What to Celebrate June 7 thru 13, 2021

Celebration Ideas for June 7 – 13, 2021
Meteorological summer has arrived! Astronomical summer will be along in a few weeks. Meanwhile, the first few days of the new season were on the cool side here. But today it’s feeling like summer. 90 °F!
Which means we’ll be enjoying such summery celebrations as Georgia blueberries, fishing & boating, and iced tea. There’s plenty of other fun, nostalgic, and delicious days to choose from, too.
So do jump right in to take a peek and plan your week. And always remember to …
Celebrate All June Long
Summer is a supremely delicious season. And these monthly celebrations take full advantage of that. Bon appetit!
California Avocado Month: California avocados are back! Not that they ever went anywhere, of course. But June is the month producers & distributors promote them especially well. Which for the rest of us just means we may find more deals on these creamy little fruits. Or just another excuse to eat more of them! Which is just fine by us.
Dairy Month: Drink Milk. Eat cheese. And yogurt, custard, and ice cream. Cook with butter. And cream. In other words, enjoy dairy! In moderation, of course. Because it really is possible to have too much of a good thing.
Dairy Alternatives Month: If you can’t tolerate dairy (or don’t want to use it) you can still celebrate milk & cheese & ice cream & all those dairy products … with non-dairy alternatives! If you’re just getting started with a dairy-free or reduced-dairy diet—or you’re looking for different options—here’s a list of dairy alternatives to get you started.
National Turkey Lovers’ Month: While November might seem like the logical month to proclaim a love of turkey, we actually do this in June! And why not? Turkey is delicious & nutritious any day of the year. And any time of the day for that matter. So replace beef, pork, & chicken with turkey in your recipes this month. You might be surprised at just how much you enjoy the switch!
Georgia Blueberry Month: Blueberry season is here! Actually it’s been here for some weeks now. But the harvest from Georgia is picking up steam (especially after being delayed a couple of weeks this year!). Which is perfect timing, since you must eat blueberries from Georgia to celebrate this fresh, sweet month. So use Georgia blueberries in everything! From pancakes to salads, smoothies, and of course pies.
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month: It’s Farmers Market time! Which makes it the perfect time to load up on fresh fruits & veggies. Canned & frozen veggies may be perfectly fine, but nothing beats the taste & texture of fresh, local produce. Take full advantage to celebrate this month and all summer long. Make sure you try at least one new fresh fruit or vegetable during June, too.
Weekly Celebrations for June 7 to 13
Obviously you’re going to want to spend as much time outside as possible. Use some of that outdoors time for gardening, drying laundry, playing in the water, and playing with your pet(s). Just don’t bring home any bed bugs …
National Gardening Week (June 6 – 12, 2021): Get out in your garden. Or learn more about gardening in your area (plant selection, timing, etc). Is there a community garden you can help maintain? Also, see if local gardening clubs are having any events like plant sales, garden tours, or educational programs for the week.
International Clothesline Week (June 5 – 13, 2021): Line drying may seem old-fashioned to many, but it actually has benefits. You probably realize it saves energy, but do you realize it also saves your clothes? It’s true! Line-dried clothes tend to last longer. So give line drying a try during this week.
Pet Appreciation Week (June 6 – 12, 2021): We’re pretty sure your pets will tell you this should be every week of the year! And hopefully you agree. But this is the official unofficial week to show them extra appreciation for all the unconditional love they give. So give them more of what they love: time with you! Time spent walking or playing or even just cuddling. And for pets like reptiles that aren’t much for cuddling? Give them some extra treats or some new habitat accessories.
Poultry Days (June 11 – 13, 2021): This 3-day community festival celebrates poultry with chicken dinners, parades, games, and more. If you’re near Versailles, Ohio consider checking it out!
Bed Bug Awareness Week (June 6 – 12, 2021): This is the week for pest control professionals to spread the word about bed bugs. Because as travel season gets underway, the chances of acquiring unwanted hitchhikers goes up. And the rest of us can use this week to listen to those pros and learn how to minimize our chances of a bed bug infestation. Did you know it’s not just motels you need to worry about? You could even bring these unwelcome little biters home from the office?!
National Fishing and Boating Week (June 5 – 13, 2021): Grab your rod & reel and head out to your favorite fishing hole! Or check out some new spots. If you usually fish from shore, consider renting a boat to explore the waters & enjoy some different scenery while fishing. Or just explore the scenery without fishing if you prefer. So many options for your water adventures!
