What to Celebrate June 15 thru 21, 2020

Celebration Ideas for June 15 – 21, 2020
This crazy year just keeps moving forward!
We hope you’re doing the same. And that you’re finding ways to enjoy each day.
Because that’s the best way to move forward in life. And doing it your way, whether that’s with some silliness or by something meaningful to you.
Either way we’re back with ideas for you. So do take a peek and plan your week. And as always …
Celebrate for the rest of June
So much good food to celebrate during June! And ice tea to quench that summer thirst. What could be more perfect?
National Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Month: Farmers Market season is here, and what better place to get your fresh fruits & vegetables? They’re the freshest of the fresh & local, too. So load up & get creative with ways to prepare them.
California Avocado Month: California avocado season is in full swing! So it’s the perfect time to use them in everything. Find lots of unusual recipes at californiaavocado.com.
Dairy Month: Mmmm … cheese. Now that’s not the only dairy product to celebrate this month. But as far as we’re concerned it’s the best reason to celebrate Dairy Month!
Georgia Blueberry Month: Blueberries make everything taste better! From pancakes & pies to smoothies. And, of course, just popping a handful in your mouth is always delicious. So do that & more all during June. And for the rest of blueberry season too for that matter! Get lots of blueberry recipe ideas here.
National Ice Tea Month: Drink iced tea all month? You don’t have to tell us twice! But you don’t have to stick with the standard tea-flavored ice tea. Try adding other flavors for variety. Get some ideas here.
National Papaya Month: Do you eat papaya? If not you’re missing out! Learn a bit about papaya here.
Weekly Celebrations for June’s 3rd Week
This week’s eclectic mix celebrates physical health, mental health (indirectly anyway), and the people who handle our trash. So take care of yourself, and thank those who take care of you.
Men’s Health Week (June 15 – 21, 2020): For the week before Father’s Day we encourage the men in our lives to take care of their health. That means not only regular checkups, but also talking with their doctors when something feels wrong. And getting treatment for injuries or illnesses. When it comes to your health, it’s not a time to “tough it out!”
National Hermit Week (June 13 – 20, 2020): For this week we spend time alone to get creative & recharge. Of course, many of us have been spending quite a few weeks alone, so if you’ve had all the hermitting you can handle we understand. But if you’re someone who always needs more alone-time, this is for you!
Waste and Recycling Workers Week (June 14 – 20, 2020): The people who work hard keeping our neighborhoods clean and free from piles of trash always deserve a big thanks. But this year they deserve it even more! They were still out working while many of us were generating more trash than usual from our homes. And recycling, in the form of all those shipping boxes! And for those of us in the Midwest who flooded a few weeks ago, we want to thank the garbage collectors who picked up all the soaked contents of our basements. Those were some huge piles!
National Nursing Assistants Week (June 18 – 25, 2020): Thank the nursing assistants who work tirelessly to ensure you or your loved one(s) are getting the care & assistance necessary for a good quality of life.
International Lambrusco Week (June 19 – 25, 2020): Learn about and enjoy authentic Lambrusco.
Celebration Days coming up for June 15 thru June 21
This year the summer solstice happens on June 20, so you’ll have plenty of daylight for your Saturday celebrations! And of course the next day we celebrate Dad.
But before that we take nature pictures, go fishing, & take a hike with a geek. To fuel all that activity we eat fudge & sushi & turkey, while sipping root beer & martinis.
All that & more surely has the makings of another fun-tastic week!
June 15:
Nature Photography Day: Get outside & enjoy nature for the day. And while you’re out there, take some pictures of the sights you see.
National Smile Power Day: If you’re out taking pictures of nature (or even just enjoying nature) you no doubt can’t help but smile. And just the act of smiling makes you feel good, doesn’t it? That’s the power of a smile. But even more powerful is how it makes another person feel when you share your smile. So do that as much as possible all day! Yes, it’s gotten harder to share smiles, since masks cover them up. But do your best anyway!
