What to Celebrate June 25 thru July 1, 2018

Celebration Ideas for June 25 – July 1, 2018
Summer is officially here, and June will be over in a matter of days. That means the year will also be officially half over!
Hopefully you’ve been having some nice days. And the chance to enjoy them!
Of course, chances don’t always come along easily. Sometimes we have to create them. So we bring you some suggestions to help with enjoying each and every day.
So once again, take peek and plan your week.
And don’t forget …
Celebrate the rest of June
This week we highlight 2 month-long celebrations of music. Also migraine & headache awareness, which can definitely make it hard to celebrate music.
International Surf Music Month: Do you love surf music? Do you even know what surf music is? Either way, you still have just about a week to celebrate it! Check out the month’s Facebook page too.
Black Music Month / African-American Music Appreciation Month: Celebrating the influence of African-American culture and artists on the music world. This month also has its own Facebook page.
Migraine and Headache Awareness Month: This “celebration” raises awareness of the suffering migraines cause and advocates for its recognition and treatment. The 2018 theme is “You are Not Alone,” to remind migraine sufferers that plenty of people (more than 37 million!) understand their pain.
And get a head start on your July celebrations with
National Organic Honey Month: This month began in 2015 to “celebrate honeybees and their contribution to the food system as pollinators.” It is different from National Honey Month in September. Celebrate by learning more about the honeybees and eating lots of their sweet product.
Weekly Celebrations for June 25 – July 1
This week we have a couple of awareness weeks to help make outdoor activities safer & more enjoyable. Keeping mosquitoes away and avoiding lightning strikes are good ways to ensure a more pleasant summer!
There’s also a week our vegan friends might be interested in. And a festival of boats and other summer fun if you happen to be in Maine.
National Lightning Safety Awareness Week (June 24 – 30): Getting struck by lightning hurts! And it can be deadly (47-ish people die from lightning strikes each year in the US). This week learn how to avoid getting struck.
Fish Are Friends, Not Food! Week (June 24 – 30): Ok, we don’t actually agree with this one (although we do agree all our food animals should be treated better than they often are). But it’s not about us. So if you believe in eating vegan, you might want to be a part of this.
National Mosquito Control Awareness Week (June 24 – 30): Mosquito bites can transfer all kinds of nasty germs that cause all kinds of nasty diseases, from West Nile and Zika to malaria, encephalitis, and heartworm in your dog. So this week reminds you to avoid giving mosquitoes places to breed and chances to bite you.
Windjammer Days (June 24 – 30): If you’re in Maine, or in the mood for a trip to Maine, head to Boothbay Harbor for this annual festival. There’s an antique boat parade, a street parade, and a lighted boat parade. Also fireworks, tug of war, pirate, and more. Sounds like fun!
Celebration Days coming up for June 25 thru July 1
This week we celebrate catfish, eat at food trucks, and enjoy a popular frozen treat.
Anniversaries include the 1st color TV show broadcast, the creation of Canada, and the ZIP code.
We also celebrate a wizard, Pi’s rival (Tau), and the handshake. And bring awareness to seafarers, PTSD, and scleroderma.
Plus more.
So before you get busy enjoying your weekend, make a plan for a fun-tastic next week.
June 25:
National Catfish Day: Calling all catfish lovers: Whether you love fishing for them or just eating them, this day is for you. Spend the day fishing and then cook up what you catch. Or just have catfish for lunch or dinner. Or both! (Of course, if you’re celebrating the Fish are Friends Week listed above you’ll want to skip this one).
Color TV Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the very first broadcast of a TV show in color. The year was 1951, and the network was CBS. As historic as this was, it had very limited viewing, because only “color-ready” TVs could “see” the show. If you had a black-and-white set, you were out of luck.
Day of the Seafarer: Celebrate the seafarers, those people who spend significant periods of time away from home, making sure the things you rely on (from computers to food to medical equipment) make it safely across the seas and to your favorite stores.
