What to Celebrate June 28 thru July 4, 2021

Celebration Ideas for June 30 – July 4, 2021
Summer is well underway & we’re enjoying the surprisingly nice weather we’ve been having. Hopefully you’re doing the same.
And in just another week it’ll be a long holiday weekend for Independence Day! We hope you have some fun planned.
Of course, as usual, there’s plenty to celebrate between now & then. From UFOs & meteors to waffle irons, ginger snaps, & fried clams, you’re sure to find ways to enjoy each & every day.
So don’t delay, take a peek and plan your week. And as always, remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of June … and all of July
You have a few more days to enjoy all the June celebrations, from pollinators & roses to camping & fostering pets, along with these:
Vision Research Month: Researchers are still learning about eyes, from how best to protect eye health to new ways to treat the things that go wrong. Spend some time learning about what we already know and what research is happening right now.
National Oceans Month: Our oceans are fascinating and fragile places. Learn more about how to keep them healthy, their plant and animal life, and even some fun trivia.
Lane Courtesy Month: Do you stay to the right when you’re driving slower than traffic? For you faster drivers, do you avoid tailgating or weaving in & out of traffic when you encounter slower drivers? These are just a few of the ways to practice lane courtesy. And practicing lane courtesy helps improve safety on the road as well as improve the flow of traffic.
And once July arrives it’s time to get grilling! Or keep grilling. And celebrating some of July’s food months by grilling those foods. Perfection!
National Grilling Month: If you haven’t been grilling yet this summer, July is the time to get going on that! And the July 4 holiday is the perfect time to get this monthly celebration started.
National Hotdog Month: Speaking of the perfect time to get started on a month-long celebration, you know you need to be putting some hotdogs on that grill!
National Watermelon Month: And what’s a summer party without watermelon?! Make sure to have plenty of this refreshing fruit on hand. You can even grill it!
Weekly Celebrations for June 28 to July 4
For this week we celebrate safety and summer fun. Because summer is always a lot more fun when you can avoid injuries & accidents!
National Prevention of Eye Injuries Awareness (June 28 – July 4, 2021): Preventing eye injuries is important all year, but summer activities increase the risk. And the July 4 holiday brings additional risks from bottle rockets, sparklers, firecrackers, & other fireworks. Remind yourself & your kids about eye safety this week, and often throughout the year.
Windjammer Days (June 27 – July 3, 2021): This celebration of ships and the Boothbay area’s maritime history is also the area’s kickoff to summer. If you can make it out you’ll find multiple boat parades, contests, fireworks, races, and more. After a year of staying home, this might be just the ticket to reclaiming summer!
National Tire Safety Week (June 28 – July 4): Learn about tire care and maintenance to help keep you safe on the road. This includes quick things like checking tire pressure regularly as well as maintenance services like rotation & alignment.
Bean and Bacon Days (July 1 – 5, 2021): Can’t make it to Maine to celebrate ships? Maybe heading to Augusta, Wisconsin is more doable? There you’ll find plenty of fun & food to fill your long weekend, from fireworks & a demolition derby to a craft fair, parade & more. We’re not sure how much actual bacon or beans you’re likely to find …
Roswell UFO Days (July 1 – 3, 2021): Not into ships or beans & bacon? Celebrate the little green men (or are they grey? Reptilian? Octopods? Something else?) with 3 days of fun in Roswell! There are scavenger hunts, an alien costume contest, pet costume contest, partying with pollinators, and tons more. And of course, music all day long.
Celebration Days coming up for June 28 thru July 4
We’re all looking forward to the July 4 holiday, and we hope you’ll be able to celebrate. But while we wait for the official holiday, remember to celebrate the unofficial ones too.
You have plenty of options, like taking some pictures or making some waffles. Then gazing at the stars in search of meteors. Celebrate our neighbors to the north on their day, then buy only US-made products for a day (or longer!).
Then forgo plastic bags, spit some cherry pits, and finally … FINALLY! … celebrate our Independence Day.
Whew! Definitely the makings of a fun-tastic week!
June 28:
National Paul Bunyan Day: Celebrate the folklore hero and his big blue ox, Babe. Entertain yourself with some Paul Bunyan tall tales.