Worldwide Day of Giving: Can you do more than share a smile? This day asks you to give a stranger $10, donate $10 to the charity of your choice, or volunteer for the day. We suspect that’ll actually cause a lot of smiling!
Global Wind Day: How much do you know about the power of wind power to supply our energy needs? Why not learn more about it for this day? And if you already know, help spread the word.
National Lobster Day: Lobsters are so awesome they get two days to eat ’em! First we celebrate the end of Canada’s lobster season on June 15. We’re not actually sure who started this day, but we’re also not going to complain! Then we have to wait until September to have an actual US Senate-declared National Lobster Day, celebrating Maine’s peak lobster season. But who cares why we’re celebrating? Just eat lobster, if you can!
June 16:
National Fudge Day: Mmmmm … who can say no to sweet, creamy, chocolaty fudge? Not us! (No, fudge doesn’t have to be chocolate, but that’s what we’re going to be celebrating with!).
Bloomsday: Celebrate a day in the life of Leopold Bloom, the main character in James Joyce’s Ulysses. The entire book happens on one day, June 16, 1904, and fans of the book enjoy reenacting the book’s events in Dublin. If that’s not something you can (or want to) do, consider reading the book instead. If it’s already a favorite, you know you want to read it again. If you’ve never read it, this is the perfect day to start!
June 17:
Eat Your Vegetables Day: Veggies are good for you & delicious too. As long as you don’t cook all the flavor out of them, anyway. So get creative with your favorite veggies or try something new. Better yet, do both!
World Tessellation Day: Have fun with tessellations! But first, learn what tessellations are! Then look for them all around you. And maybe even create some of your own.
Stewart’s Root Beer Day: On this day we all enjoy an ice-cold, frothy Stewart’s root beer. Maybe even make a root beer float? But no matter how you enjoy your root beer only Stewart’s will do! Save any other root beers you may like for another day.
National Apple Strudel Day: It may not be quite as American as apple pie (in fact it’s Austrian), but it’s definitely just as tasty! And June 17 calls for eating apple strudel. Homemade apple strudel if you can manage it.
National Cherry Tart Day: But don’t fill up on strudel, for you must also leave room for cherry tart! What a sweet, sweet day this will be. Of course, if you can manage it, make your cherry tart yourself.
June 18:
International Sushi Day: Sushi! It’s not raw fish. It is scrumptious! (ok it can include raw fish, but it doesn’t have to).
National Career Nursing Assistants Day: We kick off National Nursing Assistants Week by giving special recognition to those caring people who have made ensuring others’ well-being their life’s work.
National Go Fishing Day: If you enjoy fishing, this is the day to play hooky and get out on the water with your rod. Make sure you have your fishing license, and follow whatever catch & release rules are in place at your favorite fishing spot.
National Splurge Day: On this day we do something special for ourselves. It doesn’t have to be something big (but it could be!). Something as simple as taking a little extra time to order your favorite treat (coffee, pastry, ice cream, whatever!) & sitting down to enjoy it instead of having it on the run. Or plan a special weekend for yourself and someone special (not necessarily a romantic special someone). Big or small, just do something to treat yourself.
World Tapas Day: Enjoy the “small plates” of Spanish cuisine with family and friends. Because tapas is meant for sharing! If your favorite tapas-serving restaurant is open and you feel comfortable going, have an evening out enjoying good food & good company. Or if you’re still more comfortable staying in, see what kind of tapas you can get delivered. Even if you have to create the sharing experience yourself by ordering a variety of dishes.
June 19:
Garfield the Cat Day: Celebrate everybody’s favorite lasagna-loving, vegetable-hating ginger kitty. Apparently it’s a good thing we don’t celebrate him on the same day as Eat Your Vegetables Day!
National FreeBSD Day: Celebrate the open-source operating system that’s hiding in lots of apps & services you may use every day. The date commemorates the day the OS got its name, back in 1993.
Juneteenth: On this date in 1865 slaves in Galveston, Texas learned they were freedmen. At that point the Emancipation Proclamation was more than 2 years old. But news traveled slowly. And the official end of the Civil War didn’t happen until May 26, 1865. Official news of both the Civil War’s end and the slaves’ freedom arrived in Galveston with Major General Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865.
