What to Celebrate July 12 thru 18, 2021

Celebration Ideas for July 12 – 18, 2021
We’re heading into the 2nd half of July with joy & optimism 😊. How about you?
We plan to embrace simplicity and pandemonium. Not necessarily at the same time! We’ll use emoji everywhere 👍 & snack on blueberries. 🫐
We shall also enjoy ice cream 🍦, appreciate guinea pigs 🐹, & love horses 🐎.
You may prefer different celebrations. But you won’t know until you take a peek & plan your week! So do that, and …
Enjoy! 🎉
Celebrate All July Long
For July we enjoy lots of good food. But we don’t eat with disposable plastic utensils or store any leftovers in single-use plastics!
Plastic Free July: For the month of July we think carefully about the plastic items we use. And if they’re single-use plastic items we put them back & find something reusable to take their place. And when you realize just how easy that really is you’ll keep finding replacements for your single-use plastics all year long! We hope.
National Baked Beans Month: What would grilled burgers & brats be without a side of baked beans? Incomplete, that’s what! Luckily prime grilling season is also National Baked Beans Month. So you have no excuses to have incomplete meals this month. 😉
National Blueberry Month: Eat blueberries! These little orbs of delight make the perfect snack all on their own. And they make everything from pancakes & pies (or cakes!) to ice cream & parfaits better. If you run out of ways to use blueberries before you run out of month, well you’re just not trying!
National Peach Month: You can use peaches in many of the same ways you use blueberries (although we’re not sure about the pancakes …). So switch things up every few days! And of course, the best way to use a peach is to simply eat it perfectly ripe & juicy while leaning over the sink.
National Ice Cream Month: Blueberry & peach ice creams are both refreshing & perfect for a hot July day. Of course, you’ll want to enjoy all your favorite flavors & toppings & cones/bars/sandwiches/floats for the month.
Weekly Celebrations for 7/12 thru 7/18
Fun & safety are on the agenda for this week. Along with learning how people with various disabilities can benefit from therapeutic recreation.
National Therapeutic Recreation Week (July 11 – 17, 2021): Learn how recreation can help improve health. Therapeutic Recreation specifically targets the needs of people with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. And it’s not just fun & games. It’s a treatment program offered by trained professionals.
Safe Driver Week (July 11 – 17, 2021): This week focuses on helping drivers recognize when they’re engaging in unsafe driving practices. This year the week is focusing on speeding, but law enforcement won’t be ignoring other unsafe practices!
Family Golf Week (July 11 – 17, 2021): Join the family golf tournament if you’re near one of the participating courses. And even if you’re not, book a tee time at your favorite course for the whole family to get out & enjoy.
National Vodka Week (July 11 – 17, 2021): Enjoy vodka all week! Sip it neat if you like. Or make these summer vodka cocktails. Try a different one each day. We know you’ll celebrate this one responsibly. Right?
Celebration Days coming up for July 12 thru July 18
We start the week by celebrating our uniqueness … over a slice of pecan pie, perhaps?
Then we move on to embracing pandemonium. And sharks, which can cause pandemonium! But really they shouldn’t, and they don’t if you understand them.
We also give things away, explore the number 17 (there’s more to it than meets the eye!), and measure things (maybe something 17 cm, in, or ft long?).
So how will you make this a fun-tastic week?
July 12:
Different Colored Eyes Day: Celebrate what makes you unique! Despite the name of the day, it doesn’t have to be different colored eyes. But if it is that’s awesome! Why not throw a party & celebrate everyone’s unique traits?
National Simplicity Day: Celebrate the birthday of one of simplicity’s fiercest advocates, Henry David Thoreau. He was born on this date in 1817, when life was undeniably simpler than today in many ways. And yet he understood it could be simpler still. Thoreau championed living in harmony with nature and being less dependent on physical things.
International Town Criers Day: Town criers were, understandably, more common in ancient times, when newspapers were few & far between, and most people were illiterate anyway. So the best way to spread important news was for people to go out & announce it verbally. Believe it or not, though, town criers do still exist. Of course, there’s not as many of them, but apparently there is a championship! Celebrate by announcing all your news as if you’re a town crier?
Eat Your Jello Day: The name of this day clearly tells us how to celebrate! So have your favorite jello flavor(s) made your favorite way. Whether that’s plain or made with fruit juice or filled with fruit—or something else entirely!—is all up to you.
National Pecan Pie Day: This day’s name may not spell out exactly how to celebrate it, but you know the only way is to eat pecan pie, right? So make a pecan pie (it’s truly simple!) and enjoy.
