What to Celebrate June 3 to 9, 2019

Celebration Ideas for June 3 – 9, 2019
Are you ready for June? We sure hope so, ‘cause it’s here!
Sure Memorial Day is unofficially the first sign of summer. But it’s also a somewhat somber day, especially for anyone who has lost a loved one serving in the armed forces.
So the arrival of June is a more upbeat signal that summer is really and truly here. And it is, because June 1 is the official beginning of meteorological summer. The day we often mark as the official beginning of summer, June 21, is astronomical summer. Of course, we’re happy to celebrate both, but we prefer our summer to start on June 1! :) (If you’re curious about the difference, here’s a simple explanation).
And next week has plenty of summery things to celebrate. There’s perennial gardening, garden exercising, and fishing & boating. Plus bicycles, running, and strawberry-rhubarb pie (what could be more summery than that!?!).
And much, much more.
So once again it’s time to take a peek and plan your week. And as always remember to …
Celebrate All June Long
June is all about animals! So adopt a cat & check out all the critters at the zoo & aquarium. When you’re not loving & admiring the animals, plant some perennials for an easy-to-maintain garden. Then learn about (and maybe even learn to play?) the accordion.
Adopt-A-Cat Month: If you’ve been thinking about adding a new feline to your family this is the month to do it! Actually any day of any month is fantastic, but with “kitten season” in full swing, adopting a cat out of a shelter makes room for another needy kitty. So go. Find your perfect bundle of purr this month!
National Zoo and Aquarium Month: This is a true National celebration, proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1982. So get out to a zoo or aquarium (or both!) near you. Many have special programs for the month. Maybe even make a donation or sponsor an animal to support your local institution. Or, if you’re going on vacation during June, consider visiting a zoo or aquarium at your destination. You can find accredited zoos & aquariums here.
Perennial Gardening Month: Finish your garden or planters with perennials this month. Add some color, fill in bare areas, or redo an area already planted with perennials (and if your redo involves digging out some perennials, you can use them to fill in those bare areas!).
National Accordion Awareness Month: Are you aware of accordions?! Apparently June is the month to learn more about them!
Weekly Celebrations for June’s 1st Week
Remember Pet Appreciation Week and National Garden Week start on Sunday, June 2 (as we mentioned last week) & run for the rest of the week. But that’s not all! The 1st week in June is jam-packed as we also hang our laundry to dry, raise money for childhood cancer, and learn about hemp. Plus head out for some fishing & boating. Whew! A busy but fun week!
Lemonade Days (June 1 – June 9, 2019): This coordinated event uses that summer staple, the lemonade stand, to raise money for fighting childhood cancer. You can set up a stand on one day or multiple days. Whatever your schedule allows!
Hemp History Week (June 3 – 9, 2019): Hemp is finally legal again under federal law! But how much do you really know about this truly useful plant? (Hint: It’s not the same as marijuana, which is still illegal under federal law, no matter what state laws say). This year’s Hemp History Week celebrates the Return of the Plant. Why not learn more about how hemp can help us all?
International Clothesline Week (June 1 – 8, 2019): Save energy & make your clothes smell outdoors fresh by hanging your laundry to dry instead of using the dryer. Who knows, you might decide you prefer it!
National Fishing and Boating Week (June 1 – 9, 2019): Head out to a free fishing day (no fishing license required!) if your state has any and #GetYourFishOn . Don’t know how to fish? Learn! See if there are any boat parades or fishing/boating festivals near you. Above all, just get out & enjoy the water!
Celebration Days coming up for Jun. 3 thru Jun. 9
June 6 is of course D-Day, definitely a day worth remembering. And celebrating. Without success that day our lives today might look quite different. But celebrating doesn’t mean dwelling, so check out what else is happening on the 6th and every other day of the week.
For example we celebrate Mondays, single women, and running. We work to protect our oceans and the environment in general.
And of course we find deliciousness to embrace, from eggs & cheese to veggie burgers & applesauce cake. And drinks! We enjoy moonshine, cognac, and rosé wines.
