What to Celebrate July 20 thru 26, 2020

Celebration Ideas for July 20 – 26, 2020
How has your July been going? Can you believe we’re already into its second half?!
Whether the days seem to be passing in a blur or they’re dragging on as slow as molasses, it’s important to enjoy every one of them. That’s easier when you have fun things like ice cream, hammocks, and old jokes to celebrate.
But you can’t celebrate what you don’t know about! So hop to it: Take a peek and plan your week. And never forget to …
Celebrate for the rest of July
Keep celebrating blueberries & watermelon, grilling & baked beans, and all the other July monthly celebrations. And add these. Because you can never have enough ice cream or flavor in your meals. And independent retailers are important to our communities.
National Independent Retailer Month: Independent retailers have always needed all the support they can get. But that’s more true than ever this year! Shop local as much as possible to help your friends’ and neighbors’ businesses survive this horrendous year and thrive again!
National Horseradish Month: Add a kick to all your meals with horseradish. This member of the mustard family works equally well as a seasoning in foods or a sauce on top.
National Ice Cream Month: Stock up on all your favorite ice creams, cones, & toppings. Then enjoy a different ice cream dessert every night!
Weekly Celebrations for July 20 to July 26
As usual this year many week-long celebrations have been cancelled. But you don’t need large gatherings to go looking for moths. Or to report your findings online.
And many zoos have reopened, although with some limitations. So consider celebrating one or both of these weeks.
National Moth Week (July 18 – 26, 2020): Learn about and look for moths this week! Moths are just as fascinating as butterflies. And some of them are just as beautiful, too! You might even discover that some of your garden visitors you thought were butterflies are actually moths. This citizen science week even gives you the opportunity to document your moth sightings and help scientists learn more about moths.
National Zookeeper Appreciation Week (July 19 – 25, 2020): This week highlights the amazing work of zookeepers who keep zoo animals healthy & happy. But that’s not all they do! Zookeepers are also an important part of conservation efforts, aimed at making sure the wild populations of your favorite zoo animals also remain healthy and able to survive. So thank any zoo keepers you know for all their hard work! If zoos near you have reopened, go visit the zoo keepers’ reasons for being.
Celebration Days coming up for July 20 thru July 26
Keep yourself busy with a selection of yummy, silly, and educational days.
Once you get yourself out of the doghouse you’ll be ready to enjoy lollipops, ice cream, and penuche fudge. Perhaps while lounging in your hammock?
Or tell old jokes to your cousins, aunts & uncles, and your parents …
Sounds like a fun-tastic week to us!
July 20:
National Get Out of the Doghouse Day: Have you done something to get yourself in the doghouse? This is the day to try to get out of it! Maybe start with an honest apology. Good luck!
World Jump Day Anniversary: So, back in 2005 a group of people decided that if 600 million people in the Western Hemisphere all jumped in the air at the same time we could shift the Earth’s orbit & all kinds of good things would result. It was supposed to happen at 11.39.13 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) July 20, 2006. We’re pretty sure it didn’t work as planned … 😉
National Moon Day: Commemorate the day in 1969 when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon. Followed shortly by Buzz Aldren.
National Lollipop Day: Treat yourself to something sweet to celebrate this day. As long as that something is a lollipop! No, they’re not just for kids. If tough-guy 1970s detective Kojak could enjoy them, so can you. 🍭
July 21:
No Pet Store Puppies Day: This day reminds us to adopt our next puppy from a shelter or rescue, not buy it from a pet store. Because pet store puppies mostly come from puppy mills, and those are horrible places for the mom & dad dogs. (Adopting from an adoption event held by a local rescue at a pet store is just fine!).
Lowest Recorded Temperature Day: If you’re also experiencing a heat wave where you live, you may be hoping for some relief soon. We sure are. But it pays to remember to be careful what you wish for! Because there can be too much of a good thing. And a cool-off of the magnitude recorded in Antarctica on July 21, 1983 would definitely be too much! It was -128.6 F (-89.2 C). Brrrr … 🥶
National Be Someone Day: On this day we accept the challenge to be someone good in a child’s life. The day was created specifically to end child abuse and challenges us to report it when we see/hear about it. But even if we don’t know an abused child (and we hope you don’t!), we can do other good things for a child who may need a hand or a friend.
National Junk Food Day: For this one day every year you have official unofficial permission to indulge in all the junk food you want! Just make sure you’re eating a reasonably healthy diet most of the rest of the year.
July 22:
Rat Catcher’s Day: Thank any pest control professionals you know on this day commemorating the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Because while the Pied Piper may be (mostly) myth, today’s pest control pros are heroes!
Casual Pi Day: So here in the US we celebrate Pi Day on March 14, because that translates to 3/14 (3.14 or Pi!) the way we write our dates. But in much of Europe they write dates “backwards” compared to us. So 14/3 doesn’t mean much. But 22/7 does! When you divide 22 by 7 you get 3/14. Pi! So we join in that celebration too, calling it Casual Pi Day or Pi Approximation Day. Have another piece of pie to celebrate. 🥧
National Hot Dog Day: Enjoy hot dogs your favorite way all day. Make them yourself or head out to your favorite hot dog place. Or even have a hot dog party?
