What to Celebrate June 21 thru 27, 2021

Celebration Ideas for June 21 – 27, 2021
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!
Whether or not you’ll be celebrating with your own dad or kids (or both!), there’s plenty to look forward to once Dad’s day is done. (Although we do hope you celebrate Dad more than just on the official day)
Consider spending this next week eating at food trucks & smelling the roses. Maybe learning about insects & protecting rainforests, too. Along with celebrating Leon, giraffes, pink flamingos, and log cabins, among other things.
So do go ahead: Take a peek and plan your week. And of course, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of June
Listen to your favorite DJ or accordion player while enjoying the sweet scent of roses & the sweet taste of papaya.
And don’t forget to do some research on migraines & other headache disorders to see if there are any new treatment options that might work for you or someone you know.
National Accordion Awareness Month: This one always amuses us. Because how can you be unaware of accordions! But maybe you weren’t aware there are different kinds of accordions? Learn more for this month! Maybe even how to play? Or at least maybe learn to appreciate accordion music …
Rose Month: Celebrate the beauty and fragrance of the rose. If you have rose bushes, make sure to stop & smell the roses as often as possible! Yes, literally. Which can help you slow down long enough to also smell the roses figuratively. 😊 If you don’t grow roses yourself, treat yourself to a bouquet. Or plant some if you have room. Did you know there are more than 300 species of roses?
National Headache and Migraine Awareness Month: If you or a loved one is one of the billion or so people around the world affected by migraines, take some time this month to learn about new treatments & therapies. And we can all learn more about headache diseases and help other understand how debilitating they can be.
National DJ Month: Celebrate the people who keep the nights lively at your favorite club, make your wedding and other celebrations memorable, and keep your favorite radio station entertaining. So show your favorite DJs some love this month.
National Papaya Month: Find new ways to use papaya this month. Sure you can eat them fresh or add them to smoothies. But papayas also make a fun salsa or a refreshing gelato. You can also roast them, similar to squash. Here are some other sweet & savory ideas for serving papaya.
Weekly Celebrations for June 21 to 27
There’s a lot to do this week! Like learning about insects, pollinators, and controlling that pesky little insect, the mosquito. And making sure you’ve learned what you need to know about staying safe from lightning strikes.
And since all that learning makes a person hungry, head out to your favorite food truck(s) all week to fuel up with simple but delicious meals.
National Animal Rights Awareness Week (June 20 – 26, 2021): Just because they’re not human doesn’t mean they don’t have rights. Animals are living beings that deserve to live free from abuse and exploitation. Help spread the word and learn what else you can do to make it happen.
National Pollinator Week (June 21 – 27, 2021): Protect the pollinators! They’re critical to our lives. Not to mention adorable (well, a lot of them anyway). And remember, bees aren’t the only pollinators. Butterflies & moths, bats & birds, and ants & slugs also pollinate. Even bigger animals like lizards & lemurs are pollinators! Some are more important to our food crops than others. But all are important to the plants they pollinate. Learn about the pollinators and how to protect them for this week.
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week (June 20 – 26, 2021): Make sure you’re doing what you can to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in your yard.
National Insect Week (June 21 – 27, 2021): Learn about insects & why they’re important. Yes, even the pesky ones are important!
Lightning Safety Awareness Week (June 20 – 26, 2021): Most of the time we don’t really think much about lightning. Even in the middle of a thunderstorm. But it can be deadly, so knowing how to stay safe is important. Use this week to make sure you know how to keep your family safe, including the best places to take shelter both indoors and out.
National Food Truck Day (June 20 – 27, 2021): Yes, it’s called a day. And that’s what it’s been since it started. But for this year the organizers want to make sure food trucks get as much love as possible (they’ve had a rough year too!). So celebrate Food Truck Day all week! It’ll give you a chance to try lots of different trucks you may not have considered before.
Celebration Days coming up for June 21 thru June 27
Will your summer be wet or dry? Let the cuckoos tell you this week! Then protect giraffes & rainforests, take your dog to work, and celebrate Thanksgiving in June.
These are only a few of the ways you can make this yet another fun-tastic week. So what are you waiting for?!
June 21:
Cuckoo Warning Day: Listen for the cuckoos to know if your summer will be wet. If you hear them, it will be. Or so people in the Middle Ages believed.
National Daylight Appreciation Day: Celebrate daylight on the day of the year we get the most of it. Hopefully it’ll be a nice sunny day so we can really enjoy it! Spend as much time outside as you can. And consider other ways to increase daylight in your life. Even if you have to be inside, things like skylights & bigger windows can bring more daylight into your space.
