What to Celebrate July 19 thru 25, 2021

Celebration Ideas for July 19 – 25, 2021
Apparently after the July 4 holiday is over people get bored. We don’t quite understand how, but in the spirit of Anti-Boredom Month, we bring you plenty of unofficial fun to keep boredom away.
And rather than bore you with more words, we shall simply invite you to take a peek and plan your week. And do remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of July
As mentioned, it’s Anti-Bordom Month, and the other months we list here should help with celebrating that!
National Anti-Boredom Month: Well now, we’re not sure how anyone can be bored in the summer! But if you are bored with the same old summer activities, try getting creative & blast that boredom away. Here are some ideas to get you started.
World Watercolor Month: Here’s an idea to beat the boredom! Get out the watercolors (or buy watercolors if this medium is new to you) & create. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece; it just has to be something you enjoy making.
Air-Conditioning Appreciation Days (July 3 to Aug. 15): The hottest days of the year are definitely appropriate for appreciating air conditioning! So if you have this modern marvel of comfort, appreciate it, all the way through to Aug. 15.
National Parks & Recreation Month: There’s still plenty of time left in the month (and the summer!) to get out to your local parks. Spending time at the park is also a great boredom-buster!
Weekly Celebrations for 7/19 to 7/25
After visiting and learning about animals at the zoo & moths in your neighborhood you’re going to need a massage!
National Zoo Keeper Week (July 18 – 24, 2021): Zookeepers do more than make sure you can see all kinds of wild animals at the zoo. They make sure the animals are as healthy and happy as possible. And they promote conservation of the animals’ wild relatives.
National Moth Week (July 17 – 25, 2021): Spend the week learning about moths & looking for moths. You can even become a citizen scientist and submit data about moths in your neighborhood!
Massage is for EveryBody Week (July 18 – 24, 2021): Yes, massage is for everybody! And many massage & bodywork professionals offer specials for this week. If you don’t already get regular massages, this is the perfect week to try it!
Celebration Days coming up for July 19 thru July 25
Good food, delicious drinks, fun, relaxation … this week has it all!
Which means it’s sure to be another fun-tastic one.
July 19:
Raspberry Cake Day: Eat raspberry cake. ‘Nuff said.
National Get Out of the Doghouse Day: Whatever you did to get into the doghouse, this is the day to do whatever you can to get out of it. And if you’re the one who put someone in the doghouse, be kind as they try to get out of it.
Global Hug Your Kid Day: Parents, never pass up an opportunity to hug your kids! And this celebration is the perfect opportunity. Of course, so is simply walking into a room they’re in, but at least for this day you can tell the reluctant huggers that it’s all part of a celebration!
National Daiquiri Day: Celebrate the end of Monday with a daoquiri! Especially if you also got yourself out of the doghouse.
July 20:
National Moon Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the day NASA faked the moon landing! Or celebrate the day 2 men left their footprints—and a flag!—on the moon in 1969. We like the 2nd one 😃.
International Chess Day: Celebrate the 1924 founding of the International Chess Federation. Perhaps with a game of chess? Or, if you don’t know how to play, make this the day you start to learn.
National Lollipop Day: Enjoy a sweet treat on a stick: a lollipop! These childhood favorites bring back memories of visits to the bank & doctor’s office and much more fun times at parades. So indulge your sweet tooth just a little & reminisce.
National Fortune Cookie Day: What does the future hold for you? Visit your favorite Chinese restaurant & find out at the end of your meal! We predict you will eat the cookie & laugh at the fortune.
July 21:
No Pet Store Puppies Day: Help spread awareness that pet store puppies (and other animals) almost always come from puppy mills. Reputable breeders tend to sell their animals themselves. Only get an animal at a pet store if those animals are actually adoptable pets from a local rescue.
National Be Someone Day: For this day join the fight to end child abuse. Both children and adults have the power to help. The website offers ideas for anyone, of any age, to do just that.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: If you know any poets, drag them in to your workplace & show them off for this celebration! Or head over to tweetspeak poetry, where you can find a downloadable coloring book of poets. Find your favorites, color their pictures, cut out those pictures, & mount them on sticks. Then bring those to work! And if you haven’t yet returned to the office—or never plan to—set them around your workspace instead.
Lowest Recorded Temperature Day: On this date in 1983 the Soviet’s Vostok Station in Antarctica recorded the lowest temperature ever at ground level. It was -89.2 C (-128.6 F). That’s kinda chilly!
National Junk Food Day: For this one day you officially have unofficial permission to chow down on all the greasy, salty, sugary, & calorie-laden foods you usually do your best to avoid. All day if you’d like, although we do recommend maybe just for one meal & maybe a snack or 2. Because this is definitely a case where too much of a good thing may not be such a good thing!
National Hot Dog Day: Do hot dogs count as junk food? That may depend on the kind of hot dog. And what you put on it! Whether or not you count it as part of your Junk Food Day celebration, plan to have at least one hot dog to celebrate this day.
