mail where it needs to go easier.
National US Postage Stamp Day: On this date in 1847 the US issued its first stamps. They were worth 5¢ (Benjamin Franklin in a red-brown color) and 10¢ (George Washington in black). Back then stamps were optional. If the sender didn’t use a stamp, the receiver had to pay the postage.
National Gingersnap Day: Enjoy a handful of these sweet & spicy cookies, guilt-free. And not just because you get a free pass to eat whatever we’re celebrating. Also because these cookies’ ingredients are good for you! That’s right, ginger, cinnamon, and clove—the ingredients that give the cookies their tongue-tingling flavor—have health benefits. Here’s a gingersnap recipe if you’re interested in making them yourself.
National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day: Vanilla & chocolate may be 2 of the most popular ice cream flavors, but they’re just not allowed for this day. Instead, head out to your favorite ice cream shop & see what creative flavors you can try. Or, if you like to make your own ice cream, create something new & exciting from the flavors already in your kitchen! Of course, unless you get really weird your “new” creative flavor probably already exists somewhere. After all, someone created these 10 ice cream flavors.
July 2:
World UFO Day: What really crash-landed in Roswell back in 1947? Despite official statements that it was a weather balloon, we may never know for sure … making it the very definition of Unidentified Flying Object! So whether or not there were aliens aboard, it was a UFO.
I Forgot Day: This is the day to make up for any special days (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) you may have forgotten recently. Call or send a card to apologize. Or throw a combination party to celebrate all the days you forgot! And maybe even spend a few minutes of the day setting up a reminder system so you don’t forget again!
National Anisette Day: Add a splash of this anise-flavored liqueur to your coffee for this day. Then enjoy a cocktail with anisette to end the day. If you’re not much of a drinker, make anise cookies for the flavor without the alcohol.
Made in the USA Day: On this day we try to buy only products made in the good ol’ US of A! Did you know these items are American-made?
July 3:
International Plastic Bag Free Day: If you go shopping on this day, remember your reusable bags! No plastic bags allowed for July 3. Of course, if you live where the bags are banned, you’re already in the habit. For the rest of us, start making it a habit on this day.
Stay Out of the Sun Day: Protect your skin and avoid the sun for this day! If you need to be outside, set up a shade umbrella. Or carry a parasol (for sun protection, not rain!). And if you can’t completely avoid sunshine, at least wear sun block. Actually, wear sun block anyway.
National Chocolate Wafer Day: It’s another chocolate-themed day to love! And what’s not to love about crispy, chocolaty wafers? Nothing! Snack on the, eat them for desert, or add them to desert (ice cream or cakes). However you enjoy them, just make sure you enjoy them!
National Fried Clams Day: On this date in 1916 the owners of a concession stand in Massachusetts first fried up some clams. Apparently a customer had suggested it as a joke, but they decided to try it. And they were a hit! So head out to your favorite seafood restaurant & order a big plate of fried clams to celebrate this delicious day.
July 4:
Boom Box Parade Day: In Willimantic, Connecticut the 4th of July parade is a bit different from most. Back in 1986 the high school didn’t have a marching band. And what’s a parade without a marching band, right? Wrong! The town canceled the parade, but the people were having none of it. They created their own parade, carrying boom boxes playing a local radio station that agreed to help. And a new tradition was born.
Independence From Meat Day: This day isn’t likely to go over well with fans of the meat-heavy July 4th BBQ. But if you’re ready for something different, consider going meat-free for the day. If you still want to grill, there’s plenty of veggies that cook up great on the grill. Enjoy!
National Barbecued Spareribs Day: This day fits the July 4th traditions a bit better. If you’re already planning BBQ’d spareribs you’re all set! If not, consider adding them to the menu.
National Caesar Salad Day: Whether you’re celebrating Independence From Meat Day or National Barbecued Spareribs Day, a Caesar salad makes a delicious side. So dress some Romaine lettuce & croutons with a creamy homemade Caesar dressing & grate some fresh Parmesan over it all. Simple & yummy!
July 5:
Bikini Day: Celebrate (or curse) the anniversary of the modern bikini’s debut to the world. If you’re heading to the beach, wear one! And don’t let anyone tell you you “shouldn’t.” If you want to, then do it.
National Apple Turnover Day: On this day enjoy a flaky apple turnover for dessert or a snack. Or both! But only apple. You can actually fill turnovers with just about any fruit, or even meat, but this day is all about the apples. Make your apple turnovers if you have time.
National Graham Cracker Day: Incorporate graham crackers into your meals for this day. Maybe make a pie with a graham cracker crust. Make S’mores. Make graham cracker toffee. Or check out these 19 recipes for more ideas.
July 6:
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day: It you can’t make it to the official cherry pit spitting contest, have your own! And then eat all the “leftover” cherries. Yum!
National Fried Chicken Day: Who can resist savory, crispy fried chicken? If your answer is “Not me!” then this is the day for you. Enjoy all the fried chicken you want, guilt free.
International Kissing Day: Get kissing! Your significant other. Your kids. Your friends. Even your pets! … Obviously each of those kisses should be very different. And of course, since not everyone is equally fond of kisses from friends, let them know about the day & give them a chance to opt out!
National Hand Roll Day: Celebrate the very 1st Hand Roll Day savoring the sushi form that’s also a work of art! It’s been more than 40 years since Chef Nozawa introduced hand rolls to US diners. And 7 years since he retired and stopped making hand rolls. But for this day he’s coming out of retirement to make hand rolls (and celebrate his 74th birthday!). Even if you can’t make it to KazuNori in Santa Monica, head out to your favorite sushi place to enjoy some hand rolls.
National Hop-A-Park Day: On this day we visit parks and enjoy low-tech fun with lots of sunshine & fresh air. Well, as long as the weather cooperates. But you can still enjoy the outdoors if it’s overcast or even raining. Just plan ahead! Some local parks may even be hosting special events for the day. Find out!
July 7:
Global Forgiveness Day: Forgiveness frees your mind and your heart for more positive, productive things. So do yourself a favor and forgive. And remember: forgiving doesn’t have to mean forgetting.
Chocolate Day: There can never be enough days for celebrating chocolate! For this one, enjoy your favorite chocolate in your favorite way.
National Strawberry Sundae Day: Make yourself (or go out for) a strawberry sundae to celebrate this day. We wouldn’t even blame you if you added a bit of shaved chocolate or chocolate sauce on top to celebrate two scrumptious flavors together!
National Macaroni Day: Eat macaroni for at least one meal on this day. With or without cheese … it’s up to you. ‘Cause mac & cheese actually has its own day coming up next week!
National Dive Bar Day: Save the dive bars! They just make you feel at home. So head out to your favorite dive bar for a drink.