What to Celebrate July 27 thru August 2, 2020

Celebration Ideas for July 27 – August 2, 2020
July will be over in another week. Are you ready?
It’s Back to School season, but how is that going to look this year? That’s still an open question in many districts. But while you wait you might as well enjoy yourself.
There’s still plenty of summer left and lots of special days, weeks, & months to celebrate. So do hop right in to take a peek and plan your week.
And yes, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of July
As July ends we focus on wellness and trying to juggle responsibilities to all the important people in our lives. And we enter August ready to enjoy some “me-time” and support Black-owned businesses.
Social Wellness Month: The past several months haven’t been good for social anything, much less wellness. But staying connected is important. So for the rest of this month (and for the rest of this pandemic, for that matter) make extra efforts to stay connected with family and friends. Make some new friends. Maybe even reconnect with people you’ve lost touch with? Learn more about social wellness & find links to wellness resources here.
National Sandwich Generation Month: The so-called “sandwich generation” are people who are caring for both young children and aging parents. And usually feeling stretched to the breaking point. This year is no doubt especially bad, with kids unable to go to school, camps, or day care in most cases. And parents isolated at home or in nursing homes. So this month is about setting priorities and learning to juggle them successfully. Learn a bit more here.
And get ready for August with these celebrations.
Read-A-Romance Month: Escape the day-to-day stresses for at least a little while by getting lost in a romance. It doesn’t have to be trashy (unless you want it to be!). But it should draw you in, so pick up a favorite romance author (or discover a new author with a style you like) & enjoy.
National Black Business Month: In the midst of a national conversation about race and equality (or inequality) comes a celebration of Black-owned businesses. And we have a chance to show our commitment to helping these businesses & their owners thrive. Only about 10% of businesses in the country are Black-owned, but they exist in sectors ranging from health care to maintenance, so surely we can all find at least one to support this month.
Weekly Celebrations for July 27 to Aug. 2
Once again the festivals have been cancelled for this summer. But we don’t need crowds to celebrate animals. Or music.
Assistance Dog Week (August 2 – 8, 2020): For this week we honor the dogs who work so hard to help their humans live their best lives. We also honor those who raise & train the puppies who will become assistance dogs. They’re all heroes to the people with physical or mental disabilities who rely on their assistance dogs to navigate their daily lives.
Lollapalooza Chicago (July 30 – August 2, 2020): This incredibly popular Chicago music festival has gone virtual for this year. That obviously won’t be at all the same, but it does mean you get to see (or re-live) past years’ performances (including international!). And apparently there’ll even be some 1990s footage nobody’s seen before.
Celebration Days coming up for July 27 thru Aug. 2
We close out July by being kind … to ourselves, our houseplants, our friends & fathers-in-law, and more. We also look for ways to have fun, both with family and friends and by ourselves.
And of course we enjoy good foods and drinks as we create another fun-tastic week for ourselves.
July 27:
Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day: Your houseplants need sunshine and fresh air too! Now sure, you could be conventional and boring and just set the poor things outside to fend for themselves. Or you could be nurturing and involved … and take them for a walk! Your choice. We know you make the right one. 😁
National Walk on Stilts Day: Have you ever walked on stilts? This might be a good day to try it. Maybe even grab a houseplant & take a walk with it on your stilts?
National Love is Kind Day: On this day we remind ourselves and others that love is yes, kind. It’s not abusive or controlling. So if you or someone you know is in a relationship with someone who is those things, make a plan to get out. And then get out! We can also take a look at our own behaviors and make sure we’re not being controlling.
National Scotch Day: On this day we sip Scotch. And only Scotch. No other whiskeys allowed! But you are allowed to use your Scotch to make cocktails if you’d rather not sip it neat.
National Crème Brûlée Day: It’s just custard with a caramelized sugar topping, but crème brûlée is a luscious dessert that’s the perfect finish to any meal. Enjoy a dish to celebrate a Monday well done. Order it or make it yourself (it’s easier than you think!).
July 28:
Buffalo Soldiers Day: Celebrate the Black Americans who joined the Army back in 1866 and became the first all-Black Army regiments. Originally “buffalo soldier” referred to one specific regiment, the 10th Cavalry, and came from the Native Americans fighting them. Eventually it came to mean all the Black regiments. And while it’s not entirely clear if it was meant as a term of respect initially, it has come to be meant that way.
World Hepatitis Day: This day reminds us that hepatitis is still a big problem in the world, and it asks us to help raise awareness. Because deaths from hepatitis are actually going up. And hundreds of millions of people around the world are infected but don’t even know it … which is the theme of this year’s day: Find The Missing Millions.
National Waterpark Day: This is a day for heading to the waterpark for some wet, refreshing fun! Although this year celebrating may depend on where you live, as pools and waterparks reopen and then close again when staff tests positive for COVID-19. If waterparks near you are open and you feel safe to go, do that! If not, create your own watery fun in your yard with a sprinkler. Or even just a hose … once upon a time that was one of our only water-fun options. And it was fun!
National Milk Chocolate Day: It’s another chocolaty day! And why not? Chocolate is one of the best sweet treats around. For this one you’ll have to stick with milk chocolate. But nobody said it has to be plain! If you prefer nuts, fruits, or mint in your chocolate you can find a milk chocolate to suit you. Or bake something chocolaty. Using milk chocolate, of course.
July 29:
National Lasagna Day: Enjoy your favorite lasagna for dinner! Have a classic lasagna or switch things up with vegetarian, chicken, seafood, or any other lasagna your taste buds desire. Make it yourself or order it for delivery. Either way, you can’t go wrong with layers of pasta & your favorite fillings. Mmmmm …
International Tiger Day: This day is about tiger conservation. Both how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go. One hundred years ago some 100,000 tigers called Earth home. But by 2010, the year this day was founded, there were only around 3,000. Now we have around 4,000, but this isn’t enough to ensure tigers’ survival. They still need our help. Let’s use this day to spread the word.
