What to Celebrate March 2 thru 8, 2020

Celebration Ideas for March 2 – 8, 2020
Daylight Savings time is coming! A surer sign of impending spring than any rodent & its shadow (or lack of shadow). Finally it won’t feel like it should be bedtime before it’s even been dinnertime. Of course, mornings may get rough again, trying to believe utter darkness is a good time to get out of bed. 😕
Of course, if you don’t get out of bed you’ll miss all kinds of fabulous opportunities to celebrate. Like imagining a world where dogs & cats have opposable thumbs. Or indulging in a slice of banana cream pie or pound cake.
We also see procrastination on the schedule. So you might choose to put off celebrating things like simplifying your life, grammar, and mental wellness. But we wouldn’t recommend it!
And definitely don’t put off taking a peek to plan your week. And then remembering to …
Celebrate All March Long
This week’s theme for our monthly celebrations is our health. Living with these diseases, conditions, and injuries can be challenging. But not impossible. Whether or not you’re personally affected, let’s all learn more and help raise awareness.
Brain Injury Awareness Month: Anybody can suffer a brain injury, and each person’s experience, treatment, and recovery will be different. Even when the injuries are from similar causes. Learn more about the various causes & treatments and how to support someone with a brain injury during this month.
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Learn more about colorectal cancer, including risk factors, prevention, screening tests, and treatment. Then help spread the word. Because nobody is immune, and more than 147,000 people may be diagnosed this year alone.
Endometriosis Awareness Month: Endometriosis is a painful, often debilitating, condition that was largely ignored or dismissed as PMS. But the pain is real and people are beginning to understand. Join the movement to keep spreading the message that we need more research and better diagnosis so girls & women with this condition can live their best lives.
National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month: Wear green to help bring awareness to cerebral palsy this month. And learn more about CP and the different ways it can affect patients’ lives.
Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month: Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot deep in the body, and it can be deadly if a piece of the clot breaks off and reaches the heart or lungs. Or it can cause you to need an amputation if it blocks blood flow for too long. Learn the symptoms and when to get to an ER .
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 1st week
This week we procrastinate! Except when it comes to celebrating professional pet sitters, our names, and telecommuting. Those we do on time. Everything else? Eh, when we get to it …
Professional Pet Sitters Week (March 1 – 7, 2020): This week celebrates the professional pet sitter, those people who treat your pets like the loved family members they are when you can’t. If you’ve never used a profession pet sitter, use this week to learn more about why you should consider it. Or, if you think you might like to be a pet sitter, learn more about the profession. And if you are a professional pet sitter, use this week to promote yourself & engage with the community so they can understand the advantages of your services.
Celebrate Your Name Week (March 1 – 7, 2020): For this week learn about your name and names in general. And take pride in your name, whatever it means. After all, your name tells the world who you are!
National Procrastination Week (March 1 – 7, 2020 … more or less …): For this week we embrace Oscar Wilde’s philosophy of never putting off until tomorrow that which we can do the day after. Or maybe we try to get a handle on our procrastination tendencies by examining them & figuring out why we keep putting things off. We’re just not sure. So for this year, you get to choose how to celebrate. And maybe we’ll have figured it out by next year. Or not! 😉
Telecommuter Appreciation Week (March 1 – 7, 2020): There are lots of benefits to telecommuting, from time saved to pollution not created. And while the option has become more common, it’s still not the norm. But maybe it should be? At least for jobs that can be done remotely, of course.
Celebration Days coming up for March 2 thru March 8
It’s time to celebrate books, the national anthem, and women. Also mulled wine, crown roast of pork, and cheese doodles. Plus much, much more.
Just remember, Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday, March 8. So you’ll have one less hour to celebrate that day. 😥
But just because it’s a little shorter than most doesn’t mean you can’t make it another fun-tastic week!
March 2:
Dr. Seuss Day: Celebrate the birth of the great Theodore Geissel, aka Dr. Seuss. You probably learned to read with some of his books. And you may have read them to your kids too. So dig out some Dr. Seuss stories and read them again. It doesn’t matter how old you or your kids are now. These books are just fun!
National Old Stuff Day: Apparently you get to decide how to celebrate this day. Either get nostalgic about old stuff, whether memories or actual antique/vintage items. Or take some time to clear out the old stuff, both physical clutter and negative attitudes, to make way for the new. However you choose to celebrate, enjoy it!
World Teen Mental Wellness Day: Until recently society has mostly dismissed & neglected mental health issues, often considering the subject embarrassing even. And even as discussions of adult mental health needs have become more more acceptable, teens’ needs have been overlooked. But no more! In 2020 we celebrate the 1st Teen Mental Wellness Day, to raise awareness of the mental health issues teens face and make real progress toward removing the stigma around mental health.
National Banana Cream Pie Day: If you’re celebrating Old Stuff Day with nostalgia, this celebration fits right in. Banana cream pie recipes date to at least the late 1800s, when improved transportation meant everybody had access to this previously exotic fruit. So make yourself a banana cream pie from scratch and enjoy a slice of nostalgia.
March 3:
What if Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs? Day: That’s an excellent question! And the answer is: They’d rule the world. They pretty much do already, as they’ve made us their willing masters. But think how much more they could get done if they could just do it themselves.
Simplify Your Life Day: Well, if cats & dogs had opposable thumbs it might be hard to make life simple (they wouldn’t let us!). But since they don’t this is the day you get started simplifying your life. For real this time! The Simplify Your Life website offers a list of 33 tips for doing just that. But you only need to choose 3 for this day.
National Anthem Day: The US officially adopted The Star Spangled Banner as its national anthem on this date in 1931. Celebrate by singing it! Maybe even singing all of the verses. (We usually only hear one, but there are 3 more).
