What to Celebrate March 22 thru 28, 2021

Celebration Ideas for March 22 – 28, 2021
Well, St. Patrick’s Day is behind us. We hope yours was fun!
Easter’s next. And it’s not that far off. Just 2 weeks! But as always there’s plenty to celebrate each & every day until then. (And again after 😊)
So don’t wait. Go take a peek and plan your week. And do remember to …
Celebrate for the rest of March
For the rest of March we get mirthful. And maybe figure out which color(s) would help with that? We also learn some history.
International Mirth Month: We could all use more mirth in our lives! And Jollytologist® Allen Klein has decreed March the month to find it. Or create it.
National Color Therapy Month: If mirth doesn’t lighten your mood enough, try color. Because while it may sound crazy, color really can affect our moods.
Women’s History Month: This month celebrates all the ways women have contributed to history and society. These contributions have often been overlooked. Did you know beer brewing was once mostly women’s work?
Deaf History Month: This month actually runs from March 13 through April 15, because those dates bracket 3 important dates in deaf history. March 13 marks the date when the first university dedicated to advanced education for people with hearing impairments (Gallaudet University) hired its first deaf president in 1988 (more than 120 years after it opened). April 15 is the anniversary of the opening of America’s first public school for the deaf in 1817. Also in April is the anniversary of Gallaudet University’s founding, on April 8, 1864. Find resources for learning about deaf history here.
Weekly Celebrations for March’s 4th Week
For this week we thank doctors and help teens stay safe.
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (March 22 – 28, 2021): Help teens learn the truth about drug and alcohol abuse and addiction.
National Physicians Week (March 25 – 31, 2021): This week honors the dedicated doctors who work hard to keep us healthy, help us heal, and provide us with the tools we need for each step of our health journey. So thank your doctor(s) this week. And follow their advice! Which may be the best thanks you can give them.
Celebration Days coming up for March 22 thru March 28
It’s time to goof off! And get a do-over on New Year’s if we wish.
Don’t forget to love the puppies! And read some Tolkien.
For a bit of seriousness we learn about and raise awareness of tuberculosis, diabetes, and epilepsy.
Of course we haven’t forgotten the deliciousness. Like chocolate covered raisins, Bavarian crepes, and tamales. Plus so much more.
You’re sure to find plenty of ways to make it another fun-tastic week. And if you can’t, it’s your own fault, because you even get to make up your own holiday!
March 22:
International Goof Off Day: If you can manage to goof off all day, do it! If not, find at least a few minutes to shirk your responsibilities and do something fun and/or silly. Or even relaxing, if that’s what you need.
As Young as You Feel Day: How young do you feel? Are you someone who has no intention of ever growing up? Good for you! Because you really are as young as you feel. So do your best to feel like a kid for this day and every day. You’ll be happier!
International Talk Like William Shatner Day: What better way to feel young and goof off than to spend the day talking like William Shatner? We honor the man and his odd (but also mesmerizing) way of speaking on his birthday.
World Water Day: Water is critical to life everywhere. And in many different ways, from hydrating our bodies to keeping us and our environment clean. So let’s value and protect our water sources, for ourselves and future generations.
National Bavarian Crepes Day: Enjoy a sweet dessert of Bavarian crepes. Or make them for breakfast. Or even lunch! These thin pancake-like delights are delicious any time of day and with just about any filling. So get creative and enjoy! Try this recipe if you don’t have one.
March 23:
National Puppy Day: Puppies! Love all the puppies. Adopt a puppy (only if you were already planning to & are prepared). Get your puppy a new toy. Or an extra treat. Love the puppies (did we already mention that?).
OK Day: For this day everyone and everything is OK. Or something like that. At any rate, those two little letters may be the most frequently used word in the world, and apparently they first appeared together in print on March 23, 1839.
American Diabetes Association Alert Day: This is your annual wake-up call to take the risk of Type 2 diabetes seriously. Because preventing it is easier than managing it. And while there’s no guarantee, simple steps like getting more exercise, eating less sugar, and drinking plenty of water can make it much less likely you’ll develop it. And if you already have either Type 1 or Type 2, take the management of your disease seriously too.
National 3-D Day: On this day we celebrate 3-D images and the fun they bring into our lives.
National Chia Day: Do you include chia seeds in your diet? If not, this is the perfect day to learn more about them and try some. If you do, then you already know how awesome they are. Make it a point to eat some!
National Chip and Dip Day: When it’s snack time (or party time!), grab your favorite chips and your favorite dip and snack away!
National Melba Toast Day: Replace the crackers in your appetizers, snacks, and/or soup with Melba toasts for the day. (But not the chips for your Chip and Dip Day celebration … because toast isn’t a chip!)
National Tamale Day: Eat tamales. ‘Nuff said.
March 24:
Chocolate Covered Raisin Day: Snack on chocolate covered raisins. How delicious is that?
World Tuberculosis Day: For this day we raise awareness that tuberculosis (TB) is still a big problem in many parts of the world. Efforts to finally end the epidemic continue but we still have far to go. Each year 10 million people get sick with this preventable disease, and more than 1 million people die from it. We celebrate on March 24 because it’s the anniversary of the date Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of the TB bacterium in 1882.
