What to Celebrate July 26 thru Aug. 1, 2021

Celebration Ideas for July 26 – August 1, 2021
July is coming to an end, daylight hours are getting shorter, and school is right around the corner!
How did that happen?
But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of time to enjoy summer and the creative unofficial holidays waiting for you to celebrate.
There’s no time to delay though! Jump right in to take a peek and plan your week. And of course, …
Celebrate for the rest of July
There’s still plenty of July observances to celebrate for the last week of the month. And they’re equal parts courteous, delicious, useful, and safe.
National Cell Phone Courtesy Month: This is your annual reminder that the whole world doesn’t need (or want) to hear your phone conversations wherever you go. And when you’re with someone they should be your focus, not your phone! Get more cell phone etiquette tips here.
National Hemp Month: For too long hemp was lumped in with marijuana under federal law. But hemp can’t get you high and is an incredibly useful plant for everything from rope & fabrics to biofuel, paper, & CBD oils. If you don’t already know, learn more about hemp & how it can help us in our everyday lives.
National Deli Salad Month: Deli salads make mealtimes simple! You may already buy your favorite deli salads regularly, but why not try something different to celebrate this month?
Fuel Safety Month: Fuel can be dangerous if not handled properly. You probably know this, but are you sure you’re handling the fuels you use safely? Spend a little time ensuring you’re doing things right.
National Roadside Traffic Safety Awareness Month: Roadways are another potential danger, especially if you’re not paying attention. Of course you know to stay alert when you’re driving. But it’s also important if you’ve had to pull over or are walking along the side of the road. Be prepared for these kinds of situations!
And to get started with August:
National Back to School Month: It’s time to start getting ready for school to start again! Most kids will probably be back to in-person learning full time starting the end of August or beginning of September. So get the back-to-school shopping done before then! And keep track of your schools’ stand on masking. If your kids will have to wear them, make sure their masks are in good shape or get some new ones.
Weekly Celebrations for July 26 to Aug. 1
The final weekend in July offers a couple of festivals for your consideration. And if you can’t make it to New Orleans or Texas, create your own celebration of these events if the spirit moves you.
Satchmo Summerfest (July 31 – August 1, 2021): Spend your weekend celebrating the life & legacy—and of course the music!—of Louis Armstrong with 2 days of food, music, & discussions. If you love Jazz & can make it to New Orleans, this is the event for you!
Great Texas Mosquito Festival (July 29 – 31, 2021): Yes, it is once again time to spend three days celebrating everybody’s favorite summer pest: the mosquito! There’s food & music, tournaments, mosquito calling, and even a 5K Mosquito Race! It all happens in Clute, TX, so if you’re nearby consider joining in the fun.
Celebration Days coming up for July 26 thru Aug. 1
Peace, love, and friendship all make appearances for this week. Although we surely hope you experience these things all year long.
Of course, peace, love, & friendship are even better when you pair them with good food & drink, along with some silly fun.
And together that all adds up to another fun-tastic week!
July 26:
One Voice Day: Raise your voice for peace at 6 pm UTC.
National All or Nothing Day: For this day go all-in on something you’ve been wanting to do. Whether it’s the first step toward a bigger dream or just something new you’ve been scared to try, for this celebration just take the plunge!
National Aunt and Uncle’s Day: Get all your aunts & uncles together & let them know how much their love & support mean to you. Take them to lunch or dinner, or even have a party in their honor. At least call or video chat. They’ve been there for you your whole life; don’t they deserve a day of thanks?
National Disability Independence Day: Commemorate the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), signed on this date in 1990. This act finally ensured protection against discrimination in employment, housing, and more. In the years since, technology improvements have also made life safer & easier for people with disabilities in many ways, from crosswalks to websites.
National Coffee Milkshake Day: Mmmmm … this day combines two amazing drinks: coffee and milkshakes! How can you go wrong with one of these cool, creamy, and caffeinated treats? You can’t! So enjoy one to celebrate this day.
July 27:
Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day: Yep, your houseplants get bored too! If you take them for a nice walk they’ll be much happier when you get home, and so they’ll grow better … Ok, not really. But if this day gets you to take a walk, then this rather silly day is also a worthwhile day.
National Love is Kind Day: This day celebrates those who have gotten out of abusive relationships and reminds us all that abuse is not love. The day was created by a mother & daughter who fled the Middle East to escape the domestic violence they endured. They and their Love is Kind Network want to help others escape as well.
National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day: It’s not a federal holiday, but it is written into law! When it was created it was apparently only supposed to last 5 years, until 2003. But we keep celebrating the day the armistice was signed, ending what has come to be called “The Forgotten War”, and ensuring it won’t be forgotten again.
Walk on Stilts Day: Do like the day’s name says: Get out your stilts & take a walk! What do you mean you don’t have any stilts!?!? Buy some! They’re great for kids and kids-at-heart.
National Scotch Day: For this day your drink of choice is Scotch and only Scotch. No “regular” whisky (or whiskey!) will do. It must be aged whisky, made with malted barley in Scotland and according to Scottish law. We know you’ll enjoy it responsibly.
National Creme Brulee Day: Dessert must be a rich custard with a crunchy, caramelized top. You can certainly go out to eat & order a creme brulee for dessert. But making creme brulee is easier than you might think. So consider wowing your family (and yourself!) with your dessert-making skills.
July 28:
Buffalo Soldiers Day: Commemorate the formation of the first all-Black army regiments in 1866.