National Logistics Day: Logistics is, at its most basic, coordinating the different parts of a complex task or operation to make sure each part gets done right. This includes getting the things we need & want to the stores so we can buy them. After this past year we all have a better appreciation for just how critical the logistics industry is! Take some time on this day to learn more about the logistics industry. And be sure to thank anyone you know who is part of the supply chain. They deserve more credit than they usually get!
National Insurance Awareness Day: These days it’s pretty much impossible not to be aware of insurance. Between health insurance, auto insurance, and homeowners insurance, these policies are everywhere! But are you sure you have the right insurance for your needs? And all the different policies you need? For example, would life insurance help your family if something happened to you? If you rent rather than own then renter’s insurance could be useful to you. Use this day to learn more about the insurance available to you and evaluate your policies to see if anything has changed.
International Body Piercing Day: If you have piercings, celebrate them and the birthday of the father of modern piercing, Jim Ward. He opened the first professional piercing studio and was influential in promoting piercing education and safety standards. If you’ve been considering a new piercing this could be the perfect day to get it!
June 29:
International Mud Day: For this day kids around the world connect with nature by playing in the mud. It began in 2009 when a group of children in Australia learned kids in Nepal didn’t have enough clothes to risk getting them dirty by playing in mud. So they raised money for clothes for these kids. And the idea of a day spent covered in mud has spread around the world.
International Day of the Tropics: For this day we celebrate the tropics: its diversity and the challenges countries in the tropics face. Learn more for this day. Maybe even consider donating to a conservation group focused on the tropics?
World Camera Day: For this day we use our cameras! How else could we possibly celebrate? Whether you use a dedicated camera or the camera on your phone is up to you. If you have a film camera (and film!), that could be a fun change of pace, too. You might also like to learn a little about the history of cameras.
World Scleroderma Day: About 2.5 million people around the world live with this autoimmune disease. That sounds like a lot, but as far as diseases go scleroderma is rare and poorly understood. It also has no cure. So this day shines a spotlight on the need for more research into the disease. And more understanding of people with the disease.
National Waffle Iron Day: If you love waffles you must also love the waffle iron … because without this kitchen tool we could not have waffles! Make a big batch of your favorite waffles to celebrate the day. And maybe even learn a bit about the waffle iron’s history.
National Almond Buttercrunch Day: Mmmmm … toffee and chocolate with almonds make a delightfully sweet, crunchy treat that can’t be beat. And topping it with a bit of salt? Perfection! Make a batch of almond buttercrunch to celebrate. It’s easier than you might think!
June 30:
Social Media Day: On the last day of June we celebrate the virtual world of social media by getting together in the real world! Of course we’ll still use social media to organize our real-world events. And share pictures of the events.
Disabled Veterans Day: While you’re posting about your Social Media Day events, consider using a few posts to spread the word about this day. It’s all about making sure our veterans get their service-related disability needs met with the same dedication they showed in serving their country.
National Meteor Watch Day: Raise your eyes to the sky to see if you can spot a meteor on this night. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and offer you a clear, cloudless sky for the best shot at seeing one. And remember to make a wish on that shooting star! Whether or not you see one, learn a bit about meteors, too.
National Parchment Day: Parchment paper is incredibly useful. From lining baking sheets to creating moist, flavorful meals cooked en papilllote, parchment paper is the eco-friendly answer. So use at least one sheet of parchment paper for your cooking or baking for the day. If you don’t already use it regularly you may just discover your knew favorite kitchen staple.
July 1:
ZIP Code Day: Celebrate the introduction of the ZIP code across the US on this date in 1963. This short sequence of numbers helps mail get where it’s going reliably and quickly (or at least more reliably & quickly than it otherwise would).
Canada Day: Celebrate the anniversary of Canada’s formation, joining the British North America provinces into a new country on July 1, 1867. Now obviously this is a Canadian holiday, but we can certainly wish a Happy Canada Day to any Canadians we may know.
US Postage Stamp Day: The first US postage stamp arrived on July 1, 1847. It took a few more years before stamps became mandatory. Until that happened people could simply expect the recipient to pay the postage. So send something by snail mail in honor of the day. Or buy stamps so you’re ready for the next piece of mail you need to send. Maybe even start a stamp collection?