Celebration Days coming up for June 7 thru June 13
Start your week off right, by being thrilled it’s Monday! And stifling any dissent with chocolate ice cream.
Then move on to writing with ball point pens, browsing record stores, and weeding your garden.
Or choose some of the other delightful, delicious, and/or deep celebrations to create your own fun-tastic week.
June 7:
National VCR Day: Get nostalgic for the time when recording your shows to watch later was so novel you didn’t even mind that you had to worry about having enough tape left to record the whole show. But you absolutely did mind when someone taped over your show! Or the VCR ate your tape. Ahhhh. Memories.
National Thank God It’s Monday Day: Twice a year we celebrate Mondays (the first Monday in January and again in June). But really we should celebrate them every week. Because every Monday is the start of a brand new week, just ripe for creating new successes. So wake up on this day, yell “Thank God it’s Monday!”, and go forth to slay the day. And the whole week.
National Boone Day: On this date in 1769 famed frontiersman Daniel Boone began his explorations of what would become Kentucky. Learn more about Daniel Boone’s life and explorations for the day.
National Chocolate Ice Cream Day: After slaying your Monday you deserve a treat. Make it chocolate ice cream. Add whatever toppings you like. And of course, whether you serve it in a bowl or a cone is entirely up to you.
June 8:
World Pet Memorial Day: Remember and celebrate all the pets who live on in our hearts. 💔 🤗 💝
World Ocean’s Day: Oceans are a critical resource for the world. Not just for delicious seafood either. For the very oxygen we breathe! But human activity affects the ocean, and not necessarily in good ways. But we can work together to manage the oceans so they’ll continue to sustain us for generations to come.
Upsy Daisy Day: Why do only children get upsy daisied? Adults can use the same cheerful encouragement when we fall (literally or figuratively)! Not that we have to wait for others to encourage us. We can start & spread our positive attitudes far & wide. So face the day gleefully and encourage everyone around you to do the same.
Ghostbusters Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the release of the original Ghostbusters movie in 1984. You know the only way to celebrate appropriately is to watch that movie, right? Maybe see if there are any showings of the movie near you. Or check out this Ghostbusters Facebook Live event.
World APS Day: This day raises awareness of Antiphospholipid Syndrome, a leading cause of blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes, especially in young people. And awareness is needed, as many people have never even heard of APS. Learn more about APS for the day. Then help spread the word.
Call Your Doctor Day: If you haven’t had your annual checkup yet this year, call your doctor’s office and schedule that! Or, if your doctors office offers online appointment scheduling do that! The day was created to remind women, especially young women, not to put off their Well Woman visits. But after this past year, when many people of all ages delayed doctor visits, we think it’s an important reminder for everyone to get back on track to monitoring your health.
Name Your Poison Day: While naming your poison usually refers to ordering a drink, it could really apply to making any decision. Especially a decision with no really good options. So make at least one decision to celebrate the day. If you make it one you’ve been putting off for a while you’ll really have a reason to celebrate. Maybe by heading out to a bar to name your poison?
June 9:
National Earl Day: Honor and celebrate Earl! Earl who? Well, the original reason for the day is to honor Earl Baltes, the man who turned a ballroom into a racetrack (Eldora Speedway). He did this in 1954, and the track remains an important part of short track racing. But there are plenty of other Earls worth celebrating, from Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren to bluegrass legend Earl Scruggs. So celebrate Mr. Baltes and any other Earls you know.
National Donald Duck Day: Celebrate Donald Duck’s screen debut in The Wise Little Hen, on June 9, 1934. So watch some Donald Duck cartoons & see which of your friends does the best Donald impression.
International Archives Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the International Council on Archives (ICA). Why is this important? Because archives are how we store our history! Archivists organize & store documents, photos, recordings, etc. so they remain accessible for us and future generations. And the ICA created a forum for archivists all around the world to discuss issues in records management, preservation, and more.
National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie is the perfect summer treat. Yes it is! Well, next to ice cream anyway … which is actually the perfect way to serve it! So make yourself a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie, add a scoop of ice cream, & enjoy.
June 10:
Iced Tea Day: Cool off on a hot June day with a tall glass of iced tea. And if it’s not hot on June 10? Enjoy an iced tea anyway. It’s delicious!
