What to Celebrate July 15 to 21, 2019

Celebration Ideas for July 15 – 21 2019
Welcome to the middle of July! Are you having a heat-wave, too? If you are, we hope you’re managing to stay cool!
But don’t let trying to avoid the heat stop you from having some fun, too!
You have to eat, so food days are an easy choice. Summery choices (like hot dogs) make it even easier. Some of them are even cool … like peach ice cream! And there’s nothing stopping you from celebrating daiquiris with a frozen one.
Of course, loving animals and doing good are rewarding, no matter the weather.
So what are you waiting for? Jump right in to take a peek and plan your week.
And as always …
Celebrate for the rest of July
For the rest of July we eat good and avoid boredom. All while staying safe from traffic accidents. Seems like a good plan for any month!
Hot Dog Month: Get creative with hot dogs all month! Cook them different ways. Top them different ways. Use them as an ingredient. Go crazy!
National Roadside Traffic Safety Awareness Month: Vacation time is also traffic injury time. Especially if you find yourself having to walk along a roadway. And especially at night. Learn (or remind yourself) how to stay safe on the road and how to avoid causing a traffic injury or fatality.
National Deli Sandwich Month: When you’re not eating hot dogs, enjoy deli sandwiches for the rest of July! Have all your favorites, then experiment with something new. But don’t confuse this month with Deli Meat Month (March) or National Sandwich Month (August).
National Anti-Boredom Month: Apparently the long, hot days and the lack of “real” holidays after July 4 led to the creation of this month. And apparently you’re supposed to find ways to fight boredom during this time. Well, we have just the answer! Keep vising NonStop Celebrations for all kinds of fun & offbeat days, weeks, & months to celebrate. Duh! ;) (We find serious stuff, too. So there’s something for everyone!).
Weekly Celebrations for July’s 3rd Week
A good massage will have you feeling relaxed and ready for festival and convention fun! Although depending on just how much fun you have, you might want a 2nd massage to recover!
Everybody Deserves a Massage Week (July 14 – 20, 2019): Yes, everybody really does! See if an Associated Bodywork & Massage Professional near you is having any specials/events to celebrate this week. Then go get yourself a massage … Aaahhhh …
National Baby Food Festival (July 17 – 20, 2019): Despite the name, this family-friendly festival isn’t really celebrating baby food (at least not directly). But there are plenty of kid- and baby-oriented activities. They include frog jumping, a bubble gum blowing contest, and a hula hoop contest. For the adults there’s a car show, sidewalk sales, and a bed race. Plus sooo much more! If you can make it to Fremont, MI it’s 4 days of non-stop fun!
Vent Haven International Ventriloquist ConVENTion (July 17 – 20, 2019): If you’re interested in ventriloquism this conVENTion is the place to be! Attend the whole convention or check the schedule & buy a day pass for just the day(s) you see something interesting. If you just like to watch ventriloquists, there’s an all-star show on Saturday night (you’ll need a day pass to get in).
Celebration Days coming up for July 15 thru July 21
This week is chock full of fun, serious, and delicious days.
Have fun with yellow pigs, emojis, and poets. Then enjoy sour candies, daiquiris, and ice cream.
On the serious side we prevent our pets from starting fires, and make sure we have a plan to keep them safe if a fire does happen. We also help make a difference in our communities and pledge to help stop child abuse.
So let’s have another fun-tastic (and productive!) week.
July 15:
National Pet Fire Safety Day: Are your pets part of your fire emergency plan? Do you even have a plan? This is the day to double-check your plan to be sure it’s still right for you and your pets. Also look around your house to make sure your pet can’t start any fires (it happens more than you might think).
National Get Out of the Doghouse Day: If you’ve gotten yourself in the doghouse recently, this is the day to apologize and (hopefully) get yourself out of the doghouse. Good luck!
Gummi Worm Day: Get yourself some gummi worms & enjoy! But only worms for this day. Gummi bears may have been the original gummi candy (created in Germany in 1922!), but they’re verboten on this day.
National I Love Horses Day: If you love horses, this day is for you! Of course, if you love horses you love them every day. But this day is special, so spend some extra time with your favorite horse for this day (if you’re lucky enough to have one). Hand out an extra treat, too! If you don’t have a horse of your own, see if there’s a stable nearby that offers trail rides to the public or something similar. (Or make friends with a horse owner so you’re ready to celebrate properly next year! ;) )
National Tapioca Pudding Day: Homemade tapioca pudding is simple, quick, and delicious! So make some to enjoy for this day. This recipe uses only 5 ingredients and takes all of 10 minutes to make (you do need to let it sit for at least 15 minutes before eating). Yum!