July 13:
National French Fries Day: You know you must have fries at least once for this day. But we vote for every meal. Yes, even breakfast!
Gruntled Workers Day: If you’re not a disgruntled worker you must be a gruntled worker. Right? So be cheerful about your job all day. And thank all the other gruntled workers you come across for a job well done.
International Rock Day: Yes, there really is a day dedicated just to rocks. Why? Probably because rocks of all sizes & shapes have been incredibly important to humans throughout history. We’ve used rocks for everything from building shelters to making tools and weapons. Different kinds of rocks are better for different applications. Spend some time on this day learning more about rocks. Or maybe seeing what kind of tool you can make?
Embrace Your Geekness Day: Are you a geek? At one time being called a geek was a slam. And some people still use it that way. But being smart & passionate about your expertise is a good thing! And today more & more people agree. And they embrace their geekness (or their friends’ geekness). So join them! This is another day from Tom & Ruth Roy.
National Beef Tallow Day: Fry up your french fries in beef tallow to combine two delicious celebrations into one sensational day! As we try to include needed fat in our diets without causing unhealthy effects, we’ve come to realize that minimally processed fats—including animals fats!—can and should be part of a healthy diet. In fact, they’re healthier than the overly processed stuff we’ve been told for too many years is “better”.
National Beans ‘n Franks Day: Make sure you have beans & franks for at least one meal. So cook up a big pot of baked beans with hotdogs & enjoy a classic comfort food.
National Nitrogen Ice Cream Day: Freezing ice cream using nitrogen makes for a smoother, creamier ice cream, because it freezes so fast the water & fat crystals stay small. No wonder it’s popular! If there’s a nitrogen ice cream shop near you, go get yourself a delectable treat.
July 14:
Pandemonium Day: Immerse yourself in chaos for the day. Or at least calmly accept the chaos that comes your way.
Shark Awareness Day: Despite what movies may tell us, sharks are not blood-thirsty beasts just looking for a hapless human to eat. In fact, we’re pretty far down the list of things they like to eat, if we make the list at all! This day is about learning more about sharks & why they’re important.
International Nude Day: This day apparently began in New Zealand but at some point went worldwide. And why not? Ditching restrictive clothing to go au natural is certainly tempting. So why not give it a try? All day if you can. If not, then at least part of the day. Of course, as with any nude holidays, don’t prance around naked anyplace where you’re likely to get arrested for indecent exposure (we’re pretty sure citing this day won’t impress the police). Other than that, anything goes!
National Tape Measure Day: For this day we measure things! But not with a ruler or yardstick. For this celebration only a tape measure will do. Don’t have a tape measure? What’s wrong with you?! … Kidding … mostly. But seriously, these things are uber-useful. Buy yourself one! Or two … or ten. Keep one in every room & your car too. You never know when you’ll need it.
National Grand Marnier Day: Get out your bottle of Grand Marnier (or buy one!) and get busy. Sip it neat or make a cocktail. Maybe a Sidecar or Grand Tonic? Of course, it’s amazing for cooking, adding flavor to all kinds of desserts and sauces.
National Mac & Cheese Day: Does a Grand Marnier cocktail go with mac & cheese? Sure, why not?! Or have your Grand Marnier infused dessert after a comforting bowl of mac & cheese. As for the mac & cheese, use your favorite boxed stuff or make it using your favorite recipe … or a new recipe. Maybe this extraordinarily simple 3-ingredient mac & cheese? It’s all up to you.
July 15:
National Pet Fire Safety Day: Make sure your pets are part of your fire safety plan! If it’s been a while since you created your fire safety plan review it, and make sure it still meets your needs & includes all your current pets. And if you don’t have a fire safety plan, make one! And include your pets.
National I Love Horses Day: If you love horses you’ll definitely want to celebrate this one! With your own horse if you have one. Or a friend’s horse if you don’t. Or maybe taking a riding lesson at a local stable. If there’s wild horses at a national park near you, consider visiting to see if you can catch sight of some.
Be a Dork Day: Tom & Ruth Roy invite us all to be dorks for this day. Whatever “dork” means to you, be that! And be proud of it.
National Give Something Away Day: Have you been on a decluttering mission? Or been thinking about decluttering? Instead of tossing or selling the things you don’t want, give them away in honor of this day. Of course, make sure they’re actually usable things. Toss anything that’s actual garbage. Don’t have physical things to give away? Consider giving your time to help a local charity. Or to help a neighbor in need. There are many ways to give. Just decide which one(s) work for you.
