What to Celebrate July 8 to 14, 2019

Celebration Ideas for July 8 – 14, 2019
We hope you had a great Independence Day!
(And if you’re not in the US, we hope you had a great week. :) ).
But remember, just because the official holiday is over doesn’t mean the celebrations have to be done. The unofficial celebrations can be just as fun. And delicious.
Of course since it’s summer we’ll want to do as much celebrating outdoors as possible. Which is made easier by Park and Recreation Month along with Picnic Month. All those delicious food days? Celebrate them by bringing those foods on your picnics!
So dive right in to take a peek and plan your week. And as always …
Celebrate All July Long
July is all about getting outside & having fun! And eating outside whenever possible. Of course you just have to have some of the quintessential summer foods while you’re outside … like watermelon! And what better scenes to paint with watercolors than your summer fun? Or your summer picnic ..
National Park and Recreation Month: July is the month to get out & take full advantage of all your local Parks & Rec Department has to offer. Hopefully they have some special programs for this month! And if they’re not celebrating, direct them to this toolkit & tell them to get in on the games! (This year’s theme is Game On!).
National Picnic Month: While you’re outdoors having fun, stay out there to eat. Have a picnic! Don’t want standard “picnic foods” like fried chicken & cole slaw? Consider some of these recipes to spice things up!
National Watermelon Month: No matter what foods you bring on your picnic, watermelon is always a refreshing side and/or dessert! Or maybe bring some Watermelon Lemonade to drink. Of course there’s lots more ways to enjoy watermelon. Take a look at these 36 recipes for more sweet inspiration.
World Watercolor Month: Paint with watercolors all month & share your creations with the world! If you already use watercolors to create your art, keep doing that. But even if you’ve never used them, this is the month to give watercolors a try. Whatever your abilities, snap a picture of your work & post on social media, tagged with #WorldWatercolorMonth.
And don’t forget to keep finding alternatives to single-use plastics for Plastic Free July!
Weekly Celebrations for July’s 2nd Week
Soooo … are nudists creatively maladjusted to clothing? We think it’s possible! But even if they’re not, we celebrate both being creatively maladjusted and having fun while nude during the 2nd week in July.
And on a more serious note we thank farriers for keeping our horses’ hooves healthy & shod.
Nude Recreation Week (July 8 – 14, 2019): This week is pretty self-explanatory! Get out & have fun sans clothing. But you probably can’t visit your local park naked. You’ll need to find a nude beach (or “clothing-optional” beach!) or at least a secluded lake where you can go skinny-dipping.
National Farriers Week (July 7 – 13, 2019): This week honors the people who keep horses hooves clean & trimmed and put their shoes on. If you have horses, thank your farrier this week. And although it’s too late to submit nominations to this year’s Farriers Spotlight, consider making plans to submit your awesome farrier for next year.
Creative Maladjustment Week (July 7 – 14, 2019): Are you creatively maladjusted? That is, do you refuse to simply accept what the world defines as “normal” or “just the way it is”? Then you’re in good company! And you might even find yourself helping to change the world. Or at least your little corner of it. Like this teacher who was maladjusted to certain school rules that seemed arbitrary and even discriminatory.
Celebration Days coming up for July 8 thru July 14
There’s a ton of deliciousness & appreciation to celebrate this week.
We can enjoy nitrogen ice cream and mac & cheese. Also mojitos, Ranier cherries, and pecan pie. And so much more.
In between bites we appreciate cows & collector cars. If we appreciate the cows appropriately it will lead to something delicious (no, not beef).
We also avoid stepping on bees, read or compose some Clerihews, and contemplate simplicity. Plus much more.
All in all, another fun-tastic week looks inevitable!
July 8:
SCUD Day: Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama (SCUD) is all about, well, avoiding drama! And have fun while doing it. Sounds like a good plan for any day of the year. But at least start for this day!
International Town Criers Day: On the 2nd Monday in July we celebrate the people who spread the news—both good and bad—by reading it aloud. They were quite common back when written sources of news weren’t common, and many people were illiterate anyway. They actually still exist, but mostly for ceremonial roles, like opening festivals.
Math 2.0 Day: This day celebrates how math shapes the world. Without math we wouldn’t have the technology that we rely on every day … everything from our cell phones to our cars, and even the buildings we live in, depends on getting the math right! July 8 is the Math 2.0 Interest Group’s founding anniversary.
National Chocolate with Almonds Day: Mmmm … so many ways to celebrate this day! Eat a handful of chocolate-covered almonds. Snack on Almond Joys. Make Chocolate Almond Muffins for breakfast. Or maybe Sugared Almond Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting for desert. Or any other chocolate & almond combo you desire.
July 9:
National Sugar Cookie Day: Bake and eat sugar cookies! Or buy & eat sugar cookies if it’s too dang hot to turn on your oven. We’re pretty sure buy & eat will be the preferred option around here.
Cow Appreciation Day: Chick-fil-A appreciates cows! They really do. So much so that if you wear a cow costume (it doesn’t even have to be a good cow costume!) in to one of their stores on July 9 you get a free entree.
July 10:
Don’t Step on a Bee Day: Look out for bees & avoid stepping on them for this day. Maybe even take it a step further & find ways to be nice to the bees. Like planting some of their favorite flowers. Then avoid stepping on all the nice pollinators that will come to thank you all season long.
