What to Celebrate March 1 thru 7, 2021

Celebration Ideas for March 1 – 7, 2021
Welcome to the last weekend of February! Spring is just a few weeks away. Yes, really!
But spring isn’t the only thing to look forward too! Before that we get to eat peanut butter, read Dr. Seuss, and simplify our lives. And much more, of course.
So don’t delay! Take a peek and plan your week. And yes, remember to …
Celebrate All March Long
March is all about adopting, saving, & reading to animals! How perfect.
PAWS to Read Month: This month encourages kids to read aloud to animals. Any animals will do, but shelter animals are an especially good choice. Both kids and animals benefit! Kids gain confidence in their reading ability and the animals get the human attention that can be so hard to come by in shelters. But don’t stop at one month! Kids & animals can benefit all year round.
Save the Vaquita Month: This month began in 2017, when researchers discovered there were probably fewer than 30 vaquitas left. The population of this small species of porpoise has been dwindling for years. And the 2017 news made taking action urgent. Sadly, things have not gone well. Many scientists and conservationists agree this year may be the make or break year for the vaquita. It’s likely there’s fewer than 10 remaining.
Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month: We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again: Dogs & cats aren’t the only animals that end up in shelters. Pretty much any animal people keep as pets can end up needing rescue. That included guinea pigs! So if you love guinea pigs or you’ve been thinking about getting one (or two!), check out the piggies at a local shelter. Just make sure you understand how to care for a guinea pig before adopting one.
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 1st Week
It’s a week of learning, appreciation, & investment in people.
National Consumer Protection Week (February 28 – March 6, 2021): Learn about your rights as a consumer and how to make informed decisions about your money.
Telecommuter Appreciation Week (March 1 – 7, 2021): Once upon a time telecommuting was uncommon. Sometimes even viewed with suspicion. Then came COVID-19, and suddenly anyone who could was telecommuting. Many companies are still staying remote for the foreseeable future. So spend this week celebrating the technological advances that make this possible, starting with Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone (we celebrate during the week of his birthday, March 3).
National Invest in Veterans Week (March 1 – 7, 2021): Veterans chose to invest themselves in our country. So when they leave the service, we can return the favor and invest in them. And there are many ways to do that. Choose veteran-owned businesses when you can. If you are happy with a veteran-owned business’ products or services, post about it on social media. Donate to or fund-raise for organizations helping veterans with things like educational resources and mental health services. And many more.
Celebration Days coming up for March 1 thru March 7
There’s a lot of deliciousness happening this week! From fruit compote, poutine, & flapjacks to mulled wine & absinthe.
Which is good, because it can fuel our serious efforts at protecting horses, ending discrimination, raising awareness of colon cancer, & more.
But there’s also room for fun, like reading Dr. Seuss or contemplating life with animals that have thumbs.
All in all it’s looking like another fun-tastic week!
March 1:
National Horse Protection Day: This day is about stopping the abuse & neglect of horses. Often neglect happens when either the owner just doesn’t care or didn’t realize how much effort and money it takes to care for a horse and gets overwhelmed. Either way the horse suffers.
National Pig Day: Pigs are smarter than you might think. And not filthy slobs, either. So they definitely deserve a day of recognition to atone for our inability to recognize their innate awesomeness for so long. If you happen to have a pet pig give it some extra cuddles for the day. Or read a book about a smart pig. Maybe Charlotte’s Web?
Zero Discrimination Day: On this day we recognize how discrimination creates & worsens inequalities. And we work toward ending all types of discrimination.
National Fruit Compote Day: Add fruit compote to your day! At its most basic fruit compote is a mixture of fruits cooked with sugar. Beyond that it seems to mean different things to different people. Some cook it down to a spreadable jam. Others leave the fruit chunky. Some recipes use fresh fruit, other canned. Or both! Cook it on the stove or bake it in the oven. It gets served hot or cold. In other words, it’s so versatile you have no excuse not to add it to every meal! Try this un-recipe for a compote using whatever fruits you have on hand and can cook down as much or as little as you’d like. Or this warm compote, using all canned fruits, pie filling, and brown sugar, baked in the oven.
