What to Celebrate March 16 thru 22, 2020

Celebration Ideas for March 16 – 22, 2020
Can you believe it? We’ve reached the week where we celebrate green 2 different ways. First with shamrocks, green beer, and … well, green everything!
Unless the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your plans. We hope not! But it keeps looking more likely. Our local parade has been canceled. And the Chicago River won’t be green this year (other than its usual green anyway).
But even if you have to modify your St. Paddy’s Day events, we can still all celebrate the greening of nature as spring arrives. We’ve already seen bits of green poking up here & there. But it should be really taking off soon!
And there are plenty of things you can celebrate while still sticking to the experts’ recommendations for avoiding infection.
For example, in keeping with the green theme, we can celebrate frogs & forests. Then there’s pandas & panthers, which need a green world to survive.
And of course there’s also plenty of things that have nothing to do with green. Like optimism, laughter, and happiness. Definitely good things to try to maintain during uncertain times. And flour & submarines. Curlews & awkward moments. Plus more, of course.
So yes, do take a peek and plan your week. And as always …
Celebrate for the rest of March
Dolphins, optimism, and music in schools all make the world a better place. What’s not to love? And celebrate.
Dolphin Awareness Month: Are you aware of dolphins? Of course you are! We hope. But you may not realize they can swim at 25 miles per hour. Or that there are 40 different species of dolphin. And the killer whale (orca) is one of those species! Why not learn more about these mammals (not fish!) for this month. And to prepare for National Dolphin Day, coming up in April.
Optimism Month: Do your best to practice optimism all month long. Get some tips for being (or at least behaving like) an optimist here.
Music in Our Schools Month: This month is all about the importance of keeping music education in schools.
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 3rd Week
Keep yourself & your pets safe from poisons, keep your wallet safe from the costs of water leaks, and learn to love being an introvert. Use your brain to do it all … while learning more about the brain!
Brain Awareness Week (March 16 – 22, 2020): The human brain is an amazing organ. Many organizations hold events during this week to help you understand how the brain works, things that can go wrong, and how scientists continue to study the brain.
National Poison Prevention Week (March 15 – 21, 2020): During this week we learn how to keep people and pets safe from poisons. But while some things are equally poisonous to us and our furry family members, we have to remember that many things safe for us can be deadly to our pets. Learn more about what plants, foods, and household products to keep away from your pet here.
Fix a Leak Week (March 16 – 22, 2020): Leaky faucets & other plumbing systems can waste a lot of water every year. So this week reminds us to check our plumbing for leaks and get them fixed. You can find lots of information on finding & fixing leaks on the Fix a Leak Week page, but there may also be events in your community to help you learn more.
National Introverts Week (March 16 – 22, 2020): If you’re an introvert this week’s for you! It’s also for you if you know any introverts. This week reminds us it’s ok to not be an extrovert. Ok to recognize that introverts have strengths too, they’re just different from those of extroverts. So if you haven’t already, get out there and be yourself! Or encourage your introverted friends & family to do that.
Celebration Days coming up for March 16 thru March 22
Astronomical spring begins on the 19th, and the season of rebirth is always something to celebrate. And of course there’s St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th.
But there’s plenty more to get excited about this week. Like the ability to find out what your government is doing. It’s not as easy as it sounds, but it is your right.
Then there’s pandas, frogs, & panthers. Sloppy Joes, chocolate caramel, & ravioli. And plenty more to make it another fun-tastic week.
March 16:
Freedom of Information Day: All American deserve to know exactly what their governments are doing. And all levels of government—federal, state, and local—are required to give you (almost) any documents you ask for. Learn how & why on this day dedicated to freedom of information.
National Panda Day: Like too many of the world’s animals, pandas are endangered. A big part of why is their habitat is disappearing, but we can change that. If you love these adorable animals, celebrate them. And help spread the word that they need our help.
No Selfies Day: That’s right! Do not—Repeat: DO. NOT.—take any pictures of yourself on March 16. That is all.
Curlew Day: It’s another day celebrating birds returning to their nesting grounds. This time it’s the curlew, and they’re being welcomed back to the Umatilla National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. The refuge usually makes a big deal out of it, so if you’re nearby consider finding out what they may have planned for this year. (This day is different from the World Curlew Day in April).
National Artichoke Hearts Day: Artichokes are good sources of antioxidants, fiber, and other nutrients. Not to mention they’re delicious. So of course they deserve a day of their own! Try one or more of these recipes to celebrate. There’s sauces & salads & chicken & more.
March 17:
Submarine Day: Celebrate the anniversary of the day in 1894 when the US Navy first saw a demonstration of an actually useful submarine. People had built submarines before, but they weren’t truly useful. Or safe.
World Social Work Day: Celebrate the social workers and the important work they do. And show your support for this year’s theme: Promoting the Importance of Human Relationships. Because we really are all in this together. Let’s act like it!
National 3-D Day: Celebrate the world of 3-D imagery! Did you know 3-D has been around since the 1830s?! So learn about 3-D for the day & maybe watch your favorite 3-D movie.
National Corned Beef and Cabbage Day: Otherwise known as St. Patrick’s Day! No, they’re not actually the same day. But they might as well be. Because other than wearing & eating green things, making & eating corned beef & cabbage is how many, many of us celebrate St. Pat’s. So do that!
March 18:
Forgive Mom and Dad Day: This is the day to reevaluate any grudges you may be holding against your parents. And hopefully finally forgive them. Because forgiveness is good for you and your mental & emotional health.
National Awkward Moments Day: We all have awkward moments, whether it’s forgetting someone’s name or tripping over our own feet. And we’re usually terribly embarrassed by them! But why? Remember, we all have them. So for this day try to just laugh at any awkward moments you have. And try to remember any past ones with a smile, instead of reliving the embarrassment all over again.
