What to Celebrate March 26 thru April 1, 2018

Celebrations Ideas for March 26 – April 1
Spring is officially here!
Of course some parts of the country don’t feel much like spring. Especially where there’s still snow on the ground …
But never fear, the weather will warm. And the snow will melt.
In the meantime, there’s plenty to celebrate! Spring cleaning, for one … although “celebrate” may not be quite the right word for that one.
There’s also an assortment of foods, animals, and general silliness to celebrate. And of course some serious days, like those to raise awareness of medical conditions and celebrate some professions.
Take a look, plan your week …
And most of all: Enjoy!
Celebrate For the Rest of March
We close out March with some serious monthly celebrations. But not too serious. Homeschooling and art can be both serious and fun.
Home Schooling Awareness Month: A lot of people seem to kind of look down on home schooling. But it can actually have advantages for a lot of kids. Even if it isn’t for your family, consider learning a bit more about it and why it’s perfect for some other families.
Youth Art Month: This celebration promotes the value of visual art education for young people. Art helps foster development of a well-rounded person, and it can even help promote critical thinking!
Social Work Month: This month honors social workers and the important work they do.
Weekly Celebrations For March’s Final Week
We say goodbye to March by also saying goodbye to the winter’s grime and clutter.
We also recognize the doctors who work hard to keep us as healthy as possible. And raise awareness of a little-known medical condition.
National Cleaning Week (March 25 – 31, 2018): Every year during the 4th week in March we welcome spring by cleaning! Here are a few simple tips for staying organized during your cleaning frenzy.
International PHACE Syndrome Awareness Week (March 25 – 31): Have you heard of PHACE Syndrome? Neither had we! Which just highlights the need for this week. Learn more about PHACE here.
National Physicians Week (March 25 – 31): Doctor’s Day is on March 30, but someone decided doctors deserve a whole week. And we can’t disagree. Good doctors do deserve all the recognition we can give.
Celebration Days Coming Up For March 26 thru April 1
As usual, the daily celebrations include a little bit of almost everything.
Of course we get to celebrate foods. This week that includes spinach and whole grains.
On the serious side we celebrate doctors and raise awareness of epilepsy. On the sillier side we celebrate the Bunsen burner and St. Stupid.
There’s also youth art, little red wagons, and pencils. Manatees, weeds, and crayons. And much more.
You even get to make up your own holiday! Whatever will you choose?!
March 26:
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day: Today is the day for you to celebrate whatever your little heart desires. If you want a holiday for something, declare it so!
Purple Day: Today we wear purple & work to raise epilepsy awareness. A young epilepsy patient created the day in 2008. Today countries around the world take part in the day.
National Spinach Day: Spinach is a great source of iron, calcium, and other vitamins and minerals. So add it to your diet today!
March 27:
Quirky Country music Song Title Day: Some song titles can be a bit … odd. Today we celebrate the country music songs with quirky titles. This day comes courtesy of Tom & Ruth Roy of Wellcats.com.
World Theatre Day: Celebrating the value of the theater.
March 28:
Manatee Appreciation Day: Appreciate sea cows today! These slow-moving mammals nurse their babies from nipples in their armpits … what’s not to love?!
Weed Appreciation Day: No, not that kind of weed! The weeds that gardeners wage a constant war against. But some so-called weeds actually have some good qualities. Some are not only edible but quite nutritious (Dandelions!). Some have medicinal qualities. Weeds & their seeds offer a feast for wildlife too. So today we appreciate the lowly weed.
Whole Grain Sampling Day: Think you don’t like whole grains? Maybe you just haven’t found the right one for you. There’s more than just wheat, rye, & brown rice. Think millet & farrow & bulgur, among others. Today is a day for sampling them all.
Little Red Wagon Day: Did you have a Radio Flyer wagon as a kid? Even if you didn’t, you almost certainly knew of them. They were everywhere! Radio Flyer created this day in 2016 to celebrate “the power of imagination on wheels.”
March 29:
National Mom & Pop Business Owners Day: Today we support the mom & pop stores that help make your community feel a little more friendly. Where possible, hop at small, locally owned businesses today.
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day: Yes, this actually happened. Back on March 29, 1848 ice dams blocked the usual flow of water from Lake Erie. So the Niagara River and the Falls ran dry.
March 30:
National Doctor’s Day: A day to recognize the doctor(s) who take great care of you. The March 30 date marks the anniversary of the first published use of modern anesthesia for surgery.
Pencil Day: How often do you use a pencil these days? Unless you’re a student required to use a #2 pencil for certain tests, the answer may be ‘almost never.’ But today you must find a reason to use one. Preferably one with an attached eraser. Because today honors the anniversary of the day Hymen Lipman patented a pencil with an eraser attached to one end.
March 31:
Bunsen Burner Day: The very useful Bunsen burner gets its very own day! Do you have fond memories of using a Bunsen burner? Or not so fond memories?
National Crayon Day: Hard on the heals of Pencil Day comes Crayon Day! So grab a box of crayons today and create something colorful.
Hug a Medievalist Day: Sarah Laseke (a medievalist, of course) created this day in 2011. Her inspiration was apparently Hug a Librarian Day. We can kinda see her point … after all, why should librarians get all the hugs?
World Backup Day: Is all your important stuff backed up somewhere? If not, today’s the day to get that done! And spread the word, because “friends don’t let friends go without a backup.”!
April 1:
St. Stupid’s Day: This San Francisco holiday is celebrate with a parade of stupidity. The stupider the better, from what we can tell. Revelers choose the kind of stupidity they want to display, but stupid costumes seem popular. The 2012 event appears to have included a businessman without a business suit … only his birthday suit (and a hat)!
Reading is Funny Day: Instead of celebrating practical jokes for April Fool’s Day, celebrate reading. Show your kids that reading can be both fun and funny. Don’t have kids? Pick up a funny book or two for yourself and indulge! Especially if you’ve forgotten reading can be funny.