What to Celebrate July 16 thru 22 2018

Celebration Ideas for July 16 – 22, 2018
We’ve hit the 3rd week of July! Are you enjoying your summer?
Have you gotten to the fun stuff you wanted to do? Yes? Good for you! No? There’s still time, but you’d better get moving!
If you really didn’t have any plans (sometimes those are the best kind of plans!), we have some ideas for making each & every day a bit more interesting.
There’s lots of food days this week. A couple of drink days, too. We also celebrate animals, massages, zookeepers, and more.
So once again we invite you to take a peak and plan your week.
And as always …
Celebrate the rest of July
This week we highlight some delicious, beautiful, and eco-friendly July celebrations.
Plastic Free July: Continue celebrating this worthy month by paying attention to the plastic that you use. And trying to avoid any single-use plastic items. Replace them with reusable items … it’s better for the environment and cheaper in the long run!
National Deli Sandwich Month: Eat sandwiches from the deli for the rest of the month. Preferably not wrapped in plastic …
Horseradish Month: Do you like the tangy kick of horseradish? If you do, then celebrate it to the fullest this month. Celebrate horseradish and deli sandwiches by having horseradish on your sandwich. And find more recipes using horseradish here.
National Wheelchair Beautification Month: If you use a wheelchair and haven’t personalized it, July’s the time to do that! Your wheelchair is kind of an extension of you, in that it helps you live your life independently. So it should also reflect your personality, your idea of beauty. If you don’t use a chair but know someone who does, offer to help beautify that chair!
Weekly Celebrations for July’s 3rd Week
This week we celebrate family fun, and the people who make family trips to the zoo not only enjoyable but possible. And we prepare for all that fun (or wind down from it) with a relaxing, rejuvenating massage.
Everybody Deserves a Massage Week (July 15 – 21): Yes, it’s true! If you give massages, use this week to promote massages in general and your business in particular. For everybody else … get yourself a massage!
National Zoo Keeper Week (July 15 – 21): Zoo keepers do more than take care of animals at your local zoo (although that’s an important job!). They also work hard in conservation, learning about the animals’ habitats & habits to help them survive in the wild.
National Baby Food Festival (July 18- 21): Four days of family fun in Freemont, Michigan (the Baby Food Capital of the World). Events include a car show, picnic, baby crawl, and a Grand Parade.
Celebration Days coming up for July 16 thru July 22
This is a deliciously sweet week, with food days celebrating cakes, hard candies, and fudge, among other edibles. Also refreshing summery drinks like the Daiquiri and strawberry rhubarb wine.
We also celebrate hugs and forgiveness. And a trans-Atlantic trip taken by accident?
There’s also snakes and hotdogs and the 1st moon landing. Plus much more.
So now we wish you an enjoyable weekend. But first we invite you to plan for a fun-tastic week ahead.
July 16:
World Snake Day: Celebrate snakes! If you have snakes, give them some extra … well, I’m not sure … but whatever snakes like extra of, I guess (probably not hugs!). If not, visit snakes at a zoo or nature center. Or just learn more about them.
Get Out of the Doghouse Day: If you’re in the doghouse with someone, this is the day to get out. So apologize (and mean it!), and ask the other person to give you a break in the spirit of the day. Good luck!
Global Hug Your Kid Day: A truly simple celebration. Give your kid(s) a hug. Or even 2!
July 17:
Yellow Pig Day: Celebrate yellow pigs with 17 eyelashes on this day. Or something like that …
World Emoji Day: Use emoji everywhere today! 😊 🤗 Have a party in their honor. 🎉 🎈 Go see Emojiland? Have you heard of this musical about thinking, feeling emoji? 😲
Wrong Way Corrigan Day: On this date in 1938 Douglas Groce Corrigan took off from New York to fly non-stop to California. He landed in Dublin, Ireland 28 hours later. He claimed he got turned around on the foggy morning. Some believe he planned the “accident.”
July 18:
National Caviar Day: Yes, fish eggs (roe) do have their very own day. If you can’t afford “real” caviar (from the sturgeon), try roe from another fish. Cod roe is quite good.
National Hot Dog Day: You know how to celebrate this one: Eat hot dogs. If you’re feeling really adventurous, top ‘em with caviar and celebrate 2 days with one bite! Yes, we’re pretty sure the day’s creator, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council, would frown on “desecrating” hot dogs with caviar.
National Sour Candy Day: Enjoy the punch of sour candies for this day. Use a sour candy or two in place of mints after your hot dogs & caviar meal!
July 19:
Raspberry Cake Day: Mmmmm … Raspberries. And cake. Together. Celebrate this delectable day by eating some. Homemade if you can manage it!
National Daiquiri Day: Double mmmmm … raspberry cake and a Daiquiri. What a deliciously delightful way to spend a day. Or at least end the day. Do you prefer your Daiquiris frozen or unfrozen? Get a classic daiquiri recipe here. Or a frozen daiquiri recipe here.
July 20:
International Cake Day: A day dedicated to freedom and love, with the motto “I Cake You.” And apparently different themes each year. For 2018 it’s “Our Cinema.” Celebrate with (what else?) cake. And good friends.
National Lollipop Day: Substitute lollipops for your regular candies in honor of this day. Don’t usually eat candy? Make an exception for one day, and savor the long-lasting sweetness of a lollipop.
Moon Day: Celebrate the date in 1969 when man first walked on the moon. Neil Armstrong became the 1st human to set foot on the moon, followed by Buzz Aldrin. The 2 men explored the moon’s surface for a few hours.
July 21:
Woodie Wagon Day: Get nostalgic for the days when cars were made from wood. Yes, real wood! (No, not the engine compartment). Have you ever ridden in one?
No Pet Store Puppies: Another day dedicated to reminding us pet store pets usually come from puppy mills (as long as puppy mills exist, there can’t be too many of these days). And even puppy mills that meet USDA standards pretty much suck for the animals. Get your new pet from shelters/rescues. Or pet stores that have partnered with shelters/rescues to offer adoptions, not sales.
National Strawberry Rhubarb Wine Day: Enjoy a glass of smooth, fruity goodness to celebrate this day. The very first celebration of this day was in 2013, partly to celebrate Maple River Winery’s Double Gold Award for its Strawberry Rhubarb Wine.
July 22:
Rat Catcher’s Day: This holiday celebrates the myth of the Pied Piper of Hamlin. But it’s also a great day to thank your favorite exterminator. Their jobs are far from glamorous, but they’re oh-so-welcome when you have a pest problem!
National Penuche Fudge Day: For this day you must eat penuche fudge. Preferably homemade. But what is penuche fudge? It’s a non-chocolaty fudge sweetened with brown sugar, giving it a slight maple flavor. Try this recipe.
Casual Pi Day: Also called Pi Approximation Day, this day requires you to do some actual math to understand it (and write dates like a European). Unlike regular Pi Day, which is just the date that most resembles 3.14 (3/14 or March 14). But don’t worry, it’s not complicated math. On the 22nd day of the 7th month we look at the European way of writing dates, see 22/7, and treat it as a math operation. So when we divide 22 by 7 we get 3.14 … an approximation of pi!