What to Celebrate July 30 thru August 5, 2018

Celebration Ideas for July 30 – August 5, 2018
Can you believe back to school is almost here? Some schools start back by mid August. Stores have been full of supplies for more than a week now.
But there’s still plenty of summer left to enjoy. Fill those days with yummy foods, luscious desserts, and good friends.
And of course, we have suggestions on just how to do that.
Relax after a long day with a crisp wine. Or mead. Or a beer.
Savor a perfectly ripe watermelon.
And help out others, too. Collect crayons and/or donate pet food & supplies. Spread lung cancer awareness.
So yes, it’s time to take a peek and plan your week. But most of all …
Celebrate All August Long
You still have a couple of days to celebrate blueberries, parks & recreation, air conditioning, and all the other July-long holidays. So don’t forget to do that!
Then get planning for Aurrrr-gust, when we have fun and do good with pirate themed events. We also do good for schools in need and the environment, both at the same time.
International Pirate Month: That’s right, a whole month to celebrate pirates. But it’s not all about fun & games. The serious side is about having events to raise money for charity. Rogues’ Armada founded the month in 2016.
National Crayon Collection Month: No, you won’t be starting a crayon collection. But if you choose to participate, you will be collecting crayons … to donate to schools in need, ensuring all kids have crayons to use for the school year. Get more ideas for celebrating this month and helping throughout the year at Crayon Collection. Keeping those crayons out of landfills helps the environment, too. It’s a two-fer!
National Breastfeeding Month: The US Breastfeeding Committee declared this month back in 2011. Since then it has used to month to highlight the importance of breastfeeding and build support for making breastfeeding as easy as possible for all women who are able and choose to do it.
Weekly Celebrations for July 30 – August 5
This week we celebrate simplicity and wine. And we do consider wine a simple pleasure!
At the end of the week we begin a week of helping animals and celebrating helpful animals.
National Simplify Your Life Week (August 1 – 7): This is the week to start doing like its name says: Simplify Your Life! Yes, that’s easier said than done. And you’re unlikely to get it done in one week. But get started this week, because if you never start you’ll never get it done! You know it’s true.
International Albariño Days (August 1 – 5): Originally a one-day celebration, this celebration of the Albariño grape & the wine it makes has expanded to a week (more or less). Enjoy a glass or two of this crisp white wine in celebration. And maybe even as a reward for getting started on Simplify Your Life Week?
And these 2 worthy weeks start at the end of our week, on August 5:
Feeding Pets of the Homeless/Give a Dog a Bone Week (August 5 – 12): This charity drive, collecting pet food and supplies, is in its 9th year this year. Let’s make it the best one ever!
Assistance Dog Week (August 5 – 11): Assistance dogs & their trainers give people with certain disabilities and/or illnesses the chance to live normal, independent lives. And this week celebrates them.
Celebration Days coming up for July 30 thru Aug. 5
The deliciousness continues this week, with sweet treats like cheesecake and chocolate chips. And liquid treats like beer (twice!) and mead. Oysters & watermelon show up to the party, too.
It’s also a relaxing week, as we curl up with a paperback book and later spend a day coloring.
And the love is flowing as we celebrate friendship and sisters. And mutts, because who doesn’t love a mutt? (No, Sisters’ Day and Mutt Day are NOT on the same day! ;) )
And of course there’s a serious side too, as we thank Rangers for all they do and raise awareness of lung cancer.
You’ll find plenty more to choose from too. So dig in and plan for another fun-tastic week!
July 30:
Paperback Book Day: If you still love the feel and experience of reading physical books—paperbacks especially—then this day is for you. Immerse yourself in a good paperback and let the real world recede for a while. You deserve it!
National Cheesecake Day: To celebrate properly you must lift your nose out of your paperback book long enough to dig your fork into a luscious slice of cheesecake. To help, Cheesecake Factory is offering all dine-in guests a half-price slice. Yum!
International Day of Friendship: This UN-created day is for promoting friendship. But not just between individuals. Between different countries and cultures, too. A worthy goal … we could definitely do with a bit more friendship in this world.
July 31:
World Ranger Day: Park Rangers do more than make your visit to National Parks more pleasant. Around the world Rangers risk their lives protecting animals and their habitats from poachers. This day honors all Rangers for their hard work and commemorates those killed or injured doing that work.