June 26:
National Canoe Day: As far as we can tell the Canadian Canoe Museum, which started the day, has abandoned it. But we firmly believe in using any excuse to celebrate something you love. Even a defunct unofficial holiday. So if you love canoeing (or kayaking) get out on the water to celebrate this day.
Same Sex Marriage Day: The anniversary of the 2015 Supreme Court decision that legalized same sex-marriage across the US.
Harry Potter Day: It’s not the only Harry Potter Day, but this one celebrates the anniversary of the publication of the very first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. It was June 26, 1997, and only 500 copies were printed. Apparently somebody underestimated how well it would sell!
June 27:
National PTSD Awareness Day: If you’ve never experienced PTSD firsthand (and we hope you haven’t), it can be hard to understand just how overwhelming it can be. For both the patient and loved ones. Help spread awareness of this condition that’s still overlooked or hidden too often.
“Happy Birthday to You” Day: Celebrate what is quite possibly the best-known song in the world. Some sources claim it was written on this date in 1893. The truth may be a bit more complicated. But despite being more than 100 years old with a murky origin, the song was protected by copyright in the US until 2016!
National Parchment Day: Parchment paper is for more than lining cookie sheets! And in 2016 it got its very own day, on the last Wednesday in June. Learn more about parchment paper and how to use it from the day’s creator, PaperChef.
June 28:
Tau Day: Some mathematicians argue we shouldn’t be celebrating Pi Day, but rather Tau Day. What is tau? It’s 2Pi (or 2π). Since Pi = 3.14159… then tau = 6.28318… . And by the logic that makes Pi Day 3/14 (March 14), then Tau Day is 6/28 (June 28). Voila! You must celebrate Tau Day on June 28.
National Bomb Pop Day: Celebrate the patriotic Popsicle known as the Bomb Pop! These frozen treats were invented in 1955, and they’ve been delighting kids and kids-at-heart ever since. If it’s been a while since you’ve had one, this seems like a great day to change that. If you don’t like the original red, white, & blue (cherry, lime, & raspberry), there are 7 other flavors to try now!
National Handshake Day: Do you shake hands when you meet someone? It’s a common gesture, but not exactly universal. Except for this day, when everyone you meet should get a nice, firm (but not crushing!) handshake.
June 29:
National Food Truck Day: Eat at a food truck to celebrate! Lots of them will be having special deals and/or menus for the day.
National Drive Your Corvette to Work Day: If you’ve got one, do this! If not, then celebrate in spirit. The day celebrates the anniversary of the 1st Corvette rolling off the assembly line on June 30, 1953. We celebrate on the Friday closest to June 30.
World Scleroderma Day: This day is for raising awareness of this rare disease. The date commemorates the death of German artists Paul Klee in 1940. He is believed to have had diffuse systemic sclerosis.
June 30:
Social Media Day: Although this day celebrates online connections, you’re supposed to celebrate in real life. So find an #SMday event near you or get together with a few people you rarely see in person anymore and celebrate.
National Meteor Watch Day: Look up to the sky in search of meteors on this night. Hopefully it’ll be a clear, dark night for you. No meteors to see? Take a look at some pictures of meteor showers instead.
Asteroid Day: June 30 is all about rocks in space, apparently! See if there’s an Asteroid Day event near you … some are actually on the 28th or 29th, so check early. Do you know the difference between meteors & asteroids?
July 1:
ZIP Code Day: Commemorate the anniversary of the day the ZIP Code became standard across the US.
National Postal Workers Day: Thank your postal workers today. Especially your mail carrier—that’s a hard job! This day began back in 1997. Did you know Walt Disney and Abraham Lincoln were postal employees?
Canada Day: On this day Canadians celebrate the anniversary of the Constitution Act, 1867. This Act created Canada from 3 colonies: Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. If you’re in the US (as we are) celebrate our Northern neighbors in spirit.