National Cold Cuts Day: Make yourself a sandwich with your favorite cold cuts for this day. Or use ’em however you prefer. Like in ham roll-ups or with cheese & crackers.
National Mulled Wine Day: Enjoy your sandwich (or any other meal) with a glass or 2 of mulled wine! As a bonus, when you make mulled wine, your home smells amazing. (Do remember to drink responsibly).
March 4:
National Grammar Day: Brush up on your grammar for this day. Come on, you know you have at least one grammar rule that you have trouble with! We all do! And help others finally “get” those grammar rules you know but they don’t. We can all learn from each other on this day. As long as we’re not too embarrassed by what we don’t know, anyway …
March Forth and Do Something Day: Don’t be a slug on March 4! Get out there and do something. Preferably something useful & worthwhile. Or something enjoyable. Just do something.
Hug a G.I. Day: Consider making one of those things you March Forth and Do hugging a GI. Or at least thanking one (or more!) for their bravery and service.
Brain Injury Awareness Day: This day is part of Brain Injury Awareness Month. On this specific day brain injury advocates head to Washington DC to educate elected officials about brain injury and brain injury research. And they stress the importance of continued funding for that research.
National Pound Cake Day: Enjoy a slice or 2 of the rich, dense cake we call pound cake. Where did it get such a weird name? From the amount of ingredients in the original recipe: 1 pound each flour, butter, sugar, and eggs! These days bakers tweak their recipes for better flavor, like this Best Pound Cake recipe. Or reduce the amounts to make a more manageable pound cake for a smaller family! There’s also lots of variations, like this Cream Cheese Pound Cake. Or if you like walnuts & cherries, check out this Russian Pound Cake!
March 5:
Absinthe Day: Enjoy that once-banned alcohol, absinthe, for this day. It’s perfectly safe. And for anyone who likes the taste of licorice and a burn with their drink, it’s perfect! Enjoy it in a cocktail or made the traditional way, with a bit of water and a sugar cube.
World Book Day: Celebrate books and reading! And authors & illustrators. And bookstores (’cause they’re the best source of books ever 🥰). It’s mostly for kids, to encourage a love of reading. And to get books into as many young hands as possible. But it’s also for everyone to celebrate and/or rediscover their love of reading. So grab a book (a real, physical book!) and get reading.
National Name Tag Day: Make sure everybody knows your name: Wear a name tag! This day is part of Celebrate Your Name Week. It is different from (and older than) the Nametag Day in June.
National Cheese Doodle Day: Stain your fingers and everything you touch orange for this day. After snacking on some crunchy, cheesy puffs of course.
March 6:
National Day of Unplugging: Can you go a full 24 hours without your devices? Try it! At sundown power them all down & don’t look at them again until sundown on the 7th. If you find some fun things to do it’ll be easier. You might even forget about them for a while!
Dress in Blue Day: Show your solidarity in the fight against colorectal cancer by wearing blue.
National Dentist’s Day: Thank your dentist for all he or she does to help keep your mouth healthy. And maybe vow to help more yourself too. Like making sure you brush and floss enough. Because your mouth’s health is closely connected to your body’s health!
Frozen Food Day: Being able to pull something out of the freezer to thaw and cook is such a convenience! Especially if that something is pre-cooked and just needs heating. But whether cooked or raw, freezing allows for much longer storage than just refrigeration, and these foods certainly deserve a day of recognition. So cook something from your freezer to celebrate. Or buy something from your grocer’s frozen food section.
National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day: After your frozen food meal, enjoy a slice of white chocolate cheesecake. Or celebrate both days at once by buying a frozen white chocolate cheesecake!
National Oreo Cookie Day: We’re pretty sure you can figure out how to celebrate this day.
March 7:
National Cereal Day: Even if you don’t usually eat cereal, this is the day to enjoy a bowl or 2 of your favorite cereal.
National Be Heard Day: This is a day for small businesses to make their voices heard above the din of big business marketing messages. So if you’re a part of a small business, use today to make sure you have an effective marketing message of your own to get your business heard. And if you aren’t part of a small business, consider supporting one or more small businesses to let them know you hear them.
National Crown Roast of Pork Day: Crown roast of pork is a delicious and beautiful meal. It gets its name from the “crown” the pork ribs form when they’re placed in a circle with the bones reaching upwards. With or without the little paper caps on the ends, a crown roast is a gorgeous and mouthwatering sight. So make one to celebrate this day. It’s incredibly simple! It does take some time, but most of that is cooking time. Just make sure you order your crown roast ahead of time to be sure you’ll have it.
March 8:
International Women’s Day: Celebrate the varied accomplishments of women throughout history. And help ensure women continue to have the freedom to achieve. Or, in some cases/countries, finally get real access to an education and the ability to choose their own paths.
National Proofreading Day: On this day we take pride in making sure our written words actually say what we wanted to say. Before hitting Send or Enter! Yes, even on our social media posts. Because while they’re short, they’re also incredibly easy to misunderstand if the writer uses the wrong word or punctuation!
Check Your Batteries Day: As you reset your clocks (do you even still have any clocks that need resetting?!), also take the time to check the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Also any other important electronics or monitors you may have. We do this 2x per year, on the day Daylight Savings time starts and the day it ends, to make it easy to remember.
National Peanut Cluster Day: Treat yourself to a sweet, nutty peanut cluster (or 2 or 3 or 10) to help you feel better about losing an hour of your day. Buy some if you must. But peanut clusters are ridiculously simple to make yourself! So try it if you have a few minutes to spare … we do understand if you don’t, given the loss of that hour!