National Gummi Worm Day: Gummi candies come in all kinds of shapes these days. But for this celebration only gummi worms are allowed. Snack on some or add them on top of your dessert.
National Tapioca Pudding Day: Tapioca makes a great thickener in many recipes and adds fun to teas. But none of that is what this day is about. No. For this celebration you must have tapioca pudding. Gummi worms on top optional.
July 16:
World Snake Day: Snakes get all the love for this day. Yes, love! So learn about snakes, visit snakes, & get your pet snakes something new for their habitat.
Guinea Pig Appreciation Day: Who doesn’t appreciate guinea pigs? They’re little & sweet & kinda goofy. And they’re quite popular as pets. Yet they didn’t have their own day until 2016! Luckily Piggle Guinea Pig Rescue remedied that sad situation. So if you have any piggies, give ’em extra love to celebrate. If you don’t and you’d like to, adopt a couple rescued piggies!
National Personal Chef’s Day: Do you have or know a personal chef? Thank them for their dedication to making sure you and/or all their clients get tasty, nutritious meals made to their personal preferences and/or dietary needs. If you are a personal chef, take a moment to give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.
National Corn Fritters Day: Whatever else you’re eating on this day, make corn fritters your side! Or create a unique sandwich by topping your filling of choice with a fritter. If you have a personal chef, request these for the day. If you are a personal chef, and they fit with your clients’ needs, consider making these part of a meal. Of course, you can always make your own corn fritters, too.
July 17:
Yellow Pig Day: It is once again time to celebrate yellow pigs & the number 17. Because mathematicians are weird, that’s why!
Woodie Wagon Day: Woodie wagons were once “all the rage”! And once a year, on the third Saturday in July, they are again.
World Emoji Day: It’s time to celebrate emoji! 😮🥳 How? 🤔 By using even more emoji than usual … which we’re not sure is actually possible. 🧐🦄 But try. 😇🤗😻👅🎉✔️❣️
Wrong Way Corrigan Day: On this date in 1938 young stunt pilot Douglas Corrigan flew out of New York and landed in Ireland the next day. He claimed he had been headed to California but cloud cover caused him to go the wrong way. Not everyone believed him, given that before takeoff he had requested permission (and been denied) to duplicate Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight.
National Tattoo Day: This day celebrates body ink and the artists who create masterpieces on their clients. Celebrate by showing off your tattoos or getting a new one. Or both! And of course, thank your tattoo artist. If you’ve been thinking about getting your first tattoo, research what you might want. And research where you’ll get it, too. You want good ink!
Record Store Day: It’s RSD 2 for 2021! Hopefully your favorite record stores are open and participating. Check in with them to see what they’re doing for the day, then do your part to support them.
Toss Away the “Could Haves” and “Should Haves” Day: For this day we literally throw out all our “could haves” & “should haves” by writing them on a piece of paper & throwing the paper away. Then let them go in your mind too, and vow to stop living in and looking toward the past. Instead, live in the present and look toward the future. Yes, we realize it’s not quite as simple as that. But you’ve taken the first step. And when you find yourself thinking about what you should have or could have done or said, stop & refocus on what you do have.
National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day: Enjoy your Saturday evening with a glass of strawberry rhubarb wine.
National Peach Ice Cream Day: Do you drink wine with your ice cream? We don’t usually, but we might be willing to do a taste test! Or just enjoy your refreshing peach ice cream before settling in with your wine.
July 18:
Nelson Mandela International Day: celebrate Nelson Mandela’s commitment to making the world a better place by helping to make a difference in your own community. Even if many of us can only help in small ways, all those small differences add up to something big. The most important thing is to act.
Insurance Nerd Day: Most of us probably don’t find insurance too exciting. Or at all exciting. Lucky for us, there are people passionate about helping us find the right insurance coverage. Thank these insurance nerds for this day. And maybe make their lives just a little easier by learning just a little bit about what they’re talking about?
National Sour Candy Day: Your candy choice for the day must be of the sour variety. Maybe Sour Punch candies, from American Licorice Co, founder of the day?
National Caviar Day: Treat yourself to caviar to celebrate this one.
National Ice Cream Day: And what better way to celebrate a Sunday evening in July than with ice cream? Have your favorite flavor with your favorite toppings. Or your favorite ice cream bar/cone/sundae from your favorite ice cream shop. Or create your ice cream treat at home … whatever you want!