National Hammock Day: Reward yourself for getting through hump day with a nap in your hammock. Or get lost in a good book … in your hammock, of course! What do you mean you don’t have a hammock?! Well then, buy a hammock.
National Penuche Fudge Day: Skip the chocolate fudge for this one day and indulge in the maple taste of penuche fudge. Just like the chocolate stuff, it’s wonderful with or without nuts. If you’d like to try making it yourself, try this recipe.
July 23:
National Vanilla Ice Cream Day: Enjoy all the vanilla ice cream you want to celebrate this day. Eat it plain or add your favorite toppings. Have it in a bowl, waffle cone, sugar cone, or whatever your heart desires. You could even have it a different way each time … because you know you’ll be having it more than once!
Hot Enough for Ya Day: It’s definitely been a hot few weeks around here! And while you might usually avoid this greeting—mostly reserved for lame jokesters—for this one day it’s fair game for everyone! And probably pretty accurate. So make everyone you know groan whenever you say “Is it hot enough for ya?”.
Gorgeous Grandma Day: Whether or not you’re an actual grandma, if you’re old enough to have grandkids and you’re gorgeous (you are!), then you get to celebrate this day. How? Just by being your gorgeous self! See what Alice Solomon, founder of this day, had to say about being a gorgeous grandma.
National Refreshment Day: On the fourth Thursday in July we we raise a glass of ice cold refreshment and toast the day! The Travel Beer Company founded the day, so if possible make your drink an icy beer. But really any drink, alcoholic or not, will do. Just as long as it’s cold!
July 24:
National Drive Thru Day: These days we’re using the drive thru more than ever, wherever they’re available. And curbside pick-up is kind of like a drive thru! So this day will probably be pretty simple to celebrate … just keep doing what you’ve been doing! But if there’s some place you’d normally go inside that has a drive thru available, use it at least for this one day.
National Tell an Old Joke Day: On this day we revive those tired old jokes that are more likely to get a groan than a laugh. But we have fun with them just the same! Because it’s Tell an Old Joke Day, which is different from Tell a Joke Day coming up in August. So save your new jokes for that day!
National Cousins Day: If you can, get together with your cousins to celebrate this day! At least call or set up a group video chat so you can all catch up with each other and reminisce too.
National Amelia Earhart Day: Celebrate Amelia Mary Earhart’s birth in 1897. She became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic and set or broke many other records as well. Even better, she continues to inspire women everywhere, especially in aviation.
National Tequila Day: Celebrate Friday with your favorite tequila your favorite way.
July 25:
National Day of the Cowboy: This day is all about the American cowboy and the honest, patriotic spirit that built the West. If any ranches or communities near you are holding events for the day consider attending (safely, of course!). Or learn more about how cowboys are still vital to our nation.
National Hire a Veteran Day: This day encourages employers to consider veterans when they have open positions that match a veteran’s skills. Because transitioning from military life to civilian life can be hard enough. Finding a job that values their skills shouldn’t be a struggle too. The founder of Hire Our Heroes also created this day.
Red Shoe Day ~ A Day of Remembrance: On this day we remember Theda Myint, who passed away July 25, 2013 from Lyme disease, along with all those we’ve lost to Lyme or any other invisible illness.
National Threading the Needle Day: What does the phrase “threading the needle” mean to you? Is it literal, where you’re getting ready to sew or embroider? Is it a billiards move? Or a yoga pose? Whatever way you understand the phrase is how to celebrate! Or if you have kids, have them play the Thread the Needle game. There’s a few slightly different versions of this game. Here’s one.
National Wine and Cheese Day: Do you like to experiment with wine & cheese pairings? Then this is the perfect day for you! Open a few bottles of your favorite wines and gather all your favorite cheeses. Then get tasting! Do be careful about drinking too much wine with each pairing, or you soon won’t care how any of it tastes. And that’s not the point of the day. And it’s not how we drink responsibly (please do that). Invite a few friends to help you find some new favorite pairs. Also responsibly. And safely.
National Hot Fudge Sundae Day: It’s National Ice Cream Month, and what would a month of ice cream be without at least one hot fudge sundae?! Incomplete, that’s what! Luckily we have a day devoted to just this indulgent treat. So go ahead, drizzle your ice cream with hot fudge, drop on some whipped cream, scatter some nuts over it all, and top it off with a maraschino cherry. Mmmmm …
July 26:
One Voice Day: Raise your voice for peace at 6 pm UTC.
National Aunt and Uncle’s Day: Celebrate those people who share your parents’ DNA but are somehow way cooler! They’re your aunts & uncles and they always keep life interesting. (And honorary aunts & uncles—who share no DNA—are even cooler & more interesting 😁). So let them know how much they mean to you in whatever way you can.
National Parents’ Day: This day doesn’t always fall on the same day as Aunt and Uncle’s Day, but this year it does! So make sure you make some time to connect with your parents too. In person if possible but at least a phone call. If your parents have passed, consider bringing flowers to the cemetery.
National Coffee Milkshake Day: Mmmm … two of our favorite things in one tall glass! Iced coffee is always a delight on a hot July day. But turning it into a milkshake? Heaven in a glass. If you agree, enjoy a coffee milkshake to celebrate. Maybe even enjoy it with your aunts & uncles and/or your parents. Now that’s a perfect day!