What to Celebrate March 15 thru 21, 2021

Celebration Ideas for March 15 – 21 2021
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here! Do you do the whole green beer, corned beef & cabbage thing?
No matter how you celebrate (or don’t) St. Patrick, remember that’s only one day. You have 6 others to live to the fullest this week!
For example, you get to be wrong for a whole day. And take a nap to get over the horror of it all. But then you get to be right. Then there’s pandas, swallows, and turkey vultures to celebrate. And seals to save.
And so much more! So do take a peek and plan your week. And as always …
Celebrate for the rest of March
Take care of your kidneys with good nutrition this month. And every month. Pasta & celery can help.
National Kidney Month: Your kidneys take care of you by filtering out wastes and regulating blood levels of some important minerals. This month reminds us to take care of our kidneys so they can keep taking care of us. Spend some time this month learning more about how your kidneys work and how you can help them stay healthy.
National Nutrition Month: One of the best ways to keep your kidneys healthy—and your whole body too—is by eating the right foods. If you’re not already focusing on a nutritious diet it can seem complicated to do. But you don’t have to do it all at once! Even small changes can have big impacts on your overall health. And you can keep making improvements over time to reach your nutrition and health goals.
National Noodle Month: Can noodles be part of a nutritious diet? After all … carbs. Well, yes. Most foods can be part of a nutritious diet. The key is in the amounts you eat! And these days you can find noodles made from different flours. So even if you can’t enjoy traditional noodles for some reason, you can probably find substitutes you’ll enjoy. And if you need to limit potassium for your kidneys, most regular pasta is a low potassium food! So get creative with noodles for the rest of March.
National Celery Month: Celery also makes a good addition to your nutrition journey. It’s low in calories & high in fiber. And you can celebrate celery and noodles at the same time with a yummy, filling pasta salad!
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 3rd Week
Use your brain to learn about the turkey vultures of Canisteo, NY, fixing leaky pipes, and, of course, your brain!
Turkey Vultures Return to the Living Sign (March 11 – 17, 2021): Every year the turkey vultures return to their summer home in a “living sign” in Canisteo, New York around St. Patrick’s Day. The “sign” is actually a group of trees that spells out the name of the town. And the vultures consider it a perfect place to hang out. See a picture of the sign here.
Brain Awareness Week (March 15 – 21, 2021): It’s a week all about the brain! How it works. What can go wrong. What new things scientists have discovered, especially about treating things that can go wrong. So use that brain of yours to learn more about that brain of yours!
Fix a Leak Week (March 15 – 21, 2021): Don’t keep paying for water you’re not using … i.e. water escaping through leaks. Learn where leaks are most common in homes and how to check for them. Then do it! And fix them. Yes, you can probably fix most leaks yourself. And if you can’t, then getting a plumber in to help before a small leak becomes a big problem can also save you money!
Celebration Days coming up for March 15 thru March 21
St. Patrick’s Day is, of course, Wednesday. And as wonderful as green beer sounds, there’s plenty of other fun to be had this week! Like the beginning of Spring on Saturday!
You can have more fun if you’re not constantly taking selfies of yourself having fun … especially on Tuesday.
And of course there’s the deliciousness of sloppy Joes, tequila, and lacy oatmeal cookies, among other things.
If you can’t find a way to have a funk-tastic week, you’re not trying!
March 15:
International Day of Action for the Seals: The market for seal skins has shrunk over the years. Multiple countries have banned trade in seal skins. But for some reason hunts continue. This day is about raising awareness of this fact & working to stop it.
World Consumer Rights Day: On this day we celebrate our rights as consumers. These include access to goods & services, protection from dangerous goods & services, being able to voice complaints about unsatisfactory goods & services, and more. In most countries, laws protect these rights. Each year has a theme, and for this year it’s Tackling Plastic Pollution.
National Shoe the World Day: Did you know there are millions of people around the world who don’t have even one pair of good shoes? This day brings awareness to this very real problem and asks us to help spread the word and do what we can to change it.
Everything You Think is Wrong Day: For this day you’ll just have to accept you’re wrong. All day. About everything. Even if you think you’re looking up at a clear blue sky. You’re not. It’s not. Deal with it. 😁
National Napping Day: Saving seals, protecting consumer rights, and helping to shoe the world are excellent goals. But they’re also hard work. And coming just a day after you lost an hour of sleep to Daylight Savings Time, they’ve probably exhausted you. (Not to mention the mental exhaustion of being wrong all day!) You deserve a nap. So take one!
