What to Celebrate July 2 thru 8, 2018

Celebration Ideas for July 2 – 8, 2018
Oh, yeah. We’re definitely feeling the summer here!
And it’s only the beginning of the hottest weeks of the year.
Luckily there’s plenty to celebrate. ‘Cause the best way to beat the heat is to not think about it! Well, that and air conditioning. And a pool/the beach if you can manage it.
As usual, we offer a selection of celebrations for you to consider for the upcoming week.
So yes, it is time once more to take a peek and plan your week.
And don’t forget …
Celebrate All July Long
This week we share a few month-long celebrations to make the month more pleasant for you, people around you, and the planet.
And really, continuing the celebrations all year long can make life in general more pleasant. Because rude cell phone users and plastic pollution aren’t just problems for July! And watermelon is delicious any day of the year.
Plastic Free July: Try to avoid using all single-use plastics for the month. It might even inspire you to keep up your new habit all year. And then every year. Wildlife everywhere will thank you.
Air Conditioning Appreciation Days: This “month” actually runs about 6 weeks, from July 3 to August 15. Why? Because that’s typically the hottest part of the year. Which means it’s also the time we appreciate air conditioning the most. How to celebrate? Change your AC’s filter & don’t force it to work too hard. And if you need it fixed, well thank your repairman profusely!
National Cell Phone Courtesy Month: Author & Etiquette Expert Jacqueline Whitmore founded this month back in 2002. But it sure seems like we need this reminder more than ever these days! So put the phone away at dinner. Don’t subject your entire train car to your side of a conversation … Basically be courteous!
Watermelon Month: Sweet & juicy watermelon must be the star of all you eat this month! And there are nearly infinite ways to use watermelon. From granitas to jello shots, “cake”, popsicles, sangria … well you get the idea. Find some of these recipes here.
Weekly Celebrations for July’s 1st Week
This week we have an eclectic mix of events. From protecting your eyes to welcoming interstellar visitors. And trying to be nice to a state that may or may not deserve it (you get to decide!).
National Prevention of Eye Injuries Week: Independence Day is, sadly, a big day for eye injuries from fireworks. Don’t risk your eyesight. Protect your eyes for the holiday and all year long.
Be Nice to New Jersey Week (July 1 – 7): For the 1st full week in July we’re supposed to set aside the Jersey jokes & be nice to the poor, maligned state. Why? Apparently back in 1985 a media company in San Antonio, Texas decided New Jersey was the butt of more jokes than any other. So it decided we must be nice to the state for a week.
Roswell UFO Festival (July 6 – 8): End the 1st week of July by celebrating UFOs and little green men (or is that tall grey men?). Activities include costume contests (for pets too!), alien autopsies, alien crafts & more. And most of them are free. (Get a head start on the festival by celebrating World UFO Day on the 2nd!).
Celebration Days coming up for July 2 thru July 8
Of course you’re making plans to enjoy the Independence Day festivities if you’re in the US (do you get the day off?). But don’t let one day hog your fun for the whole week!
There’s also UFOs, graham crackers and kissing to enjoy. Along with fried chicken, SCUD (huh?!?), and forgiveness. Plus much more … like chocolate and spitting cherry pits!
So make your plans for the 4th & beyond, and make it another fun-tastic week!
July 2:
World UFO Day: Celebrate the existence of alien life. Do aliens really walk among us? Will we ever know the truth of what crashed in Roswell?
Made in the USA Day: On this day you must buy only things made in the USA! It’s legally required … ok, not really. But the day does encourage increased US manufacturing and buying items made in the US. And of course, when you buy US-made things you encourage manufacturers to make more of them right here.
I Forgot Day: On this day you have official (Ok, unofficial) permission to forget. We all do it anyway, but this day removes the stress of trying to remember. Because you don’t have to remember! If you’d prefer, you can use this day to apologize for the things you’ve forgotten over the past year.
July 3:
International Plastic Bag Free Day: If you’re not sure you can do a whole month without single-use plastic for Plastic Free July, at least try to do this one day without plastic bags.
Stay Out of the Sun Day: This day reminds us to protect our skin from the sun. Stay in the shade when possible. And wear sunscreen when you have to be in the sun.
Compliment Your Mirror Day: On this day you must take a look in the mirror and compliment the face looking back at you. A simple “looking good,” or “You’ll do great today,” is fine. Or get more personal with your compliment … after all, that’s you you’re talking to!
July 4:
Boom Box Parade Day: This July 4th parade is a bit different from most. Instead of marching bands, people walk the parade route carrying boom boxes blasting music. It apparently began back in 1986 when Willimantic, Connecticut canceled its annual 4th of July parade because the high school didn’t have a marching band. Residents rallied & created their own parade, with the help of a local radio station. It promptly became a tradition.
Independence from Meat Day: Yes, we’re celebrating going meatless on a day more commonly used to grill and eat large quantities of the stuff. But not everybody eats meat. If you don’t, then use this day to celebrate your meat-free lifestyle. If you do eat meat, and you’re feeling adventurous, grill some veggies instead of all that meat. Of course, if you’re hosting a July 4th cookout, you might want to warn your guests first …
July 5:
Bikini Day: Celebrate the day the bikini debuted in 1946. Will you wear one? Or will you celebrate in spirit only?
National Graham Cracker Day: Did you know graham crackers were invented by a Presbyterian minister? Sylvester Graham thought his crackers could stop his flock’s sinful cravings. Which is a bit ironic considering today they’re often the base for sinfully delicious pies, s’mores, & other treats.
National Apple Turnover Day: We can’t find much information on this day. But it’s an excuse to eat apple turnovers, so …
July 6:
National Fried Chicken Day: Mmmmm … Fried chicken. You know you’ll need to eat some to celebrate, right? Yes, “oven-fried” is acceptable. Just enjoy some well-seasoned chicken with a satisfyingly crunchy crust.
Earth at Aphelion: On this day our planet will be farther from the sun than on any other day of the year. Specifically at 11:47 a.m. CDT. How to celebrate? Throw a party! Or just make note of this cool little factoid & move on with eating fried chicken.
International Kissing Day / World Kiss Day: Pucker up & give your loved ones a kiss today. Already do that? Give ‘em 2 or more!
July 7:
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day: If you can’t make it to Michigan to watch the official Tree-mendous Fruit Farm contest, have one of your own! Then eat the cherries.
Global Forgiveness Day: It’s time to forgive those who’ve hurt you. Not forget (unless you want to), but forgive. You’ll be happier. And don’t you deserve that?
Chocolate Day: Mmmm … it’s another excuse to eat chocolate. Yes, there are many chocolate days in the year … National Chocolate Day on Oct. 28 … International Chocolate Day in September … and many more. But it’s an excuse to eat chocolate!
July 8:
SCUD Day: SCUD stands for “Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama.” So this day is for finding the lighter side of any situation. And avoiding drama (your own or others’) for the day. Can you do it?
Math 2.0 Day: This day celebrates the connection of math and technology to improve the future of math and math education. The July 8 date marks the anniversary of Math 2.0 Interest Group’s founding.