National Mutt Day: Celebrate the mixed breed dog, aka the mutt. Because really, what difference does pedigree make when it’s all about love? And mutts have lots of that to give. If you have room in your heart and home, heading down to your local shelter & springing a mutt would be the idea way to celebrate. <3
National Avocado Day: On this day you must eat only avocados … Ok, not really. But you could! Add ‘em to an omelet for breakfast, put ‘em on your sandwich for lunch, and have guacamole with your taco/burrito/other favorite Mexican meal for dinner. See? Simple.
August 1:
World Wide Web Day: On this day we celebrate the creation of that giant time-suck, the world wide web. Of course it’s also incredibly useful and deserves a day of recognition. Never mind we all recognize it daily while we use it from morning to night … ;)
Air Force Day: President Truman declared this day in 1947 “in recognition of the personnel of the victorious Army Air Forces and all those who have developed and maintained our nation’s air strength.” This day is different from the Air Force’s birthday in September.
World Lung Cancer Day: Raising awareness of the toll of lung cancer in the world. Many people get it without ever touching a cigarette. And it kills more people than the cancers that get more attention: breast, colon, and prostate.
August 2:
National Coloring Book Day: Who doesn’t love to color? Nobody, that’s who! We usually give up this fun, soothing activity when we “grow up.” Except for parents who get to color with the kids (and I’ll never believe they do it just to be with the kids … that’s just the acceptable excuse ;) ) The “adult coloring book” craze that began a few years ago proves we never gave up our love of coloring, we just set it aside. But now here’s a day devoted to coloring. So get to it! (And check out the coloring book parties).
Take a Penny, Leave a Penny Day: Do you use those little take a penny, leave a penny trays & jars at checkout counters? (Do you even pay with cash any more?). Well try to do that at least once for this day. And even if you don’t pay with cash, if you have a few pennies laying around, drop ‘em in one (or more) of these trays. Your good deed for the day!
India Pale Ale Day: On the 1st Thursday in August we toast the IPA … with an IPA of course. Yes, even if IPAs aren’t normally your beer of choice. To help non-IPA drinkers, here’s a list of 5 IPAs labeled “awesome” by IBT in 2016.
August 3:
International Beer Day: If you couldn’t quite bring yourself to celebrate IPA Day (or even if you could), here’s another day to fill your mug with. For this day you may choose the beer! Celebrate with friends. See if your local bar/pub/tavern is having events for the day (and if not, find a new drinking spot!).
National Watermelon Day: Before you get too far along in your celebration of beer, remember to celebrate that quintessential summer fruit (or vegetable, depending on how you look at it). Eat a plain slice or use it in salsa, cocktails, cold soup, and more. It’s all up to you!
August 4:
Mead Day: Have you ever tried mead? If not, this is the perfect day to discover it. If you already love it, it’s the perfect day to enjoy a glass or two. And if you tried it but didn’t like it, give it another try. Maybe you just had a bad one.
National Chocolate Chip Day: Apparently most people celebrate the chocolate chip in May. But some prefer August 4. Since it’s chocolate, we suggest celebrating both! So start this day right with some chocolate chip pancakes. Enjoy chocolate chip cookies for a snack. Have chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. And enjoy any other chocolate chip delights you can think of. Yum!
National Disc Golf Day: We are unsure how this will work for anybody also celebrating Mead Day … or who celebrated International Beer Day on the 3rd. But no matter, for this day you must get out and play disc golf … no matter how much the mead (or hangover) affects your score! :) The very 1st National Disc Golf Day was apparently just 2 years ago in 2016.
August 5:
National Oyster Day: If you love oysters, this is your day! And if you don’t … are you sure? You don’t have to eat them raw. Give them another try. Prepared correctly they might just surprise you.
National Underwear Day: Celebrate your unmentionables! Apparently the founder of the day, Freshpair, used to have big events full of people in their underwear. But the official page hasn’t been updated for a few years. :( We see no reason not to celebrate anyway!
Sisters’ Day: On the 1st Sunday in August you must celebrate your sister(s). So plan a fun day together & catch up. ‘Cause you know you don’t get to do that nearly often enough.