National Pears Helene Day: After your nap you’ll probably be hungry. Make dessert the delightfully warm & fruity Pears Helene. Need a recipe? This Pears Belle Helene recipe offers you the choice of using fresh or canned pears.
March 16:
Freedom of Information Day: As Americans we have the right to know what our government is doing (with a few, strict exceptions). This day reminds of us this right and our power to use it. Yes, we all have the right to ask for and receive this information! So use it.
National Panda Day: Pandas! Aren’t they adorable? Sadly they’re also endangered. Learn a bit more about them for the day, and consider donating to panda conservation efforts if you can.
Black Press Day: On this date in 1827 Freedom’s Journal, the first Black-published newspaper was founded. That newspaper only lasted 2 years. But it helped encourage other Black-owned publications, some of which have lasted longer. For example, The Chicago Defender, begun in 1905 and still in existence today (it became online-only in 2019).
No Selfies Day: Can you go a whole day without taking a selfie? If you want to celebrate this day right you’ll have to do just that!
National Everything You Do Is Right Day: After being wrong all day on the 15th, now you get to be right all day! Not necessarily about what you think. But definitely about what you do. Unless you take a selfie … 😉
National Artichoke Hearts Day: Add artichokes to your meal plan for the day. Get lots of antioxidants, fiber, and protein without a lot of calories. How can you go wrong? Not sure what to do with this odd looking veggie? Get lots of ideas here.
March 17:
Submarine Day: The US Navy got a demonstration of the new submarine it would eventually buy on this date in 1898.
National SBDC Day: For this day we recognize the ways our Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) help small businesses succeed and thrive. Why not see what your local SBDC is doing to celebrate? Or find an online event to attend. If you’ve been thinking about starting a business, or have one you need help to grow, this is a great day to learn what your local SBDC can offer.
National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day Wait, isn’t this just St. Patrick’s Day? Well, for many people yes. Corned beef & cabbage (and green beer) is pretty much what the day is about. Along with green beer. And parades, although most cities have those on the weekend. But somebody decided to make it official. We celebrate St. Patrick and the traditional meal (in America, anyway) of his day on March 17.
March 18:
Forgive Mom and Dad Day: Pretty much every parent has made mistakes. If there are any you’re still holding against yours, consider forgiving them for this day.
National Awkward Moments Day: Have you ever had an awkward moment? Of course you have! We all have. This is the day to … celebrate? … them. Remember past awkward moments that don’t seem so bad in hindsight. Or awkward moments that still make you cringe. And ones that make you laugh now (even if you wanted to cry then). And if you happen to have an awkward moment on this day? Remember that we all have them, and you’ll probably laugh about it by this time next year!
Transit Driver Appreciation Day: If you take the bus anywhere—anywhere at all, ever!—this is the day to take a moment to thank the bus drivers who get you there safely and on time.
National Sloppy Joe Day: Sloppy Joes for dinner? Yes, please! Make your favorite Sloppy Joe recipe for a simple, satisfying dinner. Nothing awkward about it!
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day: If you prefer thin, crisp (but still chewy!) oatmeal cookies over their thick, chewy cousins you’re in luck! Today is all about the thin cookies. And since they’re oatmeal they’re good for you! Well, less bad anyway … let’s just say delicious and leave it at that. 😉 If you need a recipe, this Oatmeal Lace Cookie recipe includes lots of options for making your lacy oatmeal cookies all your own.
March 19:
National Chocolate Caramel Day: Mmmm … chocolate really can make almost anything better. Even caramel! Which is pretty fantastic all on its own. So eat your favorite chocolate & caramel candy bar. Or drizzle chocolate & caramel sauce over your dessert (cake, ice cream, fruit … it doesn’t matter!). However you want to enjoy it is the right way to celebrate this day.
Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day: Every spring the cliff swallows of Mission San Juan Capistrano return from their winter home in Argentina. And the city celebrates their return every March 19.
National Let’s Laugh Day: Laughter really is the best medicine! And for this day we self-medicate to our heart’s content. So laugh with friends, family, pets, or even just at yourself. You’ll feel happier the rest of the day. Especially if you keep finding things to laugh at!
World Sleep Day: The one thing we don’t want to laugh at is lack of sleep. Because that’s serious stuff. Learn how you can get regular sleep for better health.
Client’s Day: If you have a business you have clients (you might call them customers). And this is the day to appreciate and thank them. Because your clients are what make your business a success.