Equal Pay Day: On this date women’s earnings since the beginning of 2020 have finally reached the same amount men earned by the end of the year. Yes, it’s symbolic, and no, it may not reflect your specific situation. And the situation has improved. But many companies still don’t pay men & women with similar skills in similar positions the same.
National Cheesesteak Day: You know what you need to do for this one, right? Go get your favorite cheesesteak for lunch. Or dinner. If you prefer, make your own cheesesteak. It’s really pretty simple!
March 25:
Old New Year’s Day: Would you like a do-over on New Years? You’re in luck! Once upon a time the new year began in late March. Then came the Gregorian calendar in 1582, and countries began changing New Year’s to January 1, although some were much slower to change than others. England took almost 200 years to make the change. And Russia took more than 300 years! But there’s no reason we can’t all begin the year over if we’d like. It’s not like time hasn’t stood still for the past year anyway …
National Medal of Honor Day: For this day we honor all the Medal of Honor recipients, past and present. Honor these brave men (and one woman, Mary Edwards Walker) with a moment of silence at 3:25 Eastern. You might also want to fly your flag and volunteer at or donate to a veterans organization.
Tolkien Reading Day: Celebrate the destruction of the ring, the downfall of Sauron, and of course the creator of this tale, J.R.R. Tolkien. So of course you must read Tolkien. Which Tolkien is up to you. Consider following the Tolkien Society on social media, too. And register for one of the Society’s Zoom sessions!
National Lobster Newburg Day: This dish just feels like a celebration. Which makes it the perfect meal for re-celebrating the new year! So head out to (or order in from) your favorite seafood place. Or create a creamy Lobster Newburg right in your own kitchen.
Pecan Day: For this day we eat pecans. Snack on a handful. Sprinkle them on salads. Bake them into pies (dessert after your Lobster Newburg?). Candy them. However you love them, eat them! But don’t worry if you miss this day. In just a few weeks you get to celebrate this delicious nut again—April 14 is National Pecan Day!
March 26:
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day: Is there something you wish had a day but doesn’t? You could go through the hassle of trying to get it made officially unofficial. Or you could just celebrate it for this holiday. Because that’s exactly what this holiday is for!
Live Long and Prosper Day: It’s only logical to take some time on this day to think about how you can help yourself do both these things better. We celebrate on Leonard Nimoy’s birthday, so wish him a happy birthday—and offer the traditional Vulcan greeting—as well.
Purple Day: For this day we wear purple to raise awareness of epilepsy. Because even though some 65 million people around the world have epilepsy, there are still a lot of myths and misinformation about it. Take some time to learn more about epilepsy, and then help others learn too.
National Nougat Day: If you love nougat-filled candies (or just nougat), you’re in luck! This is the day to indulge guilt-free. Maybe even try making nougat?
National Spinach Day: Nougat isn’t exactly a healthy food (but remember, no guilt about eating it). So make up for it with spinach! This stuff is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Add it to your salad along with soups, stews, or pasta dishes … really pretty much anything.
March 27:
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day: Country songs with quirky titles usually have some quirky lyrics too. And some upbeat tempos, too. So why wouldn’t you want to blast your favorite quirky country music songs all day long?
Earth Hour: Symbolically show your commitment to protecting the environment by turning out all non-essential lights for one hour, starting at 8:30 pm your local time.
National Joe Day: Celebrate all the Joes you know. Don’t forget Jo, Joelle, and Josephine either. Or just call everybody Joe and celebrate them all!
National Scribble Day: Get ready to scribble! Because anyone can be a great scribble artist. The day encourages kids to be kind and also be creative even if they’re not very “artistic.” Although quite frankly adults could use a dose of kindness and acceptance of differing abilities too. So if you have kids, join them in scribbling. And if you don’t, well scribble anyway.
National Spanish Paella Day: When you’re done scribbling and playing quirky country music, treat yourself to paella. Try this recipe.
March 28:
National Triglycerides Day: Do you know your triglyceride numbers? They’re just as important as cholesterol, and these days they’re usually part of a complete blood workup. If it’s been a while since you’ve had blood work done, consider scheduling a checkup with your doctor & discussing this.
National Weed Appreciation Day: For this day we appreciate those plants commonly considered weeds but that also can be useful. Like dandelions, which make great salad greens or wine. And food for helpful insects like bees! Or mint, which makes delicious tea and bright pasta sauces but is also quite invasive. Or purlane and lamb’s quarter, which also make great additions to salads. Because really, anything can be a weed if you don’t want it where it’s growing. Even your favorite flowers can be weeds if they self-seed and pop up in the middle of your lawn or your vegetable garden! So appreciate them where they’re useful, and pull ’em out where they’re not.
National Something on a Stick Day: For this day you must eat only foods that can come on a stick. Like corndogs (which we actually just celebrated!), popsicles & other ice cream treats, and kabobs. Of course, since you can turn almost anything into kabobs you can eat almost anything! Enjoy.
National Black Forest Cake Day: For dessert it must be Black Forest cake! Preferably on a stick … Start with this recipe, then cut small slices you can impale on a skewer. 😋 Or not. It’s really up to you.