National Peanut Butter Lovers Day: Need an excuse to have peanut butter for every meal? And snacks, too? Here it is! Peanut butter pancakes, PB&J sandwiches, peanut sauce, peanut butter cups … the ways to use this simple spread are nearly endless! So eat peanut butter all day. And then look forward to November, when you get to love peanut butter all month! Not that you can’t also love peanut butter every other day of the year. 😉
March 2:
Dr. Seuss Day: Celebrate the amazing Dr. Seuss’ birthday! Read his books (even if you don’t have kids!). Watch some movies. Try your hand at Seuss-style verse. Eat green eggs & ham. Just have fun with it! Dr. Seuss sure did.
World Teen Mental Wellness Day: On this day we recognize that being a teenager can be hard, and teens can suffer from mental health issues (adults sometimes seem to forget what it was like!). This day is about supporting teens and helping them deal with things like anxiety, depression, and lack of confidence in themselves.
National Old Stuff Day: You get to decide how to celebrate this day! You can appreciate old stuff—preferably cool antique or vintage things, not old, broken junk. But again, it’s up to you, so if you want to be nostalgic about how that broken junk was once useful, go for it! Another option is to consider which old stuff (physical or mental) to toss to make way for new stuff. Then take action & do it!
National Banana Cream Pie Day: It’s another day for pie! This time it’s banana cream, and it’s delightful. But then again, pie is delightful. You can, of course, buy your banana cream pie. But as usual we recommend making your banana cream pie yourself. Because it’s truly simple. And amazingly delicious.
March 3:
What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day: Just imagine! The things they could get into. The trouble they could cause! As if they don’t do that quite well already …
Simplify Your Life Day: Life can be complicated. But we don’t have to make it more complicated. And if that ship has sailed, we can take steps to uncomplicate it … in other words, simplify it! And really, we probably all have at least some areas of our lives that are more complicated than they need to be. So celebrate this day! And in the spirit of the day, the celebration is truly simple: Do 3 things on the 3rd day of the 3rd month. The website offers lots of ideas (more than 3!) for getting started.
National Anthem Day: On March 3, 1931 The Star Spangled Banner became the official anthem of the United States. Frances Scott Key wrote the lyrics the morning after Fort McHenry withstood an attack by the British during the War of 1812. It took more tan 115 years before it became our national anthem.
National I Want You to be Happy Day: On this day we try to make someone else happy. So think about what things make someone you know happy. Then do (or give) one of those things. Remember, it’s about making someone else happy, so don’t just do something that would make you happy, because not everyone has the same idea of happiness.
National Mulled Wine Day: A cold winter day is the perfect day to simmer your wine with fruits & spices. Not only does it make your home smell warm & cozy, you get a delicious drink out of the deal! Remember to enjoy your mulled wine responsibly, of course.
National Cold Cuts Day: We’d have expected some warm food to go with our warm, spiced wine. But apparently we’re celebrating cold slices of meat instead! Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from heating them up … fried bologna sandwich anyone? At any rate, celebrate with your very favorite sandwich.
March 4:
National Grammar Day: Grammar nerds, this is your day to shine! And for everyone else … why not brush up on your grammar rules? Those pesky rules really do make it easier for others to understand what you mean …
Hug a G.I. Day: If you know any service members, give them a hug! As long as you can do so safely, of course. It’s still safest to hug only people who are part of your “bubble”.
World Book Day: On this day we read! (As if we don’t do that on every other day?) But not just anything. This day is specifically about making sure children and young people can know the joy of reading. So if you have kids in your life, read with them! For the youngest, of course you’ll probably be reading to them. But for older kids, you could either each read your own books, quietly next to each other, or read the same book together. Let your child decide.
National Sons Day: The boys get the attention for this day. So do something special with your son(s) to celebrate. No matter how old they may be!