World Hepatitis Day: For this day we raise awareness of the toll hepatitis takes on the world. Did you realize someone dies from a hepatitis-related illness every 30 seconds?! That makes this year’s theme for the day—Hepatitis Can’t Wait—seem very appropriate. Even in the middle of a pandemic, the epidemic that is hepatitis around the world can’t wait.
National Waterpark Day: Hopefully there’s a waterpark near you, because there’s only one way to celebrate this one right! Even better if it’s a Kalahari Resort, since it’s the founder of the day. But really, any waterpark will do for fun & relaxation.
National Milk Chocolate Day: After a day of splashing about you deserve some chocolate. Make it milk chocolate and you’ll be celebrating right.
July 29:
National Lasagna Day: Make your favorite lasagna for dinner! Or head out to your favorite Italian restaurant & let someone else do the cooking. Choose a traditional lasagna or get creative with seafood, chicken, and even Portobello mushrooms!
International Tiger Day: Also called Global Tiger Day, this day is about raising awareness of how few tigers are left in the wild and helping their populations grow. The day was created in 2010, when the number of wild tigers was estimated at about 3200. The goal was to double this number by 2022. While the estimate has increased since then and now stands at around 3900, that’s a far cry from double. So this day is still very needed.
National Lipstick Day: Many of us have been wearing less lipstick (and makeup in general) for more than a year now. After all, we’ve been covering the lower half of our faces! But this is the day to dig out that favorite lipstick—or try a new shade!—and show off those lips.
Rain Day: Starting in the late 1800s William Allison, a pharmacist in Waynesburg, PA began recording rainfall for July 29 each year. Why? Because a local farmer had mentioned his birthday always seemed to be rainy. Of course, his birthday was July 29, and Mr. Allison got curious. The annual recording has continued ever since, and by 1979 it became an actual event. And now you can get a whole day of entertainment on 2 stages. If you’re nearby, check it out. If not, pay attention to whether or not it rains in your location!
National Intern Day: If your business has interns, this is the day to celebrate them and their contributions to your company. Once upon a time interns were often relegated to go-fer status. But today many managers recognize interns can be valuable assets. And they deserve a day of recognition!
National Chili Dog Day: Celebrate Friday Eve with a chili dog. Why? Well, why not?!
National Chicken Wing Day: If you need an appetizer before your lasagna or chili dog, consider chicken wings! Of course, if you’re going out for lasagna you may have to stop someplace else for your wings. But they’re worth it!
July 30:
Paperback Book Day: Kick back, relax, and spend your Friday reading a book. But only a paperback book is allowed for this celebration! No hardbacks and certainly no ebooks.
National Whistleblower Day: Whistleblowing has a long history in the US. In 1777 a group of men serving in the Continental Navy reported abuses of British prisoners. Soon after, the Continental Congress recognized people who speak out against abuse or fraud needed protection. This led to the first law in the world to protect whistleblowers.
National Father-in-Law Day: You celebrated your father in June. If you’re married it’s now time to celebrate your spouse’s father. So do something special with him, just the 2 of you. And if your father is still alive, remind your spouse to do the same for him. Hopefully you both like your fathers-in-law!
International Day of Friendship: This day is about friendships between communities, cultures, & countries. Because with friendship comes mutual understanding, which can lead to a more peaceful world. Let’s all do our part to help make that happen!
National Get Gnarly Day: For this day we use “gnarly” similar to how surfers do … as a challenge. So leave your comfort zone behind to try new hobbies or other challenges. Whatever you choose to do, make it gnarly!
National System Administrator Appreciation Day: Does your IT team do a fantastic job keeping your computer systems up & running and secure? This is the day to let them know how much you appreciate all they do. And their prompt attention to the computer issues that always seem to crop up at the most inconvenient times!
National Cheesecake Day: Does your IT team like cheesecake? Bring them some to celebrate 2 holidays in one fell swoop! Save a piece for yourself, of course …
July 31:
World Ranger Day: Celebrate the founding of the International Ranger Federation and honor the park rangers around the world who protect our parks & wildlife. In some parts of the world that’s actually a very dangerous job!
National Mutt Day: Also known as National Mixed Breed Dog Day, this day celebrates the most common “breed” around, and the “one” most commonly found in shelters. Because too many people focus too much on a dog’s breed, often preferring purebred dogs, leaving healthy, loving mixed breed dogs sitting in shelters. And sadly most shelters are not no-kill, so many of these animals never make it out alive. If you have room in your home & heart, and time to spend, consider adopting a mutt of your very own.
National #Love Day: This day is just about love. So share it with the people and even the things you love. And share the love on social media too! (What did you think that hashtag was about?)
National Avocado Day: Add avocado to all your meals for the day. It’s really pretty simple! Avocados make great toppings for eggs at breakfast. They add creaminess to sandwiches & salads. And toast! Of course there’s always guacamole to go with tacos or chips (or just about anything, really). You can even bake with them! Is there anything avocados can’t make better?
National Raspberry Cake Day: Make and devour a raspberry cake for the perfect end to a perfect Saturday. The kind of raspberry cake is all up to you (chocolate, white, lemon …). If you need a recipe, why not try this raspberry-ricotta cake?
August 1:
American Family Day: Spend time with your family on this beautiful Sunday.
International Can-It-Forward Day: For this day we can! And if you don’t can, learn. Or just use Ball jars for storing all the good stuff you make. Get some ideas here.
International Mahjong Day: This is, obviously, a day to play Mahjong. If you don’t know how to play, then learn.
Lammas Day: Celebrate the traditional beginning of the harvest by baking bread.
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day: If you love raspberries this is a fantastic weekend for you. Saturday is raspberry cake & Sunday is for raspberry cream pie! Make yourself a raspberry cream pie for dessert.