World Giraffe Day: Celebrate the animal whose neck seems to go on forever on the day daylight seems to go on (almost) forever. Enjoy giraffes at a zoo, a nature preserve, or just in pictures. And consider helping ensure the species can survive to enchant future generations.
National Selfie Day: Selfies aren’t exactly novel anymore. But that doesn’t mean we’re going to stop taking them any time soon! So for this day get extra creative with your selfies. And of course remember to share them!
International Day of Yoga: Yoga is an excellent exercise for both body and mind. For this day practice yoga! And join the virtual event to see demonstrations of yoga poses to help you improve your own.
Make Music Day: For this day we all make music! Join an event if there’s one near you. Or just make music on your own. Even better, with friends! You might also like to take part in Window Serenades, bringing music to nursing homes.
Go Skateboarding Day: Do like the name says & go skateboarding! Or at least try?
National Peaches and Cream Day: Make your dessert a simple but delicious one. Peaches and cream is so simple to make, you’ll be back enjoying the longest day of the year in no time.
June 22:
Stupid Guy Thing Day: Do stupid guy things! Or reminisce about stupid guy things you or guys you know have done. Or just shake your head at the stupid guy things you see. Tom & Ruth Roy, creators of the day, suggest women make a list of stupid guy things to share …
World Rainforest Day: Help protect our rainforests. This year there’s actually 3 days of events, starting on the 20th. So check it out & learn how you can be part of the solution.
National HVAC Tech Day: Celebrate and thank the people who work hard to keep you comfortable all year long.
National Onion Rings Day: No matter what your lunch or dinner consists of, you must have a side of onion rings with at least one meal. How else can you possibly celebrate this day? Order from your favorite diner or restaurant, or make your onion rings yourself.
National Chocolate Eclair Day: And for dessert (or a mid-morning snack)? Chocolate eclairs! These light airy pastries, with a creamy center and coating of chocolate, are the perfect treat any time.
June 23:
Pink Flamingo Day: Celebrate those iconic lawn ornaments, the plastic pink flamingos, and especially their creator Don Featherstone. So flock your yard (or a friend’s yard!) to celebrate the day right.
National Pink Day: Celebrate the color pink! And not just those pink flamingos, either. This pastel shade is often associated with kindness & innocence. Of course, pink comes in many different shades, and some are quite bright! And even orangey. Did you know that at one time pink was seen as more masculine than feminine?!
National Hydration Day: It’s important to stay hydrated every day of the year. But especially in the summer, when it’s hot and we’re sweating. So make sure you drink plenty of fluids on this day and every day. And learn about the person this day honors, Coach Victor Hawkins, a high school football coach who invented a mouth guard to help his players stay hydrated. The mouth guards slowly released electrolytes while the players were wearing them!
National Detroit-Style Pizza Day: What’s your favorite style of pizza? If it’s Detroit-style you’re in luck! This is the day to have it. You must not eat any other kind of pizza on this day. And why would you want to? This square pizza with a crispy, cheesy top & stripes of tomato sauce (stripes!) across it is truly a delight.
National Pecan Sandies Day: After your Detroit-style pizza you’ll need something sweet. Munch on some pecan sandies! You can buy a package of course. But if you have time, homemade pecan sandies are best.
June 24:
International Fairy Day: Do you believe in fairies? Build the fairies in your yard a fairy house! Leave other gifts out for them, too.
Celebration of the Senses: Tom & Ruth Roy want you to stimulate all our five senses to “experience the elevation known as the elusive sixth sense.” You might know this sixth sense better as ESP. And you might not believe it exists. But it certainly can’t hurt to try!
National Handshake Day: Handshakes became verboten when the pandemic hit. And many people were relieved! Some people even pronounced it dead. More likely it’s only on hold. Although it may not be as common in casual settings anymore. If you feel comfortable enough now, shake someone’s hand to celebrate. If not, listen to Miryam Roddy talk about why she created the day.
National Pralines Day: Enjoy your favorite pralines for the day. Use them to stimulate your sense of taste as part of your Celebration of the Senses!
National Bomb Pop Day: Were Bomb Pops a childhood favorite for you? Well it’s time to remember what you loved about these patriotic frozen treats. And with Independence Day right around the corner, you’ll want to buy extra to have on hand for that celebration, too!
June 25:
National Catfish Day: For this day you must eat catfish. It’s an official national day, so it’s legally required! 😉 Ok, probably not. But it should be! So head out to your favorite seafood place or make your favorite catfish recipe at home.