Marching Music Day: Given that March the 4th commands us to “march forth”, we need music to march by! And so we shall have it. Listen to marching music. Or make marching music. And support local marching bands.
National Pound Cake Day: After all that reading & marching & all-around celebrating you deserve a sweet treat. Pound cake to the rescue! Now, traditionally pound cake was made with 1 pound each flour, butter, sugar, and eggs … hence the name! And you can certainly make your pound cake that way. But these days there’s all kinds of variations to suit different tastes. Here’s a delicious recipe that’s close to traditional, but better.
March 5:
Absinthe Day: Enjoy some absinthe to brighten your day!
National Day of Unplugging: It’s 24 hours of untetheredness from your electronic devices! From sundown Friday to sundown Saturday you’ll have to exist in real life only. Can you do it?
National Dress in Blue Day: Wear blue to raise awareness of colon cancer and show your support for those affected by it. Take some time too to learn more about this disease, its symptoms, and risk factors.
National Employee Appreciation Day: If you have employees, this is the day to show them how much you appreciate them. Although really, we hope you let them know more than once a year. Get some simple celebration ideas here.
National Poutine Day: So, like usual it seems the US must go its own way. We can’t celebrate the amazing Canadian dish of poutine on the same day Canadians do (April 11). We must instead create our own day for it. And apparently that day is March 5. Not that 2 days devoted to poutine is a bad thing. So eat poutine to celebrate. Then mark your calendar for April 11 and celebrate again.
National Cheese Doodle Day: Didn’t get enough cheesy goodness with your poutine? Snack on some cheese doodles! Now, cheese curds & orange cheese powder are very very different creatures. But they’re both delightfully delicious in their own way. Don’t forget to lick off those orange fingers when you’re done!
March 6:
National Dentist’s Day: Your dentist works hard to help you keep your smile healthy & beautiful. Show your appreciation by taking care of your oral health. This includes making sure you get your checkups & cleaning twice a year. And say thank you to your dentist too.
National Dress Day: Do you have a favorite dress? Wear it to celebrate the day! Or get yourself a new favorite dress. Spend some time reminiscing, too, about other favorite dresses you wore to some memorable events.
National Oreo Cookie Day: There can be no doubt how to celebrate this day. Eat those chocolaty sandwich cookies with the sweet cream center. Do you open them up & eat the center first or do you eat them whole? And are you a dunker or no?
National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day: But don’t fill up on those Oreos, no matter how delicious they are. You need room for white chocolate cheesecake! Try this no-bake white chocolate cheesecake recipe. Or, if you’d like to celebrate white chocolate cheesecakes and Oreo cookies at the same time, these white chocolate raspberry cheesecake bars have an Oreo cookie crust!
March 7:
National Cereal Day: Start your day with a big bowl of your favorite cereal. And maybe even have cereal for lunch or dinner, too. And even for a snack? You could make your own cereal, too.
Finisher’s Medal Day: This day celebrates the dedication runners have to finishing their races. Most years there’s races all around the country for the day. This includes the Little Rock Marathon Weekend, held in Little Rock, AR. Due to the pandemic, this race has been moved to November. But that doesn’t mean there might not be a race near you. Many races have gone virtual during this past year (find out how virtual races work here). So that might be an option for you.
National Be Heard Day: For small businesses competing with the big players can be tough. But not impossible! And this is the day for the small guys to be heard above the big guys. After all, small businesses actually employ almost half of the workforce. And they support their communities. So if you have a small business, don’t be shy about raising your voice to let the world know what you can do for it. And whether or not you have a small business, support your local small businesses whenever possible. You can help them get their voices heard.
National Flapjack Day: Start your day with a big stack of flapjacks. They’re similar to pancakes, but not quite the same!
National Crown Roast of Pork Day: Crown roast of pork is usually for holiday meals, but it’s delicious & impressive for any occasion. And what better occasion is there than celebrating this decorative roast? It’s best to plan ahead to make sure you can get your crown roast. But other than that, it’s pretty simple to make.