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action: Previously called Kick Butts Day, this day is about taking on the tobacco industry and encouraging our young people to be a tobacco-free generation. But it’s not for “old people” to tell “kids” not to use tobacco. It’s for young people to encourage each other to be tobacco-free. And for adults to support and encourage a tobacco-free life too.
SBDC Day: Celebrate the Small Business Development Centers across the country and all the small businesses they have helped. If a Center has helped you, share your story. And if you’re considering starting a small business, learn how an SBDC can help you!
National Sloppy Joe Day: If you’re a fan of buns piled high with ground beef & onions in a sweet, tomatoey sauce—that promptly falls out when you pick up the bun—this day is for you. Whether you enjoy them regularly or you haven’t had one in a while because you’re trying to “eat healthier,” make yourself some Sloppy Joes to celebrate this all-American sandwich.
National Lacy Oatmeal Cookie Day: Do not—Repeat: DO NOT—celebrate regular oatmeal cookies for this day. Those have their own day in April. No, for this celebration you must make & eat lacy oatmeal cookies, which are thinner & crispier. Why not make a batch to enjoy after your Sloppy Joes? Yes, you can buy some if you must.
March 19:
National Chocolate Caramel Day: Is there anything chocolate can’t make better? Well, maybe, but caramel isn’t one of them. In fact chocolate & caramel make each other better for one truly delightful treat. You know you must eat some to celebrate.
National Farm Rescuer Day: Celebrate and support those people & organizations who support farmers in need. Farm rescuers do whatever is needed when a farmer temporarily can’t. From planting the crops to harvesting them, farm communities pull together to make sure the work gets done. This has been true for generations, and today there’s more help in the form of this day’s founder: Farm Rescue, a non-profit that works to ensure farmers who need help can get it. If you think Farm Rescue is worthy, consider donating or volunteering to celebrate this day.
National Let’s Laugh Day: Do like the day’s name says and laugh! At yourself. At corny jokes. At dumb situations. Wherever you can find things to laugh about, do it! Create some laugh-worthy situations too. Why? Because laughter is good for you!
National Poultry Day: Enjoy poultry products to celebrate this day! That includes both eggs and meat (chicken, turkey, duck, etc). If you have your own backyard chickens or you can buy from a local farm or farmer’s market, even better! But no matter where you get your poultry, get creative with it.
March 20:
International Day of Happiness: Spread happiness wherever you go for at least this one day. Start with yourself, of course, because it’s hard to spread happiness if you’re filled with grumpiness!
World Frog Day: Hop to it & celebrate frogs! Sorry, couldn’t resist. 😁 Learn about frogs for the day, and discover there’s lots of different species, including some pretty weird ones! Many zoos, aquariums, & libraries hold events in honor of the day. See if there’s one near you! But double-check the date, because some may be on Saturday or Sunday instead.
Proposal Day: This is the day for people in love to let their significant others know they consider them marriage material! If they do, of course. You don’t have to propose yourself. Just let the other person know you’d say yes to a proposal. We suspect an actual proposal could also be an acceptable way to celebrate.
World Flour Day: It’s the 1st annual World Flour Day! A day to celebrate this incredibly versatile kitchen staple. And also the people who grow it (the plants that’ll become flour, not the flour itself!), process it, ship it, and turn it into yummy foods.
National Ravioli Day: Enjoy little filled pasta pockets for this day. Whatever your preferred filling—beef, cheese, seafood, mushrooms, etc.—make or order a ravioli dish for a satisfying meal. Or, if you’re feeling nostalgic, consider opening a can of Chef Boyardee ravioli.
March 21:
World Down Syndrome Day: The world has come a long way toward understanding people with down syndrome can live happy, fulfilling lives, often independently. But there’s still a lot of misunderstanding around this condition too. This day is about helping more people understand & accept people with down syndrome.
Save the Florida Panther Day: Not too long ago the panther had all but disappeared. But intense conservation efforts have helped the population slowly increase. It’s still tiny, and still needs help and protection, so we still have this day. Learn more about the panther and how you can help.
International Day of Forests: Whether or not you live near a forest, forests are vital to your life. And to all our lives. Which is why we need to protect their lives through sustainable forestry management and conservation.
Worldwide Quilting Day: Get quilting! And/or buy quilting supplies. Many communities have public quilting events, with everyone from beginner to expert welcome. And many quilting shops hold events too. Quilting websites may offer free patterns or discounts. So many ways to celebrate! So pick one (or more) & get yourself elbow-deep in stitching & batting.
National French Bread Day: Make and enjoy a loaf of crusty French bread. Yes, you can buy it. But why? It’s one of the simplest breads to make! If you agree & decide you must make it often, you might want a baguette pan for creating the perfect long, thin loaf.
National Corn Dog Day: They’re the ultimate carnival & fair food! Hot dogs on a stick coated with cornmeal breading. It sounds weird, but it’s oddly delicious. So why not indulge in one or two to celebrate? They’re definitely not health-food! But as long as they’re just an occasional (at least once a year!) treat why worry? And if you make your own corndogs, you can at least make them a bit less unhealthy.
March 22:
International Goof Off Day: It’s time to goof off! So reschedule any serious plans you may have & spend the day having fun. But don’t work too hard at it! Just enjoy it.
World Water Day: Learn how we can all do our part to protect our water supply. Because water is just as vital to life as forests (celebrated on the 21st). Then go ahead and actually do your part! Help spread the word, too!
International Talk Like William Shatner Day: Celebrate William Shatner’s birthday by talking like him all day! How? Get a brief Talk Like William Shatner lesson here.
National Bavarian Crepes Day: Enjoy a plate of Bavarian crepes to end your week. Try this recipe, if you’d like.