National Gingersnap Day: Mmmmm … sweet & spicy gingersnap cookies make a delicious snack or dessert. And of course, homemade gingersnaps are best. So if you have time, make a batch or 2.
National Creative Ice cream Flavors Day: Most of us have a favorite ice cream flavor, and it’s probably a pretty normal one, like vanilla, chocolate, mint chocolate chip, or butter pecan. But for this day let’s all try something more unusual. Like, maybe, beer or bacon? See what your local ice cream shop might have created, either for this day or just because.
July 2:
World UFO Day: Celebrate the unknown objects people (including some very reliable people!) sometimes see flying through the skies. This is a fun day any year, but with the release of the Pentagon’s UFO report, we’ll have something new to discuss! If the declassified report has been released by this date, consider taking a look at it.
Made in the USA Day: As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day we support US manufacturers. As much as possible we choose products made in the USA for all of our needs on this day. And then we carry this idea into the rest of the year, too. Pay attention to where products are made, and choose American-made when you can.
National Anisette Day: If you love licorice, then anisette is your drink! Sip it neat or on the rocks. If that’s too sweet for your tastes, make an anisette cocktail.
July 3:
International Plastic Bag Free Day: Can you get through a whole 24 hours without using a plastic bag? This means any single-use plastic bags, from shopping bags to sandwich bags. Last year some of us didn’t have a choice if we went shopping; bringing in our own, reusable bags to stores was banned. But we can make up for it this year!
International Cherry Pit Spitting Day: The site of the annual Cherry Pit Spitting Championship, Tree-mendous Fruit Farm was sold last year. So we’re pretty sure there won’t be an official contest this year (if ever again ). But that shouldn’t stop you from having fun with some cherry pits. So enjoy some cherries, save the pits, and see how far you can spit ’em! Convince friends & family to join you, and have your own contest!
Hop-a-Park Day: You no doubt are already planning to be outside as much as possible for the long holiday weekend. So spend some of that outdoors time at your local parks. Visit at least one, but preferably several (assuming there are several nearby). Especially if you don’t usually visit the parks, this is your chance to see what’s available and which park(s) you like best. Then plan to go back more often!
Drop a Rock Day: For this day we hide painted rocks! Hopefully you’re reading this soon enough to paint a rock or 2 (or 10!) to have ready to hide. Each year has a theme, and for this year it’s Be the Light.
National Eat your Beans Day: Do like the day’s name says and eat beans! The type of bean and how you prepare them is all up to you. Which means this celebration has nearly limitless possibilities!
National Fried Clams Day: On July 3, 1916 Lawrence Henry “Chubby” and Bessie Woodman created the fried clam. The idea actually came from a local fisherman who claimed he was joking, but the Woodman’s decided to give it a try. And they were delicious! So enjoy some fried clams in honor of this scrumptiously successful experiment.
National Chocolate Wafer Day: These creamy, crunchy, light-as-air cookies are the ideal sweet treat after a dinner of fried clams. So make sure you pick some up for the perfect end to the perfect meal.
July 4:
Boom Box Parade Day: This unique parade began back in 1986 when parade organizers in Willimantic, CT couldn’t find a marching band. Rather than cancel, a whole new kind of parade idea was born. Thousands of people (marchers and watchers) came out with boom boxes tuned to the local radio station. And the tradition has continued ever since. Most of us can’t attend in person, of course. But you can see clips from previous events on YouTube.
National Caesar Salad Day: Now why on earth are we celebrating a salad on a day devoted to gorging on as much grilled meat as possible? We’re not sure. But a good salad can certainly help balance out all that heavy, smoky meat. And a bright, tangy Caesar salad fits the bill perfectly. Bon appetit!
National Barbecued Spareribs Day: Whatever else you grill, spareribs are a must for your July 4 cookout! So get out your favorite dry rub and sauce, and create a tender, juicy feast for you and your guests. Remember to have plenty of napkins on hand!
Independence From Meat Day: This is another one that seems odd to celebrate on July 4. But then again, grilled veggies are amazing! So having a meat-free cookout could actually be a great introduction to going vegetarian. Or at least eating less meat and more veggies. Give it a try!