Ballpoint Pen Day: On June 10, 1943 the Biro brothers revolutionized writing by filing for a patent on their new invention, the ballpoint pen. Well technically it was an improvement on earlier ballpoint pens. Theirs wrote cleanly, dried quickly, and didn’t clog easily. So write something with a ballpoint pen to celebrate the day.
National Black Cow Day: You may know this childhood favorite as simply a root beer float. But whatever you call it, it’s a delightful summer treat. And this is the day to relax and enjoy one.
National Herbs and Spices Day: Herbs and spices are the difference between bland, boring meals you eat to fill a hole and zesty foods that excite all the senses. So get creative with herbs & spices for the day. And if you don’t already have an herb garden, consider planting one, even if you only have room for a few pots on your window sill.
National Egg Roll Day: Make egg rolls for dinner! And why not try gett creative with the seasonings in honor of Herbs and Spices Day? Who knows what culinary masterpiece you might create?
June 11:
Corn on the Cob Day: Nothing says summer like fresh, sweet corn on the cob slathered with seasoned butter. If you haven’t had it yet this year (and even if you have!), this is the day you absolutely must!
National Making Life Beautiful Day: For this day we celebrate the people who make life beautiful. They do this in many ways, from kind words and joyful attitudes to inspiring art and helping hands. And yes, this includes those who help us feel more beautiful too.
National German Chocolate Cake Day: Speaking of beautiful, German Chocolate Cake is the epitome of a beautiful dessert. Or snack. Or appetizer (yes, we’re stretching. No, we won’t apologize for it! 😋). So make yourself a decadent German chocolate cake to enjoy for your Friday evening.
June 12:
Loving Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision striking down anti-miscegenation laws across the country. Marriage between white people and people of all other races became legal everywhere in the US on June 12, 1967.
World Gin Day: Drink gin. That is all. 😊
Record Store Day: Celebrate the record store! Yes, they still exist. And for this day record stores across the world hold events, many featuring performances by famous artists and local artists alike. If you don’t already know the record stores near you, find one and see what’s happening for this day.
National Red Rose Day: For this day we celebrate the rose considered the symbol of love. Of course, they’re also beautiful. So buy a bunch for yourself or someone else you love. Even better, plant a red rose bush so you can enjoy their beauty and fragrance all summer long.
Worldwide Knit in Public Day: For this day knitting enthusiasts around the world gather together to knit in public! Libraries, craft stores, and even individuals host KIP events. So see if there’s one near you to join. Or host one yourself!
National Rosé Day: If you’re spending your Saturday evening at home it’s the perfect time to relax with a glass of rosé. Or open a bottle to serve with dinner. This wine pairs beautifully with so many things.
National Peanut Butter Cookie Day: Bake up a batch of your favorite peanut butter cookies to enjoy with your gin. Or your rosé wine. Or as a snack. Or dessert. Or whenever and wherever you please!
National Jerky Day: Jerky makes a nutritious, protein-packed snack for this day and every day. So make sure you have some on hand at all times. Maybe even try making your own jerky.
June 13:
Random Acts of Light Day: Bring light into a cancer patient’s life with a random act of light. It can be anything you know they need or need done. Or even just a visit can brighten a day. They day was founded specifically to shine a light on the need for blood cancer research and cures. It is part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s larger Random Acts of Light campaign.
Race Unity Day: Founded in 1957 as Race Amity Day, this day promotes racial harmony. Many communities hold events for the day, so see if there’s one near you that you may want to attend. Or spend some time learning more about different races & cultures. Because understanding the people around us can help us live in harmony.
National Sewing Machine Day: Do you have a sewing machine? This is the day to use it! Sew whatever you’d like: clothes, crafts, placemats, bags, anything! But you must sew it only with a sewing machine. No hand stitching allowed for this day!
National Weed Your Garden Day: If you’ve gotten your garden planted (and even if you haven’t!) you can be sure the weeds are loving it. Get out there & pull ’em out! And then make it a habit to spend time each day pulling weeds. If you do a different area each day it won’t be so overwhelming.
National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day: This day celebrates those people who want to be amazing in the kitchen but just aren’t. You know the ones. They actually can burn water (ok, the pot in which they were trying to boil water). Everything they put in the oven turns to charcoal (and sets off the smoke detector!). And how did that smoothie end up on the ceiling anyway?! If that’s you, share your worst kitchen klutz moments. And if it’s not you, then gently steer the kitchen klutzes you know out of the kitchen. For everyone’s safety.