With all this & more, how could you not have yourself another fun-tastic week?
June 3:
Chimborazo Day: This day honors the little volcano whose peak is somehow both lower than Mt. Everest’s but also closer to the moon … Huh? How?!
National Thank God It’s Monday Day: There are actually 2 of these each year, on the 1st Monday in January and again the 1st Monday in June. The idea is apparently to celebrate the good things that often happen/start on Mondays, like vacations, other holidays, promotions, etc. So for this day instead of groaning that it’s Monday, celebrate the start of a brand new week, bright with possibilities. (At least try!).
World Clubfoot Day: This day celebrates the birthday of Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, the man who developed an inexpensive, non-surgical technique for correcting clubfoot. The day also raises awareness of the technique and promotes its use for any child born with this deformity.
World Bicycle Day: This day promotes creating the infrastructure for safe bicycling, both for transportation and exercise/recreation.
National Chocolate Macaroon Day: Wait … didn’t we just celebrate macaroons? Why yes, we did (or are, if you happen to be reading this the day we publish it)! May 31 is National Macaroon Day. Now maybe you celebrated that day with chocolate macaroons. But any macaroons would have been appropriate. This day, however, is about only one kind of macaroon: the chocolate kind! Try this simple chocolate macaroon recipe & enjoy!
National Egg Day: Eggs are delicious, nutritious, and highly versatile. So enjoy them for every meal to celebrate this day. Have some fried, scrambled, or poached for breakfast. Put them in a sandwich for lunch. Top your burger with an egg for dinner. Or check out this list of ways to have eggs for dinner.
June 4:
Old Maid’s Day: Are you an old maid? If you’re female and older than about 25 – 30 and still single, then you are! But today that’s not something to worry about or be ashamed of (unlike in the not-so-distant past). In fact, we celebrate you!
National/International Hug Your Cat Day: Give your favorite felines an extra hug or 2 for this day. ‘Cause really, if you’re not already hugging them most days, why do you have them? (Ok, some cats are less huggable than others, but that never stops us from trying!). Did you know hugging & petting your pets can lower your blood pressure?
National Cheese Day: Cheese! As far as we’re concerned every day is potentially cheese day. But this is the official (ok, unofficial) one. So use your favorite cheese(s) in/on everything for this day. Maybe even try a new cheese. You might discover a new favorite!
National Cognac Day: And after a long, hard day of hugging cats & enjoying cheese, wind down with a snifter of cognac.
June 5:
National Moonshine Day: Enjoy a shot of moonshine to celebrate this day. Or use moonshine in a cocktail. And be glad prohibition is long over.
World Environment Day: A healthy environment is critical to our lives. This day promotes learning more about the environmental challenges we face and how we all can do our part to protect our environment. After all, it’s the only one we have!
Festival of Popular Delusions Day: On this day we take a hard look at some of the delusions we may hold. And those that may be spreading through popular culture. The day apparently began on June 5, 1945, the 1-year anniversary of the last day the Nazis could still delude themselves that they would rule for 1000 years (Allied troops landed at Normandy on D-Day, June 6, 1944, shattering that delusion forever).
National Veggie Burger Day: The earliest veggie burgers didn’t deserve a day of their own. But today many companies have figured out how to make truly tasty patties without any meat. So we can now celebrate the veggie burger with gusto. So enjoy your favorite veggie burger or try something new … there’s lots to choose from!
Global Running Day: On the 1st Wednesday in June we run! Or try to run, as the case may be. Runners get to enjoy their passion. And non-runners get to remember why they don’t run! Or maybe, just maybe, if you approach running with an open mind you could learn to love … er, like … ok, tolerate running. At least take a fast walk!
Jun 6:
Yo-Yo Day: Get out your yo-yo & see if you’ve still got it! (Did you ever have it?). Learn a new trick. Or your first trick. Have fun with it! (What do you mean you don’t have a yo-yo? Get one!)
National Eyewear Day: Love your glasses for this day! After all they help you see, and the right frames can even reflect your personality. And if you have prescription safety glasses they also help protect your eyes while helping you see. What’s not to love about your eyewear?