National Martini Day: Enjoy your favorite martini & relax for this evening. Do you make your martinis with gin or vodka? What about flavors? Yes or no?
Wear Blue Day: Wear blue to support a healthy lifestyle for the men & boys in your lives. That includes regular checkups, understanding disease risks, and generally making healthy choices.
June 20:
Cuckoo Warning Day: Listen for the cuckoo’s call on this day. If you hear it, expect a wet summer. Assuming you believe birds can predict weather …
World Productivity Day: Get stuff done! Or learn how to get more stuff done; just make sure you put your learning into practice!
American Eagle Day: Celebrate the USA’s national symbol, the Bald Eagle. Celebrate the conservation success that brought it back from the brink of extinction, and recognize it still needs (and deserves) our protection. And if you’d like, add your voice to the movement to make this an official National day.
International Surfing Day: Celebrate surfing and ocean sustainability (after all, without the ocean surfing as we know it would be … let’s just say a bit more challenging!). Speaking of challenging, this year’s celebrations may be scaled way down, depending on gathering & distancing rules in place at various beaches. But don’t let that stop you from celebrating however you can! Surfrider has suggestions on ways to celebrate safely.
National Hike With a Geek Day: Surfing’s not your thing? Take a hike, instead! And bring a geek to celebrate this weird day. But not really all that weird. People passionate about what they do tend to get lost in the activity. And when those activities are mostly indoors and often in front of a computer, that can be unhealthy without regular breaks. So this day reminds geeks to step away from the computer, lab, etc. and get outside for some fresh air and physical activity. And if you’re not a geek yourself but have geek friends (you know you do!), it’s a reminder for you to drag them outside for some fun. (Please don’t physically drag them, just make it hard for them to turn down the chance to spend time with you. Outside).
Polar Bear Swim: These swims take place in lots of places around the country. But usually in say, January or February. This particular event celebrates the summer solstice. So what makes it a Polar Bear Swim? The fact that it’s in Nome, Alaska where the summer solstice is still kinda chilly. 😁
National Seashell Day: Not near Nome or don’t particularly want to swim in icy waters? Never fear! Hunting seashells can be done on warmer beaches anywhere. So if you love seashells, head out to the beach in search of your favorites. And if you happen to be or know a geek, a walk on the beach could certainly count as your hike!
Lambrusco Day: Enjoy authentic Lambrusco all day! Responsibly, of course. The day is part of an entire week of celebration of this often misunderstood wine.
National Vanilla Milkshake Day: Whip up a cool, creamy milkshake to enjoy on the longest day of the year. Try this malted vanilla milkshake recipe.
National Ice Cream Soda Day: Didn’t get enough ice-cream drink with your milkshake? Float your favorite ice cream in your favorite soda and enjoy! (Just make sure the flavors pair well! Mint chocolate chip ice cream probably shouldn’t go with orange soda …).
June 21:
World Giraffe Day: Giraffes are awesome! But like a lot of animals these days, they face a lot of challenges to their survival. Learn more about the world’s tallest animal & how you can help them.
International Day of Yoga: If you don’t already practice yoga, learn why you might want to start. And if you do, help spread the word about this day and the benefits of yoga.
National Selfie Day: We’re pretty sure that entirely too many people are taking too many selfies on any given day of the year. But for this one day selfies are not only encouraged they’re required! If you want to celebrate properly anyway.
National Turkey Lovers’ Day: No, this day isn’t about loving the birds, it’s about loving their meat. So cook some turkey to enjoy for lunch or dinner. And since it’s on the same day as Father’s Day, if you’re grilling for Dad, you can add your favorite turkey burgers, turkey sausages, and even turkey drumsticks to the grill!
National Peaches ‘n Cream Day: It’s peach season, and what better way to celebrate than with a cool, sweet dish of peaches ‘n cream? It’ll make a simple but delightful dessert after your grilled turkey!