What to Celebrate June 3 thru 10, 2018

Celebration Ideas for June 3 – 10, 2018
It’s finally here! June!
Temperatures are high, the sun is shining, and most schools are out. Or will be this week.
So it’s finally time to … well, that depends on your opinion of hot weather.
Are you a summer hibernator? Do you crank the AC, close the drapes, and try to stay cool inside your dark house?
Or do you embrace the heat? Spend every possible minute soaking up the glorious sunshine? Gardening & grilling & swimming?
Whichever kind of summer person you are, find a celebration that you can enjoy in your preferred summer location.
As usual we offer some suggestions.
So take a peek & plan your week. And of course …
Celebrate All June Long
If your an outdoorsy kind of summer person, consider filling in any bare spots in your garden with perennials. And if fireworks are your thing, please please make sure you handle them safely.
Indoorsy kind of summer people might prefer to visit zoos & aquariums. Both offer plenty of inside fun for the whole family. Yes, you might have to spend some time at outdoor zoo exhibits, but you can break those up with indoor exhibits!
Perennial Gardening Month: Hopefully you’ve gotten your spring flowers planted and growing. So June is the perfect time to see where you might need to fill in with some low-maintenance plants … like perennials! Ok, they’re not all low maintenance, but most will come back year after year with very little encouragement. Here are some tips for keeping your perennials happy.
National Zoo and Aquarium Month: Have you been thinking about visiting your zoo or aquarium? Well stop thinking and start doing! June is the perfect month to do it.
National Fireworks Safety Month: This awareness month actually runs almost 5 weeks, from June 1 to July 4. Why not have it in July you ask? Well, we’re not sure. But maybe someone wanted to have plenty of time before the Independence Day holiday to remind us to be careful with fireworks. After all, people tend to start using them in the 2nd half of June.
Weekly Celebrations for June 4 – 10
You outdoor types will want to brush up on your sun safety knowledge.
And surely everyone can agree pets deserve our appreciation! Bedbugs do not. But being aware of the pesky little critters could prevent an itchy problem.
Pet Appreciation Week (June 3 – 9): Appreciate your pet with new toys, extra treats (homemade if you can!), lots of cuddles, and whatever else your pet loves.
Bed Bug Awareness Week (June 3 – 9): Be aware of bed bugs to avoid an infestation in your home! Did you know you can pick up bed bugs almost anywhere? Yikes!
National Sun Safety Week (June 3 – 9): Remember to practice sun safety whenever you leave the house. What does that mean? Here are some tips. The page is geared toward protecting seniors, but the advice is good for anyone of any age.
Celebration Days coming up for June 4 thru June 10
Whether you prefer indoors or outdoors, we’re pretty sure you can all enjoy relaxing with a refreshing beverage. This week you may choose from gin, iced tea, and moonshine. You pick the flavor(s)!
And apparently we’re all supposed to be grateful for Monday this week. We’re skeptical but willing to give it a try!
You might also be interested in celebrating the environment, delusions (huh?!), and yo-yos.
Maybe veggie burgers & chocolate ice cream are more your style?
You’ll find all of these choices and more just waiting for you.
So we wish you a beautiful weekend and hope you’ll plan for a fun-tastic week ahead.
June 4:
Old Maid’s Day: Once upon a time society called women “old maids” if they weren’t married by their mid 20s. Today that idea seems quaint & silly. Some might even find it offensive. But why not have fun with it instead? if you’re an “old maid,” enjoy it. If you’re married or too young to be an old maid, toast any “old maids” you might know!
Thank God it’s Monday Day: That’s right, we’re turning TGIF on its head and celebrating Monday instead! But unlike our weekly Friday celebrations, we only celebrate Mondays 2x per year: on the 1st Monday in January and again the 1st Monday in June. So go all out & get your Monday on! (Yeah, it sounds weird to us too …).
National SAFE Day: This day promotes responsible gun ownership and knowing the gun situation in homes your child visits. It exists because a 13-year-old girl died when her best friend accidentally shot her with a gun left unsecured in the friend’s home.
June 5:
National Moonshine Day: Today’s moonshine—sold openly & legally at your local liquor store—is a far cry from the stuff made in secret. Some of that stuff was dangerous. Today the moonshine aisle sounds more like a candy store: blueberry, salted caramel, apple pie & more. Enjoy a shot or two of your favorite in celebration.
Festival of Popular Delusions Day: Are you harboring any delusions? Do you agree with currently popular ideas that may be … well, delusional? Today’s the day to take a good hard look at those beliefs. (Of course, those harboring delusions don’t generally realize they are delusions …)
National Veggie Burger Day: If you didn’t celebrate National Hamburger Day (you missed it, you’re vegetarian, whatever …), grab the chance to celebrate the plant-based version: National Veggie Burger Day! So grill up your favorite veggie burger, add your favorite toppings, and enjoy this tasty day.
World Environment Day: The world needs our help. For this year’s World Environment Day, pledge to make a difference and help #BeatPlasticPollution.
June 6:
National Yo-Yo Day: Get out your yo-yo and start practicing those tricks! Don’t know any? What better day to learn some?
National Eyewear Day: If you wear glasses, you know what a difference they can make in your ability to do … well just about anything! That certainly seems worthy of celebration.
D-Day: The day in 1944 when Allied troops landed at Normandy (France). It was the beginning of the end of WWII.
June 7:
National VCR Day: If you know what a VCR is, you’ll want to celebrate this day. Do you remember how amazing it felt to do things we take for granted today? …tape something off the TV to watch later … rent a move you missed in theaters … It was amazing! Come to think of it, even if you never experienced a VCR, you should celebrate this day. Because the VCR was one of the 1st stops on the way to the streaming & rental services we enjoy today!
Boone Day: On this day in 1769 Daniel Boone discovered and began exploring the forests & valleys of what we know today as Kentucky. The Kentucky Historical Society first declared this day more than 140 years ago!
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day: Enjoy a bowl of your favorite chocolate ice cream! There’s really no other way to celebrate.
June 8:
World Oceans Day: Oceans sustain us in more ways than you might realize. But they need us to help keep them healthy & alive with marine life.
Upsy Daisy Day: On this day you must “…get up gloriously, gratefully, and gleefully …”. Well, actually this day is supposed to remind us to face the day in that cheerful manner every day. But since you have to start somewhere, start on June 8. Then see what you can do about June 9, 10, 11, etc… Not a morning person? We feel you.
June 9:
World Gin Day: Drink gin! Gather some friends & enjoy your favorite cocktails. Or try something new. If there’s a World Gin Day event near you, check it out.
Donald Duck Day: Celebrate the anniversary of Donald Duck’s first on-screen appearance. The cartoon short was The Wise Little Hen, and it aired on June 9, 1934. And the waterfowl world has never been quite the same!
International Young Eagles Day: Helping dreams come true for every child who wants to fly. Volunteer pilots take children on short flights and explain how airplanes work.
Missing Mutts Awareness Day: On the 2nd Saturday in June we raise awareness of the problem of missing dogs and what to do if you lose or find one.
June 10:
Iced Tea Day: Slow down for at least a little while & sip a nice tall glass of ice-cold iced tea. Or choose a version with a bit more kick. Your choice!
Ballpoint Pen Day: We might be doing more typing & less writing these days, but the ballpoint pen is still ubiquitous in homes & offices everywhere. And it’s all because on June 10, 1943 two brothers filed for a patent on their new writing instrument. And European Patent #2390636 ended up protecting what would become the preferred pen of almost everyone. So grab a ballpoint pen and write something today!