Piña Colada Day: Wind down at the end of your day with a sweet rum, pineapple, & coconut cocktail. Not sure how to make one? It’s simple! Head over to this Piña Colada recipe to see just how simple.
National Clerihew Day: On this day we celebrate the Clerihew, a whimsical 4-line poetry style. It got its name from its inventor, Edmund Clerihew Bentley. Why not give writing one a try for this day?
Teddy Bear Picnic Day: On this day we picnic with teddy bears! If you can make it to the park to picnic, go for it. But that’s not necessary. You can just as easily have a picnic in your yard. Or even inside if the weather isn’t cooperating. The only requirements for the day are a picnic and at least one teddy.
July 11:
Bowdler’s Day: On this day we recognize the man famous for sanitizing Shakespeare and even the Bible. How to “celebrate”? Maybe by reading some of his edited work?
All American Pet Photo Day: Take pictures of your pet! Of course, if you’re like most people these days, you do that all the time. But maybe focus on the All American part & dress your pet up in something red, white, & blue. Or if your pet’s not the dress-up type, use a filter or even Photoshop to make your pet look patriotic.
National Blueberry Muffin Day: With this day you can celebrate the day and National Blueberry Month at the same time! And one of the best things to do with blueberries (other than eating them by the handful) is bake with them. So do that & enjoy fresh, homemade blueberry muffins for breakfast. And a snack later. Maybe even for dessert! These Blueberry Muffins with Streusel Topping look like they’d be perfect any time of day.
National Mojito Day: The middle of July is a great time to sip a low-alcohol, citrusy, minty rum drink … which is exactly what a Mojito is! So make a big pitcher of the stuff, invite some friends over & enjoy the evening.
National Rainier Cherry Day: If you can get yourself some Rainier cherries for this day you’ll be celebrating right. But you can’t substitute any ol’ cherries. Rainiers are a special cherry with a thin skin and a sweet taste. They are the product of cross-breeding Bing and Van cherries.
July 12:
Different Colored Eyes Day: Celebrate your uniqueness on this day. Especially if you have different colored eyes. But if not, find something else to celebrate about yourself.
Simplicity Day: On this day consider the benefits of living simply. And then start working toward simple living. It may not be simple to achieve (despite the name), but it is quite rewarding. Check out the Simple Living forums to connect with others living simply (or trying to!).
National Pecan Pie Day: Make and devour a pecan pie for this day! If you don’t already have a favorite pecan pie recipe, we believe Dear Abby’s Famous Pecan Pie is the best around.
Paper Bag Day: Ah, the paper bag. So versatile, recyclable, and compostable. This day celebrates the anniversary of William Goodale patenting his paper bag manufacturing machine on July 12, 1859. This celebration is different from Europe’s Paper Bag Day, held in October to promote paper bags as “sustainable and efficient packaging.”
Collector Car Appreciation Day: If you love classic cars, this day’s for you! Why not see if there’s an event happening near you. Not all events are on the 12th, so make sure you double-check the dates!
July 13:
National French Fries Day: Make sure you have French fries as a side with at least one meal for this day! If there’s a place that makes fries you just love, go there to get some. Or make your favorite style of fries.
Gruntled Workers Day: Surrounded by disgruntled workers? Turn them into gruntled workers with a smile and a friendly greeting! Are you gruntled or disgruntled?
Nitrogen Ice Cream Day: Freezing ice cream with liquid nitrogen makes an insanely smooth, creamy treat. That’s because it freezes so fast the ice crystals don’t have time to get very big & there’s not much air trapped in the final product. Never had it? See if there’s a shop near you that sells it!
National Beans ‘N Franks Day: When was the last time you had beans ‘n franks? No, not pork ‘n beans. Beans with hot dogs! Well ok, yes pork ‘n beans, but with hot dogs & a few other ingredients added. And this is the day to have that comfort food again … or for the 1st time ever if you’ve never had ‘em. Try this simple recipe.
July 14:
Pandemonium Day: Either create or avoid pandemonium for this day! Or maybe work on figuring out how to have less chaos in your life?
Macaroni & Cheese Day: You know what you’re eating for this day, right?! Mac & cheese! Make your favorite recipe to celebrate. Or, if yours involves an oven & you’re just not feeling it on a hot July day, check out these 6 no-oven-needed recipes. They’re definitely not classic by any means, but they look amazing just the same.
Shark Awareness Day: Unless you’ve been living under a rock for decades you’re plenty aware of sharks! It’s pretty much impossible to avoid Shark Week! each year. And any meeting of shark & human always makes the news. But you might also have some things wrong about sharks (they don’t really want to attack humans!). Why not learn more about these misunderstood creatures for this day?
National Tape Measure Day: If you have any projects going, get your measuring done on this day. And make sure you use a tape measure! No other measuring tool will do. And give thanks to Alvin J. Fellows, who patented his Improvement in Tape Measures on this date in 1868.
National Grand Marnier Day: What better way to end your week than with this orange-flavored cognac liqueur? Drink it neat or use it in a cocktail. Here are 11 Grand Marnier cockatails to choose from.