What to Celebrate June 18 thru 24, 2018

Celebration Ideas for June 18 – 24, 2018
Sooo … the 24th is my birthday (Happy B-day to me!), but as I was typing the headline I accidentally put my birth year in instead of 2018! Oops. I think I need more coffee …
But back to your celebrations for this bright June week.
If you haven’t already, it’s time for you to get outside & enjoy the summer. To help we highlight some outdoor-related days, along with Great Outdoors Month. That’s right, all of June is devoted to getting you outside! So go!
Of course we haven’t forgotten to include some food days. Some animal days. Some serious days. And some just plain fun days.
So it’s time once again to take a peek and plan your week. And most of all …
Celebrate for the rest of June
This week we have an eclectic mix of month-long celebrations: healthy food, beautiful flowers, courtesy, and getting outside. All things that make the summer more enjoyable!
Sorghum Month: Do you know sorghum? This ancient cereal grain is the world’s 5th most important cereal crop, but in the US we’re only now realizing it’s good for more than livestock feed. It’s gluten free and can replace wheat flour in many recipes.
National Rose Month: The rose is a beautiful flower and America’s national floral emblem. There are more than 150 different kinds of roses, and in June we celebrate them all.
Lane Courtesy Month: As we take a break from the daily grind to get away for a weekend or an extended vacation, lets remember to be courteous on the road. June specifically highlights lane courtesy, which means slower traffic stays to the right. Not only is it the right thing to do, in many states it’s the law!
Great Outdoors Month: Put down the electronics, lift your head, and be amazed at all the outdoors has to offer. From a simple walk to a long hike. A backyard bbq or a weekend (or week-long!) camping trip. Plus fishing, biking, and so much more.
Weekly Celebrations for June’s 3rd Week
Celebrate and protect animals big & small this week. All living creatures deserve basic respect. And you might be surprised at how much some of them contribute to our own survival (no pollinators = much less food).
Animal Rights Awareness Week (June 17-23): Animals are living creatures that feel pain, fear, and other emotions. And they deserve basic kindness and respect. That’s what this week, founded back in 1999, is about.
National Pollinator Week (Jun 18 – 24): Celebrate the pollinators, without which the world would be much duller and less delicious. Who are the pollinators? Bees of course. But also moths, bats, butterflies, and others.
Celebration Days coming up for June 18 thru June 24
This week features a lot of days celebrating animals and the outdoors. From cartoon animals like Garfield to majestic ones like the American Eagle. Plus giraffes, flamingos, and cuckoos (well the cuckoo’s calls anyway).
And get outside for hiking (with a geek), collecting seashells, and camping out, among others.
There’s also splurging, an open source operating system (that you’re probably using but have never heard of), the VW Beetle, and much more.
So once again, take a peek at the coming week, and plan for a fun-tasic one!
June 18:
International Sushi Day: Eat sushi! Don’t look at me like that. You don’t have to eat raw fish … plenty of sushi has nothing to do with raw fish.
Sustainable Gastronomy Day: Promoting sustainable agriculture, seafood practices, and other earth-friendly food use & prep techniques.
National Splurge Day: Like the name suggests, splurge on something! Here are some ideas for things worth splurging on.
Jun 19:
Garfield the Cat Day: Celebrate the birthday of everybody’s favorite cranky orange cat. In honor of the day, you might want to avoid things he hates (exercise, vegetables, diets …) and eat his favorite foods. Pizza and lasagna for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! What a delicious day.
FreeBSD Day: Do you know FreeBSD? It’s an open source operating system that you probably use without even realizing it. The date celebrates the day it got its name.
National Watch Day: Do you wear a watch? Most people just use their phones to tell time these days. But if you have a watch, wear it to celebrate the 2nd annual National Watch Day. Does your watch have a history? Share it!
June 20:
World Productivity Day: Take steps toward being more productive today, and carry that productivity forward to tomorrow, and the next day, and the next … You get the idea! If you’re already productive, celebrate your success!
American Eagle Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the Bald Eagles selection as America’s national symbol. And help make it an official National Day.
National Hike with a Geek Day: Find yourself a geek and a forest preserve/state park/etc. and take a hike! Take pics (of course!) and post ‘em. Tag them with #hikewithageekday. We’re unclear if geeks can just hike by themselves & have it count …
June 21:
Cuckoo Warning Day: Listen for the cuckoo’s call to know whether we’ll have a wet or dry summer.
National Seashell Day: Celebrate the 1st day of summer with seashells! If you’re near the beach go shelling (collecting seashells). If not, use today to plan a trip to a beach soon.
World Giraffe Day: Celebrate the giraffe! Did you know there are only about 100,000 left in the wild? That might sound like a lot … it’s not!
National Day of the Gong: Yes, the gong has its very own day. Learn more about the gong and what makes its sound an inspiring and engaging one.
June 22:
Stupid Guy Thing Day: Celebrate the stupid things the guys in your life do. If you happen to be a guy, that includes you! C’mon now, you know you’ve done some stupid things.
World Rainforest Day: Rainforests are vital to the health of the planet. But they’re disappearing fast. Celebrate and help save them on this day.
World Wide VW Beetle Day: Celebrate the cute little car on the anniversary of the date the contract to develop it was signed in 1934. It is also Drive Your VW to Work Day, and you can celebrate both days by doing just that.
June 23:
Pink Flamingo Day: Celebrate the iconic pink flamingo lawn ornaments and their creator Don Featherstone. How? Decorate with ‘em, dress like ‘em, have a party … use your imagination!
Let it Go Day: Whatever it is you’re still holding onto, this is the day to let it go. This is another day from the fertile minds of Tom and Ruth Roy at Wellcat.com.
Great American Backyard Campout: Apparently now called just the Great American Campout. Camp in your yard or join a public campout. Post pictures & tag with #GreatAmericanCampout and #campie.
June 24:
International Fairy Day: Does your imagination allow for the existence of fairies? If so, celebrate these ethereal creatures on June 24. If not, well upgrade your imagination and celebrate anyway!
Log Cabin Day: Indulge in some nostalgia for a time when life was, in many ways, simpler than today. Consider doing without modern conveniences for a day. Or visiting a log cabin if there’s a museum near you with one. Or even “camping” in a “modern” log cabin at a state park or other camp grounds.
Celebration of the Senses: Tom & Ruth Roy invite you to stimulate all your senses today: smell, taste, sight, hearing, touch. In doing so you will open yourself to experiencing the sixth sense.