July 22:
Rat Catcher’s Day: Celebrate the rat catchers who help keep your neighborhood free from these pests! Technically the day is about the myth of the Pied Piper, but we think real pest control professionals deserve more attention.
National Hammock Day: Relax in your hammock all day! Don’t have one? Buy yourself a hammock so you can enjoy it for the rest of the summer. And you don’t need 2 perfect trees to hang one either. Some hammocks come with a stand. Or you can buy a stand separately. So if you have a yard, you have no excuse not to hang a hammock!
Casual Pi Day: Also known as Pi Approximation Day, this day is about how we approximate pi (3.142 …) as a fraction: 22/7. And since we don’t have a 22nd month, we figure this one like a European date: the 22nd day of the 7th month, i.e. July 22! So have a piece of pie that’s 22/7th of the pie. Or something like that! 🙃
Spooners Day: For this day we celebrate Spoonerisms, those slips of the tongue where you switch up letters between two words or syllables within a word. For example “shook belf” instead of “book shelf.” Of course plenty of people also create or use spoonerisms on purpose, like calling butterflies flutterbyes.
Fragile X Awareness Day: Help spread the word about Fragile X syndrome. This genetic condition can cause learning & language delays, among other things. Many people have never heard of it, or don’t understand it. If you do, help others learn. If you don’t, take some time to learn, and then help others do the same.
National Refreshment Day: Did you hang that hammock yet? Because it’s the perfect place to enjoy the refreshment of your choice! Plan to do that. Or have your favorite refreshment on the porch/patio/veranda/wherever …
National Penuche Fudge Day: Bring some penuche fudge out to your hammock, too. If you have time, make penuche fudge yourself. Then you’ll really deserve that relaxation time in the hammock!
National Mango Day: Mangoes! They make fantastic smoothies, salsas, marinades & more. Of course, they’re also delicious as a snack. So add mangoes to the menu for this day.
July 23:
National Vanilla Ice Cream Day: Eat vanilla ice cream! Enjoy it plain if you like, or dress it up with all your favorite toppings.
Gorgeous Grandma Day: This day celebrates all women who are old enough to be grandmas, whether or not they actually are. And whether or not they fit the traditional grandma mold. You’re all gorgeous grandmas for this day! Spend it being your gorgeous self, whatever that may be.
Hot Enough for Ya Day: By this time of the summer we usually have some hot, humid days. The perfect kind for asking everyone you see “Is it hot enough for ya?”. So do that all day. This silly day comes from the fertile minds of Tom & Ruth Roy.
July 24:
National Drive Thru Day: Visit a drive-thu! It doesn’t matter where: your favorite fast-food place, your pharmacy, the bank … if there’s a drive-thru where you’re going, use it.
National Day of the Cowboy: Celebrate the spirit of the cowboy. And real cowboys, too! If there are ranches near you, see if any are holding events for the day.
National Cousins Day: The only appropriate way to celebrate this one is with your cousins! If you live near each other, get together & do something fun. If you’re all spread out, phone calls will have to do. Or a group video call/conference! And however you get together, remember to give all your cousins a shout-out on social media. And remember to include pictures. Either of this celebration or of other fun times you’ve shared (the older & more embarrassing the better! 😉).
National Amelia Earhart Day: Celebrate the birthday of aviation pioneer Amelia Mary Earhart. Among other achievements, she was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. Why not learn more about her on her birthday?
National Thermal Engineer Day: Celebrate the people who help ensure your electronic equipment of all kinds lasts as long as possible and operates reliably during that time. Without heat management, all those electronics that make modern life possible wouldn’t be possible!
National Tequila Day: On July 24 the drink of choice is tequila! Sip it neat if you like. Or make your favorite tequila cocktail.
National Frozen Margarita Day: And what better tequila cocktail is there than a margarita?! For this hot day it must be a frozen margarita. Enjoy! Responsibly, of course.
July 25:
National Hire a Veteran Day: This day reminds us that one of the best ways to thank our veterans for their service is to help them transition and thrive in their post-military life. And for that they need jobs. If you own a business or make hiring decisions, post your openings to places like the Hire Our Heroes Job Board, so qualified veterans can find you easier.
National Merry-Go-Round Day: Who didn’t love the merry-go-round as a kid? (ok, we’re sure there are a few of you …) This day celebrates that classic amusement park ride. If there’s a carnival or amusement park near you this weekend, head out to ride! Or just spend a few minutes being nostalgic for the time you spent on these rides growing up.
Red Shoe Day: For this day we remember those who have passed away from Lyme Disease and other “invisible” illnesses.
National Wine and Cheese Day: For this day we get creative with wine & cheese pairings! Maybe even have a tasting party? Have each person bring their favorite wines & cheeses, then see how well they each go together. Or just have a platter of your favorite cheeses & a glass of your favorite wine. Then see which cheese goes best with it. Of course, we know you’ll celebrate responsibly.
National Hot Fudge Sundae Day: After your wine & cheese tasting (or maybe before; it’s all up to you) indulge in a hot fudge sundae made with your favorite ice cream(s), a generous drizzle of hot fudge, and whatever other toppings you love.