National Gardening Exercise Day: We have several different days for celebrating gardening. And for most of them if you’re doing it right you’re also getting exercise. Because gardening is hard work! But this day is about adding a bit extra to your “workout,” like stretches or extra steps. And treating it like “real” exercise by working both sides of your body equally (be ambidextrous with that shovel for the day!). Don’t have a garden? Help a friend with theirs! Or start one if you can.
National Applesauce Cake Day: After working up a sweat yo-yoing and garden exercising you deserve a sweet treat. And applesauce cake fits the bill! Sweet & moist & just begging to be eaten. Try this applesauce cake recipe with raisins, craisins, & walnuts for awesome texture & flavor.
June 7:
National VCR Day: Do you remember the VCR? How amazing and frustrating it was all at the same time? Running out of tape before you ran out of show. Accidentally taping over something you shouldn’t have. But also being able to tape a show you couldn’t be home to watch! Incredible! If you still have a working VCR & a tape or 2 somewhere, get them out, hook it up, and watch!
National Boone Day: Celebrate the life of Daniel Boone on the anniversary of the day he first began exploring what is now Kentucky way back in 1769.
National Donut Day: On the 1st Friday in June we honor the donut! Uh, no. We eat donuts, but we’re actually honoring the women who served donuts to World War I soldiers. The Chicago Salvation Army created the day in 1938. There’s a doughnut day in November too, but its beginnings are less clear. We can honor the yummy fried dough then, but in June we honor the “doughnut lassies.”
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day: Now this day is all about the food. Chocolate ice cream, that is. So serve yourself a big dish of the stuff & enjoy! Or have it in a cone or cup. Or straight out of the carton! Eat it plain or dress it up with sprinkles, fruit, whipped cream, or even extra chocolate chunks! Or get yourself a tub of rocky road or another chocolate ice cream based delight. You could even make your own chocolate ice cream. Just make sure you plan ahead, because the prep is quick & simple, but the chilling takes a few hours.
June 8:
World Ocean’s Day: Learn more about the ocean, why it’s in trouble, and how we can all help protect & restore it.
World Gin Day: Drink gin! Seriously … were you expecting anything else? But do make it good gin. That makes all the difference in the world.
National Upsy Daisy Day: Parents often say “upsy daisy” when picking up a child or encouraging one who has fallen to get back up. For this day we apply this same upbeat attitude to our own day & life. Because there will always be “falls,” but we can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get on with life.
National Rosé Day: Enjoy a glass of rosé with dinner or invite friends over for a rosé party! Have everyone bring their favorite rosé wine & sample each one. (Depending on how many wines that is, you may not want a full glass of each!).
Name Your Poison Day: On this day you name your poison! Not literal poison, of course. But much like the bartender’s request that you “name your poison” by making a decision on your drink choices, for this day you must make a decision about something & then get it done. Since poison is generally a negative thing, it might be appropriate to make a decision that’s hard or that you’ve been putting off because none of your options are all that good.
Worldwide Knit in Public Day: On this day knitters gather in public & do their thing (crocheters also welcome). There are events all over the world, so see if there’s something near you. If not, consider hosting an event yourself!
June 9:
National Donald Duck Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the first time the temperamental Donald Fauntleroy Duck appeared on screen. The date was June 9, 1934. The cartoon short was The Wise Little Hen.
National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day: Strawberries & rhubarb together in a pie? How can you go wrong? You can’t! So enjoy a slice or 2 to celebrate this delicious day. Make it yourself if you can! This recipe looks good.
International Archives Day: On this day we celebrate and promote archives, those storehouses of history. Also the archivists who collect and preserve it.
World APS Day: This day raises awareness of Antiphospholipid Syndrome. You’ve probably never heard of APS, and that’s why this day is needed. This autoimmune disorder causes the body to attack certain compounds in the blood or on cell membranes. This causes clotting problems that can cause strokes, miscarriages, and more. Learn more about APS here.