Take Your Dog to Work Day: For a lot of people every day has been Take Your Dog to Work Day for the past year. Not that that’s been a bad thing! We’re quite sure the dogs have been loving it. If you’re back in the office your pooch is probably missing you. So see if your workplace will allow this celebration. And whether or not it does, consider raising awareness for homeless dogs. Lots of people did adopt during the pandemic. But there’s still plenty of dogs looking for their forever people.
Global Beatles Day: Celebrate the Beatles on the anniversary of their performance of All You Need is Love on June 25, 1967. This performance was broadcast to 26 countries and was the first live global TV link ever. So listen to the Beatles, join the GBD Facebook group, and just enjoy.
Day of the Seafarer: Without seafarers world trade would grind almost to a halt. Which we all saw this past year, when pandemic restrictions created problems for crews. Which in turn created major supply issues for everyone. But seafarers rarely get the credit they deserve. Join the conversation & help raise awareness of the critical role of seafarers. So they can get the recognition they deserve and the support they need.
National Leon Day: Celebrate the halfway point until Christmas! (Leon is noel spelled backwards) How? Well if you’re a crafter it’s time to get started on your Christmas crafts (but you probably already knew that?). For the rest of us, consider having a holiday feast to mark the occasion. Especially if you weren’t able to do so for the actual holiday.
National Food Truck Day: Food trucks have some of the best food around! And this is the day to make sure they know how much you love it. If there are food trucks near you, get lunch or dinner (or both!) from your favorite truck. Or check out one you’ve never had before. And actually, for this year it’s a whole week of food truck fare. So maybe you’ve already hit one or more food trucks. If not, do it for this day. Or one of the next 2 days …
National Strawberry Parfait Day: After your food truck meal enjoy a fresh, light dessert of layered strawberries, custard (or ice cream/yogurt/ricotta), and whipped cream. Head out to your favorite ice cream shop or make strawberry parfaits at home.
June 26:
National Canoe Day: If you’re looking for a fun activity for your Saturday, this is it! Spend the day canoing. It’ll help build up your appetite for your Summersgiving feast …
National Barcode Day: Once upon a time checkout people had to enter the prices of each item you wanted to buy. But on this date in 1974 that all began to change. The very first item scanned at checkout was a pack of Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit gum. Celebrate by buying something that has a barcode (which these days is almost everything!).
National Beautician’s Day: Thank your beautician for this day! Especially any that cheerfully fixed the mess you made of your hair/skin/nails during lockdown.
Summersgiving: Apparently this is the week to bring the winter holidays into the summer. This time it’s Thanksgiving. And this year we have much to be thankful for. So throw a Thanksgiving BBQ and celebrate it all.
National Coconut Day: This day is for coconut lovers. And we hope that includes you. Because coconut is not only delicious it’s good for you. It provides lots of fiber & vitamin B6, along with several different minerals. Not to mention the oil makes a great moisturizer! And even the husks have tons of uses, from reptile bedding & cat litter to ropes & potting mixes.
National Chocolate Pudding Day: Enjoy a rich, creamy chocolate pudding for dessert or a snack. Even better, make it a homemade coconut chocolate pudding!
June 27:
National PTSD Awareness Day: Learn more about PTSD and how it affects people’s lives. And help others learn, too. Because without understanding the disease, it’s hard (impossible) to understand the people suffering with it.
Log Cabin Day: If you can spend the weekend in a log cabin, do it! It’s the perfect getaway, especially if you’re not a fan of camping. And try to keep the modern conveniences and electronics to a minimum. You can’t enjoy nature with your nose buried in a phone …
National Orange Blossom Day: Celebrate the pretty, frangrant flowers that give us the delicious orange. And are also edible themselves, adding citrus notes to dishes. And let’s not forget orange blossom honey! Enjoy the sweet scent and/or the citrusy flavor of orange blossoms all day.
“Happy Birthday to You” Day: Celebrate the birthday of the woman who wrote the tune to the Happy Birthday song. But she didn’t write it as a birthday song. It was a “good morning” song for kids to sing in the classroom. If you know someone who shares her birthday, make sure you sing Happy Birthday. Or sing it anyway, in honor of Mildred Hill’s 1859 birth.
National Sunglasses Day: Wear your sunglasses! And make sure they have UV protection. Actually you should be protecting your eyes from UV rays every day, not just one day of the year. But this could be a good day to get yourself a new pair of sunglasses if you need one.
National Onion Day: Boost the flavor of pretty much anything with onion! According to the National Onion Association, even cookies can benefit from onions! Go ahead & try it if you dare.
National Ice Cream Cake Day: We’re guessing ice cream cake probably wouldn’t benefit from onions (we could be wrong). But we’re also pretty sure your day could absolutely benefit from an ice cream cake. So get yourself one & enjoy. You could also share it with your family if you’re feeling generous 😉.