National Poultry Day: Enjoy your favorite poultry all day long. Make it your favorite way, or try a new recipe. Maybe try some new poultry too. You have more to choose from than chicken and turkey! There’s duck, goose, and quail, too! Looking for something different to make? Check out these goose recipes.
March 20:
International Day of Happiness: On this day the whole world is happy! Or at least we wish that were true. And we help spread awareness that public policy should be designed to promote people’s well-being. Which in turn promotes happiness.
Save the Florida Panther Day: This is technically a Florida celebration, proclaimed each year by the governor. But who doesn’t love Florida panthers?! We should all celebrate them, promote their conservation, and be happy for the successes seen in conservation efforts in recent years. Not only because they’re gorgeous animals, but because they once lived in much of the southeastern US. Human activity reduced their numbers to just one small population in Florida. But humans can also ensure the panther continues to survive.
World Frog Day: Another animal whose survival is threatened is the frog. Almost half of the frog species that we have data on are vulnerable or endangered. And we don’t know enough about almost a quarter of the world’s frog species to even say if they might be endangered. Why not learn about some of the frogs that live around the world. And if you love frogs, consider donating to frog conservation efforts.
World Quilting Day: Do you quilt? Well this is the day to sit down and do that! Or maybe head out to a quilt fair if there are any near you. You could also plan your next quilt. You can even get free quilt patterns to celebrate the day!
National Tequila Day: This is technically Mexico’s National Tequila Day. The US celebrates tequila in July. But if you happen to love tequila, why wouldn’t you take every opportunity to celebrate it? Responsibly, of course.
World Flour Day: Yes, we’re celebrating flour, that kitchen staple that creates breads, cakes, and other yummy foods. But more than that, we’re celebrating all the people—from the farmers to the bakers, and everyone in between—who make sure flour and products made from it are available at your favorite store. Especially those who worked so hard last year to return them to store shelves after they sold out everywhere. That was challenging indeed!
National Ravioli Day: Speaking of flour, you can’t have ravioli without it! Which would make it hard to celebrate this day. So enjoy a dish of your favorite ravioli with your favorite sauce.
National Corn Dog Day: It’s time for everybody’s favorite fair food, corn dogs! Seriously, how can you go wrong with a hotdog wrapped in cornbread on a stick? Yes, it’s a bit early for a fair, but this day is actually about celebrating the beginning of March Madness with corn dogs. Don’t care about college basketball? That’s no reason not to start practicing your corn dog eating skills. 😁
March 21:
World Down Syndrome Day: This day is all about helping people understand down syndrome. People with this genetic condition face unique challenges in life. But they’re not stupid, and they’re not incapable of living full, independent lives. Some need more help than others, but don’t we all need help in various ways? So take some time on this day to learn more about this condition and help others learn too.
National Single Parent Day: Are you a single parent? Were you raised by a single parent? Do you know any single parents? Most of us can answer “yes” to at least one of these questions. So we know just how hard it can be. And we honor all the single parents making it work every single day. If you are a single parent, give yourself a treat for a job well done. Yes, even if your kids are now adults. And for the rest of us, do something special for the single parents you know.
National Common Courtesy Day: Is courtesy all that common? We’d like to think so! Although some days do make us wonder … At any rate, for this day we do our best to be courteous to everyone we come across. Even simple things like saying “please” and “thank you”. Or holding open a door. Letting the person with just 2 items go ahead of you in the checkout line. Or anything else that’s simply kind and respectful of others.
International Day of Forests: Forests are critical to life on our planet, and they deserve our protection and appreciation. Every day, not just March 21 each year. Sadly we’ve already destroyed around 1/3 of our forests worldwide. And we keep cutting them down. We can do better!
World Poetry Day: It’s a day to marvel at how well poetry captures and expresses our creativity and emotions. So spend some time reading or listening to poetry. Maybe even write some poetry of your own.
National French Bread Day: Add a crusty loaf of French bread to at least one meal to celebrate this day. This bread goes great with soup or stew! If you have the time, maybe even make a fresh loaf of French bread.
National California Strawberry Day: California’s strawberry season is starting! So now’s the time to celebrate these beautiful, delightful little fruits. So add some to your breakfast pancakes, waffles, oatmeal, cereal, or whatever you’re eating. Make strawberry shortcake for dessert. Or a strawberry parfait. Or just top a bowl of strawberries with fresh whipped cream & enjoy.