July 16:
World Snake Day: Celebrate slithery, scaly (but not slimy!) snakes. If you love snakes, go see some if you can. Or if you have a pet snake or two, spend some quality time with them. If you find snakes unpleasant or even scary, learn more about them … you might change your mind!
National Corn Fritters Day: Mmmm … corn fritters. It’s “just” a fried corn batter, but the taste varieties are endless. Try this recipe. If you’re looking for a dip too, consider this recipe, which includes instructions for a honey-jalapeno Greek yogurt dip.
July 17:
Yellow Pig Day: Celebrate yellow pigs with 17 eyelashes! Well, not exactly. Learn some of the properties of the number 17 (there’s a whole long list!). Then see if focusing on one number for too long has you seeing yellow pigs too. Or just have fun with the yellow pig idea.
National Hot Dog Day: On this day we eat hot dogs! Grill ‘em, boil ‘em, roast ‘em over a campfire … however you like them, that’s how to eat them! This day is part of Hot Dog Month, happening all July. So you have plenty of other chances this month to cook & top your hot dogs in different ways. So for this one, extra-special day make them your favorite way. 🌭
Take Your Poet to Work Day: So apparently if you’re lucky enough to have a poet or two, this is the day to bring them to your workplace. Then they can compose verses about you & your co-workers! … oh, wait, no … According to tweetspeak poetry you’re supposed to cut out pictures of your favorite poet (color them, even!), and bring those to work. Well that seems like much less fun …
World Emoji Day: Use emojis everywhere—and lots of them—to celebrate this day right. 😍 😃 🎊 🎉 ❣️ 🐷
National Peach Ice Cream Day: After you’ve enjoyed your hot dogs your favorite way, make desert a cool, creamy, & fruity peach ice cream. This flavor is usually easiest to find during peak peach season (now!), so take advantage while you can. 🍦
July 18:
National Sour Candy Day: If you love candies that make your mouth pucker, you’re in luck! Because that’s what this day is all about.So get yourself a big bag of sour candies & enjoy. Of course, true sour candy lovers already have a big bag of the stuff … so dig in & enjoy! Do you have a favorite sour candy flavor?
National Caviar Day: On this day we eat fish eggs! But only from Sturgeon. Because although we can (and do) eat eggs from several different fish, caviar technically only refers to the eggs from Sturgeon (and mostly only 3 species of Sturgeon). But if you prefer (or can only find/afford) roe from other fish, we won’t tell!
Nelson Mandela International Day: On this day we work toward making a difference in our communities, as Nelson Mandela worked to promote human rights and social justice in the world.
July 19:
Raspberry Cake Day: Eat raspberry cake to your heart’s content for this day. After all, cake is delicious and raspberries are good for you. And delicious! Did you know raspberries aren’t actually berries?
National Daiquiri Day: Have a daiquiri with your raspberry cake? Why not?! The classic daiquiri recipe is quite simple. But in honor of that raspberry cake, why not make it a raspberry daiquiri? If it’s a hot day, a frozen raspberry daiquiri just might be perfect!
July 20:
Woodie Wagon Day: Experience a bit of nostalgia for the days when cars were made of wood. Yes, really! No, not the wood-look panels from the 1970s & ‘80s. Actual wood.
National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day: Enjoy a glass or 2 of strawberry rhubarb wine with dinner or just because. Maple River Winery created this day in 2013 … and (no surprise) they make a fantastic strawberry rhubarb wine.
National Lollipop Day: Do lollipops go with wine? Probably not. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a lollipop or 2 to celebrate the day and relax later with your strawberry rhubarb wine.
National Moon Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the first moon walk. Neil Armstrong became the 1st man to set foot on the moon. Buzz Aldrin followed him. And the 2 men collected lots of samples to bring back to earth.
July 21:
No Pet Store Puppies Day: Another day to remind us to adopt our pets, never shop for them. Unless the pet store has partnered with a local rescue to help adopt out rescued animals, the pets in that store are almost definitely from puppy mills. And puppy mills are all about the money, not the animals.
National Ice Cream Day: Enjoy extra ice cream for this day. Why extra? Because you should already be having some in honor of National Ice Cream Month! And no, you can’t let one serving of ice cream count for both. You must have an extra serving for the day.
National Be Someone Day: This day challenges us to take the Be Someone pledge to help stop child abuse.
National Junk Food Day: On this day you have permission to eat all your favorite junk foods. Guilt-free! And while you may also eat as much of it all as you want guilt-free, we make no promises about stomach-ache free! (So maybe pace yourself …).
Lowest Recorded Temperature Day: The Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica recorded a ground-level temperature of -128.6 ºF (-89.2 ºC) on July 21, 1983. If the heat where you are has you dreaming of frigid temperatures on this day, just remember that your heat is probably more comfortable than that lowest-ever recorded temperature.