National Lipstick Day: Wearing masks everywhere makes wearing lipstick a little pointless. Not to mention a little messy inside that mask! But that just means whenever you get the chance to show off those lips you ought to make them pop. Even if it’s just at home for nobody but yourself. So pull out your favorite lipstick & swipe it on whenever you get a chance for this day. And why not share pictures of you wearing your favorite shade too?
National Chicken Wing Day: Eat chicken wings! Plain, sweet, spicy. With or without dipping sauce. It doesn’t matter how you eat ’em, just eat ’em!
July 30:
Paperback Book Day: Relax and dive into a new paperback book to celebrate this day. No, you may not “just finish the last few pages of this hardback” you’ve been reading. Save it for another day. Paperbacks only on July 30! But the genre is all up to you : Mystery, Romance, Horror, Biography, True Crime … whatever your heart desires.
National Father-in-Law Day: If you have a father-in-law show him how much he means to you for this day. Yes, you probably celebrated him for Father’s Day in June. But that was most likely a family celebration. Make this one just you and him.
International Day of Friendship: Celebrate the bonds of friendship, which make life a little easier. Whether the friendship is between people, communities, or even countries, it helps create a better world for us all.
National Whistleblower Day: On this day we recognize and applaud the courage it takes to be a whistleblower. Because despite laws protecting them from retaliation, whistleblowers’ lives are often never the same after they’ve made their reports. Did you know the very first whistleblowers were sailors in the Continental Navy? They reported abuse of British prisoners. Talk about international friendship …
National Chili Dog Day: For dinner make your favorite hot dogs covered in your favorite chili. Then go celebrate the next day for dessert.
National Cheesecake Day: Enjoy a slice of your favorite cheesecake to celebrate Friday Eve! And this may be one of the few food days we recommend buying the food. Because if you get your slice at The Cheesecake Factory you’ll be helping Feeding America.
July 31:
World Ranger Day: On this day we honor the people who work hard protecting the parks & reserves and the animals in them all around the world. And we pay tribute to those who died in the line of duty. Yes, in some parts of the world being a Ranger is a dangerous job.
National Mutt Day: Mixed breed dogs (aka mutts) are just as loving, loyal, sweet, and adorable as all those pure breeds people seem to always want. And this day reminds us of that fact. And the fact that your local shelter is full of sweet, adorable, loving, loyal “mutts” just waiting to show you how fantastic they really are. And by the way, those “specialty breeds” like cockapoos? They’re mutts too. So just find a dog to love, don’t worry about the breed, and have a happy life with your pooch.
Uncommon Musical Instrument Appreciation Day: Do you play a musical instrument? Is it a “common” one like the piano, flute, or guitar? Or is is something a bit more unusual, like a sitar, sousaphone, or didgeridoo (yes, that’s a real instrument)? If it’s the latter, this day is for you! Celebrate by playing your instrument. Maybe even put on a performance for family & friends. If you don’t play but appreciate the music uncommon instruments make, celebrate by listening to your favorites.
National Avocado Day: Eat avocados! Slice them up and sprinkle with lemon juice & salt for a snack. Add them to salads & omelettes. Make smoothies. Make guacamole. Bake with them, even! Make anything you like with this versatile green fruit and you’ll be celebrating right.
August 1:
Mead Day: Your drink choices for your Saturday evening are Mead or Mead. Or maybe Mead? But don’t worry. Like wine there’s a variety of Meads to choose from. And you could even make your own. Enjoy!
National Mustard Day: Celebrate your favorite condiment! Assuming your favorite condiment is mustard, of course. And if it’s not, well celebrate it anyway. Most years The National Mustard Museum (can you believe there’s such a thing?!) has a whole street festival, complete with lots of mustard. But like a lot of things this year, they’ve had to adapt and it’ll be a virtual event. So join the livestream on the museum’s Facebook Page, and don’t forget to BYOM (bring your own mustard)!
Sandcastle Day: If you can get to the beach, head out & create some sandcastles. Or if your kids have a sandbox, feel free to join them in it and build to your heart’s content. And remember, it doesn’t matter where you build them or how good they are. The idea is to have fun!
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day: Mmmm … raspberries. One of summer’s most quintessential delights. And they make a delightful pie too. So get yourself some raspberries (pick them yourself if you can), then make yourself a raspberry cream pie for dessert.
August 2:
National Coloring Book Day: On August 2 we color! It doesn’t matter what age you are, coloring is a relaxing & fun activity. If you have kids, join them in a day or an afternoon of coloring. Color in one of their coloring books or get yourself an adult coloring book. Whichever you prefer! What matters is that you color. You can even get a free mini coloring book on the Coloring Book Day website.
National Friendship Day: Friendships are important to our well-being. So on this day make it a point to celebrate all your friendships in some way. For friends who are nearby, try to get together for lunch or dinner. Or even just a drink or cup of coffee. Whatever you can do! If your friends are flung far & wide, call, video chat, or even text to check in and see how they’re doing.
National Sisters Day: If you have sisters we hope they’re also your good friends! So you get to celebrate Friendship Day with them as well as celebrating your unique bond as sisters. So have a girls’ night with your sisters if you can. Or a girls’ night with your girlfriends who are like your sisters, if you don’t have any sisters.
National Ice cream Sandwich Day: End your weekend on a sweet note with a cool, creamy ice cream sandwich. Buy your favorite ice cream sandwich or make your own using your favorite ice cream nestled between your favorite cookies.